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  1. Hi,

    i have a question concerning my DM/WP brute. I just got Quick recovery (currently on lvl 20). All attacks and WP toggles were slotted with one End-Reduction before QR. Since i'm going to slot dark consumption with 3 recharges in addition would this build be ok without taking Stamina?

    Ok, i'm not talking about running into a group of 10 +2/+3 mu strikers but for most PvE Situations would the endurance be sufficient?

    Thx for the help.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    In my opinion you don't need the empower and weaken combo. You have a perfectly flowing attack chain by just using attack vitals and sweep. Could be just taste ofcourse

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I suppose then that you don't have Nimble Slash and Blinding Feint anymore. So do you need to slot recharge reductions in the remaining attack powers ?
  3. Hello,

    i'm just leveling a DB/WP Brute following this build:

    Archetype: Brute
    Primary: Dual Blades
    Secondary: Willpower
    01 => High Pain Tolerance ==> Empty(1)
    01 => Nimble Slash ==> Empty(1)
    02 => Ablating Strike ==> Empty(2)
    04 => Mind Over Body ==> Empty(4)
    06 => Typhoon's Edge ==> Empty(6)
    08 => Blinding Feint ==> Empty(8)
    10 => Indomitable Will ==> Empty(10)
    12 => Combat Jumping ==> Empty(12)
    14 => Super Jump ==> Empty(14)
    16 => Fast Healing ==> Empty(16)
    18 => Rise to the Challenge ==> Empty(18)
    20 => Quick Recovery ==> Empty(20)
    22 => Vengeful Slice ==> Empty(22)
    24 => Hurdle ==> Empty(24)
    26 => Sweeping Strike ==> Empty(26)
    28 => Heightened Senses ==> Empty(28)
    30 => Health ==> Empty(30)
    32 => One Thousand Cuts ==> Empty(32)
    35 => Stamina ==> Empty(35)
    38 => Strength of Will ==> Empty(38)

    For the next powers as of level 41 i'm not quite sure.
    Since this is a PvE only build, would it be a good idea to
    max out the damage resistance with taking tough and the defense with weave and maybe maneuvers ? If this build would do fine in most situations without taking the fighting pool i would maybe pick some powers from other pools. I'm only on level 27 right now (no heightened senses yet) and having no big problems in teams or solo up to now. (Only problem was Silver Mantis , couldn't defeat her alone and she was 2 levels above mine).

    Thx for any advices.
  4. During the last weeks i have tested several scrapper builds with both different primaries and secondaries.
    I have now decided to build a Katana scrapper with either Regen or SR. I've played both power sets on chars until the end-twenties and havent seen major differences in survivability in PvE.
    So, how does these sets work in combination with Katana for PvE?
    Is the increased defense from DA with FF overall better then the heals from regen if fighting for a longer time ?
    What is the downtime of Dull Pain, Reconstruction and IH,
    if i have to use all heals in short time?

    Is Katana more end using so it might be better to take it with Regen than with SR?

    Thx for any advices.
  5. Hi,

    during the double XP weekend i created a DM/Regen scrapper,
    and personally i think, its one of the best combos i every did. While i know DM from some other toons, i never tried Regen before. So i have a couple of questions, first here are the powers i took until level 20:

    Dark Melee
    Shadow Punch, Shadow Maul, Smite (my 4th attack is Sand of Mu)

    Reconstruction, Quick Recovery, Dull Pain, Integration


    Combat Jumping, Super Jump


    1) Since i will get both QR + Stamina is it still advisable to get dark consumption or might i do well without it ?

    2) Should i take Resilience only in combination with tough ?
    Otherwise the 5% resistance seems not to be helpful so much.

    3) What about moment of Glory? I have seen a couple of builds which didn't take this power, is it so bad compared to other scrapper level 38 powers ?

    Thanks for helping!
  6. Night_Angel_EU

    MA/SR Question

    Well, i didn't mention it above, i'm only doing PvE with this char.
    In my build i haven't planned fighting pool or medicine pool yet and would only be able to get it from level 41 on,
    or 44 if i get conserve power first. Im currently on level 25 and running FF and FS constantly with one endred. With Stamina 3 slotted its not bad, and i haven't slotted the attacks for endred yet. So i might drop the second endred in the toggle and put it somewhere else.
    In the moment i have slotted mostly DO's (because of Inf., will slot SO's on 27) and play on rugged. No problems there with some health and luck inspirations. In large teams, no problems when there is a defender or controller with healing powers. In large teams, without support chars and / or tanker it can get difficult, especially if i'm the only melee character on a 8 man team.Of course i dont play tank and run in but let the blaster pull or the controller casts there holds but during the fight i often get surrounded by larger groups and then i get hit more then that i can evade.
    I'm looking forward to SO's now and after some levels of playing i might decide if the medicine pool might be necessary later on.
  7. Night_Angel_EU

    MA/SR Question


    currently i'm playing a MA/SR scrapper (SR for the first time) and i'm not sure about some power choices. First,
    i'm gonna have two endred. in all SR toggles (FF, FS and Evasion) and one endred. in most attacks.
    I'm just going to hit level 20 today and up to now i must rest almost after every fight (only FF running with 1 endred. + CJ) and no endred in my attacks yet. With the above slotting, is it still advisable to get conserve power once i hit level 41? I won't get FA later on.

    Is it necessary or advisable to get either Aid self or Tough/weave? With tough/weave i would have 4-5 toggles running in most fights, then i could imagine will have some end problems.

    Thx for the help.
  8. Night_Angel_EU



    im also playing a Grav/FF right now for the first time, currently on level 18. I'm not sure about some power pool choices later on, if its a good addition to Grav/FF or even more or less essential.

    Should i get grant invisibility and slot it with defbuff ? Or would it be better to get maneuvers from the Leadership pool to increase the defense ?

    The other powers i'm considering are hasten and aid other/ aid self for use with the pff.

    Which one would to recommend? Up to now i have the flight pool (might respec into leaping later for acrobatics) and fitness. So i can choose 2 more from the above powers.
    Thanks for any advices.
  9. Hi,
    before i take my final powers i tried some on the test server. I took the fighting pool for my Fire/ELA brute and kept aid self also. Its the first time ever, i took this pool and its a big difference, especially in the longbow mishs. So i would like to take it instead of the PPP.
    On solo mishs i don't use lightning field but on teams its a standard for keeping aggro. Never had end problems with 3 shield + LF and power sink recharged before anything could happen. On test, endurance gets worse with LF (2xendred) and Tough (3xendred) and 3 shields(1xendred each) and constant attack chain (1xendred in each attack). The endbar might even drop before powersink has recharged. Should i drop LF and get taunt maybe or conserve power ? Has someone played with this power combo ?
  10. I`m using spirit shark now since 3 levels and dropped all flying units with it i encoutered with expection of the longbows aircrafts (don't know the name right now) guarding the ships in some missions .
  11. In addition to the powers listed at the beginning, i took spirit shark on 44 and in my opinion its quite useful with the knockback effect and to catch flying enemies.

    The fighting pool is still a good choice and i might take it later if i do a respec once i hit level 50. Otherwise i had to take tough on level 49 with just 4 slots, thats not very efficient. From my experience (playing on relentless since i fully slotted the powers with SOs on 32) tough is not needed when playing on relentless while soloing or if the team has enough characters who can heal and use buffs/debuffs.

    Since i will get my level 47 power today i have another question. As last power on 49 i will get hasten, and i have have planned to get another attack before that. So i decided to take a cone attack to be able to hit more mobs.
    The Question is Fire Breath from Fiery Melee or Bile Spray from the PPP. Never had one of this used before.
    I have only noticed that Bile Spray has a long recharge of 32 sec and high endurance costs, so would Fire Breath be better ?
  12. Hi everybody,

    i wanna do my first respec with my level 46 brute (might be 47 until the weekend) on friday or saturday evening. If someone has interest to join, please post day and time and your character infos. Since i never did a respec in CoV before (only CoH), some experienced players would be good.
  13. Hello,

    i'm now shortly before level 43 and still not sure
    which powers to take on the last levels to improve
    my fire/elec build (PvE only).

    Here are the powers i took so far:

    Electric Armor:
    Charged Armor
    Conductive Shield
    Static Shield
    Lightning Reflexes
    Power Sink
    Power Surge
    Lightning Field

    Fiery Melee:
    Fire Sword
    Fire Sword Circle
    Build Up
    Greater fire Sword

    Combat Jumping
    Super Jump


    Aid Self

    Powers i have considered for the last 3 power choices:

    Boxing / Tough
    Mu Lightning or Spirit Shark from Patron Power Pool
    Scorch or Fire Breath

    I would like to get some advices which would improve best my build (maybe another power i didn't list?)

  14. Hi,
    i'm now shortly before level 35 with my fire/ela brute and have a question concerning the power slotting on level 35 (power sink) and 38 (power surge).

    In my build i have reserved 6 slots for each so far, so thats no problem. Recently i talked to some other Ela brutes ingame, who told me that 6 slotting these might be to much. For power sink 4 slot (2 endmod, 2 recharg) should be sufficient in most situations. For power sure 3 recharges should be enough cause with the shields up i would already reach the damres cap with exception of toxic. Is this true ? What would you suggest ?

    Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi,

    i have another question concerning my Fire/Ela brute.
    I have now fixed my build until lvl40. From level 41 on i
    might get lightning field and / or tough in addition to aid self, which i took earlier in this build.
    The question is, do i get already end problems when running 2-3 shields and lightning field ? Can i use this only from time to time?
    If i add tough also, does power sink recharge quick enough that i can fill up the end bar again ? 3 shields, LF + tough might be a little to much or is it still playable ?

    Thanks for any advice.
  16. Well after some tests, it seems it was the static shield

    Sorry and thx for the help anyway !!!
  17. Hello,

    thanks for all the advices. I've now taken the medicine pool into my build. The other question i have regarding my current build, are the patron powers on lvl41 and later on a good addition for my fire/elec brute? I thought about taking maybe the fighting pool with tough instead of 2 patron powers. In addition i would maybe take either taunt or lightning field since i dont have some sort of aggro holding power in my build yet. Would this be a good choice or is a patron power pool the better choice for brutes ?
  18. Well, the last time it happened was yesterday by fighting some metal smashers on sharkhead island.
    I was standing in the middle of a group and suddenly the shields dropped with almost full endurance and i'm sure i was grounded the whole time, it was an indoor mish and i was fighting on the floor.

    Maybe the protection of grounded is not so effective compared to the power if other sets ? Could this be ?
  19. Hi,

    since im still playing with my first brute (Fire/Electric), i got another question. During fights against certain mobs i notice that my shield and combat jumping toggles drop relatively often. Is this caused by the knockback effect of attacks?
    So far, i have all 3 shields (4 slots) and grounded (1 slot). Can i reduce the shield dropping by taking acrobatics additionally since i got the leaping pool already or would this be a waste ?

    Thanks for the help.
  20. Night_Angel_EU

    Mind/Ice Dom


    i started a Mind/Ice Dom recently (lvl7 right now). Due to the planned build i'm not sure which power to get on the next level. That should either be confuse or mass hypnosis (from mind i have mesmerize and dominate so far). Which one might be better ? Does mass hypnosis last long enough to finish a group of maybe 3 or 4 one after one ? Confuse should be a better power for higher levels, lts. and bosses ?

    Thx for the help
  21. Hi,

    i just started a fire/elec brute recently and would either take stimulant/aid self from the medicine pool or boxing/tough from the fighting pool for better survivability. Which would be better for teaming or solo play ? And if i would take tough, should i also get weave ?

    Thanks for the help.
  22. Thx for all the help,

    i have adjusted my build and currently on 28 its fun to play. (Actually much more fun then my fire dom :-))

    I'm just not sure about choking cloud. Since it stacks with totaldomination / dominate it could still be an addition. On many indoor maps i'm forced to be in the middle of the fight and can't do any far ranged attacks anyways.

    Since i'm playing on teams mostly where the mobs are +2/+3
    does choking cloud still hit here more then it misses or would it be a complete waste here ? Otherwise i would put levitate or telekinesis here instead. Can u give me some thoughts about this too ?

    Thx for the held again.
  23. Well, after playing all archtypes expect controllers for a long time, i have decided too give it a try - i haven't had so much fun since a long time. My Fire/Kin is on 24 right now and i have tried some other builds too.

    Currently, i have created a Mind/Rad combination. The idea is to focus on holds from the primary set and take only some additional powers from the secondary. Right now i'm on lvl 8 and this is the build:

    Archetype: Controller
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Mind Control
    Secondary Powers - Support : Radiation Emission

    01 : Radiant Aura hel(01) hel(13) hel(50)
    01 : Mesmerize acc(01) dam(3) dam(5) acc(9) dam(11)
    02 : Dominate acc(02) hlddur(3) acc(5) recred(7) hlddur(31)
    04 : Accelerate Metabolism recred(04) recred(7) recred(13) endrec(11) endrec(17) endrec(17)
    06 : Confuse acc(06) recred(46)
    08 : Mass Hypnosis acc(08) acc(9) recred(43)
    10 : Hover fltspd(10)
    12 : Swift runspd(12)
    14 : Fly fltspd(14) fltspd(15) fltspd(15)
    16 : Health hel(16)
    18 : Total Domination acc(18) acc(19) recred(19) hlddur(21) recred(23) hlddur(31)
    20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(21) endrec(23)
    22 : Lingering Radiation acc(22) acc(25) recred(25) recred(37) recred(46)
    24 : Recall Friend rng(24)
    26 : Terrify acc(26) acc(27) endred(27) dam(29) dam(29) dam(31)
    28 : Choking Cloud hlddur(28) hlddur(33) hlddur(34) endred(34) endred(36) endred(36)
    30 : Mutation endred(30) endrec(50)
    32 : Mass Confusion acc(32) acc(33) recred(33) endred(34) recred(36) recred(37)
    35 : Teleport Foe acc(35) acc(37) acc(40)
    38 : EMP Pulse acc(38) acc(39) hlddur(39) endred(39) recred(40) recred(40)
    41 : Indomitable Will defbuf(41) defbuf(42) defbuf(42) recred(42) recred(43) recred(43)
    44 : Mind over Body endred(44) damres(45) damres(45) damres(45) endred(46)
    47 : Psionic Tornado acc(47) dam(48) dam(48) acc(48) dam(50)
    49 : Assault endred(49)

    From the rad set i have planed to get radiant aura (must), AM and then lingering radiation for slowing down mobs, choking cloud for hold and em pulse, all for support of my primary holds.

    My question, after making this build i have read that choking cloud has a very bad accuracy ? Should i drop it or does it work only with radiation infection slotted for defense debuffs ?

    Would do you think of the total build, as i said before i want to concentrate on the primary mostly and take only some good support powers from the secondary.

    Thx for the help !
  24. @all, thanks for your help.
    It seems, i made a mistake using fire cages more often during a fight for providing some additional damage. I will put an endred in it and use it for immobilization only once per mob. So i suppose it shouldn't be slotted for damage, only accuracy and immobilization (and the 1 endred)?

    I have slotted Char with 2 dam enhancements so far, since its my only attack besides hot feet, which i can use only occasionally. Is this ok, i mean i play on teams most of the time but this would be my only damage power most of the time until higher levels?

    Thx again.
  25. Hi,
    i'm now playing a Fire/Kin for the first time. Currently, i'm on level 18. From the Fire Control Set i have so far Char, Fire Cages, Hot Feet and Flashfire.
    I have never played any char who has run out of end so fast. Basically, i have to rest after each fight. Hot Feet is slotted with 2 end reductions right now but i can use it only against blue or green minions for a short time. Most of the time i open a fight with flashfire, then i use fire cages and char repeatedly. The end bar goes down like nothing. Would you recommend to put an end reduction in each of the powers, but then the holds might not be so effectively anymore ?

    I fear that in the later levels with more end consuming powers i will always have these problems, even with stamina. Will the end problems only be gone with Transference on level 35 ? Thats a long way to go.
    Before i made this build i have read the Fire/Kin gets full power not before level38 with Fulcrum Shift. Ok, thats no problem for me, i have some other chars between 35-40, but the endurance use is a real pain.

    Thanks for any advice.