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  1. There actually are not that many invention costume pieces.

    Edit: and this thread has been done before when i9 hit test.
  2. "...while your souls will be blazed eternaly in limbo along with starcraft ghost, duke nukem forever, & the first season of Firefly."

    Oh my god...I was laughing so hard I peed a little!
  3. MrAwesome


    It didn't work. You need to recalibrate your sproing mangstier to compensate for the flux capacitor's inverse vector graphing.

    Or hit it with a hammer...either works...
  4. AWESOME! I really like K-Ton cause that jaw is just hilarious.
  5. Unfortunetly with the kind of job it is I won't be able to get Overtime.

    You see I am a Sound & Lighting Designer for professional theatre and this job is as an Assisstant to the Resort/Theatre's current Sound & Lighting Designers, and hopefully if I enjoy working with the company and they enjoy me, it will lead to me becoming their permanent Sound & Lighting designer for their entire season next year.

    So with that, Overtime is impossible, but I get paid ALONG with Room & Board so it will be easier to not spend my money on such trivial stuff as housing a "food".
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    ...And just what do you mean leaving Mr. Awesome sir?!?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh sorry, I guess I only announced it on the Envisionaries forums (wich you need to be a part of, sir) that I got a job offer for the rest of the year that will take me away without a computer. So i'll be gone until next year...unless at some point I am able to afford a Laptop in wich case I will return with very minor appearances.
  7. If I wasn't leaving in 2 weeks (holy crap, that soon?) I would totally take Short-bus.
  8. Who's that dork next to Chief Justice?

    Fantastic piece.
  9. This needs a complimentary Short-Bus wallpaper to amp up the awesomeness.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    You are ten different flavous of awsome
    It´s a great idea you had and it has been performed in a fantastic manner.

    Cheers Poul

    [/ QUOTE ]

    10 Flavors? No sir LJ is infact...

    31 Flavors of Awesome!

    I loved those last 2 strips!
  11. Zloth, I think i've read your history summary like 7 times. For some reason it's alot of fun to read about once ever 3 months or so.
  12. MrAwesome

    Ultimo Girl!

    Oh that is wonderful looking. Fantastic pose and great colors.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I watched Iggy beat up some baddies the other night on Guardian Street.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Guardian Street's a tough hood to live on. You betta watch yo back or ya gonna get popped one in the chest...and by popped one I mean find a cat girl...and by in the chest I mean around every single dam corner...
  14. I used to roam the halls of Justice U but since i've kinda hit a wall with Mr. Awesome i've taken up pounding the pavement of Guardian Street with my 7 new concept characters. You could have seen me running around but I doubt you would know it's me.
  15. It's free...I can't imagine it warranting much thought beyond that.
  16. MrAwesome

    Meet Cybergator!

    I know i'm going to hell because I LOVE Short-Bus far to much.
  17. MrAwesome

    Meet Cybergator!

    That bio instantly makes me that much cooler. Now he has alot of heart to him and you WANT him to succeed in becoming a hero.

    Take note people who don't write bios! See what a bio can do for your character!
  18. I would suggest NOT just tossing it out in the open for all to read.

    I would actually suggest getting a core group of people to review your piece, i'd suggest writers and comic book reviewers.

    A friend of mine has a blog where she reviews comic books and although she uses internet idiomatics she is VERY insightful in the writings and is someone who is more then happy to be honest when it is required. I'd suggest getting people like that who you can trust (of course make your script is copyrighted BEFORE you get the group together) and go from there.
  19. Visual Artwork.

    And make sure any characters you make in the comic aren't in CoH on your account(s) because then your in deep tihs.
  20. The Chiseled Chin of Justice vs the Iron Jaw of Not-So Good!
  21. Well your nearly 100 views away so it could be awhile...of course me saying that could very well speed things up...
  22. I'm sure One Lonely Man was ment to cause less arm but it was the use of the adverb that was not needed. One Lone Man would have worked just fine and sounded so demeaning to EchoedRespite.
  23. Wow those changes really amped up the action AND fixed the very minor flaws. It seems like a much bigger fight this way AND it seems like less of a slaughter because Rumble Bee seems to be more outnumbered and closed in (sorta like a wild animal fighting out of a corner).

    Awesome work Union Man.
  24. You guys are using some pretty harsh words to refer to EchoedRespite. One Lonely Guy? A Fool? C'mon guys, he just doesn't get the inside jokes (and lets face it, that's almost all they are) so it's certainly NOT his falt for not laughing nor is it anyone elses.

    I think he was being rather polite and just stating what he felt, obviously no one is going off on each (at least yet) but it might be a better idea to not use negative undertones to describe people, whether you ment it to sound that way or not.

    Let's all just be happy with the funny that is City of Nuts and leave it at that.