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If you want to check the server status, and the Official status page is broken you can use this: http://sgspaces.net/server_status That attempts to connect to the servers directly, and does not in anyway use the official one.
All of my characters still have market slots filled.
Open the NCSoft Launcher, right click City of Heroes, click properties, then in the "Extra command line parameters" add -ignoreBadDriver hit OK, then try to launch the game.
This persons Avatar, is hosted on a free webhost, the avatar it's self is safe, I've checked. But the host it is on seems to be known for sharing malware.
I have a complex bind setup for any of my characters with TP, basically I hold Shift, it hides non essential windows, left click teleports me without having to click the TP power, release shift, and my windows come back.
These bind files are only loaded on characters WITH Teleport as a travel power. After todays patch on a toon WITHOUT TP, I enter my base, enter edit mode and hold shift to move an item up or down, and suddenly ALL of my UI windows pop up over the base edit UI, also leaving me unable to move an item. I exit base editor, type /bind shift nop /bind shift+lbutton nop, hit shift outside of the editor and nothing happens, just as it should, enter base edit, and hit shift OH LOOK all of my UI windows are back. SO I remove all of my bind files, reset key bindings to default in the UI, do it all again, and have the same issue. This on top of the UI resetting on login, and zone, makes the game unplayable for me. -
If anyone has tried to use this in the last 3ish days, my server was down, I apologize, everything is back up and running now!
Quote:/suppressclosefx 0
Is there a way to make it apply to just that character? If not, how do I set it back to normal? I think I'd rather see all my character effects and then just tweak Dark Armour until it plays ball. -
The dual core CPU should help, so yes I'd do that if possible.
To the question of why is the GTS 250 a problem: I have a GTX 260, Phenom II and 8 GB of RAM, I get about 60 FPS. I had a 250, and got about 30-40, I borrowed a 460, and got 80+ depending on where I was.
I would also do as houtex suggested, hit up MSCONFIG and try to disable anything in there that isn't needed. -
1.) Single core Celeron CPU
2.) 2 GB RAM
3.) 3ish GB of free space on C:
I'm surprised you get 35 FPS on a single core CPU.
I'd say upgrade your ram to 4 GB, but I'm not sure it would help with the CPU, you also need to free up some space on your C:\ Drive. -
Intel HD Graphics 3000, is barely "fine" it is about the bare minimum to get the game to load properly, and will be a HUGE downgrade from your ASUS's 9800m. Most video settings will have to be set as low as possible to get any reasonable framerate. If you want to stick with a mac, I'd suggest the 15" 2.2 GHz.. It has a HD 3000 + a AMD 6750M with 512 MB vRAM, but at $1,799 that's pretty steep.
I had a feature request via PM a while back, to export designs as images, at the time I was unable to do this, but the day has come! When you save your layout, you can also now download a PNG of it. The image should look VERY close to the ingame map version of the base, but with any labels you've added.http://webapps.sgspaces.net/cohstuff...ravensnest.png
Thanks Avatea. Hey... You guys don't have a Telecommute position available for the web team, do you?
Thanks, I'm glad it's been useful to people. I need to move it to another domain some day, I'll make sure to redirect it, I never thought it would catch on lol.
While it doesn't change the Enhancement names, it does change the icons.. They look more like TOs. Only issue is Res SO/DO/IOs use the Defense background, so my kludge fix was a composite icon, or to just show the Defense icon on both Res/Def enhancements. -
If it was for Lords of Time, that would explain the 600k of prestige that wasn't there before I left. :P Thanks Fulmens.
This still going Fulmens? I've been without internet and just now seeing your post.
That's because the launcher appends -auth=*.*.*.* which can change pretty much anytime it wants to. Matter of fact, the auth server has changed no less then twice in the last week, I've been keeping http://sgspaces.net/server_status/ up to date on IP changes, and with the latest long downtime EVERY server IP except Beta/Test changed.
New Feature: Ctrl Click on rooms to group them and drag them at the same time.
This may help: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2263382
And now, You can flip your rooms that are already placed, Right click the room, and select Flip, or Delete.
OK, so... I found a issue with jQuery, and CSS absolute positioning... This has invalidated previous save files... so YAY. What this has FIXED though, is that I can now change the layout of the site, add stuff etc, without breaking anyones save files any more... kinda Ironic no? Fixed something to fix saves files, breaks save files... *sigh*
Rooms are now re-nameable, Click on a room name once placed, and it will prompt for a new name.