Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    Also I can highly recommend the ReCaptcha extension for mediawiki, runs great and keeps the bots out.
    Yeah I had that one on my ToDo list, since I'm using the MediaWiki DB to auth my forum users it'll be nice to keep spam from there too
  2. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    I am glad to see another server tackling a wiki though. You should update the paragon wiki Servers page and link the Victory wiki there.
    Thanks, never noticed the Server Wiki links there!
  3. There should be a automated tell reply of something like Chat interface hidden, when you are in at least the Respec screen.
  4. 25, so Slots... I think I'll wait till next year, and just Level up twice.. lol
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr ? View Post
    Granite and Eviscerate

    /This. Though it was hilarious...
  6. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    New user group created, "WikiEditor" users in this group are able to edit pages without having an admin approve them. Use this group with care, as they will be able to make edits to any non protected page without approval! type a user's name, and check wikieditor
  7. This nifty tool lets you see what badges you do and don't have right from a popup menu. All you have to do is download it, and drop the .mnu into a specific folder (instructions in the post) setup the macro (instruction also in the post) and it will popup a categorized list of all badges in game, highlighting all badges you have already.
  8. Click Powers at the top of your power bar, then click Combat Attributes, then expand the groups in that window, right click the stat you want to monitor, and click Monitor.
  9. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    What were you trying to upload? I might be able to hunt down why it failed.
  10. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Hey look Semi Necropost! I've Stol..... Borrowed a template from another Wiki (Credited of course) for character pages

    Also, trying to figure out whats causing the slowness I'm seeing on some parts of the wiki.
  11. Corva's pogs are shiny, Standard, are not. Also I made the standard ones , Corva made Corva's lol...

    err I think I made the ones Shadow State is linking to... might be another >.>
  12. Map pack for Mac updated to Issue 19, STILL need users with steam installs to get with me to help find the exact path.
  13. I've completed the new installer... and its now 48 megs instead of 80 something yay! I've PMed Beef with the updated file, and hope to be able to keep it updated. Now there is an issue with Steam installs of CoH.... mainly because I have NO FRAGGIN CLUE where steam installs CoH, the NCSoft installer goes to /Applications/CoH/blah/blah/blah. So if someone with steam can give me the path that they have I can do some scripting magic and make it work for them too.

    HEY! look post 666! >.>
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    One thing I noticed and was very confused about is how seemingly needlessly complex the files are inside the data folder. Everything is duplicated I think 4 times. Is that really correct?
    Here's a brief explanation:

    High level:

    Texture Library

    Inside V_Maps there is another folder also called V_Maps with a second copy of everything inside the higher level V_Maps (except itself, so no infinite recursion).

    Inside Maps there is a folder also called "Maps" with a second copy of everything inside the higher level Maps (Except itself, so no infinite recursion).

    Most, but not all, of the maps are duplicated between the "Maps" and the "V_Maps".
    This is actually my fault... when building the installer, the Install Maker software went stupid... When I tested it, it didn't cause any issues so I left it as it was because I was tired of messing with it. IF I can get this working again, I'll fix that.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    We would love to do something like this, but Adeon is right. There would have to be some sort of API to access the game database outside the game itself. If I worked for Paragon Studios, I'd make this a high priority, but... well...

    We actually have zilch to do with the Facebook app, it was developed completely independently by someone else. Not that we mind, of course, it sounds really neat, but we have no idea what broke it, what it would take to fix it, and really, didn't even know it existed until around two weeks ago. You'll have to ask the devs of the Facebook app for more info.
    I developed it , and Facebook broke it, by removing Profile Tabs from users profiles. although, if anyone wants to suggest how they'd like the data to be shown on their profile, I'm all ears.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Samson View Post
    Wait, what? Did I read that right? Am I the last person to learn about this?
    A little late to this reply, Facebook has recently taken Profile Tabs away, so the CoH App for FB is broken, until I can figure out a way to display the information.
  17. Sorry I didn't make it Saturday, my computer sorta asploded, and I've been slumming teh intarwebs on my iPhone... Whoever bought me, you poor soul, PM me, and we'll discuss my servitude

  18. Rouge Spider. No, not a typo

    A typo when she entered her name on the Destined One's List, and a quick costume change later, she's accepted her new identity.
  19. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Originally Posted by Chant View Post
    Yeah there is a lot of stuff I have to learn too, such as how does an admin approve a page?
    Goto a page, click History at the top, on that page, click approve to the right of what ever revision you want.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Character Build Exports

    You've asked for it, and we've delivered (not that the one necessarily led to the other, mind you, it's just that both halves of that sentence happen to be true)! With the click of a button, you can turn the character you're currently playing into a data chunk build export for use with Mids' Hero Designer!
    • Export your current character's build for use in Mids'.
    • Inherent Fitness is already supported, even though Mids' itself isn't ready for it yet!

    BEST. FEATURE. EVAR! I love you guys!
  21. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Done, instructions added to your talk page.
  22. Pre download of Issue 19, usually Art assets, and the like.
  23. Neo Shadowdream

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Well, as it stands, all page edits have to be approved by admins... For now at least