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  1. Mazdryk

    Illusion in pvp?

    Anyone have experience with Illision in pvp? I wanted to know how they did but mainly wanted to know if phantom army pets fly and follow you like the MU pet or are they slow and dont fly? Also thinking of /thermal.
  2. What happens if you hit a single target with jolting chain and no other mobs are around? DOes the jolt just constantly hit the single target like a DOT or does it just hit once then its over?
  3. Can a Thugs /dark solo gms and heros/AV? Has accomplished this and what tactic did you use? I also have a demons/dark should i just stick to that build? Both are level 50 but Im going to start spending money on sets.
  4. I tested the demon prince and demons with 3 IO endurance reduction with the same results. Something is not right here.
  5. This demon endurance usage needs to get fixed ASAP. I am level 50 with some nice sets but I cant finish a group of mobs because my pets run out of endurance. Slotting endurance reduction does nothing. I know there are other threads about this but I havent seen anything about a change.
  6. This shows me another bug which is that Ember demon is not getting any benefit from its own buff ember shield. Also there accuracy is only 75 base when I have them sloted for +96% accuracy?
  7. After other AT's start slotting global recharge/damage they start doing way more damage than a MM. What is our way to counter this since set bonuses dont effect our pets which is our main source of damage? I wont even get into INSP use also not affecting pets.
  8. If you right click the summon demonlings power and then go to info then resistance it shows him as having 50% resistance to smashing/lethal. IF you click the resistance buff that is to the right of the pet box it has smashing and lethal resistance at 26%. Which number is correct?
  9. Has anyone heard anything about them fixing the AI anytime soon so that Robots or any other Ranged MM pets stop running into melee range?
  10. I couldnt find any info on how the arena was different from the zone pvp. I was mainly concerned about things like slows/ stuns/ pvp damage resistance, and diminidhing returns. I think the current zone pvp is just retarded with all the DR.
  11. Does Confuse cause containment and extra damage?
  12. Does scourge work with Epic powers like electricity mastery?
  13. Can defiance stack off the same attack like using flares over and over? Is their DR for it stacking in PVP areas?
  14. its just causing travel suppression like he said.
  15. How can i change my interface to view debuffs that I place on enemies?
  16. Does confuse still steal exp? I heard that it no longer does. Also how does confuse work in pvp and what can you do to counter it? Also what is a good counter for countering a foe that uses - recharge ataxia against you in pvp? Does domination provide resistance to - recharge?
  17. How much -slow is needed to make a superspeeder crawl? How would a foe toggle work like snowstorm? Does the slow from snow storm stack itself up or just one application of slow? what is the counter to someone being slowed to a crawl?
  18. So their is no CC in pvp? How do stuns work? How about gloom the epic power pbaoe disorient?
  19. What I want to do in PVP is Lock someone down with soft CC. I was thinking of a corruptor using /storm. I want to beable to catch someone and make it so they can not run away and take away their recharge. Will a /storm Corruptor beable to accomplish this?
  20. Mazdryk

    PVP resists?

    So DR is only in PVP right? Im scared to ask how DR would affect a Perma Hasten build? Is perma hasten possible anymore in PVP?
  21. Mazdryk

    PVP resists?

    what about regen? does that get DR and where is a good post about DR?
  22. I have a regen Scrapper and I wanted to know if I caould get any other resistance to damge besides going for toughness. I was thinking maybe villain epic pools maybe? I know that sets have resistance but what is my best option?
  23. Mazdryk

    PVP resists?

    After looking at MIDS....It says that certain AT's get resistance in pvp. For example Blasters, corruptors, controllers, all get 40% resistance to all damage types. Is this true? Seems like a huge advantage to them. What do other AT's get in exchange like Tankers, scrappers etc? I thought melee was already at a disadvantage but now this makes it worse.
  24. Why even call them pet sets? Doesn't this give other villains a huge advantage?
  25. When I use the "pet sets" for slotting do the bonuses like +res and + hp effect me or the pets?