Electric Armor - Shield Dropping ?
Toggles dropping because of knockback? Not really. The first and foremost reason I can think of would be lack of endurance. In this case acrobatics would certainly "help".
The other reason would be something like microsleep. So, let´s say that you for whatever reasons get to a height where Grounded is ineffective, for example by jumping very high or being knocked from ledges high enough. Then you get held or slept mid-air by an opponent (or he mezzed you before and the power is still in effect when your protecton ends), but as soon as you are close enough to the ground Grounded sets in again and ends the effect. So, you would be mezzed for a very brief time (which you perhaps didn´t even notice) and your toggles would be down.
Hmmm, can´t think of anything else outside of PvP...

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Well, the last time it happened was yesterday by fighting some metal smashers on sharkhead island.
I was standing in the middle of a group and suddenly the shields dropped with almost full endurance and i'm sure i was grounded the whole time, it was an indoor mish and i was fighting on the floor.
Maybe the protection of grounded is not so effective compared to the power if other sets ? Could this be ?
The only way your shields would drop is A: The mez resistance is being beaten which is unlikely or B: Your not toggling static shield ON ,its a toggle not a passive like grounded.
Grounded only protects V Knockback and immobs NOT stuns,holds,sleeps
Toggle drops do happen, even with static shield. In PvP, blasters will be able to stun u through ur static shield with buildup ect. Ive had a toggle drop with malta sappers, I was using damage resist inspr/demonic aura; if 4 sappers hit u with their end drain/hold, it will hold u through static shield (even at full endurance). Therefore the sapper hold is 2.5 Mag to break ur 10Mag protection.
Freakshow stunners, will disorientate u in the same fashon. Apart from static shield, using an aid self just before a fight will increase ur protection against disorient, and knockback ect mid-fight helps indirectly. Its rare, but it does happen. A tier 9 shield adds 18 (IIRC) mez proctection, making 28Mez protection.
I have a /Elec Brute and I remember my shield dropped only once. I was fighting some Crey and as I was surrounded by some Power Tanks, they were able to Stun me. But that's it.
Maybe you should report this situation as a bug. They will probably ask you to run some tests and give some feedback, but I believe something is wrong.
I have a elec/elec brute, he never got stunned or held whilst lvling in sharkshead. Have to agree the 2 obvious answers are your status protection shield was not up or energy ran out. As you say you had full energy sounds like your status protection shield was not up.
There have been problems in the past with toggles dropping after people have left missions and/or entered zones. Therefore, it's always been worth checking to see if the toggles have dropped after entering a zone. You could have put your shield up and had it dropped by this problem without realising.
Paragon Girl
I have a lvl 48 SS/Elec and i have never been toggle dropped not once.
I do have acro and static tho making my mez resist mag 12 instead of the normal mag 9.
In PVE toggle drops will be very rare unless you let yourself be surrounded by say ink men with EM and let them hit you building up the stun.
Holds like the Freaks electrical cage has practicaly zero change of dropping a mezz resist unless you get a huge amount of them spamming it as its only about a mag 2 hold,maybe a mag 1 .. something low anyway.
And Freak stuns have even less of a chance.
No i think this guy either runs out of end or hasn't even turned it on thinking its a passive like grounded
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I have a lvl 48 SS/Elec and i have never been toggle dropped not once.
I do have acro and static tho making my mez resist mag 12 instead of the normal mag 9.
In PVE toggle drops will be very rare unless you let yourself be surrounded by say ink men with EM and let them hit you building up the stun.
Holds like the Freaks electrical cage has practicaly zero change of dropping a mezz resist unless you get a huge amount of them spamming it as its only about a mag 2 hold,maybe a mag 1 .. something low anyway.
And Freak stuns have even less of a chance.
No i think this guy either runs out of end or hasn't even turned it on thinking its a passive like grounded
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Acrobatics is mag 1 res(hold).
Well after some tests, it seems it was the static shield
Sorry and thx for the help anyway !!!
According to the prima guide, acro has 2 mag hold protection and 48% hold resistance, 100-point knockdown protection.
Ive got a lv 50 dm/elec brute and a lv 46 SS/elec brute, trust me toggle drops are part of the game; and when u understand them (Ive tried to explain in a previous post), it will make u a better player.
Often in a PvP zone I will check my toggles after Ive been attacked, and find one dropped. Check ur combat logs too.
Ive also checked my combat log after fighting a scrapper. I only knocked him down once in the fight but it was a long fight since I built up full fury and he was a regen. I knocked him down just before I beat him and when I checked the combat log it said "your brawl has dropped one of <yours opponents> toggles.
Toggle dropping was adjusted for I7, toggle dropping is real. I often do jump into a mob of 10 mobs, a 10 mag protection is sometimes not enough, but this occation has happened like once or twice across both my /elec.
However if u dont tend to jump into a 10-20 strong mob then its probably going to be u forgot ur static shield.
Oh and dont try jumping into a 10-20 strong mob with basic shields, even then u will most probably want to run behind a corner to bunch them up. On teams, some people still cant get their head around this tactic; and I despair sometimes.
since im still playing with my first brute (Fire/Electric), i got another question. During fights against certain mobs i notice that my shield and combat jumping toggles drop relatively often. Is this caused by the knockback effect of attacks?
So far, i have all 3 shields (4 slots) and grounded (1 slot). Can i reduce the shield dropping by taking acrobatics additionally since i got the leaping pool already or would this be a waste ?
Thanks for the help.