Mr Egg

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  1. I've never posted in a "Leaving the Forums " thread..........well now i have.
  2. We are lucky that strong and pretty resides only in the Rogue Isles cause i don't think paragon city can handle the STRONG AND PRETTY ........yet .
  3. ah now i have a better understanding of how the Statesmen in the LRSF works, thx a bunch .
  4. I've fought Statesmen atleast a dozen times at the end of the RSF ,I was curious how his tier 9 works . Does it only activate when his Hp drops to a certain level ?

    The reason im asking is i was on an RSF a while back and when he popped his tier 9 we had a hard time dropping him so his Hp was fluctuating alot and one teammate clocked his tier 9 popping again after only a 60sec cooldown .
  5. Freedom Chat Channel

    Heroside Market (since the market is currently down ,ppl can use this channel to buy and sell tradeable items .)
  6. Generally what i do is use SO's at lvl 22 up until i hit lvl 32 . Then from there ill will slot lvl 35 common IO's and use those till i hit lvl 47. If im planning on using lvl 40 set bonuses ill start slotting those at lvl 40 then finish on the rest of the sets at lvl 47 -50.
  7. I would very much like to see Conserve Power or Physical Perfection added to one of the patrons. Brutes are every bit as end heavy as tanks and i don't think it would be too much to ask for that kind of change.
  8. I swear i've never laughed so hard in my life.I rarely reply on the boards ,but i had to for this. Furthermore im so happy that Fire Kin Master didn't hold back in sharing his views (if we can even call it that ) on what he consider's the best of the best fire/kin builds .
  9. I understand alot of people's complaints about Energy Melee changes that have happened in the past and yes it's not what it use to be but it isn't an underpowered set either imo.

    Recently i took my lvl 50 em/sr brute to RWZ and decided to solo a pylon . The results were impressive atleast imo. It took me about 10mins to defeat it and switching between attacks was not as smooth as it use to be but that didn't hamper my dps in anyway. What did hamper it a little bit was only when Practiced Brawler had recharged or when the Pylon hit me and i was forced to use aidself . Also just to note i didn't use any insp,clicky accolades,temps,shivans.

    Yes the big hitters take a bit of time to animate but it's worth it considering the amount of damage it does.

    P.S. Oh and yes i'm one of those crazy people that uses whirling hands not just for dmg but also for midigation
  10. I wonder if a dev could chime in on my question as to wether they have decided to increase the defense debuff resistances to EA?
  11. I believe Barabeast that the reason ppl are getting upset is cause they enjoy this game and they want to be excited about the new issue. Of course how can ppl be excited about the new issue if the devs wont even tell us anything .

    P.S i personally dont like there marketing department at all .
  12. Mr Egg

    Issue 13 Update

    I really hate myself for saying this, but when im told by a dev that you have to wait however much longer without any relative reason why really urks me .

    It's unfortunate your post doesnt actually tell the players anything except " trust us ,its comming " and by reading all the posts on this thread tells me that alot of players trust in the dev's is shaken. I want to be excited about the new issue but how can i if i barely know whats in it .

    I hate putting up such a negative post ,but its how i feel about this topic
  13. Mr Egg

    Issue 13 Update

    It's nice that someone from the dev team has finally given us some kind of update about the new issue .

    I'm so over the hype of this new issue that you may take as long as you like to finish it.
  14. personally i would just like to see the defense numbers for Kinetic Shield increased by 2 or 3 %as well as Dampening Field by 8.3%. Also add a bonus to defense 1 or 2%(all but psionics) to Entropy Shield to help round out the over all def of the set.
    I believe these idea's are reasonable cause i dont see them changing what the core powers of the set do and i cant see much time being spent to make the changes, as well as it doesnt make the set overpowered.