421 -
My main concern now is to immunize my mobs from holds / immobilizes and harden them enough that the minions will survive a blaster nuke.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why? Some special hatred for Controlers and Dominators? -
Oh I redid it with a friend of mine on test like a week ago, I like the fixes you put in ^.^
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks. I got a few more pieces of feedback on live the focused on things I was still slightly hesitant about. Combined with some good ideas over on the MA turn-offs thread I think I've got all the dialogue to hang together no matter how events proceed. I think its pretty much fully complete at this stage. Now I'm just waiting for the indexer to run so it shows up as about page 3-4 instead of page 38.
Wow. That is ... awesome.
And... Native American, you say? at some point we need to get all the tribal heroes together.
[/ QUOTE ]
And villians!! -
Taking Flight is published and running smoothly on Live (Arc# 1166). The 4th act is now available for folks who were kind enough to help with the testing
Thanks everyone!! -
Without mentioning $$s, Joeseph has always told me he wants his work to be the standard by which I decide whether or not to spend a large sum to commission a piece of art. It's worked. If prices get up to the level he charges, 9 times out of 10 I just end up taking my work to him because I know it will be a [u]fantastic value[u] for the price. I have nothing but good things to say about working with him. Specifically, I want to say he is amazingly diligent in researching the additional elements in a scene. You ask for character X, you get it done to perfection + fully grounded in the setting. I asked for a piece with Nike IX fighting Gunslingers, I got that and a full-blown Kronos Titan as part of the backdrop - something he went out and tracked down on his own from my passing mention of the Malta Group.
100% Top Notch
Grats. That is a MIGHTY piece. -
Arc Name: Taking Flight *click title to see poster*
Arc ID: 1166
Kord Industries is on the verge of a major breakthrough in hero enhancement as unknown attackers raid their officies and their revolutionary Nike Bio-Reactor. When a Kord employee acquires strange new powers during the attack, [u]only you[u] can show her what it means to be a hero!
Contact: Tony Kord (from Atlas Park)
Difficulty: Medium. Tested for both Solo and Group play.
Play Time: ~1 hour.
**Not safe for solo Kheldians**
[u]Comments on Taking Flight from testing[u]~
"Best of all, I never felt the story wasn't about me...that's tough to do in an origin arc and you pulled it off spectacularly." -Backfire
"...I'm also going to have to go through and mix things up a bit in my own arc now. Very inspiring." - MikoReimu
"WOW. OK that's a really sweet arc. There's tension, there's a cute heroine, there's nasty bad guys in it... and of course, a handsome financier who... might be somebody's love interest..." -Soul_Train
Coments and Critique Welcome!
Feedback Thread Link -
Using clues or even souvenirs of one arc to point to or promote another one. Having a boss from the arc make cameo appearance may help justify an otherwise tenuous connection.
*chuckle* I may be barely adequate at image clean-up and painting, but I just got a profound lesson in how much more there is to learn about using photoshop to aply text to an image
Anyway, my first attempt at a promotional poster
Taking Flight! -
One of the great mysteries of our time is how Invincibelle has managed to not take a trip there yet
A LOT of arcs were broken by the patch. If you had any returns in a character description its toast. A lot of maps broke loose too.
Nice, straightforward design. I'm impressed at the atmosphere in the piece given the fairly low contrast in light values. That's some good work.
Honestly, everyone I've played it with or listened to as they were running it has provided good critiques and valuable feedback. I think I've gotten rid of all the typos now and tightened up the scripts to where they are fairly reliable (there are still spawning oddities on the first map, but they seem to be global problems with the MA, not something I'm specifically doing wrong). I've had all hero archetypes run through it now, singly or in pairs, and it seems to be balanced pretty well for everybody (except Khelds who are specifically warned on the packaging). I'd love to get a bigger group together to try it out at some point
. I'm even looking into commissioning art for the arc to use for promotion once things go live.
Yes, try it again. You'll like it.
Both of those are nice work
*gets the commission itch* -
Aha! I can cut and paste the text from the mission editor into a word processor and spell check it there. Found a couple of errors almost immediately. That should help considerably in the clean up process
Thanks for trying it out! One tester commented in the final scene "Hmm, we apparently haven't done enough damage to this state-of-the-art facility. Lets break somemore!" So I can see how a villian might find the arc pretty amusing
That first map does a couple of buggy things. The prisoner spawns are odd, but hopefully they'll get that fixed (shortly) after it goes live.
I'll keep sweeping for typos, but its hard to proofread your own writing.
Wow. That really, really turned out AWESOME!
Those fire effects could scortch my screen. And yet I cannot look away. -
Nobody but an art-y would get it, but it made me laugh really hard
I'm avoiding all the Issue 14 hype until it goes live, but I know I simply must play this arc. I'm such a Nike IX fangirl.
Glad you are letting us experience her story!
[/ QUOTE ]
I can totally see 'Shrike in the lead role for this arc. I want to be sure that the player is still the star of the show. Fledgling heroes need someone to show them the way!
It's shaking out pretty well now. Lots to do and see. I recommend getting the allies lost once each mission just to see what they do...
With the mythology reference in the name, most people miss that she has a Science origin. -
Something went wonky in the editor and I had to republish my arc. Soul, if you get a chance, would you please run it again? I think I've fixed the problems you mentioned
. Cleaner exposition, tighter script, fewer typos.
(shooting for that 'live 5-star worthy' rating!)
I like it a lot. But I do miss the shoulderpads. They were an important part of her silhouette.