543 -
I prefer my eggs with seasoned salt and a hint of oregano.
I guess that says something about my tastes in comic book films too.
I call Venom a 3rd string villain because although the symbiote was introduced early on we never saw VENOM until the last half hour where he promptly died (ZOMG SPOILERS). I felt Venom needed his OWN movie and Topher Grace proved it by making him the only thing I actually got into during the whole film even though he had the least camera time.
ANYWAY, i'm cool with agreeing to disagree. Like I said, it's all a matter of opinion and the whole egg analogy (which turned out alot better then I expected) so ya...to each his/her/it own. -
Oh that's awesome,
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With Marvel characters, they have about 2 powers at most, like Spiderman having Webshooting and Wall-Climbing.
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Heh. You make Spiderman sound like some kind of Monkey-Putz like The Toad or Jettison Man
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Not to mention he has faw more then 2 powers. Least we forget his enhanced strength and durability...oh and his spidey senses...
Edit: Oh and his enhanced agility. -
Weapon. I'm only looking at the past 8 years since that's when Marvel really started churning out movies.
But yes I will say that Fantastic 4 was better then Spiderman 3. When the only redeaming quality of a film is their 3rd string villian (Venom) then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong.
BAS, I'm not a terribly big fan of Superman but his plethera of powers is one of the reasons I like DC. I like that all the heroes have large mixes of powers, several of my heroes mix and match powers with tech and other stuff.
Also i'm very sorry that you had to see Spiderman 3 twice to realize how big of a pile it was. -
I've always liked Marvel characters more than DC so I tend to like the movies better as well. IMHO I think the best one they did was The Punisher...but a lot of people hated that one so my opinion might not be worth much to y'all.
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Meh, I didn't think Punisher was as bad as say Fantastic 4 and certainly not as bad as Spiderman 3 (i'm still trying to understand the concept behind 2 musical numbers in that movie).
But really in the end liking DC or Marvel is dependent on how you like your heroes, Scrambled or Sunny Side Up.
DC = Sunny Side Up (Their heroes are all BETTER then humans both physically and morally)
Marvel = Scrambled (Their heroes are all down to earth people with our own faults but just have powers tacked on)
I prefer my heroes to be better then me but some people prefer their heroes to be just like them, it's all a matter of opinion in that manner.
But as movies, I find Marvel tends to put out some pretty rank stuff. -
But none of those 3 movies can compare to Batman Begins (except maybe X-Men 2 but it just can't reach the level).
I can be as critical as I want when from the simple genre of Comic Book Movies we get such great films of V For Vendetta, Batman Begins & X-Men 2.
I think not taking comic book movies seriously is almost insulting the genre. Comic Book characters have some of the most intricate and amazing stories i've ever read and have the amazing ability to present other views and ideas and still not cram it down your throat.
Edit: As I said, Superman Returns was crap cause it tried to be like the old Superman movies which were also crap. -
No...it doesn't...it's a widely hyped blockbuster film, of course it's gonna hit records and the like. Millions of films do that when no one has seen them yet. It's just how blockbuster films work, they don't care if their good as long as they make back enough money to pay for the film and all that jazz in the first week it's all good.
That's a bit of a shame but you need to realize that the Rocket Boots do the same thing. All they do is emit an aura effect.
Now we would all LOVE if our Piston Boots would contract and retract when we jump but there is only so much they can do with costume pieces. -
Well ya the airplane sequence was good...but that's it.
Anyway, the Spiderman movies are terrible and bragging about releasing a new movie every other month is a stupid thing to brag about. I believe the last half-way decent Marvel movie was X-Men 2...or Spiderman 2...wich one came out last?
Basicly out of 8 movies in the past 8 years Marvel has had 3 good ones. Less then 50%. Out of the 2 in the last 8 years that DC has put out 1 of them was good, 50%. I would say DC has a better success rate. The fact that they take so long to make movies is just a sign that they are cautious about where they put their money, unlike Marvel who throws money at everything in hopes some of it flies back to them.
And I swear to god if anyone says Spiderman 3 was good I will KNIFE you in the toe! -
Ya...that's not funny. Since when was quantity better then quality? (granted I thought the new Superman was JUST as bad as the old ones)
Stares at all the violence
"Can't we all just settle this over a nice cool glass of Ovaltine?"
Get's smacked in the head with a random flying object -
What's with all this Hero on Hero violence? Don't you guys have any uplifting battle cries that rally your teammates into action or does no one take the Leadership Power Pool anymore?
Actually that's a running gag/bind I use for some of the people I regularly team up with. I ask one of them the very simple question of the time to which someone new to the group would probably answer with the real time and someone not new would say "No that can't be right, Mr. Awesome, maybe YOU know what time it is?" And I reply with of course "It's Time To Get Awesome"
Ya...it's a long set-up but is still funny after well over a year. -
"Cresent, do you know what time it is? It's Time To Get Awesome!"
Love the new CoN, LJ. These would have been perfect as the running comic strip inside the CoH comic. -
I think your best bet for a classic hero is Mr. Awesome
Note: His chest symbol design should be the one used in Powerforge's piece.
Name: Mr. Awesome
Powers: Super Strength/Invulnerability/Flight/The Billion Dollar Smile (his smile is so perfect and awesome that the shine blinds his enemies...seriously)
Backstory I swear i'm gonna update that one of these days...
Hope he helps.
Edit: Oh and his Corny Thumbs Up is known to enrage every enemy within a 100 yard radius...no one really knows why though... -
Oh man the Havok Pooches rule!
Now if only there was an Awesome Dog...preferably named Ostrich...cause well...Mr. A likes Ostriches... -
That piec rules and the battle looks epic. Of course with those two characters, how could it not? -
I hate you Spino, the costume rocks SO HARD. Why must you rock so hard?
For City of Heroes? 19 for Mr. Awesome
For Kingdom of Loathing? (my other addiction) 78 not including the countless i've deleted for space
I played Kingdom of Loathing alot longer and their art forum is filled with hundreds of aspiring artists who all want to draw for Meat. Meat is, of course, the in-game currency for Kingdom of Loathing and actually holds a good bit of real value as apposed to CoX.
The 20 or so KoL pieces you don't see were from when I first started playing the game and had people draw me as a Disco Bandit (wich is one of the character classes) and I had them make the character black. Because of this everyone thought I was black and it caused great confusion so I changed the design of the character greatly so something that suited me more.
Edit: I would recomend, if your interested, to click on the sub folders in the KoL link to see some other pieces I got related to KoL. The DBMC folder goes to fake licences I made for several players. The Flatulator link goes to some pieces related to my KoL clan "The Flatulators". And the T3h H3r0 link goes to some art pieces of my alter-ego that I created in the forums in response to a fellow clan make getting pieces of his superhero made called "Pajama Head".
Edit Edit: And if your interested you should check out KoL at www.kingdomofloathing.com cause it's free, funny, well designed, and free. -
It's to bad none of the free comics are for anything interesting (at least interesting from my view point of only being a DC fanboy)
The "Willy Wonka" aspect of the Goldbrickers could be touched upon too.
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Just as long as they don't break into a song like "I killed a Golden Bricker!" -
I figured it out! Stan & Lou are the Abbot & Costello of Paragon City.
When do we get to see a move with them like "Stan & Lou Meet Lusca" or something like that? -
Ok "Rain o' Tomatoes" temporary power! Whose with me?
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I can get behind that. I saw the Devs make it happen! Hell make it an invention!