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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post

    So you can casually enter a tough raid and get crushed? I really don't think that counts.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    So far the system seems to be oriented a lot more towards the casual team-lite crowd instead of the hardcore-min-maxed-team crowd. Admittedly the incarnate trials (I will not call them iTrials) might change that but even those seem to be more about coordination instead of having an uber build.
    I will be very interested to see anything that seems to be casual friendly.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Woman View Post
    So not offering an option is not acceptable, but offering an option is also not acceptable?
    My personal position is that offering an option is acceptable, because some players will want to take advantage of it, regardless of how much time and effort it costs.

    The Incarnate system is meant as a typical MMO end-game, team-intensive gear grind that even takes a well-organized team a long time to fully complete. Trying to accommodate us casual soloers (or even the casual team-lite crowd) isn't going to work too well for that kind of end-game.

    Of course the danger is that the casual playerbase is fairly large, and many of those players may lose interest in the game's direction. The devs are hoping to attract more of the achiever crowd in exchange. We'll see how well that works down the road, as those achievers will regularly need to put together effective level 50 teams.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Woman View Post
    Serious question: If they had never said they planned a way for 'anti-teaming' people to get rare incarnate salvage, that it would always and forevermore be a WTF-only thing from the beginning, would you have been okay with that?
    I don't think so. This gives a path to the goodies for achiever soloers who enjoy an intensive, highly efficient grind.

    For casual soloers like myself, it's a message that these items are not meant for me and I should abandon all hope of getting them. But I expected that.
  5. I'm thankful to DCUO for grabbing my interest temporarily while CoH pumps out new stuff that I have no interest in. That's not going to last long though, because DCUO is very short on content and awkward in gameplay. CoH is still my all-time favorite.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    I'm not sure how much an introvert you are, WHF, but for some of us, just being around other people (or even other avatars) can trigger that expenditure of energy. Familiarity is a far more sure way to ease the burden than simply "not talking". That can work for some, but not all.
    Yes, that's pretty much true for me too. I've done a couple TFs with supergroups way back when, but one of those SGs went away, and the other (Forumites United) dwindled down to just me. The new end game approach is simply too much for my meager social abilities to handle in any case, since it's all teams and raids (after the intro).
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    This message is hidden because Golden Girl is on your ignore list.
    I really need to stop peeking at her replies to me. This version is much better.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    One can be social without participating in the endgame content. Some, like myself, enjoy leveling characters more than playing level 50 characters.
    True, but GG was replying to me, and I'm not social. Raids and TFs are too painful for my introvertedness to deal with. If the end game stuff was all solo friendly, I'd be doing it, but it's not, so I'll stick to the fun leveling stuff.
  9. New game: We're focusing on end game stuff! Hurry to the end so you can do end game stuff!

    CoH: New content for as far as we can see will be focusing on end game stuff! Play the new end game stuff!

    Bleah. It's a good thing CoH satisfies my altitis nicely. End game stuff is not for me.
  10. Mirai

    Issue 19.5

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Not in this case.

    The name is actually based on the definition of "Alpha Strike."
    Ew. My interest has dropped considerably, since I'm not an end game fan.

    (Well, War Witch did imply that it would involve more end game stuff, so I shouldn't have become interested in 19.5 anyway.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Although other games may look better (DCUO does, CO definitely does not) CoH has superior gameplay over both of those and far more interesting content. DCUO is essentially a generic Fantasy MMO with the serial numbers filed off, where they crossed out "knight" and wrote in "superhero."
    I would agree with you on the gameplay aspect, despite the notable lack of crafting, which is pretty much a staple in the fantasy games. The game focuses on weapons and armor, which is straight out of a fantasy RPG, and doesn't really resemble a superhero game. On the other hand, the writing is straight DC Comics style, and some of the top DC writers contributed to creating the stories. Plus the voice acting is great.

    Now be sure to get that gear repaired regularly, because, you know, a broken costume will make any superhero weak.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Ummm the competition most assuredly DOES have travel suppression.

    All I'm going to say is "GROUNDED". You'll learn what that means soon enough.
    That's certainly true. For example, super speeders who are used to being reduced to a jog in this game will get just the same kind of experience in that game. With no stealth. And enemies in the streets will continue to shoot at you to slow you down no matter how much higher in level you are. (But hey, you can run up the sides of buildings.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Obviously City of Heroes has a huge content advantage over the recent "johnny-come-lately" MMOs.

    But just to provide some historical perspective from a Devil's Advocacy point of view there were a lot of people complaining about the "lack of content" a month or so after City of Heroes launched and many people were predicting it was going to fail very quickly. Obviously events have proven those people wrong.

    It goes to show that the amount of content really isn't the only factor which determines how well a superhero MMO does in the marketplace. As we all know CO also started with a relatively small amount of content and as fate would have it managed to falter for a myriad of other reasons. DCUO will succeed or fail based on the quality/uniqueness of its content, not necessarily on the overall quantity of its content.
    City of Heroes did indeed have a serious content shortage at launch, at least for a good number of players (like me). It wasn't as noticeable if you teamed regularly, but there were content gaps in every five level range, and a huge content gap in the upper 30s. Most of those gaps were filled by a mission completion bonus boost in Issue 2, and of course the rest has been filled in over time.

    BUT! CoH has always had an alternate leveling path. You can grind enemies for XP in this game. You can fill in the gaps by grinding, if you can put up with grinding. (Personally I can't stand aimless streetsweeping, but the game really was designed to accomodate that kind of leveling.) The other superhero MMOs don't really support that. You need to do missions to level. And CoH, even with those gaps, had many more missions at launch than those other games. (Granted those missions were very bland and repetitive by today's standards.)

    The other superhero MMOs are fairly short games. The new one justifies that by concentrating on an "end game", and we'll have to see how well that works out. Personally, I don't like end games. If the content up to the end isn't going to keep me playing for a long time, I'm not that interested.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    With my scrapper against the EB solo, I had to briefly disengage to get the debuff aura to wear off before charging back in. That seems to be the key for melee, being willing to pull back, maybe string her along for 20-30 seconds while the debuff wears off.
    Yes, I was able to get used to that tactic and get through the fight with my level 50 MA/Regen/Dark scrapper. I don't have much in the way of temp powers with that character, so I was dodging in and out of melee range a lot, but I got through it with no deaths.

    I also noticed something during that fight: she doesn't seem to ever leave that peak she spawns on. Is she tethered to that area? Might be a viable strategy to take advantage of that.
    No, you can pull her around the map. I pulled her all the way to the Tuatha in one fight, and activated the Tuatha hoping most of them would fight her, but they didn't help out much. It wasn't worth the trouble for me.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    As I understand it, the other Incarnate stuff thus far is made up of TFs which necessitate teams. The solo difficulty shouldn't be ramped up to appease the elitists and masochists.
    Oh, I don't know. That seems to be the whole point of the Incarnate system. It's meant to provide something to do for the l33t endgame enthusiasts, not for players like you and me. It's a bit annoying that the devs are spending so much effort on content for a relatively small group of people, but since that achiever-oriented content was in short supply before, I can't really complain. I still have more than enough to do in the rest of the game.

    I got all my level 50 characters through the arc (prior to the patch), and that's plenty for me. It wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't been able to get through the Ramiel arc. I don't play my 50s much, so I don't plan to get much of anything out of the Incarnate system anyway.

    It will be interesting to see if the Incarnate content can maintain some popularity, unlike, say, the PvP content (which both of us avoid like the plague).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Is everyone fighting the EB or AV version of Lady Winter?
    I'm only concerned about the elite boss version. I was interested in hearing how players are doing solo against her.

    Speaking of which...

    Level 50 Dark/Dark/Dark Defender: It took a long time and most of my inspirations, but I finally beat her without being in much danger.

    Level 50 Energy/Regen/Dark Stalker: I had some worries, dodging in and out of melee range, but I managed to beat her without getting killed. Fortunately I had several temp ranged attacks to use, and I used a number of inspirations to keep me going. After attacking her the first time, Lady Winter apparently can see through a stalker's concealment, which is not unusual for a downgraded AV. Still, a placate followed by a quick crit still works.

    It was interesting to stand next to Lady Winter invisibly and watch the debuffs stack up on my character. That means it's not a good idea to hesitate near her before attacking.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Or just station a PPD cop there with drone-level powers.
    Or better yet, have Washington beat them up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    When I tried to play earlier Winter Lord and his several dozen minions were camped out in front of Chief Interrogator Washington...
    I saw that on Protector this morning. I was wondering if that was going to cause problems for people. The devs should move that spawn point.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
    I thought that level 59 shouldn't have any issues
    Oh, you know, the bad guys just scale up accordingly...
  20. L37 Ice/Ice Dominator: Stayed at range, used several inspirations and summoned a Snow Beast. No problems.

    L50 Ill/Rad/Psi Controller: As expected, crushed Lady Winter easily with no inspirations or temp powers.

    L50 Katana/SR/Dark Scrapper: Had some serious problems. Started with Elude, several red inspirations, and a Snow Beast. I got in some good shots, then she hit me and I knew it was time to back off, but she promptly followed up with her heavy hitting attack, sending me to the hospital. I quickly returned, used purple and red inspirations and Clockwork Connection, hit her with an alpha strike, and backed off to use ranged temp attacks. The ranged attacks were taking a long time, so when Build Up returned I dove in to melee and immediately died. I quickly returned from the hospital, used purple and red inspirations, and finished her off with an alpha Strike.

    I had been hoping that Divine Avalanche would make the fight relatively easy, but no such luck. (And thus Kiriko finishes earning her first debt badge.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
    But aren't tips supposed to drop from mobs approximately the same level as you?
    No, they have to be at least level 20, but they can con deep grey to you.
  22. I play AE arcs now and then. But they're all arcs that I create for my own characters, and I unpublish them after I play them. I suppose that isn't helping the OP out much.
  23. Quote:
    Tin Mage TF is just ridiculous..
    Well I would hope so. But just to check, did all your team members have the Alpha slot filled? Because otherwise it would be even more difficult than normal.

    It's too difficult for me to even start, so I certainly won't be offering any tactics.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    So a quick discussion: We'll run past and get into the station and level at Nova. Except that there are actually about 5 or 6 purple conning snowbeasty things inside Imperial station. I got about three steps in before I was flat out again.
    Although I agree the Winter Lord problem should be fixed, you can just head straight across the river to Nova without bothering with the station. You'll zone as you get most of the way across the river. If you already knew that, well, just a reminder for those who didn't.
  25. Just got finished fighting Lady Winter with my level 50 Claws/Regen/Dark Scrapper. Not a very good performance. As my damage protection got low, she two-shotted me. I quickly got back from the hospital to continue the fight. Before long I had to back up and used ranged attacks, but I was heavily slowed and I had very few ranged temp attacks. My MoG wasn't coming back any time soon. So I dove into melee to finish her off, hoping for some luck, and got lucky and finished her off.

    That's a bad sign for some of my other characters.