Changing loading screen colors




I recently re-installed COH and used to have a patch that changed the praetorian character loading screen from that garish yellow to a nice purple. Now I can't find where I dl'd it from. Anyone have a lead?

Virtue: Sistah Powah, Afrodizziac, NeutronBlonde,Distortionist,IonMaiden,BlindFaith,M adwoman, Vital Signs,Yzzorrdrex,Diesel Mage, Defend, Glasshouse,Rescue I, Bootytrap, The Experience, AE Virus, Drawback, Daytime, Nighttime, Chamberwraith, Invincible Ink, Monster Mitts, Hex Object, Hexperiment, Frightningbolt, Spooky Deville, Scream Weaver, Cackler, Shocktopus, Ogrekill,Road Hazard,Fahrenhate,Duotherm,Black Lung, Horrorculturalist,Foulmouth,



Originally Posted by Jawbreaker View Post
I recently re-installed COH and used to have a patch that changed the praetorian character loading screen from that garish yellow to a nice purple. Now I can't find where I dl'd it from. Anyone have a lead?
Who knew that would be such a popular mod.



Originally Posted by Jawbreaker View Post
I recently re-installed COH and used to have a patch that changed the praetorian character loading screen from that garish yellow to a nice purple. Now I can't find where I dl'd it from. Anyone have a lead?
Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Who knew that would be such a popular mod.
I think Slate was directing you towards his sig.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I think Slate was directing you towards his sig.
I also may have just have been self aggrandizing, but I like your theory better.



Ahhh thank you Shadow State! It is an AWESOME mod, even though it's a simple little thing!

Question; what's the difference between corva and standard pogs?

Virtue: Sistah Powah, Afrodizziac, NeutronBlonde,Distortionist,IonMaiden,BlindFaith,M adwoman, Vital Signs,Yzzorrdrex,Diesel Mage, Defend, Glasshouse,Rescue I, Bootytrap, The Experience, AE Virus, Drawback, Daytime, Nighttime, Chamberwraith, Invincible Ink, Monster Mitts, Hex Object, Hexperiment, Frightningbolt, Spooky Deville, Scream Weaver, Cackler, Shocktopus, Ogrekill,Road Hazard,Fahrenhate,Duotherm,Black Lung, Horrorculturalist,Foulmouth,



Originally Posted by Jawbreaker View Post
Ahhh thank you Shadow State! It is an AWESOME mod, even though it's a simple little thing!
Thanks, it just amazes me that this little thing that I did on a whim and took me less than an hour (Gimp Colorization tool for the win) has gotten as much attention as it has (194 downloads that I know of).

Question; what's the difference between corva and standard pogs?
Pogs are the background color of Enhancement and the standard version is what you get in the base game while Corva pogs are a shinier version you can see in the first picture in my sig and were made by Corva_NA as part of his spiffifacation of the game. Everyone should check out his New power icons thread. The standardization bit is Neo Shadowdream figured out a way to make DOs and SOs use the same icons as TOs and IOs.

Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
Corva's pogs are shiny, Standard, are not. Also I made the standard ones , Corva made Corva's lol...

err I think I made the ones Shadow State is linking to... might be another >.>
The whole thing was your concept so you get full credit, especially since all I do is copy and paste. However, the artwork for ones I have linked, other than the split resist/def pog you did (I can't copy and paste to get something as nice), are actually ones I redid to use the centering I figured out while assembling the ones using Corva's pogs. The icons are moved one pixel down and to the right or the pog one up and to the left depending on if it the pog or icon artwork. Also both have some fun alternate "pogs" which allow for easier identification of IO set types and more intricate GROs pogs. The file contains .png for them if your interesting.



I'm responsible for 4 of those. 1 by me and 3 by friends who found out about the patch from me.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster