928 -
Back when if you wanted an enhancement from the 'Power 10' you couldn't buy them at the normal shops, you had to find a specific contact that sold your origin and you could only then buy them at vastly overinflated prices.
Back when you'd get repeatedly defeated and teamwiped doing the Respec because those damn Sky Raiders had Force field Generators and you couldn't clear one wave before the other wave arrived! I failed it 9 times before I completed it! -
Sniff, another one lost to the US servers. I suspect that is the Dev's evil master plan. make people so fed up with the Eu servers they start fresh on the Us servers so they can then cite dwindling player numbers on EU then close us down.
(TRAITOR!! :P) -
This is by far the most important question. What are the cards? It's a common tactic by manufacturers to 'big up' older or slower cards by giving them more memory and thus making them look better.
lag. Buckets of the stuff on the ITF I did tonight on Defiant. it's always been hugely bad on the Eu servers, worse than any other game I've ever played. We're talking 2-3 seconds before some powers will show anything on screen, frequent pauses for powers to fire or for critters to react to powers. It's horrible. When it comes to killing the generals everyone just stays on the lower bridge and a tank/hardy scrapper just taunts the generals down to the bridge because of the lag and then we just skip to the Phalanx. it's the same for everyone playing so isn't computer based. Was on Skype conference with 5 others doing the ITF and they all talked about it, everyone got mapserver briefly a few times at the exact same point.
Will someone please do something about this?? It's shockingly bad, especially on EU, but then you guys probably couldn't give a rats *** about the EU experience. -
What about a way to pay your base rent without having to go to Atlas park all the time? I'd love to see an 'auto' base rent facility that pays the rent automatically and sends an email to a nominted person or persons to let them know it was paid. Or base rent got rid of completely but I doubt that'll happen.
Game info would be good, details of the TF's, groups, a little bit of history, common places they can be found, maybe some history on the surviving eight etc. Would be a good resource to have in game to allow new players to look stuff up themselves without just asking. -
Have to say je saist is more than likely correct. I have a 512MB 8800GT, a small step below your card and i can't run Ultra mode with all the bells and whistles. Sure I can enable some things but if I try to up the AA or enable some of the more intensive options then it's 1FPS time.
Quote:Busted!Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
"I found it! This website has lots of ding sounds from various MMO's, including CoH."
Ermmm "You found it?" Naughty Miss Chief! If I remember correctly it was me that sent you the link over skype! :P Took me 2hrs to find that! lol
I know why you posted it though as I rarely post on the forums, but Mr ? does! :P
Sorry mrs ?! -
This is the theme music that played before every race in the MotoGP class. I'm sure you'll agree, very similar to a certain tune I hear many times a day.
Seeing that this theme has been going since 2008, do you think possibly the composer was a player or a fan? -
I found it! This website has lots of ding sounds from various MMO's, including CoH.
Wasn't sure where to put this but I want the level up tone as my ring tone, can this be done? Is it available without looking through the game files, which I'd rather not do.
Avatea currently translates all the patch notes and announcements for the French and german boards already and I believe all the text in game was translated to F+G for the EU launch. I believe part of the problem is the French and German clients are relatively unique and individualised to each language making combining them onto the list very difficult. That, or prohibitively expensive and they're waiting on the pop levels to drop below a set point at which point they pull the plug on the F&G servers completely and combine them with Defiant/the rest of the server list or close the Eu down completey and migrate everyone over to a new server/servers in the US. <deep breath!> Possibly.
just because I like to be involved, and it feels like a party in here, I can't access the link either! Shame I'm working for the meet and greet's but that's always been the case.
I have it on good information that the whole 'the cake is a lie' thing was actually a rumour started by the Pie, with help from the Cookie and the Muffin in order to discredit cake's goodness. It's still universely known that everything is good when there's cake involved (Except carrot cake. Vegetables have NO PLACE in a cake) but the Pie, the Muffin and the Cookie were jealous of Cake's reputation and tried to sully it.
Thanks for the update WW, always nice to get it straight from the top.
Will there be advertising on Steam etc to show that GR has launched and the game is all sparkly now?
I suspect the teaming thing will be an option to set a team as 'looking for members' and if a person then sets themselves as 'looking for group/team' they'll get an auto invite, or something similar. -
For anyone who hasn't read it, the 'Interviewing Leather' mini blog/story is AWESOME and gives an insight into what it could be like.
Unfortunately in real life the paparazi have shown a reckless disregard for celebrities safety (biting the hand that feeds them?) and, I'm sure, be tracking down superheroes looking to unmask them and reveal their civilian identities and every super hero would either be forced underground or end up living like recluses way out in the middile of the ocean or somewhere equally deserted. The propect of living a normal life as a Super would be remote.
Eventually, once paparazi learned (and it would take YEARS for some of them) that pissing off a Super who could be the one coming to stop you being mugged or saving you from some Supervillian who is planning to torture some Super's secret identity from you is a BAD IDEA you'd start to get endorsements, exclusive interviews, maybe even exclusivity deals preventing Supers from speaking to rival networks etc. The problem is, without suitable enemies to fight people would become bored quickly, much like they did with the Space launches and Shuttle launches until something bad happens. many media outlets would vilify Supers for collateral damage and problems caused by them and I'm sure the lawsuits would start pretty quickly, forcing some Supers to give it up. in short, it would be mayhem, chaos and pandemonium for a while until some understanding started between the Paps, the supers, local and federal giovernment and the court system. basically CoH has the history pretty accurately with it's lessons learned! -
Quote:CoH works just fine on my Windows 7 64 Bit. I doubt it'll be 'bit' dependant at all. You'll need a 64 bit OS to work with 4GB Ram or more.Thanks for the reply Miss Chief. I've been looking into the i5 750, it seems to be a great CPU for the money being that it also has an 8MB L3 cache. Will any of the i3 processors work as well or should I not go below an i5 series?
Also, does anyone know if Ultra Mode is based on the 64bit architecture? Going to be installing Windows 7 and want to know if COH will work on a 64bit operating system or if I should stick the 32bit.
I'm assuming it will run under the 64bit, I want to be able to operate with more than 4GB of RAM.
I'd say stick to an i5 so you can get the same socket type as an i7 which will give you a further upgrade path in the future. I'm not hugely up on current CPU socket types but I think it's called socket 1156. -
posi has said that performance from the 5770 is pretty good so you should be Ok. personally with a beast of a machien like that you may as well go the whole way and try and get an ATI 5850. if anything that Graphics card is a little too slow for the rest of the machine.
Quote:Unfortunately it's not quite that easy. Processor speed can't really be used as a true measure of performance as the same clock speed across a variety of CPU's can give varying performance.I haven't seen any posts on reccommended processor speed for Ultra Mode. I know that 2.0GHz is reccommended for the game in its current state.
I'm looking to build a new PC and would like to know the reccommended CPU speed for Ultra Mode before I start. Thanks.
If it's a desktop then i'd say an intel i5 is the sweet spot at the moment, although no doubt others will say i7-720. Stick to one of those CPU's if you're speccing up a new machine and you'll be fine. If, however, you have an existing machine then if you can post the specs we may be able to advise on a suitable upgrade. CPU matters but the vast majority of games these days are more limited by GPU (graphics card) than by CPU. Some game engines such as Valve's Source are very CPU dependant but in the majority of cases the better the GPU the better the performance, within reason of course! -
Sorry to hear of your woes CK, hope it improives soon.
Forgive me for not reading the whole thread, i take it there's been no comment from anyone after the 'We're letting the people who should know what we want, what we want' about the retail box? hell, releasing it on Steam would be good as well, with advertising as well! -
Best thing I can suggest leese is look at warranties. Some companies give lifetime warranties, others give 2 year ones where others only give one year. I wouldn't really pay extra for overclocked versions because you can usually do that yourself with free software without too much trouble. Often some manufacturers will install their own cooler designs compared to the 'reference' ones which can often be quieter and keep the card cooler. Some people swear by certain brands, others swear AT certain brands. I had a powercolor Ati 9600 Pro back in the day and it was fine, but powercolor are usually the cheapest and I have heard of some problems with failures and returns. Stick to a decent brand such as XFX (no endorsement, just an example) that give good warranties and you'll be fine.
I wouldn't be so sure about specifications of graphics cards. I curreently have an 8800GT 512MB which is one small step (for man?) below your cards Dark Respite and Forbin. Currently I run CoH and lots of other games on a 22" TFT which runs at 1680x1050. I've had my card for two years and I'm beginning to wonder if I have some sort of magical overclocked from the factory super 8800GT or something. Every game I've played on it, from CoD4 to MW2 to STO beta right through to Fallout 3 and everything else I've ever tried, I've just put the res up to 1680x1050, put everything on maximum in the options and played away with no problems. Other people I know that have an 8800GT, same as mine are complaining of slowdown or having to drop details to get good framerates yet I'm still playing away merrily and I can't see any slowdown at all. Best thing I would suggest is wait and see. Even if your card isn't enough to put all the bells and whistles on right now, I'd still expect some optimisation from the Dev's as this is often the last thing done when it comes to graphics. You'll also have the added bonus of your desired card being cheaper (probably!) when you come to buy.
The main problem stopping a merge is the French and german servers. The languages are on the client side, meaning all sorts of issues. They can't very well only put the English servers on the list.
As much as it pains me to say it, IF a merge is going to happen then they'll probably just close the German server (Sorry!) and possibly allow the French one to continue on the off chance some Quebecouise (sp!?) might use it. I'm not sure of the population levels on Vigilance and Zukunft but they can't be very high can they? -
Quote:It's been confirmed Ultra Mode will be completely optional. That means Choice number 1 will be your hot tip for the day. Ultra Mode will not require a specific version of Windows as OpenGL, which CoH is coded in, is not windows specific. The worst thing that may happen is you may need to upgrade your graphics driver and possibly even your card itself.Sorry for being dim-witted, but I'm not sure about your answer. Did you mean that I'll be OK?
I guess what I'm really trying to figure out is that, with only Windows XP, which situation will occur for me with Ultra Mode:
1) I will be able to play COH in Ultra Mode with Windows XP (in other words, without needing DirectX 11)
2) I will be unable to play COH in Ultra Mode but can still play in Normal mode in Windows XP
3) The Ultra Mode code base will prevent ALL COH gameplay for everyone using Windows XP, whether Ultra is enabled or not, by introducing a 100% unavoidable code/driver dependency on DirectX11 and/or Windows 7.
Which one of those would apply to me?
Lewis -
Interesting jesaist, it's always nice to know about how your graphics drivers etc work, and i agree, ATi's drivers are vastly improved compared to when i was running my 9600pro and moved UP to a X1650. I now run Nvidia on both of my PC's and the drivers only get updated when a game demands it. I'm a firm believer in 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'! Having said that I'll be picking up an Ati 5850 as my next card (probably!) along with a move to a 1920x1200 24" monitor at some point this year. The current 8800GT and 22" 1680x1050 TFT will be moving to the other PC which currently runs a 17" CRT and 9600GT!
I do think, however, that Direct X was good for the PC gaming scene to begin with. There were so many different engines and so many different performance differences from one game to the next that something had to be done. Some games didn't like this version of a driver, other games demanded you had this one, if you had this driver combined with this sound card driver the game would crash etc etc. It was also a good thing as it game developers something to aim for. It still wasn't ideal, the graphics available on an Xbox 360 show what is possible when you have a fixed spec and you can program and develop to it's advantages rather than having to make your graphics scalable and the engine run on hundreds or even thousands of different specifications that could be classed as a 'PC'.
Microsoft decided as a business step not to launch Direct X 10 onto Windows XP purely to push sales of it, the same reason Halo 2 PC was DX10 only when it was proved it could be run on windows XP, and indeed it was cracked to do just that. There are still very few pure DX10 games as far too many people still run Windows XP! IMO there will never be a pure DX11 game either, and most probably no one will ever make a pure DX version only game ever again, MS game studios excepted, purely to drive the next OS!