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  1. MeleeMadness


    What makes you say that?
  2. MeleeMadness

    Power House Duo

    Kilgoth has the answer above.....the other option would be a fire/fire dominator and fire/dark corruptor.

    I lvl'd a DM/FA brute with my wife's Fire/DM corruptor, it was awesome......then I switched out my brute for a dominator before their buff and it was as good or better. I have my flaming monkeys and she had her dark fluffy....i was using controls and she debuffed and we then DPS'd. Worked well.

    So, the key is having the fire/dark corruptor, then either add a fire/fire dom or DM/Fire brute.
  3. MeleeMadness

    Swords on backs?

    Is it possible to put our guns, swords, axes or whatever, on our backs instead of nowhere?

    I think it would be cool....not all characters look right with wings or capes...

    I didn't know where to post this so I did it here.
  4. Yea, otherwise the general population will turn to violent protests!!
  5. So perma-dom is not needed to ensure extra damage...but what will domination do now?

    Same as before? Protect against status effects and increase the mags of our controls?
  6. it seems to me that controllers are totally incapable of doing damage as they literally have no damage dealing primary or secondary...until they get pets.

    How do you do it?
  7. I knew there was a suggestion forum....i have seen it before but for some reason couldn't today....

    Anyway, i usually use the normal male figure.....
  8. Well, I would design it similar to teleporting. You pick a spot, any spot, within 10 yards and you jump to that location automatically. You then have like 3 seconds to pick and move to a new spot. If not, then you fall down to ground level if you jumped to the side of a wall or the ceiling of a hallway.

    The movement would be click intensive but TP is like that now....but this would probably be even more intensive but much cooler!!

    I recommend this way as it is already coded ingame with TP. They just have to shorten the distance and add the jumping and clinging animations....should be easy enough....I think.
  9. Is it possible to have dual bladed ATs have their blades mounted on their backs?

    Or maybe make scabbards for the back position so we can use that as a back option and have our swords mounted there.

    I guess this could be done for Archery, Assault Rifle and all the other weapon primaries and secondaries (mace, battle axe, etc.)

    Am I alone in thinking it would be neat?
  10. Any possibility for some type of acrobatic type of movement as a new movement power?

    Kind of like what Sabertooth does when he runs.
  11. Hi, I'm speculating about what the new demon summoning set will bring. Obviously it will have three summonings and two buffs and three attacks. However, will the attacks be melee or ranged? There has never been a melee MM and probably for good reason...

    Anyway, it probably won't be melee (99% sure). I do think it will be fire for the attacks, flares, fire blast and fire ball....or breath of fire (I hope not).

    I like this because I can continue my theme of Fire and Dark!!! I love this theme as it fits my demonic theme and heck....with Demon Summoning, you can't get much more demonic!.

    Anyway, I am thinking I will duo with my wife...Im trying to get her to try a fire/thermal/fire controller so we can have even more pets. 6 Demons, 3 Imps, 1 Dark Fluffy.
  12. I am drawn to Fire and Dark as my toons are always demonic themed.

    I have a fire/dark corrputor, a dark/fire brute and was thinking of a fire/dark brute so I naturally dropped in on this post....and the other one on fire/fire.

    Now, what do you think has better survivability options as a brute? Dark Armor or Fire Armor?

    Also, for offensive prowess. Is Fiery Melee better than Dark Melee?

    Keep in mind this would be for dealing with large groups of mobs.

    My experience shows that Fire Armor is not that hot....but I have no experience with dark please tell.

  13. MeleeMadness

    No one likes DA?

    The only thing that really draws me to the set is the animation for Cloak of Fear....that is so nice!

    But, not sure if that would work with the damage aura and if that is also a massive end hog.
  14. MeleeMadness

    No one likes DA?

    I never see posts on Dark Armor or any recommendations for DA. I really love the look of Cloak of Fear, even though it sucks I hear.

    Is there a buff incoming for DA or was there one, or just a nerf?
  15. Nice, very nice idea on how to make some heroic missions. Very good indeed. Might take a while to get that right but it is something that would be so different from "standard" MMORPGs.
  16. War Witch is a guy, just like all you "guys" who play female toons. Don't be fooled!!
  17. OK, how will the average player WHO DOES NOT go to the forums find out about this?

    I figure ppl will spam it in Broadcast, right?

    This might be a way to get more ppl to look at the forums too.

    Anyway, I hope I'm on when it happens. I guess it will last for a while.
  18. Hey, I have a 26th lvl DDD in semi retirement too. nice. I have started her on some missions to try and get that AXE from Miriam. Cant seem to get Miriam as a contact yet though.

    Also, was thinking. Has anyone ever plopped down dark fluffy in PP next to some noobies fighting in an effort to help them? But the noobies think OMG, a Murk or Whatever is on us!!!! I laughed when I initially thought that. I could see them running away until someone says "he healed me". COuld be kinda funny but also promote the AT to newer players so they will be more friendly to the new DDD players. Anyway, dont know if fluffy can help others if they are not group with you, can it?