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  1. Melancton

    Celestial Armor?

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    There. This has been quoted.

    Glad to be of service.
    Bill, you certainly get whimsical when you deploy the smiling kitteh avatar.
  2. Good to have you back, Professor.

    I recognized your name when I saw the thread title, but as your name was white when the thread began, but now is gold, and as the slap-happy Pikachus are present, I presume you went VIP.

    While I cannot speak for how effective Beast Mastery is in terms of set power, it is tremendous fun graphically. I greatly enjoy sending a swarm of bees ("Nooooooooooo! Not beeeeeeeeees!") at a bad guy. Sending hundreds of ravens a la "The Birds" in a cone at a group of bad guys is likewise fun. And siccing lions and wolves is just great. Then again, I always loved dropping bad guys on their noggins with Lift, but CoH has something for everyone.

    As I am partial to Control sets, Time Manipulation has also been enjoyable, and it is also interesting to see how it interacts in various powerset combinations.

    You probably also qualify for the mobile auctionhouse: type "/ah" and the Market will open up for you, pretty much anywhere except in bases and instanced missions. VERY convenient.

    So good luck and hope to see you ingame!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The problem is that this breeds a very real sense of cynicism in people who are prone to being cynical, such as myself. Rather than outrage me and spur me into action, what the SSAs have managed to accomplish is ensure I don't give a rat's *** about any of the game's canon characters any more. I refuse to be invested in a character whose life can be thrown away to feed some writer's obsession with re-enacting the entirety of Countdown to Final Crisis.

    Yes, knowing that characters will survive does undermine dramatic tension somewhat. On the flip side, knowing that characters will die serves to undermine emotional investment. Both lead to the same result - I lose interest in the story, instead shrugging at supposedly "powerful" moments and just moving on. As I've said many times before - drama in storytelling is a balancing act. You need to prevent your audience from waling away in disgust at your angsty drama (something I've failed at in the past) before you can even begin to worry about making them fear the worst. People are not going to feel the emotional downs if they don't care about the story.
    There is a vast difference between 1) nobody ever dies 2) it is possible that some deaths may occur 3) important characters could die along with anyone else 4) important characters get killed for shock value.

    I do not object to the death of characters, even Statesman. I do object to to the notion that Statesman would die with a Big SmileĀ™ on his face at the hand of his daughter's murderer. Shortly thereafter, Statesman's granddaughter resurrects the evil love interest of her evil great uncle on the off-chance it will make him less evil, but not a word is devoted to why she would not resurrect her own mother and/or grandfather. This isn't Cyrus Thompson-level writing here; that is simply pathetic.

    I understand that there are players who want to play their characters like The Punisher and kill, judge/jury/executioner style, every bad guy they encounter. CoH wisely took the official stance that the bad guys are simply "defeated" by the player; what that means is up to the player. If they are all arrested and left hanging in webbing for the police or all shot down a killed, that is up to the player.

    But I have to agree with Sam that from the top down, the game is getting progressively more dark and futile. Regardless of player actions, various bad things happen. Indeed, in one of the tip missions, a hero who has been transformed by the Devouring Earth begs to be "put out of his misery" and thanks you for obviously killing him. So, like it or not, the player is forced to kill, whereas before, defeating a foe did not mean that. Ain't that a fine kettle of fish. Or someone dies regardless, because Life is Pain, Princess, There is No Good or Evil and Then You Die sort messaging or something. Whatever it officially is, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So I now avoid such story lines, which unfortunately, I am discovering, lets out a lot of newer stuff.

    If the game "officially" flows in a neutrally-worded "Silver Age" fashion, the individual player can spice it up to "Punisher" style by simple decree that they killed every bad guy they encountered. But if the game "officially" takes the "Punisher" position, it is nigh-well impossible to play it any other way when the game says that you killed someone. Further, if death, despair and futility are going to be the rewards in an existential world in which "there are only shades of gray," that is simply not attractive writing as I perceive it. My two cents.
  4. Thanks, Zortel. When I said I rolled him Back In The Day, it would have been around the last of i3 or during i4, so that makes sense.

    I suppose if I respecced him, I could not get Taunt now!
  5. Back In The Day, I rolled an Inv/SS Tank, but never got into it. I thought I would see if I could work up some interest so I pulled him out and dusted him off. He was very nearly at lvl 8, so I ran a radio mission, he dinged and off to the trainer we went.

    I thought I might as well do this right, so I fired up Mids and took a look at my options. Then I noticed that Mids said Taunt was not available until lvl 10, but I already had Taunt! And since I had yet to pick a power for lvl 8, that would mean I had taken Taunt at no later than lvl 6.

    Did something change as to when Taunt became available, is Mids mistaken or did I impossibly take Taunt at lvl 6?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    A slap in the face.
    ...and several hundred Forumites all take a drink.

    Reminds me of one of my favorite threads from Yesteryear: "Generic Rant."
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't know... Having six heavily-armed mercenaries unload enough ammunition into a purse-snatcher to reduce him to hamburger meat doesn't strike me as any less vicious than seeing wolves and lions maul said purse snatcher.
    Besides, it is far more environmentally friendly to have Mother Nature's children do it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    Once again I marvel at the mind-boggling FAIL of PS's human Resources dept for NOT hiring this woman....
    She and Troy Hickman are the two most prominent creative forces that are sitting on the bench instead of in the game. Hey Devs, they could be consultants for specific projects if you don't want them on the regular payroll, hint hint.

    Chariot racing done a la CoH?? The mind boggles. Tres spiffy, indeed!

    The race goes on, Judah...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Also, with all of the honking and squeaking and whoopie-cushion noises, we have finally have something even more annoying than demon or beast pets. :/
    This comment bemused me greatly.
  10. You will certainly get a High Five from Troy Hickman.

    This doesn't mean the statue in Kings Row has to be removed now since it turns out he lived, does it?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I say yes sure I would like for them to do that too mate. However, I think the train has left the station on this one since they can charge non VIP's for this content without making them feel like second class citizens. You add another first ward type paid zone and that is a loser and they can't hype a new content arc the same way they can the SSA's.

    It's all marketing and revenue driven at this point.
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    2. "At this point"? News flash: This, and just about every other game ever put up for sale, has always been about revenue.
    Darth Khasei made a point. I take it that you disagreed with him? Likewise,

    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    1. I fail to see how the Signature STORY ARCS aren't content.
    I freely admit that I have been Hoist On A Semantic Petard in the title of my original post in that SSAs indeed count as Content. But here is what I actually asked in the post:

    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    But that suggests my question:

    Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?
    I am going to take it that you would not.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    That's making the assumption that the SSAs are a drain of the resources.
    They are merely a recipient of resources, like anything else would be.

    If the SSAs allow them to better advertise the game (thus drawing in more players, and more profit), and make more money (from Preems buying them), then stopping the SSAs could result in a net loss of new content (ignoring that SSAs are content).
    This is the key. This may be 100% the situation. I would not know.

    Obviously, if the SSAs are hugely helpful to the game overall, that is the way things will roll, and that is still fine with me, as I want the game to hang around. I don't play every AT or powerset, so I am fine with content that may not float my particular boat.

    And considering that the SSA was some of the best content I've played in this game in years... I say more SSAs.
    That is what I was curious about. Nice discussion going.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    if they're done well
    I zero'ed in on this phrase because I had not considered this possibility: Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for more SSAs and their non-interactive mechanics was due to my dismay over the actual story as presented in the now-completed SSA.

    At this juncture, I am having difficulty imagining a rip-roaring story that I would have enjoyed that entailed my lack of participation in a similar way. But that could easily exist and I just don't realize it.

    My thought has been that if we are going to go the "episodic, non-participatory content" route, then revive the CoH comic with Troy Hickman and David Nakayama, put it online and charge for it. You could even hold a contest and have the winning player character be a participant in a story arc. I have every confidence that Troy Hickman could take any PC and make a compelling story with them. Look what he did with Statesman!
  14. The first Signature Story Arc is completed.

    I have detailed elsewhere my tremendous disappointment with the writing; I am not looking to re-visit that in this thread. But another commonly-heard complaint was that there were too many times in the SSA in which the Player Character was a mere spectator and had ZERO power to affect the events unfolding in the arc, whether it was via cutscenes, off-screen murders or unchangeable pronouncements. The rejoinder that I often saw was "Well, these are SIGNATURE story arcs... they are not about YOU, they are about the events in the lives of the SIGNATURE characters!"

    I suppose that part is actually spot on. SSAs will apparently by definition will be stories unfolding about the Signature characters, and thus, by design, featuring plot events that the PC cannot affect or participate in. We will again be primarily spectators in, if you will, an animated comic book story, and we will just have to flow along with the events, with defeating certain foes worked in.

    But that suggests my question:

    Would you prefer that the time and resources put into SSAs be put instead into additional content?

    I would really enjoy seeing some love for lvl 40-50, like some new arcs. A new wave of radio and tip missions would be extremely welcome, too.

    The SSAs ARE producing new maps and textures, etc., but those could have come with other new content, too. A in-space arc for lvl 40-50 would be sweet. They did all that space stuff for a single mission in the last SSA installment, but I think it would be better return on the resources to do a multi-mission arc.

    I would just as soon SCRAP the SSA project and do additional missions and arcs with those resources.

    What do you say?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Super Villain Syndrome. It will get you every time. Remember that next time you have a Jedi hanging over a pit by his fingertips and you feel like demonstrating just how ferocious you are by pacing menacingly and smacking things with your light saber for the big spark show, instead of just getting down on your belly and stabbing him in the face.
    What??? I always thought the correct response was to watch in awe as he summoned his light saber, leapt high into the air and cut me in half! I never thought about doing what you just said there!

    *writes feverishly in Villain Notebook*
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
    But we were also told that "Yeah, it's not going to work. Oh sure, he'll think it's going to work, and he'll have all that power for a little while, but his control won't last."

    Which basically means that Wade did all this for nothing.
    But wait, he planned this for ten years, perfectly anticipating every move and countermove and countercountermove so that Batman, Nemesis and Jim Phelps were all impressed.

    You mean in ten years's time he forgot to check out whether the whole thing would actually work??
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
    On yesterdays Ustream Aeon said that if you had run any villain content that the game recognizes that and reacts accordingly. So even if you're a Confirmed Hero, it seems you'll get attacked by Manticore.
    That would be "Let Me Murder Malaise While In Legal Custody" True Hero Manticore?

    Boy, is he ever putting on airs if he cannot tolerate Vigilantes and Rogues and must therefore attack them.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
    I'm also really disappointed I didn't see him using States or Psyche's powers - wasn't that the entire justification or killing those two?
    Well, within the storyline it was.

    This arc has introduced some great graphic advances, but it was, shall we say, not exactly a shining moment for the story writers. Here's to better things overall with the next arc.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    I have to say though: for someone wielding the power of Statesman, Sister Psyche, AND Rularuu the Ravager, Wadelaruu was a pushover.
    You were supposed to walk into the Obvious Trap(tm)!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    And now having played WWD7, I *REALLY* know how I would have done ads for both the entire series and just for WWD7 (as a final buildup).

    Oh, well.

    *mashes "Devs, Hire This Woman!" button several times more*
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Like I said, it's not even so much about the storyline. That raises its own debate.

    I'm strictly talking about how the publicity for this was handled. I sometimes wonder if they throw darts at a board to determine what gets publicized and what doesn't.

    ********SPOILERS for the "Who Will Die?" arc herein**********

    Well, part of the problem was that they PUBLICIZED the storyline, both by revealing "Who Will Die" and then commenting a good deal about it, as I detailed previously. So I was told that the "how" of Statesman's death was going to be of major interest and the death scene itself would be "stirring." It proved to be the opposite.

    Positron's published comments about "killing off" the Statesman character told me that Sister Pysche, the other of Jack Emmert's creations, was as dead as a red shirt on Star Trek at that point. And gosh, she got killed. Again. By Manticore. What does that make, THREE TIMES?? But the third time is the charm, apparently.

    As you said, there were any number of positives that Marketing could have focused on regarding episodes 6 and 7, but could it be that the feedback from the playerbase suggested that things were not being so well received and they just held their piece? Or did they just not have a plan?

    I can think of a number of instances in which the death of a major character in an established franchise was 1) a surprise and a shock and 2) noble and heroic and the public responded quite favorably. Here, we did not even have the Joss Whedon random knockoffs for shock value-- it was apparently Jack's creations only, with shock value as sort of a bonus.

    There is still lots to love about CoH, so here I am still, but the way this whole business was publicized has me as mystified as yourself.
  22. Steelclaw, those are great suggestions.

    Of course, most of the board populace are going to think you have been kidnapped and replaced with a Nemesis automaton since it was not a humorous list...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    It just... I don't know... "galls" isn't the right word. "Disappoints" is probably better... it disappoints me that when all is said and done about SSA1/WWD, the devs are probably going to wonder why it wasn't as big a deal as they'd hoped. And I personally think a good chunk of it has to do with how it was 'marketed', not only in general but to us as a playerbase.

    *****My response does get somewhat Spoilerish for some smaller aspects of the arc, so be advised before proceeding.****

    I had a number of feelings about WWD, and they changed as a result of the marketing, and have gotten progressively more negative.

    Initially, I thought that the "Who Will Die?" concept was pretty gimicky, but it looked like it had the potential to be interesting and innovative in the game play.

    The Ante was considerably upped when on December 13, the Loader splashscreen announced that Statesman was the one to die. Poor Zwillinger was selected as the messenger, and dutifully delivered this spin:
    The feeling is that impact of States dying is not in the reveal that he's dying but in the fact that he's dying. How does he die? What does it mean for the Freedom Phalanx and, perhaps more importantly, what does it mean for the future safety and well being of Paragon City.
    There's a lot more questions to be answered and story to be explored, even after his death.
    And trust me, his death scene is pretty stirring.
    That raised the bar pretty high right there. A stirring death scene? I imagined Statesman heroically holding off hordes of foes who killed him bit by bit but in so doing, he saved a) you b) the other members of the Phalanx and/or c) the world.

    I cannot describe what a Crash and Burn my expectations did when Statesman talked some smack and then WALKED into an Obvious Trap(tm) and "welcomed his death" with a big smile on his face in the space of a few moments at the hands of his daughter's murderer.

    Big, big black mark right there. For me, the death scene was not stirring, it was infuriating.

    But then to add insult to injury, here comes Positron sounding utterly petty about the motivation for "killing off" Statesman:

    "Veterans of the game know that the character [Statesman] was the namesake of Jack Emmert, who was the lead designer who originally launched City of Heroes in 2004. Jack posted as Statesman in the forums, came up with his backstory, and was instrumental in the character becoming the original poster-boy for the game's marketing. Killing off the character meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me it was the ultimate declaration that City of Heroes has grown up and left the nest from which it was born." -- Matt Miller, Intrepid Informer Issue 17.

    That sounded horrible, whatever the intentions were. Another black mark.

    Even the great graphic by David Nakayama for episode 5, showing Statesman and Wade in combat turned out to be something else entirely within the presentation. Talk about a bait and switch.

    Then there was the whole way that Alexis was summarily murdered with the Idiot Ball for the heroes thing and the utter impotence of the player character in the story, and a bunch of other sloppy writing. To coin the meme for this sorry arc, DO NOT WANT.

    So here I am, paying my VIP stipend each month to support an arc that has left a bad taste in my mouth every time, instead of something else I might like, ie, costumes, powersets, etc.

    I have no plans to play episode 7. I am utterly indifferent to it. Big whoop. I will hold out a small hope that the next arc will not be the train wreck this one has been, since I get to pay for it anyway in the course of enjoying the aspects of the game that are great.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    And what exactly was leaking out of it? Blood? Oil? Some nameless, vaguely disturbing ooze we'd rather not know more about?

    Details please.

    This could be important.
    I always heard this was a sign of staph infection as opposed to staff fighting.