664 -
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. -
Cookies and kitten bombs.
Seriously though, wasn't that the whole point of the hippie movement? -
I think a better wording would be "initiation of violence doesn't make you an anarchist."
Quote:You managed to infer an aweful lot about my views on MMs and stamina from that little tidbit, didn't you.Mind you, I didn't say they need Stamina, and I have a level 50 Mercs/Traps Mastermind who runs all three Leadership toggles to prove it
He doesn't use Stamina or Inventions, and he still does just fine. It can be done with proper planning and care, and it's not actually all that hard. I'm just saying that they're not an AT which inherently gets a free pass on endurance use. They actually use quite a lot when it comes down to that.
I just think that MMs (as well as sets with some form of fairly constant end gain) are closer to where Stamina use should be... still nice to have, but not 100% required.
I have 3 MMs, by the way, and I think they all have stamina, but with all of them it went into my build a good 10 levels later than most others, and I never felt that I absolutely needed it. -
If you want to shoe-horn everyone in the Rogue Isles in "evil", I guess that makes sense.
Probably would have made the retcon too obvious/jarring if they re-named them. Though they are kinda dropping the name Tyrant and going more with Emporer Cole.
Yep. I am certainly looking forward to new costume pieces.
The only thing on there that's really an "essential gameplay mechanic" is enhancements, and only because the game is developed with SO level performance being "par". The rest can all be done without. (Though I will admit the amount of people that go without travel powers is very small).
Combination of misreading and me being unclear. I was saying that the OPs armour didn't look like the enforcer armour, and then I posted a picture of the enforcer armour as a quick comparison reference.
The OP's armour has a whole 'X' thing going on over top of the plates that the Enforcer set doesn't have.
Quote:Is the enforcer different in the Armour Tab as opposed to the Tight tab? 'cus I just checked ParagonWiki, and this doesn't look like Enforcer.I swear I've seen that before in the options and named, now I'll have to go and look.
Yup, I just looked it up. It's the Enforcer armor set.
I'd post screen shots, but for some reason, I can no longer get screen shots from the character creator ever since I upgraded to Windows 7. When I try to hit Printscreen and then paste it into Paint, I just get a big black field. Printscreen still puts a screenshot into the CoH when I'm ingame though. So strange.
I'd say Scirroco is either on the Neutral side of Neutral Evil, or the evil side of True Neutral, depending on who is writing him.
Actually, the more I think about it, True Neutral makes more sense. -
Last I checked there were 14 ATs...
Yep. If I ever get enough people together to play some D&D, and that D&D happens to be 4E, old alignment system is the first house rule I shall enforce, DM or not.
I thought they called the organized crime The Syndicate?
Is it bad that I laughed uprouriously at such a terrible pun?
Quote:Wait... that's not utilitarianism. Utilitarianism defines what the greater good is as whatever has the least human cost. That is very different from having an abstract view of the greater good, then sacrificing people to enforce it.Cole's empire strikes me as Lawful Neutral, as described here. It seems to be purely utilitarian - they seek to impose what they perceive to be the greater good no matter what the human cost.
Wow. The pain you have endured for our benefit is impressive, Frecks.
SuperiorBlingzors: If you go back and read the original topic, he was asking for ways as a player to make the game more interesting for himself, not for a list of things the devs should do. There's an entire "Suggestion" forum for the purpose of suggesting ideas to the devs.