Ultimo Girl!
Oh that is wonderful looking. Fantastic pose and great colors.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
yeah, love the pose. Great work as usual.
We need cape/wings! Somebody tell Jay!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
That's too much Hot for one internet.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
The way the cape's up it really reminds me of Jean Grey/Phoenix... y'know, when she isn't dead *rimshot*
This is just great stuff. It's got a feeling of "WHEEEEEE! =D =D =D" about it, but in a more dignified fashion.
"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375
well there was a challenge on her front page to draw one of her toons
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell!? It's that easy!?!?
::Rushes to put a challenge to baquitania on front of DeviantArt Page;:
Umm okay it's not that easy... but I'll see what I can do.
Ultimo Girl!
Got an odd reply from someone in my DA account today, "looks like someone's having fun"... my response when I don't recognize a name is usually to check out their own DA page...
Should have known it was from another COHer... well there was a challenge on her front page to draw one of her toons, and feeling a little bit better today, I decided to go for it as a warm up for my upcoming Kilo piece.
A little rushed, but over all I had fun.