95 -
Not a big deal at all, but it always makes me smile when I read it. In your paragraph about stun, you mention it is a "baseball bat animation" when its really a pitching animation. Freudian slip there
NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.
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So not only do heroes have a 1.5 year jump on farming HOs over the villains, but villains will NEVER catch up...by design.
How many more advantages are you going to give to heroes over villains? -
When I first read the change, I thought cool...I wont get full debt when im fighting a hero/villain and a npc and die. What I didnt get is that I woudl get debt if the player killed me. Thats ridiculous!
Im almost guaranteed to take damage from a longbow in siren's call or a patrol in warburg. Now im guaranteed to get debt every time I go PvP. For someone who really enjoys PvP, this makes me NOT want to PvP unless I use a 50. And if I dont want to PvP, then...
This also hurts Brutes who fight npcs to build fury, doms who fight npcs to build domination, any toon that needs a npc to gain a buff or heal (kins, darks, /ea toons, soul drain).
The way it SHOULD work is that if a npc kills you, you take proportionate debt with what damage the npc did to you. But if a player kills you, no debt. -
Im a little wary about some of the numbers. Ive heard of typos cropping up here and there.
As for build up and aim being different for each AT, I knew that, but...20% tohit buff for stalkers with buildup? Seems a bit low. -
I wasnt all that impressed with the damage. I am probably spoiled by playing an em/ stalker on live, but still...it didnt seem like I could do much outside of Hide. Touch of Fear is solid, indeed, but I gotta admit I like intimidate and not having to be in melee. Then again, I dont like taking challenge, so...both have their advantages. Ive never been crazy of shadow maul's animation, but I still took it because of its damage. It was decently good, but waiting for the DoT to go off is definately a pain, along with the not guarenteed crits. I was also surprised with Midnight Grasp having such a short range and the damage not being that hot.
I think its the same as /da, it will play out better in PvE then PvP. I definately did like the darkness on my hands, and having touch of fear in your primary is pretty nice. -
After six plus hours on test last night and multiple tests solo these are my personal findings about cloak of fear, hang on it seems to be complex. 1) Cloak of fear in itslef will not break hide
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Thats not what I found at all, and not consisten with other stalker secondary powers that have mez effects (blinding powder, energy drain). I think what probably happened is you didnt slot it for accuracy...it has a -20% if I remember correctly. I had it two-slotted with acc SOs and standing next to a boss hidden, I couldnt get it to hit. Then all of a sudden I was unhidden and the boss attacked me...the fear finally connected.
Overall I was pretty unimpressed. The resist shields werent mitigating much damage with the bosses three-hitting me. The two mez auras seem like they need to be independent of each other, and with the lousy accuracy and end drain, youll have to make some choices. The rez I tried to work but apparently I wasnt close enough to hit with it, and yet the power icon started recharging...when you click it, it goes off even if you arent near enough to use it.
I think /da would play out better in PvE against lts and minions, but my bosses battles went pretty bad. Also, I think the resists work better on toons with higher hps like scraps and brutes, then us weak stalkers. The rez isnt bad...for a rez, but I would much rather have overload or elude. The psi resist is nice, but Im not sure I would slot it outside of dealing with arachnos or carnies.
Trying out powers I didnt take acro, but we know thats pretty close to mandatory. Another strike in my book.
Like Ive been reading for awhile, this is much more of a PvE set then a PvP set. With the resists not strong enough to protect me, I would dread the end of missions.
EDIT: I did more testing with cloak of fear. You'll see a miss above someone's head when it misses. I also managed to hold a couple bosses with it, but you have to stand there and let it tick. This is powerful, but being that CoF also breaks hide, you would have to toggle it on after AS and toggle it off after placate. -
I think that debt in a PvP zone should be cut in half, like in missions. My main reason? Griefers.
I was trying out a Dom in RV today to see how the domination building plays out. This tank comes up and stuns me, then superspeeds off. Two seconds later, I get tp foe'd into a mob including a couple longbow wardens. I die almost instantly. The Tank says "hiya!" and then runs off. He didnt even bother fighting me, he just wanted to grief me. And I was a dom for crying out loud!
Because of jerks like this guy, they should half the debt you can get so that griefers dont have you reaching the debt cap for their own entertainment. -
FYI: Melee AT Patron Power Pool Ranged attacks which cause damage will be changed to using the Melee damage scale.
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Follow Up:
Stalker Snipe PPPs are back to being Ranged damage. The changes I'd made to keep them balanced got nixed.
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Yeah, im not surprised.
1. They shouldnt be stronger then Blaster snipes
2. Any buff to stalkers would bring a massive uproar in the PvP forums. -
And while bodyguard might have helped MMs (still to be determined IMO), they still suffer in PvP because of the pets (pathing, slow, long setup, etc).
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Plus bodyguard could be easily countered. Repel (force bubble in particular comes to mind) to push those pets away, or just tp foe. -
Does anyone have the numbers on the damage buff per minion on Soul Drain? And just how small is that radius?
the only thing that the heroes have going for them right now is numbers
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...and better burst damage, better control, 3 of the top 4 hitpoint ATs, two buff sets, stronger buffs and unresistable debuffs, critical holds, 3x containment damage, FA, FoN, IW.
AND numbers. -
One downside of this set for corr's...I noticed that the shield is defense (useless in RV) instead of resistance.
feel where the biggest complaint will come from is when a corruptor nails you with -jump and a massive slow power that a number of the sets have access to. This will effectively turn the target(s) into sitting ducks.
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I think this is a likely scenario. Imagine going up against a /rad who hits you with -fly, -jump, and lr. Now you cant move anywhere...and you arent dropping the toggles. Or imagine against a /cold who can slow you ten ways to monday.
Im almost hesitant to get it because I know almost every PvPer will, and the nerf calls will be overwhelming. And when nerf calls are overwhelming, it happens.
I got my own prediction: With all the PvPers taking Mace Mastery to destroy fly, jump and speed, expect the heroes to make a big push on teleport. There isnt a -teleport, right? -
Has anyone tested the the damage and tohit buff from Soul Drain? This is key to me on whether I take this pool or not. I know the tohit would be a guesstimate, but at least the damage could be accurate.
Thanks for all your work, testers. -
Endurance drain is cut in PvP, you only do 1/4 effectiveness against a player then you did in PvE. example 100 drain cut to 25. Electric blasters can't drain a villian melee fast enough while that melee beats on them. So I don't see any point for resistance to endurance drain for PvP, only thing I would fear is a Kinetic Def/Controller/Corr but i think they can only drain about 1/3 a bar per shot.
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One of my best toggle droppers is end drain. I love using energy drain on hard to hit targets like /sr scrappers of anyone running ff. Down go their toggles, theyre shocked, i kill. Ice tanks have an autohit energy drain too. And I would hardly discount a 1/3 of your bar end drain. -
But I don't think it really proves anything about overall hero vs. villain balance. The fact of the matter is, it still took a full team from a dedicated PvP VG to beat back a bunch of soloists, PuGs, and scrubs.
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Really the only issue with FA is the resistance to toHitDebuffs. If that wasn't there, you could have /Rad and /Dark at least mess up the FA but as it stands, it cannot be affected.
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...and /signed -
Controllers need to be toned down a bit. If they can 3 shot Dominators and Corruptors, then the game is severely out of balance.
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1. Ive never three-shot anyone, including defenders, with my fire/storm troller. Lets see...hold, blast, then whats that third hit that kills you? I'd love to hear some examples.
2. By your reasoning, Blasters, Scrappers, Stalkers, EM Tanks (and im betting brutes too) all need to be toned down as well. -
Also whoever suggested 75% cut for containment in PvE, I disagree since it works just fine in PvE but in PvP the 3x damage is way overboard.
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A couple things about containment.
1. For the most part the only powers that really benefit are the epic blasts, from which they get one (two if theyre fire).
2. I think something that makes their damage seem so strong is their buffs/debuffs. Again, not everyone has those. If Im empath or ff, I cant increase my damage at all. I need every bit of damage containment can give me.
3. For the most part, pet damage is mediocre. Yes, imps do good damage if theyre all hitting the same target, but sometimes in PvP zones theyre more trouble then theyre worth. Ive been in warbrurg and have them pull npc's on me when Im trying to fight one person. Same thing with phantom army. Outside of those two, pets do not do good damage. And for those that dont know, pets do not benefit at all from containment.
4. You dont get containment unless you land a mez power first. If youre going up against a high-defense toon, this can be very hard. Especially if you dont have a defense debuff/to-hit buff. Most controllers dont. And of course controllers dont have aim either.
I remember when containment first came out it seemed so uber to my blaster. Then playing as a controller, its not nearly the "gimmie" I thought it was.
I would find it ironic that some dom's are calling for containment nerfs, seeing that its only a matter of time before people start calling for domination nerfs. "Its too strong...they can get it up too quick, or it lasts too long *snicker*...they tear through my mez protection..." -
If you read what I said closely, I said you're flat out wrong.
You are.
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Who can argue with that reasoning?
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lol. Yeah its pretty bulletproof -
For an ancedotal example: I had my lvl 41 DM/EA brute in RV going toe to toe with a Broad Sword/Regen Scrapper. I was running Overload and he was debuffed by at least one casting of Radiation Infection and my Touch of Fear with one To-Hit Debuff SO
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Not only does FA give a tohit buff to shred defense builds and perception to see stalkers, but it also has tohit debuff resist. So ri and touch of fear (along with every single other tohit debuff villains have) do not debuff FA at all. -
How can you guys even call for a nerf when you don't have your FPO's yet and aren't level 50... level out, get your enhancements, then if you still feel its needed cry nerf. But don't cry because you get owned when your fighting peopel that have had a longer time to get to where you will be soon enough.
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They don't want to admit how good Elude, etc is for them, which can and does offset FA's accuracy bonus...and for some reason, they think "Hide" = "Should never ever be spotted."
I don't think the "FA renders Stalkers useless" argument has yet been demonstrated to be true.
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How often does a stalker have elude running, and how long does he not? Thats the problem. 1/3 of the time he cant be hit, 2/3 of the time he cant be missed. -
I have a very strong feeling it is more in the range of 15% rather than 5%
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Many of the tier 9 attacks in scrapper primaries have a higher chance to crit. Almost positive that headsplitter has a 25%, for instance.
Im guessing the 5% is rounded from the entire line. -
Well said Tal_N. I pretty much agree with everything you said.
Hurl Boulder does almost as much damage as haymaker, making it good for runners, openers, and pulling, and even as a finishing move is haymaker and ko blow are recharging.
The mez effect on KO Blow is a hold, not a disorient. Important to know for PvP, since disorients get through acro, while a single hold does not.
Also, Hand clap has use in PvP too since its a disorient. This is not stopped by acro, so youll be able to mez many ATs. -
One thing that always turns me off to going to Warburg in CoH when Im leaving a toon in the 40-50 range...it takes so long to get there from pi. And my 50 is parked in the Hive, so thats a long hike too. This is one thing that was well done about CoV...all the gates to the PvP zones are in the according PvE zone.
Is there anyway we could do one of the following...
1. Make an enterance to RV in pi
2. Make a gate that takes us to atlas from pi
3. Move the RV enterance alltogether
Another complaint about having it in Atlas is lag, especially near the statue. Its like putting it in Talos.