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  1. The gladiator shoulders have also been replaced with a different gladiator shoulder. I hope we get a choice rather than enforced swap.

    It also looks like you can put pants under a skirt - which was blocked before IIRC.
  2. I just want to share a little 'sqeeeeee!' that the test server allows 'sleek tights' options for gloves and boots!

    At last!!!!!
  3. Sleek tights for gloves and boots!! All other new options pale in comparison to finally getting these oversights corrected!
  4. Amusingly, I have a character named Mithril. I use a combination of the metalic body parts and the psych pattern with modestly contrasting greys to create a nice 'Damascus Steel' effect that I thought gave good 'Mithril' feel .

    Like this
    Closer look
    Extra shiney with Invulnerability
    Back side
  5. Somebody has CAAAAAAKE!

    Happy birthday .
  6. Go here. He's fast, affordable, and frequently utterly brilliant.
  7. Morgenstern

    The Gray Gallery

    Neat. The 2 new Rhardo ones are a bit of a departure form his ussual work. Good to see him branching out and nice pieces all around .
  8. I went and saw it at a cheap showing the first morning. I liked it quite a bit. Its not a classic summer blockbuster - there's no saving the world involved. Instead it's quite personal and almost startlingly intimate. Given how most comic book movies go, I'm sure that threw a lot of folks with mismatched expectations. In my case is was clearly deeply influenced by the one and only Wolverine comic I really really liked (issue #10 or so? His birthday in Madirpoor with Sabertooth in town?)

    I also liked the Daredevil movie quite a bit. It's not always necessary to do an origin movie - that Daredevil was a well estalished veteran and quite comfortable with his own quirks and damage. While Spidey 2 is probably my favorite of this generation of comic movies (narrowly beating Batman Begins), Daredevil remains highly watchable for me.
  9. No one? Ever? Nobody has 'weaseled out' even once? :P

    Good stuff. Taclobanon has always been fun to watch.
  10. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    Just in time for Spring, Images by Alex delivers Nike making 'Grass Angels' with her bio-energy powers . It happens sometimes on those drowsey May afternoons.
  11. After a brief period of the arc being shut down (I dared to use Prisoners ), Taking Flight (#1166) is open to the public again with new bosses, fresh clues, and cleaner event chains to give the bad guys their due. Is it a Nemesis Polt? Is it a Nictus Scheme? Is it the unstopable power of peanut butter AND chocolate? You decide!
  12. Morgenstern

    New Nike IX Art

    Thanks Gata .

    I've been lax in updating my gallery, so I'll be putting up a few over the next couple of days.

    This just in from Jamilyn over at DA. Somebody is about to get a face full of Rad/Rad .

    This is an earlier piece Jamilyn did for me. The pencils really work with her color scheme.

    (and for those who enjoy such things, this is my latest attempt to make the costume editor give me what I want with a little hand editing of the costume files )
  13. That's some nice stuff .

    I keep Nike IX's style sheet, headshot, and examples here. I'd love to see your take .
  14. I always wanted a Werewolf set, with the MM getting 2 claw attacks and a howl (sonic) attack. Pretty much all the assets are already in place .
  15. The fur trim shoulder piece could stand to be available on many, many more tops (tops with skin in particular).

    Not a lot I'll be using right now, but good to have the tools in the shed if I get inspired later.

    So, when's the next pack coming so I can can give you guys another 10 bucks?
  16. While I've been making small refinements to the storyline and dialogue since it went live, I'd be happy to be allowed to compete based on an earlier version if the Prisoners aren't available again before the deadline - thank you .
  17. I'm looking forward to entering, but my arc is currently invalid (they closed off the use of Zigursky Prisoners for the moment). If it becomes valid again befor ethe deadline I'll post it here .
  18. Morgenstern


    Yes, but are you old AND wretched yet?
  19. I used it in my arc because it fits the environment I wanted AND it has a nice, crisply defined -front- event slot.

    Keep in mind there are actually two version of that map with different event anchors. People may have been shooting for different effects with it.
  20. None of the above. My current theory is it indexes when the server goes down that established what page each arc should be on. Then while the server is up it sorts each page by the current number of votes. It does alphabetize ties on the same page. Next tie the server goes down, all the high number of vote arcs promote towards the front and then beging to drift based on most current numbers.

    More to it than that, but that fits a lot of the observed behavior. Sprincle in people's arcs getting pulled for errors and you see some really weird juggling.
  21. Morgenstern

    Arc Reviews

    Thoughtful and interestng reviews. I look forward to reading more.
  22. I was able to manage a costume change, sorta. It happens off screen of course, but if you have a really good grip on where the spawn points are on a map you can fake it .

    The council guys don't actually costume change - they fire off a power that kills themselves and summons another mob on that spot (which is why the life bar 'resets'). The Redcaps have that trick, while the Malta Group Hercules and some of the shadow shard critters have a version where two of them combine". The customer critter generator is going to have to become MUCH more sophisticated before we're gonna be able to tap into such behaviors.
  23. You might be better served by asking people to send you requests by Private Message so the thread can focus on the reviews (which otherwilse are gonna be heavily outnumbered by the requests ).