Mr. DJ

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
    More four-legged pets,please. Still waiting on crocodile, elephant, hippo, and unicorn.
    unicorn has to come with a Robocop costume change power or it's a no deal
  2. buyin it when I get home, won't really play it till the weekend ;_;
  3. He can take it, it's not like he's changed over the years of people being critical of him.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Overreact much?
    If you ever find him not overreacting or actually knowing what he's talking about, check outside to make sure it's not raining hellfire and brimstone.
  5. if you have the Celestial pieces, you already have them :3
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    As much as I understand the feelings of players who subscriptions lapsed etc. I can't see the point of having a Loyalty Reward if the items are then made available to all.
    Simple answer: $

    They'd sell the pet separately and put everything else in a pack sans the badge.

    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    So as a loyal VIP subscriber, I'm not really being rewarded as I could purchase the items later in a much less expensive way...hmmmm
    Cheaper if you didn't want to stay subbed for 4 months, but that's your prerogative. If you were gonna stay subbed anyways, the "less expensive" part doesn't matter.
  7. I miss having a larger room...and a actual desk T_T I swear I can't keep my area clutter free for more than a day...

  8. *scratches head* I suppose...
  9. Given that the minimum for point purchases is $5 for 400, I'm personally not seeing the effect of giving away 40 or so points opposed to those who want free game time or monetary reimbursement.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    My statement still stands
  11. read my edit, you're looking at it from an extreme perspective and my original comment is a "if" anyways.
  12. Free points would be the best way to go since it wouldn't really have a financial effect.

    While there is a price tag associated with the points, it's also something they're able to give away for free and shouldn't be treated as a equivalent to monetary loss for game time. Now, I'm not suggesting they give out a full 400, my personal suggestion would be 40-80 points.
  13. If any compensation is to be given, I prefer it to be in Paragon Points.

    Game on, my friends.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Did Cap just get shot in the junk?
    looked like it but the follow up showed it wasn't that
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
    <----- Check that name over there again.
    I don't really beta test either, but I do login to check out the power set and see the animations, cast time, etc...that's hardly hardcore.
  16. Mr. DJ

    RE: Gauntlet

    well then *sips diet coke*
  17. This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

    bah...I wanted to ask you something Z, but my brain decided to run after a shiny quarter...
  18. Mr. DJ

    RE: Gauntlet

    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Unless mids and City of Data are wrong, every brute has Taunt auras.
    I'm open to corrections, but if I'm not mistaken, Damage Auras aren't necessarily the same thing as Taunt Auras.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    and with that a tank softcaps at level 12 with do's. With only level 50 base io's a tank gets to 59.6% defense to all positions.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    Perhaps it's because I'm approaching Forcefields from a Mastermind perspective.

    I notice you mention 'focus on other powers' as a Mastermind with perhaps one direct attack, there is no other powers to focus on, I'm literally sitting there just waiting while the bots blow things up in relative safety with perhaps the occasional aid other or repair if someone gets a lucky hit.

    Heck I could cast bubbles and toggle up, go for a smoke, come back and still be just fine.

    Perhaps it isn't Forcefields as whole that needs a boost but Forcefields for Masterminds that needs something especially since Mastermind attacks are just not worth taking in set leading to an overall incredibly safe but boring experience.

    Plus the most common response to the question "Bots/Forcefield or Bots/Traps?" most people will respond "Bots/Traps."
    Making Mastermind primary attacks worthwhile would be lovely. Hell, give them the ranged mod from Doms (.95) and then give them the melee mod from Khelds (.85)