928 -
I'll park all 3 toons at the ledge so I can change as required, but not sure who'll be most helpful! Only MC has a hold (Defender's Epic's only having one hold through the whole epic pools sucks)
There now exists a Kinetics/Rad Defender!! Kin/Rad/Dark, ME!
But isn't that against the whole idea of a scrapper? You should be trying to fight the villains, not run away for them!
Well, Qinetiq was created when Miss Chief was lvl 48, so it must have at least been 6 months, possibly longer. maybe even as much as 9 months!
There were times I got so frustrated with her that I had serious thoughts of deleting her, the mid 30's seemed to be an endless procession of debt, exemping, more debt and generally getting really annoyed, but I stuck to it, finally got my Surgeon badge for all the healing I've done (50% to myself I'm sure!) and now I'm level 50!
BIG, nay HUGE!! thanks to all in the Femme Fatales, Forgotten Warriors and everyone else that's ever rezzed me, given me an awaken or been willing to put up with my constant face planting every other mob! -
you'd think 1 thread would do?
Gratz to you both, I only need 800k for tomorrow night! -
yes, AS makes all weapons go away, but it can be worth it to keep your enemy from standing up.
Only teamed with you towards the end of your 50 run, but always a pleasure. gratz!
There's hardly any becuase most people don't have squillions of inf to pass around like they used to due to the never ending desire for more prestige. bases have effectively killed off impromptu cossie comps.
Ok, so you've played MA/Regen, have you played a BS Scrapper of any type to a decent level? (mid 30's at least)
gratz Ecilef, it would appear I'm never gonna get 50 with Qin!
All true, but as a weapon set, BS gets an automatic accuracy increase to counter this.
I've booked the night off from work! I now have 3 toons that can attend, but I think the Empath with Dominate might be best, but I'd like to attend with someone else if I can!
it's also worth saying that hasten will also make you put your sword away.
I dunno, Bou has Air Sup, headsplitter and the one that knocks them up into the air (Sorry, I forget!). I can control bosses just fine thank you. BS is easily the highest damage, but it's all S+L damage, but unless you're coming up against marauder praetorian AV when he pops unstoppable (total, complete, 100% S+L resistance) then it will outpower every other primary. A built up headsplitter with Critical will often completely floor a even level boss or LT. before ED I could 2 shot +2 lt's, 1 shot even level lt's, now I can't even 1 shot an even minion without a crit or buildup!
Parry can add some very useful Def to any build, but especially regen, where it would be especially useful. -
ID is more usefull as a mez removal tool than a buff for the team. Only thing you can't get rid of is a sleeper, even speed boost+ID won't stop someone sleeping.
Wot he said. hover is rubbish for a scrapper.
That's why Broadsword/Regen works so well, Quick Recovery at level 6!
katana? high Damage? LOL, I can highly recommend broadsword with anything, but BS/INvuln is a total end hog, but BS/Regen can be totally Scary, no down time, HUGE Damage, what could be better?
I've done Terra Volta Respec with just SS< it's not that hard once you know the route.
Transfusion is a must, if only to keep yourselrf alive. if you're playing as offender, you're gonna be in the thick of it. believe me, mobs DO NOT like you taking all thair power from thwm with a FS, they pretty much immediately turnh oon you unless locked down or previously taunted. I'd recommend it for every Kinetics build.
£ ACC + tactics is overkill. I have 2 acc's in Transfusion, Transference and FS, 1 in everything else as well as 3 slotted tictacs and reckon I'm kknocking on the 5% miss rate at anything up to +3-4's. i can still hit +4-5's with both Trans and still catch some of them with FS. 3 is too many, 2 just fine for essentials. -
I'd post my build, but it's in need of some love, and a level 50 respec takes me anything up to an hour before I'm fully sorted. I've been putting it off for ages :/
Basically Invuln has good Def and Resists, 3 slot everything with def/dam res and add an End redux onto every attack and toggle you have, as well as 3 slotting Stamina. You WILL survive on a diet solely of Blues until you can get SO's in Stamina, and even then you'll be wanting to keep a few just in case. I also took Conserve power and always watch for it coming up.
With regards to Unstoppable, I say take it, slot it 3x dam res 3x recharge. Saved my skin many a time, and unlike Regen's MoG you can still be healed and run your existing toggles with it. Also hasten is a must too as BS attacks are quite slow to cycle back. Take Unyielding and Invincibility, as well as Dull Pain, which should be slotted 3 heal 3 recharge. Parry isn't a real necessity due to the high def from invincibility, but you might want to take it to increase the def quite a bit. 3 Slotting Tough hide easily counteracts the -def from the other toggle, which i can't remember the name of!! I didn't bother with the passives but it does make me weak to fire/nrg and Negative nrg, I just rely on DP and BS attacks to hit them hard. It has a knock up, and a knock down, I picked up Air Sup to keep them on the floor as well. You'll get used to the totally mental idea of running right into the middle of the mob so they all count towards your def, and use cover when available to get close quickly. Ranged attacks are not defended against in any way unless you take something else (more end, and you need every drop!) so be careful when picking your fight.
BS Rocks totally, highest resisted damage in the game or not. With a handy Kinetics Defender in attendance, and with the help of Fulcrum Shift I managed a 863 hit with Critical against an even level minion. Now that's got to rock! -
It's nice to have you back Chesty, and you're more than welcome!