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  1. Yeah the fighting pool is next on my list atm for Tough which should make me rather Beastly.
  2. MissWhite


    lol ok I guess I will look at a different power to move around for BU I'm just not certain if I should have hasten at lv41 but im afraid that I will loose the great dps I have atm or do I sacrifice it for some beastly hits with BU
  3. I currently have one at lv30 (BS/Will) and pref it to my Regen Scrapper (MA/Regen), but (yes there is a but...) early on it is squishier than Regen and imo mainly due to the lack of +hp toggles. So far later on in the game I'm finding it alot better than Regen mainly since you don't have any +hp toggles to worry about you just have a tone of hp.

    If your a pvp fan I doubt you will like this set since I don't think it will survive anywhere near as long as a Regen does in pvp (I haven't tested mine in pvp yet so I am speculating I could be wrong) mainly due to most of the sets benefits are against large mobs and not single foes.

    In pve though you have some nifty little tricks with plus perception early on, psi res, -acc to foes on RTTC and many more... You have no glaring weaknesses and don't excel at any one thing.

    I think Death Badger is right though I don't think anyone can tell you what you will like but these are my opinion's so I hope they help a little.
  4. MissWhite


    I'm wondering if dodge is worth taking at all or if I should swap it with were I have build up on my character build (see link below, bottom of page 1).


    I would really like build up earlier but since I cant afford alot of fancy IO's as my blaster has taken most of my influence to get fully IO'd, this means I currently need hasten at lv6 rather than at lv41 so BU is now there. Any info or help would be grand.
  5. Love the build Aldwych nice to see some more SR threads popping up.

    A few peeps seem to have mentioned Divine Avalanche as a must have power but I'm not missing it at all on mine, in-fact my attack chain is much smoother without it. I just don't see the use of it since you cant stack enough to make it worth while imho.

    Here is my recent thread on Kat/Sr hope it helps since it helped me.

  6. Well I've managed to gain 2 levels with my new build and I have to admit I'm not missing DA at all. A self heal would be nice i.e. when a Freak Tank Smasher hits me it hurts, really HURTS... but I'm not getting hit often enough to warrant either powers.

    My problem with DA is that it doesn't last long enough to be effective and that its way to hard to stack enough of them to be any use. I would say Aid self would be more beneficial as its serves a better purpose, your health.

    Would seem to be a gaming preference thing but if DA helps its not showing in the 30's and my attack chain feels alot smoother now without it.

    I have to say this has been my best post on help for this toon and there are some great builds.

    Thanks for the help peeps but I'm fairly certain that I have my build thanks to Nightmarer and a few other pm's Ive had. Oh and the IO info has been great also.
  7. Thanks! Im hoping the new build will work and like I said if I really need hasten early on I can always respec and swap Hasten and BU like mentioned before.

    Ive never got to grips with using Vengeance but ive been in teams when it works so im certain there is just a knack to it.
  8. Ok so here is my revised build with hasten at lv41 and Build Up in its original place at lv6. I have been thinking its a easy change if I'm not happy without hasten to just put build up at lv41 instead as I just don't seem to use it that often on any of my other scrappers bar MA.

    Also decided on the tactics set like you mentions as I totally forgot how good vengeance is and thought it would be a good power to finish my scrapper off with as I will be doing alot of gaming with her in the lv50 part of the game.

    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Katana
    Secondary: Super Reflexes
    01) --> Sting of the Wasp
    01) --> Focused Fighting
    02) --> Flashing Steel
    04) --> Focused Senses
    06) --> Build Up
    08) --> Agile
    10) --> Practiced Brawler
    12) --> Combat Jumping
    14) --> Super Jump
    16) --> Swift
    18) --> Health
    20) --> Stamina
    22) --> The Lotus Drops
    24) --> Quickness
    26) --> Soaring Dragon
    28) --> Dodge
    30) --> Lucky
    32) --> Golden Dragonfly
    35) --> Evasion
    38) --> Elude
    41) --> Hasten
    44) --> Assault
    47) --> Tactics
    49) --> Vengeance

    I think this is a improvement but lets see what you all have to say.
  9. lol ignore me just noticed you put what set underneath the IO's name

    I do have one other question though, how many of these IO's would I need in each atk?

    Anyway Im just about to post my new build so tell me what you think.
  10. Its not like im not used to it, I have it on my lv50 Ice/Ice blaster and she cant live without it now in pve or pvp its saved her well more times than I can count. Id rather just not get hit and skip the whole heal pool. I suppose what im looking for is a very stream lined scrapper.

    With the list of IO's though were should I be placing them? Ive mainly stuck with just using the basic IO's and not used the multipurose ones often (I sell them for the inf).
  11. Well I will take a close look at what you've posted as there are some interesting ideas there. I agree totally about the epics and tbh I just threw them in as I wasn't sure what to do past that point. I'm not a huge fan of the heal sets though but I will look into it. Keep them coming.
  12. Heya again,

    This time my scrapper is lv30 and slowly making her way to lv50 and I'm having alot of fun with my SR toon. The only problem is I'm not sure I'm getting the most out of SR. I'm not really good at knowing what powers are statistically better and order in which to take them. So below is the current build I'm thinking of and was wondering what you all thought.

    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Katana
    Secondary: Super Reflexes
    01) --> Sting of the Wasp==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Focused Fighting==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Flashing Steel==> Empty(2)
    04) --> Focused Senses==> Empty(4)
    06) --> Build Up==> Empty(6)
    08) --> Agile==> Empty(8)
    10) --> Hasten==> Empty(10)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> Empty(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Empty(14)
    16) --> Swift==> Empty(16)
    18) --> Health==> Empty(18)
    20) --> Stamina==> Empty(20)
    22) --> The Lotus Drops==> Empty(22)
    24) --> Quickness==> Empty(24)
    26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Empty(26)
    28) --> Dodge==> Empty(28)
    30) --> Practiced Brawler==> Empty(30)
    32) --> Golden Dragonfly==> Empty(32)
    35) --> Evasion==> Empty(35)
    38) --> Elude==> Empty(38)
    41) --> Lucky==> Empty(41)
    44) --> Conserve Power==> Empty(44)
    47) --> Focused Accuracy==> Empty(47)
    49) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Empty(49)

    I have decided against Divine Avalanche and focused on trying to get in all of my shields before lv38, sadly I've not managed to get lucky in before then. Ive taken hasten and I'm not really sure I need it, but my attack chain does run very slow with out it. I have to admit id still take hasten but prob not until lv41 if I could get more out of my powers.

    Any ideas are welcome and please post any builds or IO suggestions that will help. Oh just as a note I'm not really focusing this toon for pvp.
  13. MissWhite

    Lost Global

    Thanks evenyone that send me PM's I have now got my full Global List back so please ignore this post now.
  14. MissWhite

    Lost Global

    dont worry I will send you a invite tonight and if you get a wipe again just post here like I have. I will see your post since I check the forums most days.
  15. MissWhite

    Lost Global

    Lol cheer's Ash I will send you a global invite tonight when i get back in from Manchester.
  16. MissWhite

    Lost Global

    Yeah I know hopefully peeps that see this post will delete me and post there Globals here as I can see that one has already
  17. MissWhite

    Lost Global

    Heya peeps!

    Recently I have lost all of my global contacts and I just wanted to let people know.

    Could anyone that still has me on there contact list delete me and either reinvite me or post your global name here so I can re send invites out again.

    Would be nice to be able to chat to people again that ive lost from my list. X
  18. All builds and posts are welcome! Like I said befor I will be posting mine shortly just need to work out a last few adjustments.
  19. Yeah I suppose your right its just nice some times to have views on a Power set that you havent used from people that have. Gives me things to think about that I might/or wouldnt have even thought about.

    I like Phils build alot but im not going to put Stimulate or Aid self in purely because I agree with Raziel that you dont really need a self heal power on a SR scrapper.

    I am on the other hand very interested and if not a little intrigued about the Weapon Mastery set. My scrapper Sophie is MA/Regen and she took the Body mastery set which is good but not for all toons imo, so it would b enice to try some thing diffrent as you said.
  20. Well at lv24 I think id prob take Lotus Drops instead of combat jumping since its in my build already at this point. I have always thought about the Weapon Mastery set but everyone seems to say its not very good, so I have never used it (has anyone? for opinions sake?).

    Calling the Wolf, well ive never been a fan of a scrapper with taunt powers so I defo wont be taking this. Its just a personal pref but I can see its uses in arena matchs to keep agro off your partner etc....

    Thanks for all the help peeps and more comments will also be appreciated, my later build is starting to look good so I will post it here soon
  21. I would be very appreciative of a build just to see how mine compares atm.

    I do have to say after looking at the SR set it would seem all are needed but then again n00b at SR lol.
  22. Well so far im happy with the scrapper she seems to dish out alot of dmg even with just 3 atks (now fully SO'd) but the last part of the build is giving me some grief.

    Some post lv20 builds would be nice, and I will defo ask Phil when I see him online.
  23. Thanks, any suggestions for the later part of the build? I have to say now that stamina is there the scrapper is much more fun but still a little squishey.
  24. Ok so what ive put to gether so far is ok? I wasnt sure if id taken the wrong power at 22.
  25. Right ive been playing my Kat/SR scrapper on and off now for a few weeks now. I have just got stamina (thanks the heavens!) but im not certain where to take the build now?

    Any help or comments on my build below would be great (fyi im trying to come up with a good 50/50 build for pve and pvp).

    01) Sting of Wasp
    01) Focus Fighting
    02) Flashing Steel
    04) Focus Senses
    06) Hasten
    08) Divine Avalanch
    10) Practical Brawler
    12) Combat Jumping
    14) Super Jump
    16) Swift
    18) Health
    20) Stamina
    22) Quickness

    This is the build so far but I am really new to the SR set so as I said above any help would be great.