913 -
Quote:Not for that character. I turned on Unstoppable before I attacked. I backed away after losing around 10% health (after Dull Pain), when I knew Unstoppable wasn't going to be much good for much longer. Like I said, she was low on health at that point, so it didn't take very many ranged shots to finish her. I was never remotely in danger of getting killed, and I only used one inspiration the entire fight, just to bolster my defenses as I backed off.Having to use Unstoppable and then backing away to stay at range sound like problems to me.
Considering that damage protection doesn't last for too long in melee range against Lady Winter, it could be a problem for some other characters. -
Thanks for the /Regen comments, UberGuy and Canine. I mentioned /Regen just because I have four /Regen scrappers and three /Regen stalkers, and of course they don't have a long lasting godmode power to fall back on. I'll probably try one of them tomorrow.
Hurm. I just tried that with my level 50 Fire/Fire/Pyre Brute. I used some inspirations and Demonic Aura. I killed her so fast that Lady Winter's debuffs didn't matter.
I heard that Lady Winter can be tough for melee characters due to stacking defense and resistance buffs. I was interested in hearing how players have been doing against her so far. I fought her solo five times so far (no deaths), but only once with a melee character, and that was a level 50 tanker.
My results:
L50 Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster, L47 Energy/Energy/Munitions Blaster
Stayed at range. No problems. Used several inspirations and no temp powers.
L50 Inv/SS/Pyre Tanker: No problems. Used Unstoppable. Near the end she started eating through Unstoppable, so I backed off and finished her off with ranged attacks (Fire Blast, Fire Ball and ranged temp attack powers). Used a defense inspiration.
L45 Mind/Energy/Psi Dominator: Stayed at range. No problems. Used several inspirations, plus several ranged temp attack powers when she heavily slowed me for a bit.
L21 Demons/Pain Mastermind: No problems. Used a couple inspirations and no temp powers. Didn't lose any pets.
I'm trying to think of some good solo strategies for my /Regen scrappers, among others. -
Quote:I'm forced to agree with this. The critters are big and white and easy to spot, and they despawn before long. If you're opening presents in a zone appropriate for your level but you're well below the maximum level of the zone, you can spawn enemies several levels above you, so running away isn't a bad idea sometimes. Some people are in a hurry to collect a large number of candy canes, and taking time to clean up the spawns adds up, in addition to all that travel time. Minimizing the grind is perfectly understandable.Put me in the "no reason to complain" camp. The spawns are zone-appropriate, if they con grey to the opener who runs away then they never move from the spot, and they are big and white and visible. In other words, functionally identical to existing spawns in that zone. If your lowbie characters runs right into the middle of them and dies, it's your own damn fault for not paying attention.
It doesn't bother me at all if people leave the snowmen behind. I think it adds flavor for the Winter Event. -
Quote:Oh yes they can get lucky. My Ice/Ice blaster had Frozen Armor and two medium purples, and got hit four times in a row. I didn't get 1-shotted, but I couldn't keep up and got killed. Stupidly bad luck. After I got back and tried the same thing, he didn't hit me once and I clobbered him easily.My Warshade got 1-shotted through about 60% defense. (several Purple pills eaten)
Yes, they do get lucky and roll under 5% at times. (or is that 10% for EBs)
But that was the only time I got killed doing that mission, and I did it with 11 different characters. -
That sounds like an improvement. The mission was a little hard to follow before, because the Malta didn't start as enemies and Maelstrom was invisible. It could take a while to figure out what you were supposed to do.
Quote:My impression has been that all the future Incarnate stuff (with the possible exception of unlocking slots) will be in the form of TFs and raids. But I might be mistaken on that. And if I'm not mistaken, maybe we can talk the devs into adding in some soloable stuff.You know there is not really a whole lot of Incarnate content at all. Right now there is only the opening arc and 2 taskforces (unless there is more I don't know about). I don't think that qualifies has a lot of content period. Give it time and I am sure more will be added that will satisfy both the team and solo crowd.
Hmm. So you're saying that once I get my slot filled I should just repeat the same level 50 missions I've done before, but at a higher difficulty to simulate Incarnate content, even though none of that conent has anything to do with Incarnates? I don't know... I think I'd be better off making my own Incarnate arcs in the Mission Architect. I could even just ignore the canon and make up my own versions of what being an Incarnate means. Something to think about, I suppose. It will be a long time before I fill the slot on one of my characters, so I'll have plenty of time to plan some stories. It might not work too well, though, because I can't get more shards from the AE to upgrade my Alpha buffs.
Yes, I think the Master has some of the best lines in Star Trek. And he looks much better in that picture than his recent clean-shaven look.
Some of the comics I bought:
Brightest Day #16: Mainly a character building issue. Nothing much really happens. Aquaman gets Aqualad ready for action, Deathstorm plays mind games with Prof. Stein and Jason's dad, and Ronnie and Jason hope their sudden power surge as Firestorm hasn't just blown up the universe.
Green Lantern #60: Parallax has possessed Flash, which makes Parallax pretty darn dangerous. But the little guy in bandages who has been collecting the emotional spectrum entities shows up. He claims he once controlled all the entities, and is working to get them back. Other members of the rainbow Lantern crew show up, including a couple more entity-possessed people, and the entity collector proceeds to kick butt. The collector's face is revealed, and we've seen that face before. He goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back with the Guardians of the Universe! And not in a good way!
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5: Somebody is mind controlling Green Lanterns, and tricks them into thinking Guy Gardner and pals are Sinestro Corps members. When they fail to capture/kill our heroes, they commit suicide. Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Green Lanterns getting slaughtered left and right, and this slaughter had weak justification. But the story soon ties into Green Lantern #60, as Atrocitus warns Guy that he needs to help stop that entity collector.
Green Lantern/Plastic Man: Weapons of Mass Deception (one-shot): Aliens and Earth gangsters working together! And the gangsters look like human-sized ducks. It's an oddball story that has nothing to do with anything else going on in DC Comics right now, but it's fun, and it's nice to see Plastic Man in action again. Plastic Man shows that he's still savvy with the gangster crowd, but needs Green Lantern to clobber the aliens.
Superman #706: It's a character building story for Perry White, newspaper boss guy. How often do we see that? And it's just as exciting as it sounds. Well, maybe not quite that exciting.
Batman #705: Lots of interesting characters running around.Sensei of the Lague of Assassins. Peacock, an unusually colorful costumed character for a Batman comic. I-Ching, who helped out Wonder Woman a really long time ago. Riddler and his daughter Enigma. Say, can we someday get the powers that be in DC to set a standard for Riddlers face? Just a bit of a consensus? For somebody who's instantly recognizable by his outfits, it's amazing how artists can't seem to agree on what his face looks like. (He even had extensive plastic surgery to change his appearance some time back, and it didn't help; artists still can't draw him consistently.) -
The lakes froze over in the first Winter Event, in January 2005. That was fun. I played ice hockey with Hydra pucks in Perez Park, and pairs skating with a Devoured in Eden. It's too bad the devs haven't done that kind of thing since.
Quote:In my case it was more along the lines of "If being an Incarnate doesn't do much of anything for me, then it's not worth fighting all those EBs." Fighting Trapdoor is worth the possibility of someday crafting a common buff for the Alpha slot. Maybe. I may only end up crafting a buff on one character, if I keep playing that character fairly regularly, but I have no extra incentive to do that since I won't be doing the TFs. An Alpha buff would allow me to... get through the standard missions slightly faster. Whee."If you can't solo an EB or two, you are NOT, in fact, uber enough to be an Incarnate."
As it is, I now have the Alpha slot on all 11 of my level 50 characters. If the devs removed the option to auto-complete the last two EB fights, it wouldn't bother me, because I have no real reason to do the arc with future level 50 characters.
People who assume that becoming an Incarnate is a major upgrade for a character are people who plan to continue on with Incarnate activities. For those of us who aren't doing that, becoming an Incarnate is nothing much.
(Now if the devs were to add soloable Incarnate content along with the TFs, the Incarnate system might mean more to me, and I'd be more motivated to fight those EBs.) -
I got my second shard! Whee!
I think it will be a while before I have any extras... -
Quote:I think you're confusing me with somebody else.If an EB is actually too hard for you, it's okay to ask for help. Your insistence that you should be able to solo all of them without trouble regardless of the character (as face it some EBs are easier on some builds and harder on others) and declare it a bug if you find one beyond your abilities is already a silly extreme.
I don't insist that I should be able to solo any EB with any character without trouble. In fact, I have characters that don't solo any EBs. Meanwhile, my best EB killer has never faced an EB she couldn't kill. The reference to the bug thing was specifically with my top soloer, and the bugs in question didn't have to do with EBs at all. -
I really have no clue what you're going on about. You complained about people who want to solo everything in the game, and I pointed out the silly extreme. I have no idea what details I would be trying to change.
No, I was not calling something being hard a bug. I was calling a bug a bug. For example, if I go into a standard mission and find myself facing a +8 lieutenant (which has happened to me in the past), there's a bug. Outside of the obvious bugs, which have been acknowledged as bugs and fixed, my top soloer has never been unable to complete a standard mission solo. (Although I'm counting failing or auto-completing as completing.)
Quote:I'm still not seeing it. Nowhere did I say I want to solo all content, and in fact I've been consistently saying otherwise. I wasn't including TFs when I referred to standard mission content. (And I certainly wasn't including things like Hamidon.)I recommend reading some of Tenzhi's posts earlier in the thread.
There's also your own post.
I'm pretty sure Tenzhi was also referring to soloability of standard mission content and not TFs. -
I think you've gone to a bit of a silly extreme there. In fact, I tend to agree with that conclusion even though I'm a solo player. Personally, I would never try to talk the devs into making TFs that currently require teams soloable. But that doesn't prevent me and other soloists from urging the devs to make certain standard (theoretically soloable) missions more solo friendly. It also doesn't prevent people like Samuel Tow from asking for soloable Incarnate content alongside the Incarnate TFs.
Quote:I mainly stick to common IOs at that level too. My widow Riffle is at 40 now, and will be taking the Statesman mission at 45, so I can easily level a ways past it if I can't beat it right away or auto-complete it.I suppose I could get help to complete the mission, but I like the idea of my Widow being so bad-a** that she can take on Recluse and States single handed and win.
edit: I'd also like to note that I run with, at most, common IOs. Maybe (probably) a Widow with the right sets wouldn't have any problems. -
Quote:Say, I haven't encountered that yet. My Night Widow got clobbered by Back Alley Brawler some time back (after a long and valiant struggle), but I was able to auto-complete that mission. I'll have to look into that Statesman mission.I've run into a similar problem with the final mission of the VEAT mission chain where you have to take down Statesman. My Night Widow didn't pick up the mission until she was level 50, and every time I've tried it I just haven't been able to do enough damage to knock out States. Either he KOs me or I run out of end.