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  1. Didn't they use to do this, back before vet rewards? Then they took em out?
  2. There are a number of unique maps that aren't available for MA use, due to weird spawns or requiring heavy scripting on the part of the dev team to use. This map is one of them. Other examples are the Abyss map in LGTF, and all of the outdoor Shadow Shard maps.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Pffff lol.

    Saw an npc in the AE building in Talos say something straight from pinky and the brain, today, "but where are we going to get leather pants in our size?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I saw Wretch hanging out in the St. Martial Studio B the other day.
  4. I read Girl Genius pretty religiously. Contemplating picking up a Trilobyte pin from them.
  5. I think I'm pretty much the only person out there that actually uses the email system. Mainly as a personal note-keeping system, but that's beside the point.
  6. I think about 3 out of every 4 attacks missed for me...
  7. Oooh, I can bring my blaster! Barely! Name of Sub-station, lvl 40.
  8. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Dom Snipes

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Nice for building domination in pvp.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What exactly does domination do in pvp now?

    (I know the answer, but I'm curious what others think)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It triggers PvP related nerdrage and ragequitting.
  9. Morac_Ex_Machina


    [ QUOTE ]
    some reds are blues, are some reds blues?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    A nice idea, but too many spoilers. And, unfortunately, if people can leave public comments, it unleashes a whole other can of worms.

    Besides, you can quickly start an arc and bail out if you don't like it.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    However, at the very least they need to use something more permanent than the 'tell' system. Dump it to email maybe?
  11. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Weenie Weenie

    [ QUOTE ]
    So, the Rogue Isles is on the American Dollar?

    And to the Weenies come with sauerkraut and nutri-paste?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dollar sign does not imply America, last I checked.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    it turned into a "don't have ANY dreams kid, 'cause the kewl people will think you're stupid" situation.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If you're so weak someone saying "no" to your post causes you to burst into tears, the internet is the wrong place to be.

    That's like running into a burning house after taking a shower in gasoline.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Really? But gasoline is so good for my skin!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and look: GuildWars doesn't have a monthly fee either!

    And that one's published by NCSoft as well!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Too bad they charge you $60 for an expansion every six months, eh?
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why not?
  15. I would personally prefer Heroes and Villains to be in conflict over the Shard, in a way that has a lot more depth than the standard PvP zones. You could probably do this even without actually having a PvP zone, but a secondary PvP zone would push the idea better. There is a lot of Hero/Villain co-op, which gets used way more than the Hero/Villain PvP, leading to the overall feeling that Heroes and Villains spend more time working together than actively opposing each other. The Shadow Shard would be an excellent place to stage this, as it already has a story of its own, and a story is really what is needed to make a hero/villain conflict interesting (I would also argue that the current PvP zones each have a theme and a setting, but no ongoing story to go with it).
  16. The lack of replies is probably due to the aforementioned large amount of times it has been suggested.

    ... personally, I think they need to redo it to get villains involved. Possibly with PvP.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    900 month? Exactly how many 80+ year olds do you think are going to be playing?

    I can see the BRB messages right now.

    *BRB! Teeth popped out!*
    *BRB! Just filled my Depends!*
    *BRB! Stroke!*

    *BRB! A skeleton with a scythe just showed up on my doorstep!*
    "Guys! I vote we just go on without him!"

    "You were away for three hours!"
    "I hadda go to the bathroom!"
    "How far away is your bathroom?"
    "About 10 feet."
    "And it took you three hours?"
    "I'm 85!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I should be over 90% machine by that point, so I think I'll be ok.
  18. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Double Exp.??

    I have a feeling they aren't going to announce it until they sort out everything with the MA. It is possible (based upon no ones opinion but my own) that they want to set it up so MA content is not subject to double xp, but that would take work to implement, and may take time (due to lower priority). Keep in mind this is all speculation on my part.
  19. Oh, and our Villain Group could use some coalition buddies if anyone is interested...
  20. What is the 1st Mechanized Infantry?

    The 1st Mechanized Infantry is a multi-gaming guild/clan/supergroup/bunch-a-dudes-and-dudettes. We got our start in Auto Assault beta, in March of 2005. Since then we have expanded to a number of different games, such as LotRO, WAR, EvE, EQ2 and many others. We also have our fingers in a number of beta-pies, such as Fallen Earth, Star Trek Online, Jumpgate: Evolution, and Huxley. We are not limited to MMOs, either. Primarily, the 1stMI is a place for people to gather and hang out, share stories, discuss news, and just have fun.

    What does the 1stMI have in-game?

    There are two 1stMI in-game SGs on Freedom, one for hero side (called 1stMI) and one for villain side (called 1st Mechanized Infantry). Both bases are fully kitted out with all of the teleporter's and a large amount of storage, with the hero base having been designed by our very own City Scoop featured base designer, Seigi no Akuma, and the villain side base having been designed by yours truly.

    We also have a Global Chat Channel, 1stMI, which no one uses that much but is still a good way to contact us.

    What does the 1stMI have out of game?

    We have official forums at, as well as a Ventrilo server for members.

    What does 1stMI require of me as a member?

    Not a lot. You do not have to be a member of the clan to be a member of the SG, but it is required for promotions. Membership in the clan requires only the occasional post on our official forums as well as agreeing to our Code of Conduct (which basically sums up to "Don't be a [censored]", and which we only enforce if someone is really out of line).

    The in-game SGs are fairly set as far as prestige and badges go. If you want to be in SG mode, you can be, but we do not require it or promote/demote based on prestige earned.

    What does the 1stMI do in-game?

    A little bit of everything, really. There are some of us that PvP, some of us that farm, some that run lots of TFs/SFs. There is nothing you "must" do to be a member, and nothing that we prevent you from doing (other than things that break the EULA, obviously). What we do is have fun!

    Where can I go for more information?

    Our official forums are here.
    Our City of Heroes/Villains subforum is here.
    Our in-game chat channel is 1stMI.
    And finally, you can contact either me or the other two leaders at @morac, @Retratserif, and @Seigi no Akuma
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    BTW - Happy Birthday Morac!

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    Please add Hatake Kasumi (Widow, should be 50 by then; 49.3 right now >.&gt to the list. Thanks!

    Oh, and Happy Birthday Morac!

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    Thanks guys