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  1. also posted in another thread, but why not:

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    ive never been one to reveal personal information on the interwebz, but you poeples are like a second family to me

    so for the intrductions my name is Craig

    and here is my pic (i took this like 10 min before the post)

    and yes if your wondering, i have a laptop, TV, another laptop, and a 2nd monitor attached to one of those laptops lol (and im wearing a shirt with the periodic table on it)
  2. Necrotech_Master

    Sign it

    i know the petition by itself is not gonna do much, but with all of the other stuff thats going on it certainly can be used to make an impact
  3. Necrotech_Master

    Steam ID's

    so far i have approx 600ish games on steam (it says 730 something but that includes DLCs), ive very rarely bought a game for more than $20, the most expensive thing ive gotten on steam is prolly the borderlands 2 preorder
  4. Necrotech_Master

    Sign it

    it seems the petition is still keeping up speed, at 10132 supporters and counting
  5. i remember that, the first comp i played CoV on i couldnt load into GV because it was too graphics heavy

    i actually had to go to a friends house to get out of GV lol
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_Dark View Post
    There's another company that should be contacted asking them to approach NCsoft to buy City:

    World of Tanks is currently running with servers in Russia, Europe, North America, China, and South-East Asia. They have World of Warplanes and World of Warships under development. They have an established infrastructure and operatiional and development teams running MMO's. While those games are different from City it wouldn't be as much of a change as it would for a non-MMO company.
    they would have easy time getting around legality with naming matters: "world of heroes"

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    According to your link, voting ended on August 31...
    we dont need some silly poll lol, all the publicity we have generated would have been more than enough to blow the water out of any competitor out there

    we are heroes(and villains) united!
  8. out of all the toons i have only about 12 are my most prized the others are just altitis creations to help keep the game fresh for me and try new things

    even in the 6 years i been playing i still have never used every powerset at least once
  9. i made up a thread about bucket list of easter eggs that poeple should see

    there are a TON of really interesting easter eggs to see in the game that a large portion of the players do not know about
  10. im keeping one of my toons in the matrix room under PI
  11. its likely there are some posts which poeple are making out of anger/frustration/other strong emotions

    i do agree with soundtrack though that whats happened has happened and the best thing we can do now is to support the titan network guys and all of the other things going on to try to help the game out
  12. your more than welcome to add me on steam boomie (steam ID: Necrotech_Master)

    ive always enjoyed our chats about GM/AV soloers
  13. i saw an article on last friday which even included a link to the petition
  14. i think that cimerora or RWZ would be the best, cimerora has some great scenery but it is limited to lvl 35+ toons

    RWZ has some nice spots as well (could even go for the mega epic picture and raid the mothership and stand on the mothership and take the picture)

    RWZ would be more ideal since it is not restricted by level

    if worse comes to worse i still have paragon points sitting around, could always just buy that WAY overpriced instant alignment change token
  15. no other game i have seen has anything mastermind related, its been my favorite class in the game as well (my 2nd favorite would be controllers)

    from what i have seen most "pets" in other games are either vanity types, or they act like controller/dom pets and you have no direct control over them
  16. Necrotech_Master

    Driven to drink

    i havent and still wont drink anything

    but since the news ive been feeling very moody and depressed, which is unusual as very few things make me depressed (the only prior experience with this kind of depression was when i broke up with my gf, but i got through it cause i still had coh)

    now that coh is the thing thats about to get offed i dont know what ill do for emotional release aside from talk to the poeple that i been adding to steam/skype
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i doubt i would start any other MMOs

    but i do have another 280 games on steam i could play, so not like i wont have anything to do lol
    i sure as hell am a lot more sad than i pictured i would be, i tear up everytime i browse the forums

    the only real thing that has changed is i now have twice as many steam games since my above post lol
  18. one of my characters is gonna be frozen in time in my most favorite room in the game, the matrix room in PI
  19. for those of you who havent done so, i would HIGHLY recommend going around and seeing the various easter eggs in the game

    my list for sight seeing would prolly be:

    #1 the matrix room
    #2 dev dungeon in grandville
    #3 eye of horus oil spill in PO
    #4 the dev lounge in faultline with the egg hunter badge

    feel free to add your list of favorite easter egg spots
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post
    What would be awesome is if it was a very public statement.

    i think come tuesday were gonna hear a lot more public news about this
  21. my sister set up her deviant art page if anyone wishs to contact her for commisions

    my sisters deviant art page is here:
  22. Necrotech_Master


    Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
    ive actually never been on victory forum lol, i mainly only use VB and VL lol
  23. ive never really played any other MMOs, the few i have tried (runes of magic and asda story) pretty much had near forced teaming or INSANE grinding

    runes of magic was not bad, but was too fantasy for my tastes, asda story was fun, but after a certain point xp gain was like an exponential curve (one example i saw was a lvl 49 got 1.5 mil xp from something and it was literally only like 0.02% of the level, and 1.5 mil xp is a lot for that game)

    honestly if we can save the city, then im most likely not gonna be into mmos for quite some time, i do have about 500 games on steam ive never gotten around to playing yet so i guess ill start there
  24. valdous i believe after you submit your message it will give you a return that says message sent or something like that
  25. i will most certainly be there on my main