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  1. Atlas looks much better, beautiful work. Perhaps though after the work that has been the DA redux we could turn our attention back to Steel Canyon for a comprehensive street-plan redesign?, get some of that Times Square ambience going on that has been requested for so long?.

    Please do an audio sweep as well and replace some of the ageing jangly guitar-riffs.

  2. Mothers_Love

    Last night...

    Thankyou for the warm welcome Union, and thanks to both the MoonFire Tf and Underground trial teams. I had a great time!.

    Subbed to try out the new content - spent a little more at the market than i was anticipating! - and it was great to see some familiar old-timers.

    See you on-duty!.

  3. One enjoyed this spiffing zoetrope picture show, excellent work ladies and gentlemen.
  4. Is there a thread of screenshots anywhere gentlemen?.

  5. Hi Tunnel Rat,

    I'm afraid my question to you got missed amid the rapid-fire Ustream™ chat, so I figured I'd try my luck here.

    Would there be any chance of redoing the enviromental effects in Dark Astoria and giving it proper volumetric fog that you can wade into and that varies in (drifting?) clouds of density?.
    We really need to get our spook on in Dark Astoria and make it the creepiest place in-game, volumetric fog along with stuttering / blinking faulty neon signs, crows, and zombies that drop body parts (or chunks of meat) as they approach you.

    On the theme of volumetric particle clouds as well, I'd love to see light clouds to fly through at skyscraper height and improved texture skyscapes.
    0:35 - 0:48.
  6. Mothers_Love


    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I figure it's going to dive 50% next week. And I'd like to see a sequal
    Kevin Feige has said in an interview that both Thor and Captain America have been greenlit for sequels. In fact they were so confident of the success they were actually given the go-ahead before the first films were released. He has said he sees both of those franchises spawning multiple films as seperate franchises outside the framework of The Avengers™.

    Black Panther's Wakanda is referenced in Iron Man 2 and twice now Feige has said that Dr.Strange is up for the live action treatment, only this time he said the Dr.Strange film would aim to portray magic as mysticism magic, not the Thor route of Technology so advanced it looks like magic.
  7. Mothers_Love


    ...Oh, and I forget to mention; Best Stan Lee cameo ever.

    "Did it work?"

    ^^ (yeah thats a spoilery link btw, don't click if you haven't seen it).
  8. Wow, the Guardians have really got their grump on!™ - could they look anymore stern?.
  9. Mothers_Love


    Notice the blue glow to the Tesseract Cosmic cube, (seen here in this extremely spoilery Thor end credit Easter egg) - notice here how the Hydra troops' weapons in Captain America have a blue glow to them? - coincidence? - me thinky nots.
  10. 45 mins. (probably of which 40 was programme).

    You guys watching on the new global iplayer? (with ads for U.S viewers).

    Interesting they got Lilly Cole as a Mermaid. I expect she was eager to do it because of her birthplace and family upbringing.
    I bet her father could of spun her a yarn or two re: mermaid lore.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't step above anything - I fly

    That's how I reach such a great heigh to look down on the cel-shaded subumans below me - but with pity and sadness, not hatred and contempt
    Oh for heavens sakes... you just don't give up do you!.
    (good to see some things haven't changed).


    A): personally I don't have outlines on... ever. No more cell-shaded than ToR (and we all know you'll be playing that!).

    b): You might want to look up what cell-shaded is over 'stylised realism' art style. For cell-shaded see Zelda.

    c): Theres a 't' in 'height' and an 'h' in 'sub-human'.

    d): Shoo! - SHOO!, scram!, go-on!,... SHOO !.
  12. In my opinion 3 Hours does seem a little silly.
    Why would you not want all of your subscribers to have the opportunity to attend and experience this?.

  13. Interesting!, thankyou, I'll check those out immediately.
  14. You step above your station sweetheart, your pity is neither needed nor warranted.
    For everyone of us that stands with a foot in both worlds, we're happy... and thats all that matters.

  15. Having been away for quite a few months, anything happening with implementing some of these suggested ideas?.
    This thread is a goldmine of great ideas and I don't see much feedback of it (if any) potentially being worked into updating the ageing cityscapes.

    Any dev comments?
  16. Mothers_Love


    Thorougly enjoyed it. Right up there with Iron Man and Spiderman II as my favourite Marvel movies.

    And yes, see it in glorious 2D-o-vision, the colour caste and sharpness seen in the print is universally coming back in reviews as being better than the 3D version which reduces all of Asgards high contrast gold scenic decor to a blurry mess.

    The redemption and subsequent destroyer fight was epic, and way too short in my opinion, but it really gave you a sense of Thors power. Can't wait for the Blu-ray release which I hope will be around Christmas.
  17. *American accent

    Happy Mom's day Moms.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    You're going to have to wear the cel-shaded stone of shame for quite a while
    I happen to enjoy 'the other place'™ as well Golden Girl.
    *Tsk tsk, such hatred.. so unbecoming of a veteran.

  19. Who could resist a new influx of little ones?. Global servers eh? - Interesting!.
  20. A rather comprehensive Kevin Feige THOR™ Interview which goes into great detail about Thor, current Marvel movies and teases about a 2nd 2012 Marvel IP project and another in 2013 (all live-action).


    Tasty titbits teased include;
    • Thor’s costume is based on the Kirby/Simonson comics

    • The script for Thor called for about 50/50, maybe 60/40 Asgard to Earth (meaning a lot of the movie doesn’t take place on Earth)

    • J. Michael Straczynski’s work is their inspiration of the Earth-bound stuff, confirms Destroyer and that he “appears in a number of key scenes throughout the movie.” Also they aren’t straying too far from the comic.

    • The Frost Giants play a major role in Thor

    • Odin’s Vault is a big part of Thor and it also figures prominently into other Marvel movies. Feige says, “Odin’s vault which is where a number of the most dangerous relics of the nine realms are kept.” He went onto say, “There are a couple of key McGuffins kept in here which lead to the story of the movie and even the story of other movies.”
    “Iron Man is entirely about tech. Hulk starts the break open the idea of biological enhancement which clearly goes into Cap. This cracks into the cosmic and other worlds. Dr. Strange will eventually get into the supernatural.”
    Collider: "What’s the difference between the comic book look and the historically Nordic"
    Originally Posted by Kevin Feige
    The comic book wins, in most cases. We’re going with the theory in the comics which is there, in your face, and sometimes it isn’t, that these are being who live in another realm, who live on another planet, who had a way to travel to here and has traveled here in the past. Specifically, a thousand some odd years ago, in which the locals interpreted them as gods and started mimicking some of their clothing and some of their helmet and weapon designs. But they didn’t have access to the building materials that Asgardians did so they made it out of wood and horns and fur. That’s not a whole lot of this movie, but that’s a lot of the backstory that we’re coming from. Which is why Odin’s bed, there, for the Odin sleep, yes there’s sort of a Viking-esque [feel]. The head of the bed there, the Viking-esque longboat ends. But they weren’t inspired by the Vikings, the Vikings were inspired by them.
    Originally Posted by Producer: Craig Kyle
    Once you step inside the observatory, you basically tell Heimdall where you want to go. The sword Heimdall uses is not only used to defend Asgard, but it’s also the key to this device. We looked at Tony Stark and that movie, Iron Man had holograms and was stepping inside virtual worlds. Asgardians have kind of “been there, done that” when it comes to that kind of stuff. So for them to send you across the universe it’s as easy as turning a key. It’s why it’s a system of gears and wheels. It’s a machine. Their technology is only as sophisticated as it needs to be to do extraordinary things. Once you’ve said you’re going to go, the outside of this building begins to spin around, while the inside is stable and the rainbow bridge pumps energy inside this place. Then this major steeple that fills up the top here begins to lower and it points in the direction of the destination of the world you choose to go to. You step out on the edge and BOOM! You’re fired across the universe. You get the rainbow bridge when you arrive or leave Asgard, but when you want to get from this side of the universe to ours, you need to step through this gun that will fly you across the universe.
    Originally Posted by Kevin Feige
    There are opportunities to come. Our focus and my focus without a doubt is this – the road to The Avengers and launching/maintaining three new franchises. Right now we’re choosing the second 2012 project and the 2013 project. All live action. Hopefully some are sequels, some are new characters. As I have been talking about for almost a decade in my time at Marvel it’s about expanding the definition of what a comic book movie could be.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post face tentacles? invertabrate parts of any kind?

    ...sad squid is sad...

    I KNOW !...

    I thought that was rather shellfish of them.

    Nice doggystyle run!, Is the panting added sfx for the trailer?, or is it actually the live power's run sfx?.
  22. I liked the 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow™' influence in that last shot.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
    I have no idea what is Atlas park fanfare :/
    Perhaps I have to log in and turn game music on for some time.
    "Daah DAAAH daah daah... da-da-da daaaah.
    Daah DAAAH daah daah... da DA DA DAAAAH !

    Da-da !".

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz
    [*]Teaming with Mothers Love when ML was still levellin up.
    Careful old-timer, showing your age there Damz.