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  1. Performed the First respec trial last night (with some early concentration on "new" players who has never seen it as much as I could). The spots filled pretty fast so I imagine it would be viable again Sunday too, maybe a bonus Strikeforce? I may have to leave it up as a suggestion for now as it seems I will be out of town for most of that day and may not feel up to it. = (
  2. I am surprised no one has suggested a respec trial, those are far and few between redside. Hmm, as a matter of fact I might just start a few in the next few days and maybe even today if I get home in time. I think its short enough for those new to SF (especially if you haven't done the first one) and rare enough to get decent interest badge-wise.
  3. Reichsman can get enough hits in to get Knockdown but not Knockback on a rooted Granite Brute/Tank. Not sure if its a single attack or multiple attacks with long duration.
  4. NiVra

    City of Cute...

    Oh, I am so getting in on this. I will be checking every once and awhile to see if the list "opens" up again!
  5. Yeah! Whatever happenned to that Taskforce? It completely disappeared off my radar (and apparently off of channel radars as well!) If you end up running it later Dirt (maybe 7pm?) I might be able to join on my scrapper or my dark/rad def.
  6. I suppose the title says it all. After all the (zone) pvp I was doing on my hero for weeks now, my one venture into Recluse Victory netted me a pvp IO drop on the first kill. Unfortunately, after mulling around with potential purchases I realised that I just don't need the cash redside and can use it more on blue. I have yet to cash in from the sale so i'm not tempted to spend it (or accidentally make that extra "0" purchase mistake) but it would allow me entrance into the billionaires club. Anyone able to perform this large transaction on Victory?

    I will confirm again with Smurphy but he was willing to play middle-man for the transfer if security is a major concern.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    wait, what?

    From what I've gathered reading the suggestion page thru the years (which has lessened due to the multiple respec options) was that if you wanted to trade your HOs (yes, it was that way back in the day!) off of your character you needed more than one respec or some such. People keep asking for more than 10 slots per respec.
  8. Well, following the pattern of them granting all our innermost desires (power customization, side-switching, etc) i would say whats left on the list is:

    -offline costume creator?
    -the real return of base pvp?
    -additional IO storage on respec?

    thats all the items i could think of that we've been asking/questioning about for the longest time.
  9. note to self: One bubbler is pretty cool, two bubblers is awesome....

    I had a good time, and being on the defensive end of things really makes you take note of the scenery. Next time I will either bring my dark defender or my Bubbles again. The change to dark will be made if we have some people who are nervous about going to the hospital again.
  10. Hey Geek, don't worry about the downtime that much. In the long run would you perfer 2hrs of downtime in the morning vs. 12 hours of grey server status during primetime? If you think that example isn't possible or an extreme, i will use last DXP weekend on freedom as an example. I;m sure that there are many bugs that have both effected you or some you aren't even aware off that might be fixed with the latest patch. (personally i'm glad to have gotten rid of the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwchat bug myself!)

    But if you are a serious gamer then use it as an opportunity to take care of stuff offline like:

    -throughly plan out that uber level 50 build in mids. But hey, you saw there are IOs that you want but don't want to buy? Curious as to what pools and rolls they are in? Well hey, why not...

    -...research online the poll tables so you can plan out how many merits or what range you want to roll in?

    -building too boring? Maybe visit your server board and check out the community. We have a physicsgeek on my server so i won't assume its the same person but we'd be glad to have you participate in some teaming this week. There are actually planned taskforces coming up and pvp events as well, not to mention some badge farming. Come join us!

    - Or hey, how about some maintenance of your own? That computer might be due a decent can of airspray by now, clean out the gunk in those keyboard keys, restock the mini-fridge, change the set-up of the surround sound speakers to get the optimum rubble when you click that snipe power, etc.

    To summarize, just take the downtime as an opportunity rather than a hinderance. Its planned so you know when it will happen so that almost makes it golden! Thats a lot better than being shut down with no notice at all.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    spelling corrections may be needed

    Victory Forum
    Victory Badges (I believe this is full to join?)
    Victory Badges 2009

    Victory Badges has two spots free as of tuesday, I dropped out two trial-accounts from the channel prior to it being cancelled. Hopefully the OP can squeeze in.
  12. NiVra

    The Tally

    Ironically, I think the presence of AE has really destroyed the market supply, from what i've heard from the market channels and personal experience all supplies are being eaten up as soon as its put up at reasonable prices. Gargus has actually made close to 50 million on commons and uncommons just by trying to complete his patron arc. I placed everything at 10inf on the market.

    Prediction: Stock up on everything prior to late evening tonight, its going to get worse this weekend.
  13. I might bring my Bubble defender just because I get to be the center of attention!
  14. NiVra

    Friday TFs

    <---is jealous of Vivs dancing emoticon!

    I think for once I might be left alone long enough to get some game time in. I might be on my AoE blaster as well.

    PS. I DC'd last night and didn't hear if you still needed some cheap commons. I hope you didn't think i was ignoring or just teasing you.
  15. Man, i really really really want to say yes to all and any of these but my weekend schedules have been really iffy as of late. I will try my best to be a "lurker" during those times but I won't be able to sign up officially.

    Although the Virgil is looking kinda tempting, i wonder if I still have it in me to do 15 min virgils again?
  16. NiVra

    The Tally

    My tally?
    1 million prestige
    500 million infamy
    dominator 23 -> 32
    Corrupter 18 -> 28

    Sadly i was so focused on the prestige earning portion that was way more anti-social than i had wanted. I had planned on making one day of villian (friday), one day of Endless Cimerora missions (Saturday), and one day of hero (sunday). But I got to go to a Tool concert which just put in a "just lay-out and enjoy the weekend" mood.
  17. NiVra

    Chat bug fixed!

    One curious thing though...

    *puts on conspiracay helmet*

    ...has anyone noticed that the text that pops up isn't so "random", it actually is a recording of the last couple of keystrokes performed in succession. Do you think what we actually have is not a "bug" but a way to record our actions that accidentally displays when it shouldn't?




    They're watching us!
  18. Does anyone know what the rep decay is? 1 rep per minute? 10 rep per hour?

    Also, don't we get rep for arena kills? I took part in some arena fights awhile ago and I thought i would get enough +rep to balance out any time I spent away from zones.
  19. NiVra

    Disruptor Badge

    If you need an additional body just to speed things along (I'm already close to getting all pvp badges besides Disruptor, which I already have) feel free to track me down.
  20. Hey EN, if you need assistance with the set-up of this look me up sometime Wednesday night when i have more time.
  21. NiVra

    Heeeelp meeee!

    yup, thats her. If i remember she's someone that was once rescued by zorro and took the inspiration from him. She has sword-skills but is known for her rawhide whip.

    (i believe the mask and a wig is a part of her disguise, although not many look towards her face for some odd reason)
  22. NiVra

    Heeeelp meeee!

    you know, i'm starting to picture you more and more as Lady Rawhide. I think I had the comic at one point, but sadly no one has taken to scanning in better pictures on the web to show you a clip.

    hmm...i might have given you a valid avatar candidate if someone tracks it down.
  23. Joined this a few weeks back, and although I had forgotten to switch from my pve to pvp build prior to the matches, i still enjoyed it. But this time so i know before hand (and in the spirit of the other pvprinciples thread i started...):

    Whats the vent info again?

    Are we allowed to talk freely? I was expecting more "kill, kill, slaughter, die! why don't you die!....omg, i hate you all!" at the very least, but all i got was calm pleasant demeanors. Where is the rage? The caffeine overdosed squeals of fury from the pvp4life! squad? The gloating?

    Kill-stealing? I think i did a couple of times but I couldnt be sure, I auto-assisted the person we designated as the guy calling but in the frenzy I just went after Mohica..err, my nearest target.

    ...the promised pic of MP and Viv fighting is transferrable from Sunday SF for this participation?

    re: the above, mud or jello?
  24. I was under the assumption that the fog of war was for zone AND mission maps, thereby making it much easier to just head straight to the layer-cake cave room and curse the gods as you have to slaughter every-single-moving target and STILL miss one mob hiding behind a rock...

    ...yeah, after 66 months I will still be sore about that!
  25. ....and this time, not even work should get in the way! I just got "the blackberry" today...

    i'm too young for this crap!