New Dawn

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    To be completely fair, the fighting pool is practically a requirement for the melee ATs. That is only one pool though. Blasters get told they must have 3 or 4.

    Edit: And it used to be everyone had to take fitness.
    If I read this in the literal sense I would hope to find somewhere in a manual or a post by a Dev "Blasters must take 3 or 4 Pool powers" and then I would like to read where it said "Everyone has to take fitness" prior to inherent fitness.
  2. New Dawn


    Consolidating mobs with Tankers isn't a case of Tankers simply being in the line of perception so an early open of a massive aoe immob is only going to make the Tankers job harder and also some aoe debuffs do not get their maximum targeting potential. Generally to beat the early pullers mobs should be left early before all is dead if possible to quickly set up the next tight group for damage and debuff aoes.

    Fireballs as Tankers almost get there do not always help, you draw mobs forward. It's not bad in terms of aggro management if the Tanker has the front mobs on taunt, and runs through into the bulk of them and unleashes a goodsized gauntlet aoe in time but mobs maybe still spread enough so that aoe debuffs do not get their maximum target potential.

    I do not understand some Tank Brute team work. Why is the Brute doing all the herding and no damage whilst the Tank is doing the fighting? At most the Brute can take the alpha when needed for a buff to fury and then do all the damage and let the tank do the herding no? I know why the Tank is resorting to fighting, it's because someone has to keep the mobs in a debuff zone. Usually more than 3 pulls a mish is generally excessive and beyond ideal in a pug looking at potential ambush zones. Congalining is good where possible flow reasonable because when a Tanker is aggro capped it's generally not a good idea for a brute to come running in with a 10th of a health bar left with another 17 for the Tanker to deal with. Often the Brute gets stripped off aggro and the rest of the team have to deal with them whilst the Tank still has his 17.

    Some Brutes think they can replace all Tankers, until they die ofc. Then it never happened. Tankers are best when other types of support are minimalist in general. Brutes might feel great about themselves despite the two doms, 4 corrupters and 1 MM in team (remembers the earliest LRSFs) . Sometimes a Brute will be best suited versus a certain enemy group as point than the Tank, depends on shields. It's no good bragging about being better than someones Tank after that one time at bandcamp.
  3. I can just go ply Cagney with alcohol and recieve PL if I want it!

    It's like rocket fuel!!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    <snip> Proof, Screwdriver.
    I do realize that you've been on the end of accusations lately which I didn't feel was fair and feel like dishing back but despite whats happened so far there is some comeback room left for THB. You can have a toon do everything but if ya farming for takes twice as long it's hardly worth saying "yep farmer too".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    And New Dawn- Yeah that is indeed the correct ID. That would be awesome if you felt like recreating a Fire version, but it'd be up to Cag if he wanted it or not. If he thinks clearing a whole cave is the best and fastest farming method for him, he wouldn't need to do anything different. It's just not the best or fastest farming method for me.
    Cag gets bored farming so finding out a better farming method is a win/win. This will also allow you "your terms" and an undeniable conclusion, a definite conclusion about what can be expected/hoped for with Blasters.
  6. Get rid of the end mods from Light Form. Fit with basic IOs for better percentages, further slot freeing and movement, frankenstein with cheap dam/ends etc.
  7. If I remake a Fire version of 531029? That I think is THBs farm of choice. I can only imagine Cag getting through it quicker but not as much quicker. So it might be more about the mission when it comes to kill speed.

    It's a good Blaster what THBs got.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I care. She lied. She got caught.

    Trust me I'm not here to defend THB postings or his build.
    You've joined in like we all needed to have you join in and help fight THBs battles for him. You may as well be his sycophantic whipping boy or his b***h and then gone on to deform Reppu's character unnecessarily.

    I'd like to meet Reppu on Virtue. Timezone and availability might be a bit of an obstacle.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post

    That is what I said you said. So, what I determined from your post is exactly what you intended.
    You've added words from your head that didn't come from me. In real life, I do not like people telling me what I am thinking or in particular telling others what I am thinking, that's worth a smack in the mouth.

    I get tired off people who say don't have a powerset or much experience of it, trying to change it from what it was said on the box. Some people don't get Fiery Aura, they treat it as a simple Fire tanker powerset when really it is a Phoenix related powerset. You don't have to take Rise of the Phoenix but the set is a Phoenix related powerset none the less. Some people don't like the idea of a Tanker needing a self res, or appreciate any of the advantages and then on top of that some people don't seem to get the that this is a City of Heroes game and not a Marvel Game.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    It was never a question of impressiveness. Let me guess - if someone solos something without any incarnate abilities even slotted, you denounce their feat because they hadn't used SOs, right? It's the same thing nowadays.

    ....yes it is. Don't argue. It just seems to be taking the forums longer to get used to incarnate abilities as part of a character build than other additions to the game from the past. I don't know why - maybe because we know more incarnate slots are coming far into the future.
    If someone does something using IO sets that could of been done with an SO build and bragged about it then I would be unimpressed. So no need to argue here. I would be unimpressed. Pleased for them I maybe as I can look at someone and find their enthusiasm totally and utterly refreshing and that may happen, particularly in the tanky section where I can really get doey eyed.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    Allow me to elucidate.
    "I play every powerset ingame, some more than once, make no mistake"
    which makes me very knowledgeable and experienced and I know more than others thus,
    "I am very intolerant of someone not grasping the full scope of a powerset"
    like I do.
    Ah what you've determined from that post and what is in actuality are two different things. I am merely pointing out that when I talk about powersets, I talk from play experience, not just Mids, not just CoD and come up with ideas on changes. I am merely being protective against people who want to change this, that and the other willy nilly, whimsically, who may of never played or fully grasped the set. I have concepts to protect. It's not a bash at everyone, I do know many people who don't come to the forums as we all do who are fine with playing something that's supposedly in need of help because they get their set.

    There are tricks of the trade some people don't know about with some powersets but we should all have something to discover for ourselves rather than being told to get our own eureka moments which is why I don't come out with some stuff I do know and rather lose an argument and it's always been the case that I prefer guides not to tell people everything.

    I consider it Gamer Etiquette to allow other people the joy of being challenged and the time and ability to work things out on their own.
  12. Right well firstly *reads sig*...

    "He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues." -
    Sima Qian

    Oh man.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Gotta be honest here - this is something the forums need to get over.
    Need. To.

    Incarnate abilities are a part of every build now for any viable character. I've been around since early beta too - I remember huge feats people did with SOs. Everyone got over the whole 'now do it without IOs' 'now do it without purples' etc etc etc
    Actually people with Incarnate builds might need to get over themselves when they finally do things when Incarnated that they could of done before Incarnates.

    Brand X can be unimpressed and I agree with Brand X on this one.
  14. 350 million a run I would naturally expect to be done around 35 mins total clean up of say, wait I won't list map numbers but people should know the most popular farms ingame including the Atta map one. You can have the glowie come up on the map signalling full clear.

    If it takes 70 mins I would naturally want a discount from 350 million, perhaps something in the region of 200-250. No more than that.

    I don't need to do it but I do know farmers and their builds rather well.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    That isn't to say I don't have a few more solid builds, but generally, mediocrity holds sway. I shoot for +1 / x5 not +4 / x8 (and I don't even always make it to that).

    I tend to allow concept hold sway and actually hope to be challenged by it. I could start anything today, have it 50 in no time, fully incarnated in no time and play a goddess amongst men type character but then get bored as I am not challenged by it. It's a bit like reading a Superman comic, where he saves the day, nothing can possibly touch him and so there is no moment of suspense and no climax.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I'd almost pay for this just to see if you can back up your boasts about running the cave farm as fast as a ss/fire. I seriously doubt that you can, but I could be wrong.


    I'd like to know which cave map?

    Best time?
  17. Three sectional staff. I used to play with a light set and a heavy set of these. I prefered the heavy set cos it hurt more basically.

    I've always fancied Aikido melee, you take some npc and ragdoll it for a few secs, then take some other npc and ragdoll that for a few secs. What happens is you single target damage the npc you are ragdolling and that npc also buffs defence.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    LOL, *sigh* Whatever New Dawn. I get it...I really do. You're the perfect player and we are all flawed compared to your greatness.

    I'm glad that you have resorted to name calling now you're moving up!
    Saying that you are like a kid in the sweetstore when it comes to looking at powers and changing them for something else is hardly name calling. Also yes I am free to meet people in game, there is no me saying things I can't do so I have never been shy. I do have these toons that all need changing by someone or other, never mind the thousands of non forumites happy in their gaming. I also have the posts above mentioned SR/Staff which is apparently going by what I am reading, not a good combination. I'd still tank with it, so its not a completely bad combination.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Seeing as how I've been saying that (or at least something that sounds kinda like that) for eight years, I'm inclined to agree in general. However, I don't see where its relevant to a specific line of discussion surrounding the damage output of the set.
    Because the damage output of a set and secondary effect output of a set have a relationship.
  20. When it comes to tanker toggles or attacks the effect per end is fair. With attacks though some have faster cast times than others so they won't be allowing for as much end recovery.

    Every concept can be sorted out, treat it as a challenge. Rangle is right in that the attacks will lower your endurance quickly and your toggles will slow your endurance recovery down.

    It can be pretty awesome later on anyhow. I do Shield/Mace, so not too dissimilar.

    If you follow a rule in which you try to use aoes on 4 or more, cones on 2 or more you should be getting decent dam per end out of your attacks, ofcourse why hit 4 when you could hit 10 and why hit 2 when you could hit 5 can be questions to ask yourself.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    I appreciate all of the commentary and builds here. I'm irritated, but not by You. It's just that it's looking like, in order to be survivable and effective, I'll be 'forced' to invest in Kinetic Combats, despite their being horrible excuses for 'enhancements'. And I'll be 'forced' to take Hasten because I won't be able to slot +Recharge instead. And I'll be a non-unique snowflake.

    And even after all of that, my Defense will not be close to capped, Resistance will be lower than I like, and Hasten won't be permanent, so I'll be faced with irregular performance issues. Which means I'll have yet another matter requiring my attention for maintenance. And gripe, gripe, gripe, etc.

    I know I'll have to find my own balance. Maybe try it without Hasten. Maybe 4-slot Taunt for a smidge more Defense.

    Again, I'm not mad at you guys, just mad at the game for making things difficult.

    Be Well!
    I'd take the game on using a SO build because what IO sets do is make life easier in the way that you can steam or go at harder settings than the normal settings the ATs are balanced around. So no, don't take Kinetic Combats. That's just what we will do, not necessarily what we need to do.

    I will suggest fight pool over leaderships. You don't have to go that way but in not doing so you may just have to be a bit more tactful, knowledgeable about the key threats in a faction to actively dismiss if possible. Work with the team, don't just have a team full of spankers whilst you're tanking. People can have different targets to eliminate/control asap.

    I've spent more time tanking with SO builds. What IO builds do is effectively make me more self sustainable. I don't need assistance really. If I go one way and all 7 of everyone else goes the other following some scrapper or something I'll guarantee I'd be the last person in need of help. I do RotP with Phoenix concept build just because I have had the argument over the power and choose to blatantly enjoy it even if I didn't need it to use it.
  22. New Dawn

    The proud race

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Wow. How have you been surviving without Hoarfrost up until now? I usually suggest taking that at level 2.
    I just asked myself that very question. Sure some factions are easy enough but some really test ya. I guess it's doable just not recommendable.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    As for my concept of 'enough accuracy', her current build runs about 160%, 180% accuracy with Tactics. You build is carrying about 100%, although the Kismet will help. That's enough to hit even-level bosses, but who plays at that level, these days?

    And Incarnate content is much tougher than even +4 regular enemies. I would hope to have the build stable and effective Before adding Alpha and Accolades and whatnot. I don't want to wait until after L50 to slap enough bandaids on the character to function.

    That's the fear, you know? That she'll suddenly become un-fun, because she can't measure up to the content.

    Be Well!

    I don't think accuracy as an importance should outweigh survivability, but as long as you can hit +4s 95% of the time with Blazing Aura and autohit with taunt, the other attacks hitting 87% of the time are okay. Your current build has you hitting +4s using BF before you turn on tactics. Being dead you hit nothing and you take aggro from no one, whereas being alive you can atleast use taunt and the aura and some attacks will hit.

    I can understand that with Dual Blades the combos are something of a desire to see happen. One miss in a combo is a big disappointment. I have dual blades paired with Willpower, carrying around Tactics with that end rec is not an issue. Another good pairing would be Invuln.

    In teams you might be tohit buffed or most likely there is some -def being thrown about that small difference in accuracy isn't too bad a thing.

    One thing I discovered when leveling up a Dual Blade (I have a few). In a group some targets are easier to hit than others, they're what I would BF on if needed. Having said that I tend to get Tactics later anyway on my DBs but I never paired them with Fiery Aura. On your build you took leaderships far too soon, before the survivability of the Tanker.

    We will all have ourselves different builds and all have our different niches. Yours might perform better than somebody elses versus Y yet that someone will do some type of thing better than you, it could be farming. You'll always be on your own when it comes to finalizing your build.

    What I used to do is have everyones suggestions laid out in several Mids windows and start with all the things they did agree on and move on from there with what else I could agree of someones followed by my own tweaks.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    So, like Rangle's build, you'd drop Power Slice (and the Sweep combo), but then, Keep 1K Cuts because it does good damage? Or drop 1K Cuts too, since it's not in your 'only need 4 powers' plan? And then use Hasten to give yourself enough recharge to make it work? Have you played this combo?

    I approve of your idea for making a SO-build first - I usually do that too. It helps me see what is important and my practical limits.

    By my lights, Rangle's build is dangerously low on Accuracy, although the Kismet will help. One could argue that a Tanker's job is not to 'arrest' those +4s, but simply to hold them, so the rest of the team can take them down, but I've always hated that idea.

    On the other hand, that build Does have almost 35% Defense from the KCs and other fantastically expensive IOs. Even Consume is slotted to eke out a little more Defense, instead of endurance recovery.

    It's all very frustrating. It makes me wonder if the Devs actually play these sets with SOs, or if they have secret boosters that they use to make it 'fun' for them. I don't have a billion influence to sink into this character.

    Be Well!
    1K Cuts is poor dpa. I'd take attacks outside of the "4" purely for exemplaring. When it comes to aoe, vital strikes is pretty much it. You could try yaself out with the change in powers keeping most ya build as is, with the new powers SO only.

    You don't have to rely on a Dev to put proof in the pudding so to speak. Treat what they do as a cryptic puzzle to solve, this game was originally cryptic but what we might say should be by design and what is by design can be two different things.

    I believe that it is possible to produce a Firetank with an SO build that can tank the entire inner circle at once till the cows come home. That's a mix of determining what is tanking at the end of the day, knowing all those AVs limitations, making the right choices in terms of powers to act on those limitations and putting knowledge to action. Now with any enemy group you can find out what each member does, what it means for you and how to combat it. I don't doubt the Devs on their ideas at all "much" especially when it comes to Tankers but then I don't somehow think this is a Marvel game.

    Here is what I have done with 5 mins of my time, no purps:

    Which does mean it could be a stinking pile of; for now, for 5 mins work I don't care. I just took a short break from watching War Horse.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |