What Lore do YOU like?

Agent White



In reference to the thread Posi posted..

I am reading through now..what bits do you feel an instant desire to have seen? Or..NOT seen?

So far, for me..

JHH: I had wanted Tyrant/Cole to don Statesman’s mantle and redeem himself in the fight against Battalion
Awesome idea! I always liked Cole!

RG: I get the feeling our environment artists would have staged an insurrection if we’d asked them to remake the Shadow Shard zones.

STM: I really really really wanted to add a different Ouroboros/team that was run by Dream Doctor’s team - Ajax, Protean, Keith Nance, Dean MacArthur, and a few others.
Yes please..seeing DMac pimpin' out oro, scarves for everyone.



Most of it's pretty stupid, IMO, and I'm kind of glad we won't be seeing that stuff.

But hearing they did want to customize VEATs, didn't actually hate PvP or bases, and the stuff about Crey was pretty cool.



I did get a chuckle out of "Bazooka Melee". It reminded me of how I would play the old style military FPS games, back before they decided that someone using a rocket launcher should only get two rounds of ammo.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I didn't really think most of it is stupid. Sure..you can tell they are BEING stupid with a few of the replies, but obviously so. You can get a feel for how the various writers enjoying doing things and what they wanted..even if it didn't always make sense.
Some of my other Favs are..

RG: Removing the ‘evil goatee’ aspect of Praetoria made it a more compelling story, I think. That said, I really wanted to make a Primal Reese, and have him be a mild-mannered and very polite civilian in Paragon City.
So true..and yes to Reese..he was so obnoxious.

MM: Grandville was poorly made in the first place. I think someone touched it up when we did ultramode, but there was never a plan to completely redo it.
I loved Gv! Sure..it WAS laggy as hell sometimes, but it looks amazing, and fits with my image of Arachnos.

MM: Sorry no. Spoiler alert: They all end up as fuel for Battalion, except for one. The End.
Harsh but..Hell Yes. Silly khleds, getting nom'd and take your annoying Voids with you.

MM: Genuine redemption, but given the reaction he got from everyone who learned his secret, he started thinking like the Old Nemesis again.
Aww poor Nemmy can't get a break

STM: I joked that Battle Maiden looked at Malta’s line up and went, “Why don’t you just use all sappers? Or install their technology in everything?”
My elec scrappa says..Hell yeah!

STM: I had an entire personal story in a playable state that was Scirocco going good, it was awesome. There were 13-14 missions, all fairly quick (i.e. less than 5 minutes) where you played as Scirocco.
I want Send it to beta! OMG this arc sounds sooooo awesome. Dual Blade Emo power! So sad..that arc would have been truly awesome..great idea Mr STM

JH: I had wanted Citadel to turn out to be an agent of Battalion in order to spice his character up significantly.
Oh yes.

MM: Civil War between the traditionalists and the restructurists. And Ruin had taken over South Butts, err I mean Australia, on Rikti Earth and created his own nation of enslaved Rikti.
Woohoo..rikti slaves for us aussies.

MM: For any badge before Issue 6, I made it up off the top of my head when I went to the location that someone had picked to place a badge. What you see is all there is.

MM: Ultimatum was getting their spotlight in Issue 25. They were the secret government operatives responsible for many events/assassinations that saved the world from doom.
What was Ultimatum? I did Prea a lot..and no idea.

How did the Rikti manage to fight off the Battalion?
MM: Battalion of Rikti Earth sucked.

Who is the leader of the Knives of Artemis?
MM: Artemis, isn’t it obvious?
Snap, again.

RG: Don’t have an answer for you, just wanted to drop the running gag that we had for Blue Steel. The Blue Steel = Chuck Norris type gags were known around the office, and I had suggested we do a fight where the player is fighting Blue Steel, very hard fight. When he reaches 50% health, he stops, and says, “You think this shield protects me from the world. You’re wrong. It protects the world... from me.” At this point he drops the shield and does a build up animation that causes an explosion, effectively ending the fight as the entire area around him gets destroyed in a DBZ-esque manner.
Awesome! I want to see that.

Was there any plans to have Becky the Tarantula Mistress to appear in any missions or stories ever again?
MM: Thankfully, no.



As I mentioned in the other topic, I really liked the idea that Lady Grey was a sleeper agent. I would've liked to see that twist. I'd also been hoping for the "maybe" they talked about with Tyrant taking over his Primal counterpart's role.



For my Grey Kestrel and Red Cardinal's sake, I'm glad Scirocco was going to end up not only going hero, but surviving the trip...

Kes and Cardinal (My favorite DB stalker and her Adept partner- My only real roleplay characters) were never really villains. They only stayed rogues rather than going hero themselves out of loyalty to Scir... They absolutely refused to abandon him. So, yeah. 'Makes me grin a little to think of them all finally getting the hell out of that place and on to a better life.

They'll still think it's their job to protect the guy... I doubt anything would change that... But at least they'll get to fight the good fight while they're at it. And that's a most excellent way to end their particular story.

ETA: Not sure I'm as fond of the idea of Lady Grey being a Battalion sleeper agent though... That would have made poor Palrah very sad-panda. He's had a crush on her for years.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



There were actually some bits teased out in answers that never got fully explained because there were no direct questions (in the google doc) for it.

Like Hamidon being "Gaia incarnate" is pretty cool, but like what other incarnates were out there? etc.

I agree though that Lady Grey being a sleeper agent would have made no sense, it -sounds- cool but he makes a valid point, there were next to no Supers in the 1800s. She could have just taken over herself or called down the Battalion then.

Citadel being one, on the other hand, is brilliant.



I thought the Blue Steel Explosion was interesting. I never knew about all the 'Blue Steel = Chuck Norris' jokes, though (didn't frequent the forums enough, I guess). For my circle of friends we did that for Buck Salinger.

"Buck Salinger once punched Statesman in the face. Statesman apologized for getting in the way of his fist."

Also, the "Sharkhead Isle is the Leviathan" line. Makes perfect sense when you put all the stories together, but it was still MIND = BLOWN for me.

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis



Cimerorans have the most ST DPS, but I tend to like Warworks.

Oh wait, you mean story? I like the bit about the angels being the Dimensionless, that was cool.



Definitely DEFINITELY the Scirocco's Redemption arc. I would not have mind playing purely as Scirocco for a 17 mission arc. Especially if it meant we got access to some of his cooler powers and then got to basically test drive his new powers.

Also, this: What are the other 11 methods of time travel besides Dreaming and the Pillar of Ice and Flame?

MM: 3) Flux Capacitor 4) Call Box/Phone Booth 5) Steampunk machine 6) Black Hole 7) Time Tunnel 8) Magic 9) Divine Intervention 10) “Body Jumping” 11) The Method You Came Up With For Your Character.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Totally..that Scirocco arc sounds fantastic



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Also, this: What are the other 11 methods of time travel besides Dreaming and the Pillar of Ice and Flame?

MM: 3) Flux Capacitor 4) Call Box/Phone Booth 5) Steampunk machine 6) Black Hole 7) Time Tunnel 8) Magic 9) Divine Intervention 10) “Body Jumping” 11) The Method You Came Up With For Your Character.
You forgot:
STM: 12) Min-maxing.

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis