I just wanted to post a transcript of the meeting that led to this in depth guide that was compiled by Ring.
It was my husband that was part of this [AceMACE], but it's an example of people in an online setting, coming together to do what they can, within reason to to make what is perceived as a community, as fun and safe as most would expect the experience to be.
A widely known individual, at the time temporarily left the game as a result of the issue discussed in this guide.
Shortly afterward, all of the leaders of the largest SG's, got together to talk about the general topic.
June 24, 2005
DrLazarus: time to start discussion?
El Fuego Fuerte: ok...
Sxxxy: Ace is managing and leading the discussion tonight.. please wait for him a bit
DrLazarus: hence the question.
AceMACE: think we're set
BigBadVoodooDad: hello to anyone i've not met yet
AceMACE: like to get a few more but we have a lot of the main leaders of groups etc
MaceFace: Like wise
Winter Elf: hello BBVD
Ring: same same , good to see ya BBVD
Ultraamann: greetings to all
Marut: Hi all
cc: hello all.
MaceFace: Sup CC
Winter Elf: Hey Mar!
El Fuego Fuerte: btw, sorry Bert can't make it, but I hope Ranma and I are sufficient in his stead
AceMACE: ok a few opening thoughts then we'll open it up to all the group and any ideas relating to that
Ultraamann: well, the 2 of just about equal him in size.. so i suppose so
AceMACE: so lets get started
AceMACE: 1st
AceMACE: we wont get into "who" is being harassed,
CrackBack: sup everyone
AceMACE: i think we all agree that stalking is when someone wont leave a person alone, no matter what,
AceMACE: who tries to
AceMACE: get personal info
AceMACE: who hounds a person no matter what they say
AceMACE: constantly trying to make contact
AceMACE: something like this caused a person to leave today, as we all know
AceMACE: the person was hounded nonstop until they couldn't take it anymore
Marut: this is a large issue, and it certainly isn't limited to two people
AceMACE: agreed
Invisitron: true
AceMACE: at this point if you have an issue your aware of or an idea in dealing with this topic and watching over your super groups lets let you speak
Marut: The question is, can anyone think of a way to prevent this from happening to our nearest and dearest beforehand?
MaceFace: sure
AceMACE: go ahead :]
Sxxxy: Ace may I make a suggestion?
CrackBack: what exactly happened? and how did it happen. was it on TS2 or tells?
DrLazarus: I would say... its best to be wary of who you are "friendly" with until you know them a little better.
Ultraamann: please sxxxy, lets hear it
Marut: Any specifics shouldn't be brought up here, I think
MaceFace: only real thing u can do without becoming a dictator is just to warn your SG not to get too overly personal. Its always up to the user to be smart
AceMACE: ok one at a time mar what's your thought
AceMACE: yes
AceMACE: that is not our business
Marut: Well, it's more an organizational thing. Being vigilant is good, but actively naming people in an organized fashion leads to cries of persecution
MaceFace: agreed
Marut: and that cuts two ways. One, it gives those that might
Marut: but worse, it means that others really could be persecuted
AceMACE: true
AceMACE: well
AceMACE: a point
AceMACE: chat log
Marut: We need to try and find a way to check this sort of thing at the gate, without making the infamous "lists"
AceMACE: there is a main chat log kept
Marut: yeah, very good idea. Getting players to add a chat log
Ring: <rasies hand>
AceMACE: with a chat log kept
AceMACE: you can refer to it ring your point
Biotron: Hi all. Just joined. Not sure what's going on yet.
cc: someone brought it up on the boards today as well...if there's an instance take a screenshot too b/c logs can be edited
AceMACE: screenshots
AceMACE: ok Ring
Ring: a site, or a page of a site, that clearly explains how to set up a chat log, and why it is important
Ring: as well as screenshot instructions
Ring: and how to make them with the ui
AceMACE: ok
Ring: and where they end up for retrieval
Ultraamann: *raises hand*
AceMACE: like a sg site
Sxxxy: <hand>
Ring: could also have links to harassment resources
AceMACE: Ultra
AceMACE: ok
Ring: <shuts mouth>
AceMACE: give these guys a sec to type lol :]
Ultraamann: i think our priority needs to be 1) prevention, 2) immediate help, 3) protection, and 4) punishment... it has to be about the victim first... that's all.. im done
AceMACE: punishment of what type
Ultraamann: whatever the GMs dictate.. that comes last after we've taken care of the victim... and is the least important
Winter Elf: in an online environment, we can 1) ostracize and/or 2) petition to GM
AceMACE: ok Sxxx you had a point
Sxxxy: ok.. i'm gonna speak at a fair length here so please forgive me, and bear with me
Ring: rgr
Sxxxy: We are all here as ambasadors of creating a fun and fair environment to play in comfort and saftey. We are all masters of our domains and know the people in the SG
Sxxxy: er our SGs
AceMACE: yes
Biotron: Read forums. Caught up. ty.
Sxxxy: I agree wholeheartedly with U-man that this needs to be about the victim first.... they are looking for emotional and moral support first and foremost... advice second
Sxxxy: as generally accepted leaders, we have a duty to facilitate a safe environment, hence, the people we have assigned as our right and left hands need to be able t ohelp us facilitate this
AceMACE: capts
Sxxxy: Prevention, support, and action starts in our own SGs.... within however we have chosen to mange our own corners of the world..
Sxxxy: we must all think about how we can inform our members as to what is and is not acceptable.. and create a structure of suppport
AceMACE: yes as for support
AceMACE: ring mentioned a link
Sxxxy: our peers that we are comfortable with to express our fears, or feelings, and have them provide true and intelligent feedback, and support our decisions in our time of need
AceMACE: ok
BigBadVoodooDad: HERO has had it's stalker problem, and we found that most of it culminated due to lack of communication
AceMACE: and that goes mainly to each SG
AceMACE: what your talking about Sxxx
BigBadVoodooDad: i think a channel like this would be good for this reason and others too
Sxxxy: so hence.. I think there are a lot of things we can do withing our own SGs... starting from the bottom and working up.... if all the big SGs set an example. as to what is acceptable and not, the rest will fall in line.. and for the
BigBadVoodooDad: like hunting down griefers,e tc...
Sxxxy: people that are the exceptions.. we must have our own processes to be able to support hat person
Biotron: Please note there will be occasional disagreements in this channel.
AceMACE: well this is not about griefers
Sxxxy: sorry to be so long winded.. but that's a reader's digest of what's going on in my head... I have plenty more ideas, but I don't think this is the forum to explore them in
AceMACE: this is about people with real issues
AceMACE: your main thought Sxx
Biotron: If this channel is used to discuss griefing there will be disagreements. I think this channel should be about emergencies such as the one being discussed now - agree with AceMace's last two points.
Sxxxy: we're not here to be punitive
Sxxxy: we're here to #1 support
Sxxxy: #2 prevent
AceMACE: being that each group has to provide the needed oversight and support
Sxxxy: #3 setup a network to deal with pressing social issues
Sxxxy: #4 coordinate
AceMACE: yes
AceMACE: a Q
Sxxxy: sorry again for being blabby.. that's all I have to say for now
AceMACE: would you all like to keep this channel as that source
AceMACE: only for group leaders
Winter Elf: might want to change the name if we do...
Winter Elf: oh
CrackBack: it won't hurt
AceMACE: ok
MaceFace: May I say something? And yes
AceMACE: yes
Celestial Lad: <raises hand>
MaceFace: I agree with sxxy
AceMACE: melter
AceMACE: ok
MaceFace: however
MaceFace: for the most part we can only guide people
MaceFace: we cannot make any choices for them
Winter Elf: yes...
AceMACE: of course
Winter Elf: also, people tend not to respond to well to pushiness
MaceFace: Identifying peeps is ok by me
MaceFace: Punishing is not what we are here to do
AceMACE: keeping them informed is really the issue
AceMACE: Lad you had a thought
BigBadVoodooDad: well, my question is how do are we supposed to find out about stalking, i'm not much for prying into peoples social lives
MaceFace: Only thing we can do is let our SGs know what to look for
AceMACE: lol
AceMACE: Lad
Shadow Wraith: You look for patterns Voo
AceMACE: you had a thought
Celestial Lad: I just wanted to touch on keeping this channel alive and other options, if I may.
Shadow Wraith: Same person ....different people
AceMACE: ok go ahead Lad
Marut: I think it's more that we need a way to make sure the members of SGs know that they CAN talk about it without being afraid
BigBadVoodooDad: seeing as how oblivious i was last time....
Marut: shutting up now
Celestial Lad: some have mentioned that they are limited now for channels
Shadow Wraith: Both times Voo
AceMACE: give lad a sec
Celestial Lad: I would suggest a private forum on the 'net someplace which is invite only
AceMACE: who woyuld set that up
Celestial Lad: I would be willing to set it up I would just want consesus
Celestial Lad: on where it should be
Ring: would tha tbe just for ... community leaders?
DrLazarus: hi all
Ring: heya DrL
Winter Elf: hello
Marut: Heya FrL
Shadow Wraith: Heyas Laz
Marut: DrL even
Celestial Lad: it would be 2 fold
Celestial Lad: a pulbic forum for info
Honcho: Greetings, Living Coal here for The Farstriders
Celestial Lad: a private forum for leaders and those with which could volunteer they ears
AceMACE: here's the road we don't want to head down in my opin...
Celestial Lad: which road is that?
AceMACE: black listing many some over maybe petty personal issues
Ranma Saotome: Hello LC
cc: ezforums.org seems to be an easy to use and set up place. i bet we could probably have one set up before the end of this talk. while anyone can register you can lock the forums to approved members if need be
Winter Elf: agreed, I don't want this to turn into espionage
AceMACE: yes
Marut: agreed
AceMACE: frankly before today
Ultraamann: agreed, blacklisting is not the point
MaceFace: agreed
Celestial Lad: I have phpbb here I can modify and put up anywhere
Sxxxy: second
AceMACE: frankly before today
AceMACE: i've never heard of this
AceMACE: and we have many females in tod
Ranma Saotome: About stalking being an issue?
AceMACE: yes
Ultraamann: unfortunately i have... a lot of the women will talk to my wife when they'd never say anything to me
AceMACE: but it clearly is a problem to a degree
Ranma Saotome: It is rampant, I know 2 people in game who have been stalked, it's not alot of fun to be imprecise
Ring: not the first i heard of it, but had no clue how bad it was
AceMACE: same
Shadow Wraith: I've lost 2 members due to it
CrackBack: *raises hand*
Biotron: Question. What is GM / NCSoft position on this.
AceMACE: ok crack
Ring: EULA violation as far as I understand
Celestial Lad: If I may say one more thing - we should keep this open until more concrete plans are made
Marut: GM's have basically stated that unless someone clearly violates the EULA, they can't do anything
Celestial Lad: this channel I mewan
Celestial Lad: mean*
MaceFace: I would like this Channel used also to hlp identify SG members causing Problems with others, instead of Posting them on Boards; which will only cause Rivelry of SGs
Helms: well your hearts are in the right place, but plain and simple this is something that needs to be dealt with by authorities, either NCsoft or law
CrackBack: i hope this doesn't come off and insensitive.....but I'm just not getting how someone can be stalked on a videogame? it's truly baffling me on how something of this sort can even take place
Shadow Wraith: Problem with that ...this is still quite public. If you have a problem with an SG ...take it to their leader
CrackBack: why on earth would ANYONE give ANY of there personal info online.
MaceFace: Exactly what this is, all leaders; isnt it?
Celestial Lad: three are many young ppl that play that don't know better; are just trying to be friendly/make friends
AceMACE: to crack's Q
Ultraamann: unfortunately there are some trusting naive people, and the cunning ones prey on that
Helms: keeping this or any forum only will only cause more problems, what would stop me from accusing someone?
AceMACE: it's someone constantly going after someone else, even in some cases trying to get a phone # etc
AceMACE: sadly some have given that info out
AceMACE: very easy
CrackBack: we have some females in WC and this is the first i've ever heard of such an issue. shouldn't we know better? i love my SG but refuse to give out my personal info.
Helms: we are not in salem and this is not a witch trial. If you or a friend have a problem like this contact ncsoft and the police, it is a crime
Myrmydon: interesting name
Celestial Lad: proof is almost a requirement via screenie imo or stealth spying on confirmed location for ex.
DrLazarus: *raises hand*
AceMACE: ok a couple points and your thoughts
Ring: <was disco'd>
AceMACE: chat log
AceMACE: if we tell our groups to keep them the mods can refer to the master log
AceMACE: that cant be messed with
AceMACE: that's proof
AceMACE: thoughts
Ring: all for educating people on how to collect evidence of harassment, and how to report it
Ultraamann: agreed
Ring: thumbs up
Winter Elf: yes
AceMACE: screenshots
AceMACE: what would a screenshot do
Ultraamann: above all, we need to make it so they feel comfortable in saying something when it starts happening too
Helms: and if you contact NCsoft I'm sure they would check anyways for somethign this serious, if they don't I'm sure if you go to a law enforcment and say I have proof but you ahve to get it from this companies logs that they will
Winter Elf: yes, we need to lend an ear if they choose to speak up about it
Ring: screen shots are useful ways of getting the offending statement *right now* especially if you are unsure it is being logged
Shadow Wraith: Internet law is a bit different
Helms: internet law is alot different
AceMACE: ok so you need word baloon on for it right
Shadow Wraith: Only when they take it RL can the law enforcement really do something
Sxxxy: Helms.. this isn't about being punitive...... that will occur if the party wants it to.. we're more talking about prevention and support here
Sxxxy: let's not go down that rat hole and stick to the subject at hand
cc: not necessarily word baloon ace, but rather the ui so you can see the chat window
Celestial Lad: Ace, just screenshotui 1 will take a pic of all windows open as well.
Winter Elf: getting mid requests, going to /hide
AceMACE: ok
Ring: well, preventing is difficult, prevent escalation, and publicly displaying our support for victim is about all you can do to PREVENT it
Helms: and like I said all you are going to do is smear there name, what if they didn't do anything what if I just pointed and said hey hes harrassing me lets get my buddies and everyone ont he game to blackball him
AceMACE: well
AceMACE: if you have a chat log
AceMACE: that speaks for itself
Marut: The point is to try and avoid that, Helms, without making people helpless as well. That's the whole reason for the meeting
AceMACE: yes
Helms: ace I can make you a chat log right now with you saying whatever
AceMACE: ias i said
AceMACE: there is a master copy
Ring: <raises hand>
Helms: that is why you need to contact authorities they will get the real proof, if there is any
Winter Elf: yes. while I mentioned punishments when it was asked how it would be done, I didn't necessarily condone them
AceMACE: everything we do ingame is recorded
AceMACE: Ring you had a thought
Celestial Lad: That's true, Helms, but the more overhead support, as we have here, hopefully the truth can be found easier than heresay and midified logs/pics
AceMACE: di you hace a thought ring
Ring: well, a couple if i may
AceMACE: have a thought
AceMACE: yeah
Ring: 1. building an atmosphere of support and cooperation is the biggesat step IMHO
AceMACE: in your groups you mean
Ring: 2. recording as avaialble, may not stand up in court, but it does serve purpos
Ring: it is an action that a victim can take, and feel proactive about her position
Invisitron: (hand)
Ring: and it gives the GM a point of reference
AceMACE: ok In
AceMACE: yes
Ring: done
AceMACE: chat log think we all agree can be a tool for our group
Invisitron: it may have been said before, but I was busy...most important I think is communication...We as SG leaders and otehr interested people need to communicate when there is aproblem person.
AceMACE: also screenies
Invisitron: not let it sit quiet so a stalker or whatever can move from group to group to continue
AceMACE: that goes to each leader
Invisitron: if we dont communicate, we give them additional help indirectly by not doing something
Marut: agreed
Myrmydon: Actually, Rings first point is the best idea I have heard short of impalement so far.
Invisitron: and that is talking to each other, letting them know whats going one (done)
AceMACE: ok well lets try to get down to how to share information in one source for all group leaders
AceMACE: would a channel like this work
AceMACE: it has a MOTD
AceMACE: that can contain names info etc
Sxxxy: <hand>
Helms: you're gonna end up blackballing people
Winter Elf: I'm not it can without degenerating to listing
Honcho: One problem with that, a stalker is going to want to be in a position of power, if we set up a group, they will join it
Invisitron: only for peeps on line..
Ranma Saotome: Some of us have no room for another channel though
AceMACE: ok so the channel would not fit
AceMACE: most of you had to quit one to join
Invisitron: a site might look like listing...
AceMACE: ok
Winter Elf: really, we need to encourage the victim to speak up
AceMACE: a site with links ?
Sxxxy: ok wait.... we're getting into a rat hole again
Winter Elf: links to resources, yes
AceMACE: resources yeah
AceMACE: you mean blacklisting sxx
AceMACE: as i see it
Sxxxy: yes.... that and the fact that if someone knows.. everyone will know anyways.. there's a difference between overtly knowing.. and covertly knowing
AceMACE: there may be only a handful who are causing problems
Honcho: I see two things we can do without risking going to far, 1 figure out a commom message to share with our SG members, and try to set up people that others are willing to talk too, like U-man said, his wife hears things that no one would tell him
Invisitron: I dont see a way around i, you have to let people know whats going on...
AceMACE: what about a clear problem person
Sxxxy: it's a part of social behaviour... all we need to say.. is that it is happening to someone again.. we ca
AceMACE: would you not want your group to be informed
Sxxxy: I mean.. even all of us here can guess who it affects.. even if none of us say it
Marut: <raises hand>
AceMACE: ok mar
Invisitron: Id rather know
AceMACE: so would i
AceMACE: ok mar
Marut: Several people on the forums today mentioned that this had happened to them in one place or another
AceMACE: ok
Sxxxy: so... can we go back to our main points... #1 - create an open atmosphere, #2 promote inter SG communication that there is an issue, #3 suppor the person that is going through it... sorry mar.. I was typing when your raised
Marut: what if, rather than a bunch of us chest pounding behemoths, we got a group together of people that have had this happen, and set them up as a committe
Marut: those that have had it happen, and have gotten through it, know better than anyone
AceMACE: how would that work
AceMACE: some dont wish to make this known
Marut: Well, figure, Helms is right. We make a list, anywhere, and it gets ugly
Celestial Lad: fair and a first hand view as it's apparent none have really encountered this personaly
Celestial Lad: first hand and overcoming it is needed in 'the commitee' imo
Marut: but, if a group of people that have gotten through this sort of thing were to be set up, and say "Hey. THis happens. If it happens to you, talk to us"
AceMACE: i know and agree list's are very tricky
AceMACE: ok
AceMACE: where would we put hat
AceMACE: that
Marut: then they can evaluate veracity, overreaction, intensity. It's not perfect, but it's more accurate than those of us that have no idea and are pissed doing it
Sxxxy: <hand>
AceMACE: y
Marut: Not sure. First step would be finding those people
AceMACE: that's the thing who would come forward
Honcho: <hand>
AceMACE: Sxx then Hon
Sxxxy: agree with Mar... would also sugged it be composed mainly of women.... done...
Myrmydon: this kind of thing isn't just about women though
Sxxxy: but theyre are the primary targets
Ranma Saotome: I know one guy who was stalked
Biotron: I think Myrmydon might be hinting at general threats of bodily harm, family harm, etc.
Ranma Saotome: And two women, so it does happen, it's just rarer
Sxxxy: not 100% but more often than not.. women won't talk to men.. but women will talk to women
Celestial Lad: understood but ppl are more likely to open up to a woman so they are needed I agree
Marut: so keep at least a couple of guys in the group, for the sake of fairness
Honcho: I'm going to make a post about what not to do, like giving out personal info, but I would like a person or group of persons, who I can suggest any members who are not comfertable talking to me, that I can send them to
Ultraamann: ive been stalked... but i dont worry about me... and women will talk to women much easier
Marut: <raises hand>
Ring: I worry about you Umann
AceMACE: whats your point Myr
Myrmydon: What matters is this group being people that other trust. It can't be a question of gender here
Ultraamann: agreed
Marut: agreed as well
Marut: may I make another suggestion
AceMACE: ok
Celestial Lad: indeed and a feeling of confidentiality if need be
Myrmydon: Definitely confidentiality
AceMACE: ok
AceMACE: a site
Marut: Assuming that said group can be set up, I would suggest that we also make it a group of people that SG leaders as a whole trust. If that's done, then if that group of people find that someone really is being stalked, they can pass that name to the SG lead
Marut: If the SG leaders, all of us, agree to abide by that groups call
Marut: then we avoid the witch hunt.
Myrmydon: good idea
Marut: It places a ton of responsibility in the hands of that group
Honcho: any chance that violates the TOS?
Celestial Lad: aye we have to keep each other in check with the vigante nature tha's sure to come up
Marut: not if we don't publish it
AceMACE: ok
Helms: has anyone contacted NCsoft about these concerns?
AceMACE: how would this group be set up
Hemorrhage: place it on our private tod forum....
Marut: Right Hem, or keep it in this channel. Each SG leader takes it home
Marut: word gets out, no rules broken
Sxxxy: helms.. yes.. but again helms.. we're not dealing with the punitive part here.. we're dealing with what we can do.. not what we can make ncsoft do
Celestial Lad: I'd rather a neutral gathering site/spot - not an sg's own site imo
Hemorrhage: or create an overseer forum...thats private
Myrmydon: good point there as well
Ultraamann: Bert sent Cuppajo an email, Cuppa is taking it to the GMs and expected to respond tomorrow
AceMACE: neutral that can be a issue with sg's
AceMACE: when your talking about a site
Sxxxy: no sites.. again.. down the list rathole
Marut: I would suggest keeping it here, in this channel
Marut: and let the SG leads take it home
Hemorrhage: fair enough...
Celestial Lad: each sg can have their own private forums to deal with this in their own groups for us as a whole I suggest otherwise personally
Celestial Lad: this channel is fine but it's finite - ie. in the moment
AceMACE: i agree
AceMACE: it also has the MOTD feature
Winter Elf: there is still the problem of some people not having enough channel room to stay in here
AceMACE: yes
Sxxxy: we need some very senior server people tht are very well respected, have shown impartiality, and cool-headedness to steop up and volunteer... manage it on a very loose basis.. that's it...
Marut: Then get a rep from your SG that has the room
AceMACE: that's a good idea
AceMACE: or
Honcho: what about setting up a mailing list?
Celestial Lad: mods can invite so this can remain open with one of our alts and we can come and go as needed. Is that viable?
Myrmydon: then Ultraa will live in this channel
AceMACE: yes
Dinah Might: Sorry I got here late and I'm having a hardtime following. Can I get a quick recap?
AceMACE: we hate men
AceMACE: lol
Celestial Lad: boys drooool
AceMACE: kiding
Winter Elf: yeah, I hate me
Ultraamann: why am i living here?
AceMACE: ok
AceMACE: so we leave this channel
AceMACE: and make a few mods
Celestial Lad: even a private yahoo group for all i care really as a start
AceMACE: hmm
AceMACE: well here's my thought on that
AceMACE: a GC channel is ingame it's right here
Ring: I still think something public must be done, as a warning sign that we police our own, with information on what cyberstalking is, how you can prevent becoming a victim, and what you should do if it happ
Ring: ens
AceMACE: that's a touchy area
Myrmydon: but necessary
Celestial Lad: <raises hand and is sorry for speaking out of turn>
AceMACE: do you think
Dinah Might: Did someone already voice how dangerous that could get
BigBadVoodooDad: on that note, anyone have a definition/website that helps define this
AceMACE: that it would be better to handle thattype of thing through a sg lead team
Hemorrhage: XP can explain is to ya
Hemorrhage: lol
Ring: cyberangels.org is a good place to start
AceMACE: for what ring
Celestial Lad: resources
Ring: tht was to BBVD sorry
AceMACE: is that a stalker resource
AceMACE: lol
AceMACE: well
Ring: online protection resource, govmt funded IIRC
Winter Elf: er, you mean anti-stalker, right?
AceMACE: lol
AceMACE: yes
Winter Elf: hehe
AceMACE: well
BigBadVoodooDad: ty
AceMACE: links could be added to a MOTD
Ring: what I meant by a something public, was a site endorsed by players of champion, purely informational, NO NAMES
AceMACE: right
AceMACE: well
Winter Elf: might want to leave out the language about policing though
AceMACE: why dont we have a member here post all the info
Honcho: We could put it on the champion forem, does not get much more public than that
Ring: there would be no language, it's existance would be a beacon that we care
AceMACE: and we can keep bumping it
Marut: or ask Cuppa to sticky it
Celestial Lad: for publicity I suggest a server million hero march to city hall in Atlas to express concern that way we appear as neutral, concerned heroes/citizens
AceMACE: Cuppa wont sticky anything else i think
AceMACE: we could try
Marut: I think she might, for something like this. If it's a purely informational post, a resource that's important to the community
Ring: <disco'd again>
AceMACE: even if she wouldnt
Celestial Lad: put it in the guides to guides sectoin?
AceMACE: we
AceMACE: could still bump it
AceMACE: but lets try asking her anyway
Celestial Lad: I'm sure this isn't only affecting our server
Bert the Viking: Sorry I'm late. Anniversary.
AceMACE: all of us here
AceMACE: yes GRATZ bert
Celestial Lad: Gratz, Bert!
Ring: welcome bert
Dinah Might: Bert
Ranma Saotome: Heya Bert
Winter Elf: happy anniversary!
Sxxxy: ace.. before you close down.. let's recap what we've agreed on...
Marut: yes please
AceMACE: ok who should we get to post the resource thread
[OVERSEERS] Marut: He might hate me for it, but I would nominate Ring. He knows his stuff
AceMACE: how about a female leader
Myrmydon: Ring would be good for it, yes
Bert the Viking: I'm down with Ring, too.
Ring: wow
Ring: how'd that happen. You guys know I'm a guy right?
AceMACE: ok great
AceMACE: your a dad
NightAngel: I'm good with ring too
Bert the Viking: Lol...yes, but you also know your stuff, and are respected.
AceMACE: half n half
Marut: yeah, but you're also the guy that went out and found resources for people right away
AceMACE: lol
AceMACE: yes
AceMACE: agree
Celestial Lad: aye vote
AceMACE: so ring posts it
Ring: it was google people, I mean really. But i could steal stuff from a harassment training proggy i wrote
Winter Elf: aye
AceMACE: we all ask Cuppa to sticky
AceMACE: we leave this channel
AceMACE: on
Ring: who wants the editor PMs?
AceMACE: we mod a few
AceMACE: say what
Dinah Might: Yipee Ring!!!
Dinah Might: Woot!
Ring: I am not going to post it without signoff baby
@Hemorrhage has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Myrmydon has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Ring has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Dinah Might has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Biotron has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Ultraamann has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
@Bert the Viking has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
AceMACE: please only invite leaers
@Marut has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
AceMACE: think that's every group
Dinah Might: cough
MaceFace: uhem
AceMACE: at least one mod per group
Celestial Lad: me I'm small
Ranma Saotome: Pillars Ace...
Bert the Viking: Dinah was promoted
@MaceFace has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
DrLazarus: *cough* *cough*
Celestial Lad: but I'm newbie friendly - I'm always showing new players tricks and tips
AceMACE: slow down
AceMACE: got pillers
MaceFace: Warcouncil
AceMACE: got you
AceMACE: NightAngel
AceMACE: what group you in
cc: AotN
DrLazarus: Infinity Heroes
AceMACE: is that your group CC
cc: that's NA's group. i'm in it too, yes. but NA is the head cheese of it
@DrLazarus has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
Myrmydon: doesn;t matter as long as you are the rep, CC
Celestial Lad: Cosmic Avengers is me - rebuilding currently and growing quick
AceMACE: yeah one per group makes sense
@Celestial Lad has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
NightAngel: yes I figured Cc was a better choice than me, better known
AceMACE: ok you and CC in the same group
AceMACE: night
@cc has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
NightAngel: yes
@Helms has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
AceMACE: Honcho
AceMACE: what group you in
Lisa Albight: hey Ace?
Honcho: I'm with the Farstriders
AceMACE: yes lisa
MaceFace: Hi Lisa
Lisa Albight: can i chat with you a sec in tell
Dinah Might: Someone assure me this isn't going to turn all "Justice Lords" or anything.
Lisa Albight: later on that is
AceMACE: yes can you give me one sec
Lisa Albight: just when you get a sec hun no rush
cc: i'll assure you dinah
Celestial Lad: I suggested we keep each other in check Dinah
AceMACE: ok
Ring: no one in here wants to turn this into a blacklist central, I think
Sxxxy: I think everyone here is very cogniscient of the ramifications of abusing this power
Myrmydon: This isn;t going ot turn into Justice Lords or any damn thing like that, Dinah
AceMACE: is at least one from each group moded
RattleCage: did you get me, Elements
@RattleCage has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
Celestial Lad: also this is very thin ice if we take this too far too quickly; we need to be vigil in these early stages
AceMACE: ok that's at least one leader from each group that met tonight
AceMACE: on that
Honcho: you missed me
AceMACE: who
@Honcho has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
AceMACE: on the thin ice thing
Dinah Might: HA! Lets see the other Servers get together like this! Champion ROCKS!
AceMACE: lol
AceMACE: on the thin ice thing
Myrmydon: well, it really pisses me off that this is necessary
Ring: Rattles SG tried something a while back, a fair play alliance, we might discuss the worth of raising that fromt eh dead, as sort of a seal of cooperation on issues like this
MaceFace: Ace, can u tell me when ur done? On my alt TsuanmL
@MageStorm has been promoted to operator status in channel 'OVERSEERS'
AceMACE: i think all the folks meeting here have proven themselves mature and by and large people who lwill not go crazy over this
Sxxxy: Ace... suggestion.. please restate and clarify the objective and mandate of this group.. so we're all on the same page
AceMACE: or anything else for that matter
Ranma Saotome: At least we're doing something about it Myr, instead of sitting back
Sxxxy: no confusion
Honcho: After it is posted, I think we all need to sign it
AceMACE: ok so anything you want in this channels MOTD let me know it will be posted
AceMACE: after Ring post's the info in our forum
AceMACE: we all ask Cuppa
AceMACE: to sticky
Celestial Lad: suggest ingame emails to be sent to Ace regarding MOTD to be sure he gets it