Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Well then... I may not have to bug Corva about this at all (and not do all the research and renaming and such that I had planned). Do you plan to do the rest and make an installer out of it like you did for Corva's pack?
    Once I get the time again to finish it (Soon not Soon TM :P). And yes, it will have an installer as well.
  2. I actually have a half set of these completed using TO icons on DO/SO borders.
  3. Problem is, its not all users with widescreens. Wife and I both have them, and neither of us have an issue with small fonts on the enhancement screen. So its possible its hard to reproduce, and track down.
  4. ccPodPerson, it was found in another thread via Demo Editing
  5. Neo Shadowdream

    Bind assistance

    /bind key "beginchat /send "channel name" $name"
  6. Quote:
    Here’s a brief list of the upgrades that will be going live with Going Rogue:
    Aww they changed it...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Hmm, always the same and roughly into thirds for all maps?
    Ok, no that does sound like an issue.... never seen that before. No idea what the issue is or how to fix it, other then trying to get a different copy of the .texture files.
  8. You did nothing wrong, sounds like the Rikti drop ship paths.
  9. Pirates of the Caribbean online (Yeah a Disney game, marketed for kids) allows you to gamble on games of poker with in game cash. So I see no legal reason for us not to be able to.
  10. Yeah mine does too. I'm not sure what is causing the issue for some people, I had 10 downloads of the installer, and 2 had issues. But it worked fine for my 3 macs...
  11. open applications, right click (ctrl click) City of Heroes, click show contents, navigate to Contents, then Resources, then transgaming, then c_drive, then "coh", data, texture_library, you can then replace MAPS and V_MAPS there.
  12. US, or EU install? I tried this on 3 Macs, all with a US install, and installed without a hitch. Either way, the installer does 3 simple things.
    1.) Unpacks the maps into /Maps/Maps /Maps/V_Maps and /Maps/maps.command
    2.) It then runs maps.command, to locate CoH, create the Data/texture/maps and v_maps directories, and copy the files into them
    3.) Then cleanup after its self, by removing the /maps directory.

    Any possible relation with this post: maybe?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
    I've built a Mac installer, and sent it to Beef Cake, just waiting on him to post it, I'd link to it, but don't want to step on his toes, so to speak.
    I've sent the link to Beef Cake, and got a response, but he was worried about bandwidth (its 158.6 MB which is painful, but I have yet to find a GOOD & FREE zip program, that uses a GOOD compression algorithm). if anyone can point me to something that fits the above, I'd be more then happy to re compress the file.

    If anyone needs it NAO heres a link you can use to install the map pack on OS X. please let me know if it doesn't work for anyone!
    [Edit]Link removed as some people had issues with the installer[/Edit]

    Uploading a new version, that is now half the size of the other. 78.96 MB. That's the best compression I can get, without using 7zip, requiring another download for Mac users who don't have "BetterZip", or "StuffIt"
  14. I've built a Mac installer, and sent it to Beef Cake, just waiting on him to post it, I'd link to it, but don't want to step on his toes, so to speak.
  15. Heroic Honor
    My hero stands tall and proud!
    All is protected.

    @Neo Ravencroft
  16. Heh, sorry about that @Neo Ravencroft, Blue, Victory
  17. I can throw down 100 mill if you can as well.
  18. - lowering process priority for cityofheroes

    Did I miss something?
  19. Oh god.... 8 Bot/FF MMs... this is gonna suck.
  20. One thing that many people over look, and its easy when Test/Live are the same version, is that when you install the test server, the icon on the desktop to CoHUpdater.exe gets replaced, and routed to the CoHTest folder. Make sure that you are indeed running the updater from City of Heroes, and not CoHTest.
  21. For anyone that uses CIT to track characters, and has a Facebook account, try this app (don't worry it doesn't spam people about your badges or anything else).
    Screeny linked below.
  22. If you need an extra mirrior, I have plenty of bandwidth/space to donate to ya Beef, toss me a PM and lemme know.
  23. You have 2 options:

    1.) Disable Windows 7's UAC this can be done by pressing the Windows Key + R typing msconfig clicking the tools tab, and then clicking on Change UAC settings, click launch and drag the slider all the way down.

    2.) you can try to run City of Heroes, and Paint as Admin. you can do this by right clicking on paint, and clicking Run As Administrator, same with CoH.

    Personaly I HATE the UAC (yeah Bold, Underline, AND italicized!) and the first thing I do is disable the UAC, and run a AV program.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm still not sure what that extra two-pin slot on my video card is that looks like a power plug. I've searched around, and everyone talks about two two-pin cables, and a few people even mention leaving one two-pin extension hanging.
    That could be either, a aux fan connector, or a SPDIF-IN connector for sending audio over a HDMI cable to a TV.