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  1. Lore.

    The following is the list of lore pets, from Beta. It is pretty comprehensive, but of course there is always gonna be ‘some’ mob types that people would have wanted to have. So I am not going to suggest more..merely..

    I like MMs. I like how they work, aside from Ai going pants on head. It is unique, and while letting everyone HAVE pets is ok..I don’t think they should have been quite as good, or controllable, as they were.

    For a start, it is always a Boss/Lt pet combo, no minions, like MMs. They get great all round def and res, on top of what we can give em, and they do HUGE damage compared to MM pets.

    I can’t really be bothered to find out facts regarding their damage (other than SEEING them shred everything in game), so I won’t. I will just say..they should be a bit LESS damage than the currently were doing, and have their controls removed and placed on Defensive only, like Control set pets. It is meant to be a reluctant ally, summoned from past defeats..yet we can give it more orders than the personal pet other ATs use? Na uh.

    Going to list the ones we have, with the New, Beta only powers at the end. Oh wait, no. I’ll just do it in game order to be lazy.

    Arachnos. Core/Toxic Tart, Bane Spider. Radial/Toxic Tart, Fortunata
    Banished Pantheon. Core/Ravager, Banespawn. Radial/Ravager, Defiler
    Carnival. Core/Dark Ring Mistress, Strongman. Radial/Dark Ring Mistress, Seneschal
    Cimerorans. Core/Praefectus Castorum, Centurion. Radial/Praefectus Castorum, Immunes Surgeon
    Clockwork. Core/Dismantler, Builder. Radial/ Dismantler, Mender
    IDF. Core/ Commander, Elite Ranger. Radial/Commander, Battle Orb
    Knives of Vengeance. Core/ Assassin, Tempest. Radial/ Assassin, Guardian
    Longbow. Core/Cataphract, Nullifier. Radial/Cataphract, Warden
    Nemesis. Core/War Hulk, Colonel. Radial/war Hulk, Lancer Surgeon
    Phantoms. Core/Spectre, Phantom. Radial/Spectre, Spirit
    Polar Lights. Core/Polaris, Australis. Radial/Polaris, Borealis
    Rikti. Core/Chief Mentalist, Headman. Radial/Chief Mentalist, Guardian
    Robotic Drones. Core/Assault, Laser. Radial/Assault, Shield
    Ruluruu. Core/Overseer, Bull Natterling. Radial/Overseer, Noble Brute.
    Seers. Core/Augur, Diviner. Radial/Augur, Seeker
    Storm Elementals. Info on Beta was wrong I think.
    Talons of Vengeance. Core/Diviner, Harpy. Radial/Diviner, Siren
    Tsoo. Core/Ancestral Guardian, Ancestor Spirit. Radial/Ancestral Guardian, Sorcerer
    Vanguard. Core/Sorcerer, Sergeant. Radial/Sorcerer, Magician
    Warworks. Core/Victoria, ACU. Radial/Victoria, Battle Orb
  2. Interface.

    What we have, now.

    Cognitive. Core/Confuse, Psi dot. Radial/Psi dot, confuse
    Degenerative. Core/-Hp, Tox dot. Radial/Tox dot, -hp
    Diamagnetic. Core/ -Tohit, -Regen. Radial/-Regen, -Tohit
    Gravitic. Core/-Rech, -Speed, -Rec. Radial/-Rech, -Rec, -Special
    Paralytic. Core/-Def, -Dam. Radial/-Dam, -Def
    Preemptive. Core/End and rec drain, Eng dot. Radial/Eng dot, End and rec drain
    Reactive. Core/Res debuff, fire dot. Radial/Fire dot, Res debuff
    Spectral. Core/Immob, Neg dot. Radial/Neg dot, Immob

    Again, now to fix them. My main problem is how much obviously better the DoT types are. Damage IS best, and they do more than just damage.

    Diamagnetic. Core/ -Tohit, Neg dot. Radial/Neg dot, -Tohit
    What did I say about –to hit and negative?!

    Gravitic. Core/-Rech, -Speed, Cold dot. Radial/Cold dot, -Rech, -Special
    Again..cold dot, and slows. Seems logical right.

    Paralytic. Core/-Def, -Dam, Smash dot. Radial/Smash dot, -Dam,-Def
    If you are paralysed, something MUST be paralysing you..something holding you there, and doing Smashing damage.

    Spectral. Core/Immob, Lethal dot. Radial/Lethal dot, Immob
    Immobile, where trying to move makes it worse, with the binds cutting into you further. Cutting..lethal..sold.

    Leaving us with the final list..

    Cognitive. Core/Confuse, Psi dot. Radial/Psi dot, confuse
    Degenerative. Core/-Hp, Tox dot. Radial/Tox dot, -hp
    Diamagnetic. Core/ -Tohit, Neg dot. Radial/Neg dot, -Tohit
    Gravitic. Core/-Rech,-Speed, Cold dot. Radial/Cold dot, -Rech,-Special
    Paralytic. Core/-Def, -Dam, Smash dot. Radial/Smash dot, -Dam,-Def
    Preemptive. Core/End and rec drain, Eng dot. Radial/Eng dot, End and rec drain
    Reactive. Core/Res debuff, fire dot. Radial/Fire dot, Res debuff
    Spectral. Core/Immob, Lethal dot. Radial/Lethal dot, Immob
  3. Judgment.

    Not much to say here, I like blowing **** up as much as the next person. That said, we DO need more of them, especially with the new Lore and Int powers. So I will give us more, powered by my Word Doc. Oh and..I’d make a change where ALL Alpha slot power attributes work on J Abilities, but only to a 20% max.

    So having a Musc would buff them by 20% only..but having an Agility would lift the recharge by 20% too.

    Cryonic. Cold Cone. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Hold, slow
    Ion. Energy Chain. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Hold, recovery debuff
    Pyronic. Fire Targeted Aoe. Core/Extra dam dot. Radial/Stun, radius
    Void. Negative Pbaoe. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Damage debuff
    Vorpal. Smashing large cone. Core/Bonus smashing dot. Radial/+Defense, max targets

    That is the current version. Obviously the ‘stat’ listed first is the bigger one. We all know how they work. Now to add and fix them.

    Vorpal. Lethal large cone. Core/Bonus lethal dot. Radial/+Defense, max targets
    Vorpal sword guys..sword..sharp..lethal. Seriously. It does not smash.

    Void. Negative Pbaoe. Core/Extra dam. Radial/To Hit debuff
    Negative is a –dam effect? Since when? Its –to hit everywhere else.

    Ion. Energy Chain. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Sleep, recovery debuff
    No holding..we already have that. Make the Sleep a high make, with a ‘writing’ effect. Also, the power would NO longer be autohit vs every target. First target = auto hit (not in pvp) with each jump being able to miss.

    Pyronic. Fire Targeted Aoe. Core/Extra dam dot. Radial/-Res, radius
    Fire is paired with –Res in other iPowers..do the same here.

    Quaker. Smashing short range aoe. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Repeat knockdown.
    A smashing ground pound, like a Hulk attack. Radial would have multiple chances for knockdown.

    Psionic. Psionic pet. Core/Psi dot. Radial/Wider range, Stun
    A pseudo pet Judgment, with the pet basically being an Uber Tornado, with targets being flagged as ‘Hit’ after taking damage, and unable to be hit again.

    Acidic. Toxic Targeted drop aoe. Core/Toxic dot. Radial/-Def, Minor fear
    Picture Sleet, but a much bigger area, with huge toxic damage, -def, and targets getting scared.

    Giving us the following..

    Cryonic. Cold Cone. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Hold, slow
    Ion. Energy Chain. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Sleep, recovery debuff
    Pyronic. Fire Targeted Aoe. Core/Extra dam dot. Radial/-Res, radius
    Void. Negative Pbaoe. Core/Extra dam. Radial/To Hit debuff
    Vorpal. Lethal large cone. Core/Bonus lethal dot. Radial/+Defense, max targets
    Acidic. Toxic Targeted drop aoe. Core/Toxic dot. Radial/-Def, Minor fear
    Psionic. Psionic pet. Core/Psi dot. Radial/Wider range, Stun
    Quaker. Smashing short range aoe. Core/Extra dam. Radial/Repeat knockdown.
  4. iXP Types.

    Oh, minor detail. Regarding the types of iXp we have or might have gotten. So far it is Physical and Psychic for the first four slots, with Hybrid getting its own really super imaginatively titled..Hybrid Xp.

    Now because I have no idea whatsoever of what trials were coming..I am going to magically change that.

    So..Judgment and Lore....Normal Physical iXp
    Interface and Destiny....Normal Psychic iXp
    Hybrid and Mind....Advanced Physical iXp
    Genesis and Vitae....Advanced Psychic iXp

    There..problem solved! The later slots would simply need ‘more’ of that type of xp, so Lore would need twice the Phys xp of Judge etc etc. This removes the need to farm Magi just for ONE slot (well, perhaps and for Mind, when we got it).

    The first Battalion Trial (which is mentioned in the Loregasm, as players stopping an invasion in the shard (why stop it?? Let the aliens have it, and DrQ)) would cover iXp for Genesis, with two additional trails, a straight up slogathon with the Batty for trial2, and an aggressive nuke the bastards trial for number 3, covering Mind and Vitae respectively.

    Then Omega would be unlocked in the Final Battalion trial only, which WOULD be fitting (in a way that one trial for ‘only’ an Incarnate slot was not very fair, aka..Hybrid). Call it..Omega iXp! (Wow, I am so creative)
  5. TL : DR..we become AWESOME

    (If you just feel like seeing my version of the powers, skip ahead. I am going to ramble)

    Well, explained, according to me. Wait, no, not explained as such. Finished. The explanation for getting Incarnate powers is somewhat covered in game and lore, while the powers themselves are just acquired.

    I mean....we get a Judgement, big damage aoe, but ‘why’? Other than ‘Oh, it is the first incarnate power and people like big bangs’ there is not much background. Perhaps the Lore set makes the most..sense, in that we are capturing and using defeated enemies from past fights. But when did we get to practice with a crystal ball (the power icon for Destiny) and suddenly get these huge team wide buffs?

    Not sure.

    But..I am getting off topic. The above, HOW and why we got said power, isn’t really my ‘job’. My job here, as giving to me, by me (hmmm, best make it good, firing myself would suck) is to finish off the Incarnate Tree of powers!

    Why? Because I want to, and because, sadly, we will never get to see it in game.

    The system itself..Incarnates..I think it was good. Good for us, and for the game. The most common complaint was that it was :
    Too grindy.
    Too Raid-y.
    Too Team Centric.

    While all the above are true to varying degrees, they were all work around able, again, to various degrees. The grindy element could easily have been ‘removed’ IF we somehow got 4 trials right at the beginning, for more variety. Of course, if that happened, it would have taken 6 months longer to come out. So..maybe it would not have been easy. What the system DID do well (I think), was avoid the ‘Oh look, the level cap went up by X, all my purples are shite now’ type of problem. In that regard..it really was good.

    That said, I DO think the time just after we got Alpha, was the ‘best’ period of time I have seen for CoX, since I began to play. So much teaming, tfs, zones full, farming almost forgotten...a happier time.

    The five other iSlots we got are all fun and interesting and largely effective. Also a change for ALL builds to get some super doper powers, without needing to give up old, much loved alts, in favour of the new shiny (and costly) power sets.
    Ok, I think I have blabbered enough. Basically..I like the system, I would dearly love to have seen it completed, and CoX full to the brim of super powered, utterly haxzor characters. Since it won’t happen, I want to see how the system could have ended, even if it is only how it ends, in my head.

    So I am going to write up how the last Slots could/would/should have come to us. According to me of course. When, and do have one, I will try to explain my own reasoning behind a power or effect. And if I can’t..it will be SO. Just cause.

    First I will quickly skim over all the Powers we have now, and how I would have changed some of them.
  6. Doing Number 6's arc on my Blaster.

    I killed Reese by accident is mission 3..I was going to save him at the end. Opps!

    Did all the easter egg info clicks..Dimensional Investigator badge.

    Choose to take the IDF's help at the end, vs the 3 EBs.
    Neat..4 lvl 54 bosses come to help..along WITh the 3 generals from the second mission, assuming you rescue them!

    Hmm as I started fighting..saw this..
    [Caption] This is Metronome, I am in Anti-Matter's space station. I will provide the support to take these creatures down!

    Not sure if that popped up the last time (without the idf guys helping) or what.

    28% Hybrid, running on +4/2. Which is +1 with 3 lvl shifts. Thats with the bonus for the info clickies and the 3 avatars.
  7. MisterD


    Gah that really sucks.

    Even more so cause its just a ***** tease.

    I was playing with the bits on Beta..I posted some shots if you want a look.
  8. Back to BodySuits.

    Theres the usual chest, legs, feet/boots and lower arms bits. No belt. Or head stuff. The detail and creases etc, around joints is super detailed and cool, like at the thighs, knees etc.

    White and grey suit is with all 'Padded' options. (Gives an extra padded color scheme to highlight the pads in teh alt color)And the cybertech metal dreads, with some random glasses, and a Cosmic Corsair face bit.

    All white is the 'Matte' options. No further coloring then. The muscle detail is really nice. The only odd bits are teh boots, and the..feet. I guess cause they LOOK like boots, with hard edges, while the rest is really form fitting.

    Gold belt is with 'Gloss', no trimming color again. For some reason, the gloss looks darker than the matter. Hmmm.

    Red belt...'Leather' version. Wow, that IS shiny. I think they got the names mixed up?

    White and gold, two tone..BS 'Armoured'. Comes with the trim option..think this is my fav! Looks super cool. Still NOT sure about teh feet of the boots..

  9. Totally..that Scirocco arc sounds fantastic
  10. Gonna get some of the Bodysuits!

    Got distracted by the weapons..TK bow is HUGGGE and looks so neat.
    The TK shield is super awesome too!

    Oh! The staff is insannnne. And huge. And..bugged, since it wont go 'away' ever..not even with emotes.
    It makes this cool lil ball of energy around your off hand..neat.
    Slap emote..makes the staff magically flip in your hand..looks cool!
    And it stays out with dance emotes!
    Getting carried awaaaaaaaay.

    Mace looks good..but less awe inspiring after the staff, since its basically a shorted staff. The ball of enegy is also 'in' the weapon hand..looks a bit silly.
  11. Unlocked the TechKnight bits with Paragon Rewards..

    I am seriously going to rip the character editor apart. It's so stupid hard to find new bits. Why can't there be a 'show new shinies' button?

    Got teh boots! The circle bits glow! Not sure about the turned up toes though.

    The shoulder bits have a few variants, first is Clean. Then others..

    Damn chest bit is hiding from me.

    Pants are glowy too..but now the boots vanished. Grrr

    Of course..why, after the Paragon Rewards screen calling it 'Tech Knight Chest Detail'..why would I NOT have to look under Chest/Armoured/Chest/Tech Knight!
    So it isn't called a Chest Detail at all! Stupid thing.

    Ok..fav bit so far is the Helm! It rocks. Maybe..cause I don't think it matches the other bits..since I don't like them much. lol
    Woah..it has like skeletor horns or something!

    Ok..all of them together does look pretty neat!

  12. Yay..I found the Cybertech costume bits finally! (Thanks Ray). I didn't think they made it to beta..getting some screenies.

    To be updated

    Apparently there's also the TechKnight bits!

    Doing the cyber ones atm..the Metal Spine is soooooo freaking awesome.

    These bits are so cool. The arcs kick ***! and the red Kano eye socket implants GLOW and pulse!

    There's also feet bits..bit I didn't really like them. Like an encloser look and lower leg..maybe just a few metal bits would have been better.

    Oh..Those first shows are the Cybernetic arm..I think..the Cybertech ones are much skinnier.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    According to Zwillinger, they couldn't put I:24 onto live because of significant bugs.
    Not trying to call him wrong..but seriously..the ONLY bugs I have seen are the deque bug (which honestly is not that huge, mildly annoying at most) and a weird one with the Fortune Teller mission not working. Oh..and InnerWIll acting odd. And perhaps Unrelenting.

    But aside from that..
  14. I am sure I heard about a tool to take an in game build, and magically..um..magic..it into Mids. By magic.

    I have SOOOo many mids builds on my comp, and with so many different names, it is hard to find which is the 'right' one.

    Is this tool still around, so I can be lazy and get Mids records of how they all ended up?
  15. I didn't really think most of it is stupid. Sure..you can tell they are BEING stupid with a few of the replies, but obviously so. You can get a feel for how the various writers enjoying doing things and what they wanted..even if it didn't always make sense.
    Some of my other Favs are..

    RG: Removing the ‘evil goatee’ aspect of Praetoria made it a more compelling story, I think. That said, I really wanted to make a Primal Reese, and have him be a mild-mannered and very polite civilian in Paragon City.
    So true..and yes to Reese..he was so obnoxious.

    MM: Grandville was poorly made in the first place. I think someone touched it up when we did ultramode, but there was never a plan to completely redo it.
    I loved Gv! Sure..it WAS laggy as hell sometimes, but it looks amazing, and fits with my image of Arachnos.

    MM: Sorry no. Spoiler alert: They all end up as fuel for Battalion, except for one. The End.
    Harsh but..Hell Yes. Silly khleds, getting nom'd and take your annoying Voids with you.

    MM: Genuine redemption, but given the reaction he got from everyone who learned his secret, he started thinking like the Old Nemesis again.
    Aww poor Nemmy can't get a break

    STM: I joked that Battle Maiden looked at Malta’s line up and went, “Why don’t you just use all sappers? Or install their technology in everything?”
    My elec scrappa says..Hell yeah!

    STM: I had an entire personal story in a playable state that was Scirocco going good, it was awesome. There were 13-14 missions, all fairly quick (i.e. less than 5 minutes) where you played as Scirocco.
    I want Send it to beta! OMG this arc sounds sooooo awesome. Dual Blade Emo power! So sad..that arc would have been truly awesome..great idea Mr STM

    JH: I had wanted Citadel to turn out to be an agent of Battalion in order to spice his character up significantly.
    Oh yes.

    MM: Civil War between the traditionalists and the restructurists. And Ruin had taken over South Butts, err I mean Australia, on Rikti Earth and created his own nation of enslaved Rikti.
    Woohoo..rikti slaves for us aussies.

    MM: For any badge before Issue 6, I made it up off the top of my head when I went to the location that someone had picked to place a badge. What you see is all there is.

    MM: Ultimatum was getting their spotlight in Issue 25. They were the secret government operatives responsible for many events/assassinations that saved the world from doom.
    What was Ultimatum? I did Prea a lot..and no idea.

    How did the Rikti manage to fight off the Battalion?
    MM: Battalion of Rikti Earth sucked.

    Who is the leader of the Knives of Artemis?
    MM: Artemis, isn’t it obvious?
    Snap, again.

    RG: Don’t have an answer for you, just wanted to drop the running gag that we had for Blue Steel. The Blue Steel = Chuck Norris type gags were known around the office, and I had suggested we do a fight where the player is fighting Blue Steel, very hard fight. When he reaches 50% health, he stops, and says, “You think this shield protects me from the world. You’re wrong. It protects the world... from me.” At this point he drops the shield and does a build up animation that causes an explosion, effectively ending the fight as the entire area around him gets destroyed in a DBZ-esque manner.
    Awesome! I want to see that.

    Was there any plans to have Becky the Tarantula Mistress to appear in any missions or stories ever again?
    MM: Thankfully, no.
  16. MisterD


    Hugo Figures and Agent Gally. Were they ever going to be successful in liberating the Bane Spider network? If not, what ultimately happens to them?

    MM: What issue/storyline were they from?

    Westin phipps arc in GV..JUST did it. It is a really sad and moving lil bit of story. Hugo is a guy who met Gally as a young man, and fell on love. Then arachnos latch onto him due to his psy powers, and he gets press ganged into the Banes. Due to his psy, he isn't under their thumb though, and starts convincing others that they can be something else. This is when Phipps sends your Villain to investigate, eventually killing Huge, and then Gally. Then the whole operation is shown to be under the lead of Manticore (the whole free bane operation). Its neat.
  17. In reference to the thread Posi posted..

    I am reading through now..what bits do you feel an instant desire to have seen? Or..NOT seen?

    So far, for me..

    JHH: I had wanted Tyrant/Cole to don Statesman’s mantle and redeem himself in the fight against Battalion
    Awesome idea! I always liked Cole!

    RG: I get the feeling our environment artists would have staged an insurrection if we’d asked them to remake the Shadow Shard zones.

    STM: I really really really wanted to add a different Ouroboros/team that was run by Dream Doctor’s team - Ajax, Protean, Keith Nance, Dean MacArthur, and a few others.
    Yes please..seeing DMac pimpin' out oro, scarves for everyone.
  18. MisterD


    Neat..thank you!

    HA!..just noticed, up the top..

    There are too many people accessing this file at the moment. Some functionality may be disabled. Try again Dismiss

    JHH: I had wanted Tyrant/Cole to don Statesman’s mantle and redeem himself in the fight against Battalion
    Awesome idea! I always liked Cole!
  19. Checked Cross Punch in game.

    It is actually giving TEN (10) percent +rech and to hit when used, not the 100% the detailed info claimed. I did thingk 100 sounded just a lil high. The to hit is nice also! Not sure why it says 'special' for it in the info though.

    This is totally a cool power..and since you HAVE to take at least one of the 'less good' fighting attacks to get tough (such a good set mule, especially for teh +def IOs)...then weave....it is only ONE extra power to get CP.
    Seems like it would be truly awesome on an SupStren build, with rage ramping it up, and cp itself providing more aoe, more rech and more mitigation.

    Chalk me up as liking the Fighting changes.

    Oh, but...well..the Fatigue bit on kick and box does but up an in game Text (like domination), making it seem a MUCh bigger deal than it is. At 2% or whatever. Giving how handy 10% rech/to hit can be..surely at least a debuff of 5 -end and recovery?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    I'd play on Beta exclusively if it wasn't for the atrocious I24 bugs, the most annoying of them being powers dequeueing so often. With my ping, playing without queueing powers isn't an option, and pressing each key 4-5 times to be 100% sure the power is going off isn't much fun either, especially on quick attack chains with ~1.5s or below animations.

    It's such a shame. The good parts of I24 are so good.
    Just curious..what bugs do you mean?
    I have found Beta and i24 to be almost bug free.

    Oh..just reread your post. I admit I was getting the power dequeuueueueueing thing too..but mostly I was putting it down to lag or less server bandwidth.

    But yes..totally worth going to Beta. I am doing a thread about ym time there..it is VERY random and full of my own thoughts, but if it encourages some people to try out this content..
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    They did that awhile ago. Anyone can hop on Beta, VIP or not.
    Very true. People keep asking about VIP over there..I wish more people would check it out..the content IS so worth the time.
  22. Pool Poll Additions..fighting pool.

    Thought I'd test this out of my ss/shield brute, giving a good source for +dam in rage and/or AAO, as well as fusy of course. Also a chance to try the new brute ATO set.
    First, I am comparing my Live build, in mids, with the stats on Beta, seeing what happened with the +resist bonus updates.

    S 32 L 32 E/N 16 F/C 20 T 16 P 0
    That is WITh a cardiac core alpha, giving about 2-4% for the above.

    Now..on Beta.
    S/L 49 F/C 20 E/N 17 T18 P 3
    Extra 17% S/L res is pretty darn nice, especially since that is not 'building' towards it.

    Ok, now to respec into fighting.

    The powers. Tough and Weave are unchanged.

    Grr..annoying, Box, Kick and Cross Punch show up as having Special damage. Which is very uninformative. However..if you mouse over them in your tray..it says they are Light, Moderate and Moderate, respectively. Still silly to show them as special and not a Number value..you can't see what they are 'meant' to be doing.

    Box. Melee, Light DMG(Smashing), Fighting Synergy, Foe Stun
    You strike your opponent with a strong punch that causes light smashing damage and has a small chance to stun foes. If you have also trained Kick, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to stun increases. If you have also trained Cross Punch, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will fatigue the target, draining some endurance and lowering recovery slightly. The synergy with Kick and Cross Punch stacks. Damage: Light, Recharge: Very Fast
    Special smashing damage on target 10.00% chance for 2.00 magnitude stun for 4.77s(4.77s) on target 35.00% chance for 3.00 magnitude stun for 4.77s(4.77s) on target -2.00%% endurance on target Ignores buffs and enhancements -5.00%% recovery rate for 4.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements

    I am assuming the first mag 2 stun is for just box alone then teh mag 3 for box + kick, then mag 3 + fatigue for all 3.

    Kick. Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Synergy, Foe Knockdown
    You strike your opponent with a forceful kick that causes moderate smashing damage and has a small chance to knock opponents down. If you have also trained Boxing, this power's damage is increased by 15% and your chance to knockdown increases. If you have also trained Cross Punch, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will fatigue the target, draining some endurance and lowering recovery slightly. The synergy with Boxing and Cross Punch stacks. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Very Fast
    Specialsmashing damage on target 15.00% chance for 0.67 magnitude knockback on target 40.00% chance for 0.67 magnitude knockback on target -3.00%% endurance on target Ignores buffs and enhancements -5.00%% recovery rate for 4.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements

    As above, I don't think 40% is a very high chance though..isnt Air Sup 100%? The recovery is really tiny though..I doubt you could notice that.

    Cross Punch. Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Smashing), Fighting Synergy, Foe Knockdown, Stun
    You execute a sweeping right hook that can strike multiple targets in your frontal arc. This attack causes moderate smashing damage and has a chance to both knock down and stun foes. If you have also trained Boxing, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will improve your recharge and accuracy briefly. If you have also trained Kick, this power's damage is increased by 15% and will improve your recharge and accuracy briefly. The synergy with Boxing and Kick stacks. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
    Specialsmashing damage on target +100.00%% strength to recharge for 6.00s on self Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable Specialto hit for 6.00s on self Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable 40.00% chance for 0.67 magnitude knockback on target 20.00% chance for 3.00 magnitude stun for 6.00s(6.00s) on target after 0.50s delay

    Wow, ok that is pretty neat! +100% rech? I wonder if that ALWAYS happens. If so..pretty awesome. Like a ForceFeedback proc that always procs. Decent radiyus cone too, and knockback and stun..not bad. The icon for it..doesn't match the other fightin ones though, it looks much cooler, with a red fist.

    Let's go test some damage. Just going to do a 51 (so even con) paper mission and hit a few minions.

    Before I do..my resist stats, using a lot of the 'new' IO sets. (Not teh +res IO though)
    S/L 67.8 F/C 31.4 E/N 32.5 T 26 P 7.5
    Ok..maybe I was wrong about all the +res changes being pretty usless. At least for melee builds. That is some very nice increases, on top of Shields def and +hp. Not shabby at all.

    Attack Powers and their Slotted Damage.
    Punch: 81
    Haymaker: 132
    Boxing: Stupid thing wont say, but same set slotting as above (+93%)
    Cross Punch: Stupid (96%)

    Vs Council Minion.

    Crap..had AAO on..take 2. Gah dumb fury fixes. It takes so long to decay! lol.
    Punch: 101
    Haymaker: 153
    Boxing: 93
    Cross Punch:155

    155 for CP! That isnt shabby at all. I guess kick would be better than Box to slot for a useable damage attack..I just hate the kick animation and it doesnt suit SS

    Time to get some Fury, Rage and AAO cranking.
    Your Cross Punch hits Vortex Cor Leonis Adjutant for 296.98 points of smashing damage!
    You shake the very Earth with your Foot Stomp, dealing 258.54 points of smashing Damage to Vortex Cor Leonis Adjutant.
    More than FootStomp..nice!

    Ahha...I was looking in normal combat logs for the Fury bonus..but it shows up in healing. Cause obviously..fury = healing. In reverse. Kinda. Going to go at x8, see how the regen proc is. My average regen and end discount are below..I have the proc in KO blow, and in spite of saying it can go off 7 times a minute, it was NOT going off every time. I think my recharge is too low to really get it going though, perhaps in a quicker cycling power.

    Average regen, up from 19.1: 25.55
    Average end red, up from 8.0: 22.5

    The regen wasn't much, the end discount made a HUGE difference. Before, even with cardiac, sup condit and phyperf, I could run dry pretty easy. With that proc (and mostly similar slotting)..all fixed!

    I also turned Unrelentling on and got the following. I took that to see what it would do with fury, and because I wanted a taunt anyway. It has the same No. of Targets as Taunt, and wont miss much with Rage. Good rech to. I also got Intimidate, but thinknig the aoe fear good be nice. Unrelenting for fun, and its the only heal I would have.

    UnR. Dam: 95 Rech: 36

    Edit, Crap..forgot to check if the +rech from Cross Punch was working. Oh well, tomorrow.
  23. Yay, my Martial Blaster is 50!
    And so, before I respec and tweak some slotting and powers, I thought I would review and comment on it, while I still have all of the powers.

    The set overall..is really fun. There is a sort of speed/fluidity factor with it..maybe for the animations, the powers themselves, or even how I think of the set. I think the biggest 'problem' I have with it, is in fact due to my Primary of DP and the redraw, but I knew that going in. It doesn't make it any less annoying , but I will try not to complain about it. It may be a bit annoying to read, but I was too lazy to hit enter after each line.

    I will go over the powers and details, in case anyone has not seen them yet. Then I will give some comments and thoughts on them. The values for dam/acc/etc are all unenhanced, I think. Unless the linking stuffs up.

    T1.Ki Push.
    You smash your foe with a burst of Ki Energy, sending them flying through the air in slow motion. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
    Average Damage:44.49 Damage Per Activation Time:53.60 Damage Per Cast Cycle:6.51 Activation Time:0.83s Recharge Time:6.00s Endurance Cost:5.20 Accuracy:1.00X
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Enemies Power Range:7.00 ft. Effect Area:Single Target Attack Types:melee, smashing
    44.49 smashing damage on target 4.00 magnitude repel for 2.00s on target 4.00 magnitude hold for 2.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements 8.31 magnitude knockback on target after 2.05s delay

    I like this power. It takes a bit to get used to, with the repel effect. This is further modified by the stance the target is in, when pushed. If they are on the ground, from kb etc, then slide backward, which looks cool. If standing, they fly back in the air. I still think they repel might be a little to much, for a t1 power (it is MUCh more than hurricane for example). It is easily one of those 'one shot wonder' type powers, which is good..sets need them. The animation is cool to, and you can get some neat effects like Pushing a guy off a raised object, which makes them move back at that height, then fall down after the 'push' is over.
    My one isse with the power is that it mentions Ki Energy, and makes it sound (at least to me) like this Ki stuff would be cropping up later in the set, perhaps a mechanic etc. Of course, I could just be reading to much into this (after all, MA has focus CHi, and never mentions it again) but I was just expecting a little more.

    T2. Storm Kick.
    You can unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe for moderate damage, knocking them down. Storm Kick has an additional chance to cause your target to bleed for Lethal damage over time. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Medium
    Average Damage:86.75 Damage Per Activation Time:81.08 Damage Per Cast Cycle:12.27 Activation Time:1.07s Recharge Time:6.00s Endurance Cost:6.86 Accuracy:1.05X Available Level:2
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Enemies Power Range:7.00 ft. Effect Area:Single Target Attack Types:melee, smashing
    73.41 smashing damage on target 60.00% chance for 4 Ticks of 5.56 lethal damage over 1.50s on target 0.67 magnitude knockback on target +7.10%% strength to all damage for 8.57s on self

    I decent early Attack. The animation is excellent, I am trying to recall how the MA version looks but might have to go check. Regardless, looks really smooth and meaty. The damage is decent, and the extra dot nice. AS I said earlier though, as good as the KD is (and its really nice) I would have thought a stun would better mesh with the set itself, having 2 other stuns as it does, with one of those on a slow timer.
    I also checked the comparison with Energy Punch, also a moderate dam attack, and EP is almost 20 points ahead, as well as having the elemental damage. I did use this attack a lot though..and would have even more, without the redraw issue.

    T3. Reach for the Limit.
    You are constantly looking for vulnerabilities in your foes' stances and positioning. Whenever you attack, you have a chance to gain a moderate +ToHit and +Damage bonus for a short duration.
    Accuracy:1.00X Available Level:4
    Power Type:Auto Target Type:Self Effect Area:Single Target

    I had high hopes for this power, and was pretty let down. Granted, this could be because I played the whole time with Offensive Amps on, and using Large Dual inspirs a lot, but even so!
    I was actually let down as soon as I looked at the power in my window, and saw it takes NO slots. I hate no slot powers..at the very least you should be able to throw to hit sets then, giving a GsfC BU proc slot, or even the +Perc IO. (considering how utterly 'required' the bu proc would have been in i24, it seems logical)
    Next point..it does not stack. Ever. Even Follow Up stacks. Come on! For a blaster, damage is king..37 % only? No thanks. (well yes thanks really..I did take it) There is also the matter of it auto proccing with BoS..a fact that is NOT mentioned. Very slack. I think it should have mentioned having a very high chance to proc with BoS, and a higher than normal chance with the other MC powers..to encourage you to use them.
    Oh, and stack at least 3 times. Even if it was made so you could 'only' stack it twice, from Primary attacks, but using BoS would add a third stack, on top. Much better.

    T4. Burst of Speed.
    Channeling physical Ki inwards, you move more quickly than can be seen for an instant, allowing you to move instantly to a targeted location and strike at targets within melee range. You can use this Burst of Speed up to 3 times before it needs to recharge.
    Average Damage:56.72 Damage Per Activation Time:56.72 Damage Per Cast Cycle:0.62 Activation Time:1.00s Recharge Time:1m 30s Endurance Cost:13.52 Accuracy:1.00X Available Level:10
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Location Power Range:200.00 ft. Effect Area:Location
    56.72 smashing damage on target 1.00 magnitude teleport on self after -0.30s delay unresistable +2.60%% strength to all damage for 7.50s on self

    Oh, I was wrong..it does mention Ki again. But glosses it over. This is a nifty power, but maybe tries to do a bit too much, or be too different? I am not sure. As I said earlier, the blue and yellow 'write on the screen with a highlighter' effect just does not suit anything in the set, or even in the game!
    The range is really nice, but there are some issues with the Target getting stuck. Could be me though. There is also a slight delay after you 'land' the tp, when your toon shuffles his feet back. This DOES look realistic..but the delay is really a downer and ruins the fluid feeling of the power and set.
    Repeating what I said just above, the text needs to mention proccing RftL, as well as allow you to get at least one extra stack.
    A great power though, for the proccing and just the amount of tricks you can pull of with it.

    T5. Dragon's Tail.
    This low spinning kick deals moderate damage, but has a chance to hit all enemies in melee range. Successful hits may trip and knock down your opponents. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
    Average Damage:65.62 Damage Per Activation Time:43.75 Damage Per Cast Cycle:4.23 Activation Time:1.50s Recharge Time:14.00s Endurance Cost:13.52 Accuracy:1.05X Available Level:16
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Self Effect Area:AoE -- 8.00 ft. radius (10 targets max) Attack Types:melee, smashing
    5.62 smashing damage on target 75.00% chance for 0.67 magnitude knockback on target +4.50%% strength to all damage for 9.00s on self

    One of my fav aoes! But..the info text? An aoe, with a chance to hit all baddies in range? Woah! Surely that will NEVER catch on?
    I can't recall, but does the radius mimic similar aoes like whirling sword and spine burst? I think it doesn't..which is sorta fair enough, being your leg. Ok..just checked, apparently it IS the same. But..Lotus drops is 10 more damage.
    Still, a nice aoe, and the aoe kb is VERY nice after using BoS to enter melee.

    T6. Reaction Time.
    ou attune yourself to the world around you, moving with preternatural speed. All enemies nearby move slowly and have reduced recharge, and you can absorb small amounts of damage every 2 seconds. When Reaction Time is deactivated, you gain a burst of speed for a short duration, increasing your own recharge and move speed.
    Activation Time:1.83s Recharge Time:10.00s Accuracy:1.00X Available Level:20
    Power Type:Toggle Target Type:Self Effect Area:AoE -- 30.00 ft. radius (10 targets max) Attack Types:AoE, energy
    +70.00%% run speed on self +40.00%% strength to recharge on self Ignores buffs and enhancements 3.50 max run speed on self +70.00%% fly speed on self +70.00%% strength to jump height on self +70.00%% jump speed on self 40.12 max absorption on self +50.00%% recovery rate on self

    Another neat and new power. There is quite a lot of stuff in the detailed info, so to clarify...when the power is 'on', you only are getting the +recovery, with mobs around you being slowed. I'm not sure if it does lower their rech as well as speed..it seems like speed alone.
    When you detoggle the power, you lose the recovery, gaining +40$ rech and a truly and utterly piss weak amount of run speed. It does say 70% in the info, but I am inclined to think that is in fact the DEBUFF itself, as the slow seems very powerful.
    This is a great power..if only for the +recovery. I do think it is waaay too high though..it is more than slotted stamina! (when RT is NOT slotted for +end) It is a great spot to put a second +end proc in though, and the absorb really does help, in spite of looking low. I do think it should stack at least to +100 though.
    The +rech is a great little trick, and helps a lot between mobs, to nudge along your slower powers. The movement..pathetic. I also think the radius of teh slow 30 ft, is stupid large. As a comparison..Hurricane is only 25ft!
    Just to nitpick..I have no idea at all how improving your reaction time..slows a huge crowd of people. Perhaps it is just maknig them ;seem' slower, in comparison to you? No idea..but if so..then how does the extra 40% rech kick in..when you turn the power off?? No to mention reactions having little to do with recovery..or absorbing. But hey! Great power. Nod and smile.

    T7. Inner Will.
    When pushed to your limit, you can tap into an inner reserve of power, allowing you to overcome impossible odds. When you are below half health, below half endurance, or the victim of any status effect, you may activate Inner Will. Inner Will cancels any status effects currently affecting you, increases your resistance to status effects by 100%, and increases the power of your own status effect-inducing powers. Inner Will also heals you for a moderate amount when activated. Recharge: Very Long
    Activation Time:1.03s Recharge Time:3m 0s Endurance Cost:0.52 Accuracy:1.00X Available Level:28
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Self Effect Area:Single Target
    (The detailed info is like 5 pages long, so going to trim it. mez means it lists each mez type, so it covers them all)
    1.00 magnitude Mez for 30.00s on self 100.00%% resistance to Mez for 30.00s on self +50.00%% strength to Mez for 30.00s on self +7.50%% healing on self Ignores buffs and enhancements +7.50%% healing on self

    Ok, I think that makes sense. This is another power with a bit of a difference. And as I said, if anything, that is a flaw in the set..to much 'different' stuff. How it works is..you can only use it when mezzed, under 50% hp, or 50% end. Otherwise..no clicky.
    A neat idea, and I totally can see why they didnt want it to be useable any time. With slotting, the rech could crack 90 seconds.
    The heal has 2 parts, one slottable one not, and is about..um, crap...90/150 slotted. I think. So its a decent but not huge heal.
    The anti mez part, credit to Hopeling, works by applying a Mez Mag + 1 effect on you. So if you are hit with a mag 3 hold, it will give you 4 mag protection to all mez, as well as the heal and mez resistance listed.
    It works fairly well..but..if I was on Live, and didnt have my cheating Amps or attuned IOs, i think I would have taken aid self for sure. Also, because you cant actually use it TILL your mezzed, it is quite easy to get hit with a hard hitting mez, then die to quick follow up (think a LB Warden Domination you, then slapping you with psi blast right away, you die before being able to click the power).
    The +Mez duration with the power is..weird. It feels more like an effect they just threw in to look cool, rather than being helpful. Since you cant use the power till those conditions are met anyway, it sorta ruins the chance to approach a boss, and use the extra mez to...Mez him.
    Maybe if it gave a +1 mag stun to Throw Sand..?

    T8. Throw Sand.
    You grab some nearby debris and fling it towards a nearby foe, obstructing their vision and dazing them. Recharge: Long
    Activation Time:1.07s Recharge Time:2m 0s Endurance Cost:7.80 Accuracy:1.00X Available Level:35
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Enemies Power Range:40.00 ft. Effect Area:Cone -- 40.00 ft. radius 45.00 degree arc (10 targets max) Attack Types:AoE
    2.00 magnitude stun for 11.92s on target after 0.25s delay -90.00%% perception radius for 20.00s on target +2.90%% strength to all damage for 8.57s on self

    Did you read that text? read it again. Is your IQ over 20? Then no doubt you will be think..nearby debris..lame! Well, feel satisfied..cause that is exactly how lame this power is. The lameness is further compounded by placing this power at T8..leaving it a great contender for the award of 'Shitest T8 Out'.
    Well...no. On the good idea..it does look cool! The sand looks nice..and makes me wonder what Wind would have been.
    But..the power is awful. A mag 2 stun..at 35? I think the Lighting Clap stun comes in at 28? Making it slightly less crap. As I said previously, if this power popped in place of DTs, it would 'feel' (feel only, it would still suck) a bit more useful, as a panic button, especially with attacks being underslotted at 20. As is..at 35, you should have a decent attack chain, usually with aoes..and this will languish on your power tray.
    Also, the -perception, while making sense..is really an utter waste, adn feels tacked on..again..an effort to make the pool all hip and cool. The range is short, the cone is..decent, but 10 targets max means you cant even use it on a 8 man mob, without some of them getting mad. Oh, and being a stun..it cause aggro, JUSt what you want in a -per power (smoke, flash arrow)...NOT. Then the fairly long rech comes along and further hits the poweer, ruining options for using it as a once a mob -per tool.
    Skippable, almost worthless.

    T9. Eagle's Claw.
    You can perform a devastating kick that can severely Disorient most opponents. Eagle's Claw strikes so powerfully that it weakens your target's resolve, reducing their Range and Recharge for several seconds after attacking. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow
    Average Damage:126.79 Damage Per Activation Time:50.12 Damage Per Cast Cycle:8.73 Activation Time:2.53s Recharge Time:12.00s Endurance Cost:11.86 Accuracy:1.05X Available Level:38
    Power Type:Click Target Type:Enemies Power Range:7.00 ft. Effect Area:Single Target Attack Types:melee, smashing
    126.79 smashing damage on target 3.00 magnitude stun for 4.77s on target -25.00%% strength to recharge for 10.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements -25.00%% strength to range for 10.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements

    One of my favourite melee attacks. It also makes a good finish to the set, and fits in with the dp/mc-y-ness of Maelstrom. The animation is the same, which is a bit sad, given SK got a going over. Still..it looks damn cool!
    The -rech and range effects..again feel like a tack on, serving no real purpose. Well..perhaps the -rech can stack with BoS, but the range? I don't know.
    I was also looking at other blaster t9s, to compare. Looking at Total Focus, which IS an extreme damage attack..EC is about 70 points less, as well as just being smashing damage. That is like 140 lower, slotted. In a set with NO build up? You really notice. The stun also, is less than 50% of the TF stun..and I would rate them themeatically comparable in stunyness. Perhaps accounted for by the +mez in TS..but..still..
    The power really could have used a bump up to the Extreme category, 180 damage say, which would be further tempered by the heavily resisted type. A higher or certain chance to proc BoS would have been great too.
  24. Ok, I did.
    I will rephrase the question to those who apparently can't understand.

    Does it hurt anyone to unlock some things Live? Only non stupid reasons count. Better?

    I see your comment about Zwill saying unlocking things would make a massive mess and ruin the economy. Considering you told me to reread the thread..perhaps you should? I am saying..unlock some powersets. You know..powers? Which have nothing to do with the in game economy..since..you cant sell them at WW, so there's no player to player economic effects. As for the store/game economy....um..missing the fact it WONT work? You can't buy anything, nothing is sold.
    A bit hazy here..but if nothing is being bought or sold..is there in fact..an economy??

    Again..unlock the power sets for players. All players. WHY not? If they get a 50 with a set/at they dont get normally...and the game ends..WHY does it matter? WHo is it hurting? Seriously?? If the game gets saved..and that person is now unqualified for said Set..Lock it again. They could complain, but they got it free. AT worst, it would encourage them to buy the set. Oh damn, that is so awful for the game economy huh?

    Or are you seriously so greedy about sharing a set YOU (and I did too) paid money for, with other players who would get it for nothing?