140 -
I really hope this fixes the issues with the Leagues that was causing so much lag when people were using their Incarnate Buffs and Pets with Buffs. (Hami Raid on Sunday was awful. :-( )
I also can't wait to see if I stop DC'ing while getting into the Trials. :-)
Thanks for the hard work on fixing these issues. Here's to happy thoughts! -
Hmm...I'll help the Defender team with my Cold\Ice Defender.
I'll bring my Controller to the team tonight.
@Murlon - Ice\Strom Controller -
I would like to Thank Sepultura (sp?) for leading the MS Raid last night. And a shout out to Force for offering to lead before Sep begin the Broadcasting of instructions.
All and all a pretty great raid last night. Great work everyone! -
Thanks all.
I will wait for the end of the Winter Event. I would have thought that if they suspended certain zone events that they would make mention of it in the information about the Winter Events.
Again thanks for the additional checks. -
Okay more than a few people have opened this thread up. Could you please post your main Server and if you have noticed the Fires or the Raves recently (at least since last Friday when I noticed the lack of these events.)
Also how do I get NCSoft to take notice of this? I thought about sending in a Bug Report in game but did know for sure what exactly to say. So I decided to post in the "Bugs" forums hoping for an answer.
Thanks all. -
Friday at 8PM huh....I think Archon and I can lend a hand. :-)
See you then. -
To whom it may concern,
I play on Champion Server and over the past long weekend I was playing for long streches (4-5 hours at a time) and I did not see any Hero Zone Events (I have a seperate "TAB" for Hero Events on all my characters) for the Troll Rave in Skyway or the Building Fires in Steel Canyon. I did ask around on the global Champion channels if anyone could remember seeing these events and no one could say for sure when they last saw them.
I will tell you that I did seen Hero Events for the Ghost Ship (more than I remember) and Unusal Activity in Kings Row (Actually defeats 3 Paladins in KR). I know that people said that Sally was up in Croatoa and the Octopus is working in IP so I know there are some events that are still running properly.
Can someone at CoH check these events, at least for the Champion Server?
Thanks all. -
Shout Out to the Champs that attended the RWZ2 MS Raid last night!
When RWZ1 filled, just minutes before 8:30PM, I was truly bummed that I had missed the raid. There appeared to be more than a couple people that wanted to make the run. So a few of us put the call out on BMT and CU to start to fill RWZ2 to make a second run at the Mothership.
The zone started to fill. I completed Team One. Team Two filled shortly after that. And as we started up Team Three we began to start the Pylon run. It was a little shaky at the start, but as the Pylons started to fall and as the third team filled things started to really take off.
I was a bit worried that we did not have the support to hold the bowl once the shields dropped, but to the credit of those attending not only did we hold the bowl, I don't think there were any major team wipes during the whole raid. There may have even been a Fourth Team at one point during the Assault.
I credit Celestial Lords weekly Raids for how well we did in RWZ2. So many people have attended these and many of the Champs have so much experience that everyone knew what they needed to do. And those that needed assistance promptly got the information required to make it a success.
I was able to pull in over 400 Merits and 2 Shards during the Raid.
Again thanks to everyone in RWZ2 last night. Champion truly is an awesome server, with awesome players. -
First Charater: Murlon - Emp\Psy Defender - Actually my second 50.
My first 50 was T-Spiker - Spines\Regen Scrapper -
I actually did not start out on Champion. I started on Triumph with a large group of RL friends I formed the "Knights of Scion" there. Many, if not all, of them have sinced moved on to other things but the SG remains.
About three years ago some of us ventured off Triumph and created some ICE flavored toons on Champion. The "Pop Sicles" were born. So Champion became our unofficial second home, but basically for Ice Toons. In the two years since I'm been "promoted" to Leader of this SG, attrition being what it is.
Since moving to Champion as my primary server I've met so many great people: Llewthor, Slacker, Trev, Volcanic Storm, Kickin' Cowgirl, Force...Even Dollar I guess. And the community is great: Cobalt, SteelDominator, AngieB, Cherry, Talon, Celestial Lord, Amy...So many great people I'm sure I'm forgetting. I'm very happy to be here and help out anytime.
As an aside I'd like give everyone here Props, not that you need it....I spent a couple hours getting the Incarnate slots open on my 50's on Triumph and "lucked" into a Hami Raid on the Hive. It "started" at 4:00PM but the zone never peaked (I think when it ended there were 33 people in zone). The raid was successful but didn't finish till 6:00PM. The Monster hunt was at 2:00PM so Hami was already up. It was nothing like the efficient raids on Champ. (I also did try a MS Raid also a couple weeks ago, Props to CL and all for great productive MS Raids also.)
You Guys and Gals ROCK!!! -
Why is the work day and the subsequent train ride so long....5:30 PM can't come quick enough for me!!
I did think it was funnny that your answers were very close to what I was going to post. I almost didn't post just because I didn't want to sound like a copy-cat. Which explains why I explained myself...Just to let other know I did have a reason.
But to answer your question: We'd need to run a DNA test to be sure. :-) I won't rule it out. -
I'm having a similar issue lately, with Vista. After some reasearch and some playing around I've done two things that seem to help.
First changed to a Windows VISTA CLASSIC theme instead of Aero Theme.
The other thing I did, which may have nothing to do with, it is I set my FSAA to 0.
-The graphics are a bit less smooth bit the game doesn't seem to crash as often.
Good Luck Llewthor. -
Now I'm going to feel like I'm copying but:
Acrobatics\Dexterity - I'd love to not fall down and be able to juggle and catch anything. Total body control.
Time Travel - The ability to effect the past present and future in profound ways. Hopefully without the knowlegde of any other beings. NOT for personal gains.
DC - Superman - I love the image of the "Boy Scout" and always doing the right thing. And yet the internal struggle to NOT lose control.
Marvel - Hulk - The dual personalities: one meek, timid and highly intellegent...The other over top outragous, animalistic, primal, seemingly no self control and yet a small bit of intelligence that can be used to keep him in check.
I actually play a Table Top Super Hero game called "HeroClix" - aka: plastic crack. I've been playing and collecting since the beginning 5-6 years now. Until recently I had every Hulk and Superman figure produced for tyhe game. Still looking on get the last couple Chase Superman figures. -
Here's what we have so far, that I can gleen from the thread:
1) T.Fury - Corruptor Rad Blasts\Dark Maisma
2) Talon_Arsenal - Corruptor Dual Pistols\Traps
3) Archon - Corruptor Dual Pistols\Radation Emissions
4) Llewthor - Brute Dark Melee\Fire Armor
5) PvtSlacker - Arachnos Soldier Bane
6) Murlon - Arachnos Widow Fortunata
7) Volcanic Storm(Johnny_Calibur) - ????
8) _Force_ - ??????
So that's the current Team makeup.
See you all tonight. -
Archon is doing a DP\Rad Corr. My Widow is Ready For Action.
Looking forward to a couple new faces running on Wednesday Nights.
See you all there at 8:00PM EST. -
Gratz Witty.
Back in '97 when I took and passed the A+ it was based off DOS 6.0, Windows 3.1 and 3.11. Had some basic Printer Imaging information as well as how to read a mulit\volt meter. I'm guess much of that was not on your test. :-)
It was shortly after that they switched to a Windows 95 based test.....Now I can only image what's there.
Back in 95-97 the best "tech" starter jobs were at CompUSA, MiroCenter, PC WareHouse...places like that. These days I'd suggest looking at USAJOBS.org. Plenty of good government jobs all over the country.
I wish you good luck.
BTW: I understand that the A+ now is a three certification. Meaning you'll have to recertify every three years. It's a good thing my card doesn't have an expiration date. :-) -
I think I'll be doing a Widow...Not sure what Archon will be bringing.
July 14th sound great to me.
See you all next Wednesday. -
It does sound interesting....I wonder what it could be.
I'll be Hero side waiting around in Bricks. -
Nice work....I had nine and decided to see how it was going...I guess I can stop. :-)