223 -
Yup, it looks like it's down because I went to bed and when I woke up 8 1/2 hours later, my character is STILL not there on test.
Is the Character Copy Tool down again? After I choosed a character to copy, it said it would take about 30 mins to copy, however it's been over an hour now and it's still now there yet.
Yup, same here. I can't even login to ANY server now.
Glad to see that I'm not the only one. It took forever for the updater to connect then I saw we got a new patch, I said, "Oh wow! Cool" Then I login to only get DC'd 2 mins into the game. Now I see this thread. Now I can't even login now. Perfect!
What the hell is going on today? New patch crashing the servers? -
It's now green again, however I cannot login as it times out and throws me back to the login page. Bummer!
So what happened to Freedom? It's greyed out on the server select screen and it says it's down on the server status web page.
I had just created a new DS villian on Justice and bamm! Lost connection to mapserver. Now I remember why I moved off of Justice 2 years ago.
Blpup, how did you get the Tsoo Sorcerer to hold a that rifle? Or do they carry those now in Steal Canyon?
It's hard enough to catch those suckers when they're teleporting around, now they've got guns? I can see it now, Sorcerer teleports from one location to another, shoots you and teleports again, shoots you, teleports yet again, shoots.....etc.
GlubGlub - listen to me. Do NOT go into the light. Stop where you are. Turn away from it. Don't even look at it.
Yup, that worked for me. But I'm using Windows 7 and its now just called Magnifier, same location as above. Thanks for the tip, temporary work around until it's fixed for good.
Quote:Thanks again Beef_Cake, got the download and applied it to the game. Now just waiting for the game to become available to us all. Your hard work is really appreciated.Files have always been clean of viruses, just the MegaUpload site was causing the issue.
But, I'e placed 2 links on the download page, if one is slow try the other.
Sorry but there is a lot of people hammering the server right now as a lot of people are downloading, so it may be slow at times -
Quote:Deliverance, I just installed the addon you suggested, but where do I change the "NoScript" at? I see that I can turn off Javascript completely, but is there something else?simply advise people to use the Adblock Plus Addon for Firefox. People really shouldn't be surfing the web without at least it and preferably with NoScript too anyway.
Thanks Beef_Cake,
However whenever I click on the link "Issue 17 Dark Mirror Map Pack" I get this message.
An Error Occurred
Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information
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Do I have to register on your website to download the new map pack? -
My advice is to just stay as far away from AE these days. They've nerfed it so much that even creating a test mission with standard non-custom mobs will yeild lower XP than defeating the same level mobs at street level.
I'm serious, go try it yourself. Create a test mission and choose for example Skulls and defeat one in AE and then defeat the same Skull at the same level on the streets. You'll find at least a 10% difference lower in AE. It's not even worth it anymore.
You can thank all of those farmers for that one. -
Quote:Yup, looks like they nuked the bases too. I also had a really nice size base from COV Beta with that nice 36 million prestige. Gonna miss it.....*cries*Yeah, and usually they tell people before they do it. They usually restore it too. I hope that is the case this time, as I had 2 SGs from CoV beta with the 36 million prestige bases I was using for reference for my live base construction.
They also generally tell the players this so that they can test said procedure.
I should also note I was testing an arc with one of the test characters that is now gone. -
Quote:Yup, thats what I thought. I have a 2nd account that is about to expire, but I'll have to wait a couple of days before I can renew it. I'll just have to wait until then before I setup a leveling pac, don't want it broken while I'm gone.Additionally, a leveling pact will be broken automatically if one or both members move to another server, or if one of the accounts becomes inactive.
Thanks for the link, I should have thought of looking at Paragon Wiki first. -
OK, so once a leveling pac has been setup between 2 characters in the game.
If one person doesn't pay their monthly $15 for lets say 2 or 3 days, would that break the pac?
Other than one quitting the pac, what else could cause the leveling pac to break automatically? -
Yeah, I'm still around but play mostly solo due to home life. Spouse and 2 kids will do that to ya.
Quote:LOL...Yeah, Champions Online was fun for awhile too. I'm a moderately sized fan of Star Trek, but I just could not seem to get into that game for some reason.Cryptic is slowly flushing the fun factor of STO down the proverbial toilet, so I'll be back here on a more regular basis.
May Champions Online and Star Trek Online Rest In Feces...... -
Quote:Ahhh, OK. Maybe I should have looks a little bit better that time. I figured it would take some time, but could remember how long. 2 days huh? WOW....OK. ThanksPer the Sticky in the Test Server Forum:
Test Server Access Takes Up To 48 Hours To Sync! -
I reactivated my 2nd account earlier today about 8 hours ago. I just tried to login to the test server and it says that it's still not active. I can login on the live servers just fine, so I know that the test server has a different account server that it syncs too.
So my question is, does anyone know how long does it take before it gets re-synced with the live servers? -
I'd be happy to off load some of that cash for you, no problem.
No, it's most likely the training room server. You and everyone else is downloading the patch all at the same time, so I don't think there is anything we can do about it. Mine is also taking an aweful long time to download too, so were all in the same boat.