Gaaash so many choices and info is so limited




I'm feeling like starting a new scrapper, but don't wanna feel like that time i blindly started a tanker (yeah my first character here was an (OMG!) ice tanker -sic, noob me-, so i wouldnt like to start a toon and delete it when it's already 42 -sic stubborn me-...
Globally and from a nobel point of view, i have liked mostly regen and invuln scrappers, and primaries broad sword and martial arts.. any experienced on any of those builds can help? Appreciated



MA/Regen is good and really easy, but in my opinion i find it so boreing at lvl 24-32 i had one and got him to lvl 26, then i deleted him because i was so bored. then i started him again and now he is sittin at lvl 29, i just cant keep useing him, maybe its cuz im use to playin trollers and havein tricks and being able to do other things, but thats just my opinion, alot of people could think diffrently. but Regen, now that is good, after lvl 24 ive only died twice in 5 lvls and its just so simple and easy to use, ive started a spines/Regen and im having fun with him, spines has impale, a high damage ranged hold which is good fun, in PvP and PvE. plus the AoE's make it seem like ur killing fast and its effective. ive had a bs scrapper and its fun, lower lvls not so fun cuz of the slow recharge but when u get more powers its great atacking a boss 2 lvls higher than you and watchin his health drop to 0 in 1 attack chain. i havnt realy used katana but it does seem good, i only got mine to lvl 8. and claws, well it has a bad rep cuz of its damage but its recharge rate makes up for that, and it has a ranged attack, plus it just looks cool . bout secondarys i dnt have much idea, never tried invuln but my m8 had a lvl 50 bs/invuln scrapper to 50 and he was bloody good, and was awesome in PvP. dark armour just spins me out so i stay clear of it, plus those noises can get a bit "grrrr". SR never tried, anyway, hope this helps, gona be late for collage now, damn it!!! cya **grabs bag and runs out of door**



my fav: Katana/Reg

very easy to play, high Damage, with build up very high damage, an of course: regen!



katana? high Damage? LOL, I can highly recommend broadsword with anything, but BS/INvuln is a total end hog, but BS/Regen can be totally Scary, no down time, HUGE Damage, what could be better?

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



sure, broadsword makes more dmg, but it is slow and cost a lot of endurance before you can choose stamina

katana has faster animations & costs lower endu.

my fav

but i playing an broadsword/invul too.



That's why Broadsword/Regen works so well, Quick Recovery at level 6!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



I have both, and they both perform very well. It's a matter of taste. However, katana or broadsword and regen is probably your best bet. Dark Armour is actually remarkably good too, but not nearly as good as Regen with either Parry or Divine Avalanch. The combination is so awesome, I want to get my main to 50 before I7 in case they nerf him.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Hey thanx a lot for the info. Actually i am still soooooo confused :P. When i had made up my mind on bs/inv, now u say bs/regen is better... and what about ma? :-s



Agree a 100% with you, its a pain choosing, have the same problem almost don't have a clue at what i want to play as a scrapper.



regen heals any type of dmg, invul resists lethal/smash<- iam not sure, but most foes makes lethal damage.

dull pain in combi with instant heal-> good for av´s/pvp

invul is a very nice set, but no resis against psionik, regen has no greater problems with it, (only dangerous in a lot of psidmg in shortest time)

hope you can unterstand my english, need more practise



DM/DA all the way... that's if you can learn to get along with its end costs

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Done DM/DA, not fun but first character and totally gimped.

DM/Regen, great fun good at most aspects but damage isn't awesome. However it has an end recovery power built in plus an extra heal.

Currently working a BS/Regen, very nice build at 27 still no Stamina but haven't really felt the need for it till very recently. The Damage is very good, possibly twice as fast as DM but more is resisted so robots are a nightmare. The animations are slow and a bit buggy as in the is a pause before you can do anything, Overall possibly my favorite scrapper so far. (Have tried all but spines up into mid teens.)