Can Thugs/dark solo GM / AV ?
Can a Thugs /dark solo gms and heros/AV? Has accomplished this and what tactic did you use? I also have a demons/dark should i just stick to that build? Both are level 50 but Im going to start spending money on sets.
While the Thugs themselves don't really have that large of a repertoire of debuff effects, dark Does.
Howling Twilight, Twilight Grasp, and the Dark Servant all have -regeneration powers. If you have around a 100% recharge bonus, Howling Twilight can be pulled up every 45 to 50 seconds, delivering it's massive 500% regen debuff.
Couple that with Tar Patch's resistance debuff and you have one powerful combination for laying down damage that an enemy won't be getting back.
My Thugs/Dark is one of my verified AV soloers. There's really not a special tactic you need; keep debuffs on the AV, make sure you're hitting its regen as much as possible (Twilight Grasp and Howling Twilight) and just keep plinking until you win.
and the nice thing about /dark is that it kills the tohit and dmg of the AV so it wont hit often and it wont hit very hard when it does hit

This past weekend I just soloed death surge and ghost of the scrap yard. As said you want to keep tar patch down spam twilight grasp as much as you can and use howling twilight as soon as it up. Also did my first timed pylon run and timed it at 3 minutes 16 seconds. Main thing to do is get provoke and put it on auto to keep the focus on you. I was able to floor Death Surges to hit chance. Also, death surge is very annoying to solo.
This past weekend I just soloed death surge and ghost of the scrap yard. As said you want to keep tar patch down spam twilight grasp as much as you can and use howling twilight as soon as it up. Also did my first timed pylon run and timed it at 3 minutes 16 seconds. Main thing to do is get provoke and put it on auto to keep the focus on you. I was able to floor Death Surges to hit chance. Also, death surge is very annoying to solo.

But yes, putting provoke on auto, having HT perma (sub 90secs) & tar patch perma (sub 45secs) , keep darkest night running, as well as the nice debuffs from fluffy, and it should feel like your AV/GM is hitting you with silk pillows. Also spam Goto defensive macro to keep pets out of AoE range of the AV/GM, still maintaining BG mode and countering the annoying pet melee bug.
I just got back to the game and havnt played in over a year and half but I have taken down quite a few Heroes/AVs with my Thug/Dark. Everyone has pretty much listed the strategies. One thing I also do is send in Bruiser first at times to the opposite side and attack with the rest of the group usually from behind. You can also use inspirations to help. All in all Thug/Dark is a real solid set and can handle most threats in the game.
one correcttion to what was said above, howling twilight's -regen is only active for 30 seconds. The 90 second duration is for debt protection it revived. Twilight grasp has a - regen in it although I don't remember how much which is why you need to spam it.
Can a Thugs /dark solo gms and heros/AV? Has accomplished this and what tactic did you use? I also have a demons/dark should i just stick to that build? Both are level 50 but Im going to start spending money on sets.