1510 -
Quote:Dear P.E.R.C.,
You say this:
Quote:- Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
But you also say this:
Quote:- Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
- Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
You can enter the contest if you have no experience, but you'll have the chances of a snowball in hell to be selected.
I've seen these "requirements" in other P.E.R.C. contests so I assume it's some kind of boilerplate, but could you clarify this, please ?
Thanks in advance.
I will clarify this point. Basically we are looking at a number of different things for potential contestants. First and most importantly is enthusiasm and desire to enter and participate in the contest. The creativity of answers and a clear passion for base editing or a passion for trying something new are key here. We also realize that not everyone is as good at expressing themselves through writing and may prefer to link to selected pictures to show their love for base design. We do ask about previous work or "why a contestant feels he/she should be chosen" because we want to make sure we get a variety of people: some very experienced, some moderate, and indeed some that have little to no experience.
In our last base contest "Design Challenge - Bases on a Budget" we had at least 5 contestants who had never tried base building before. They were very excited to try out a new portion of the game and it was a lot of fun to see their bases! One of them even won an Honorable Mention and one received a Judge's Recognition.
In the next base contest we will make sure to stress the point that passion and desire to enter are indeed the most important factors. -
Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday are probably best for me. But I'm just in for helping, so weigh what other people say more.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads and Dads to be out there! You are appreciated
To one of my best friends in real life,
I am so glad you are back in CoH and having fun! Hope your day just rocks!!
MP -
Hami raid on 6/16 will be lead by @Arkyaeon. Monster Hunting will start at 8:45
Quote:based on discussions in this thread, it appears that tyrant is immune to -regen, the only real way to kill him is sheer dps as well as -resist since his resistances are actually fairly low
i think he only has about 25% resist to everything base and his regen at around 13% is up to about 1024 hp/sec
just throwing this info out there as a note for future runs
Patient V, come and explain what you told me! -
I would be interested in those. Also a fear set would be nice
The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
Design Challenge - Disaster Base!
Oh no, something terrible has happened to your base! Was it a natural disaster? A gang of looting Skulls? A Rikti bombing? A jealous Hellion's girlfriend? Whatever the cause, a total disaster has hit your base leaving you with nothing but wreckage! How creative can you be at turning a mess into a beautiful base? Thirty Designers will be selected to see who can best salvage their "Disaster Base"!
- Anyone who wishes to compete may enter by filling out a short form linked at the bottom of the post.
- Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
- Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
- Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
- Entries will be accepted until June 24th. Contestants will be selected by June 28th and will be invited into bases from June 28th to July 1st.
- Contestants will be posted on the forums and will be notified individually via email.
- Non-VIP players may enter, but must realize that the prizes they win may be limited by their Paragon Tier level.
- Each contestant will be given a "disaster" base to resurrect and design. Each base will have exactly the same number of items (wreckage) and an additional 50k prestige (disaster relief funds).
- Contestants may not do anything to earn or buy more prestige for the super group. Part of the challenge of this contest is designing with only the materials provided and a small amount of prestige.
- Contestants may not delete any of the preexisting wreckage. You may move it or reposition it, but you may not delete it. You must use the wreckage in a creative way.
- Any player who does not have access to Paragon Rewards base items may request that a PERC Rep drop them off in the base.
- Contestants may design only the given "Disaster Base" room, the base entrance will NOT be judged.
- Design/Building time will end on July 20th.
- Judges will tour bases between July 21st and 25th.
- Bases will be judged without the contestants present. Contestants may email a summary/description of their base to be considered during judging.
- Bases will be judged on: creativity, difficulty, use of wreckage in design, overall aesthetics, and cohesion.
- There will be 3 overall winners selected and up to 10 Honorable Mentions.
- Overall Winners (3)- 2 Billion influence, a set of ATOs (player's choice), and an Olympian Guard costume code!
- Honorable Mentions - 250 Million influence
- Each contestant who completes their base will be awarded a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% rech
>> Enter Contest <<
If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com -
The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
Design Challenge - Disaster Base!
Oh no, something terrible has happened to your base! Was it a natural disaster? A gang of looting Skulls? A Rikti bombing? A jealous Hellion's girlfriend? Whatever the cause, a total disaster has hit your base leaving you with nothing but wreckage! How creative can you be at turning a mess into a beautiful base? Thirty Designers will be selected to see who can best salvage their "Disaster Base"!
- Anyone who wishes to compete may enter by filling out a short form linked at the bottom of the post.
- Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
- Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
- Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
- Entries will be accepted until June 24th. Contestants will be selected by June 28th and will be invited into bases from June 28th to July 1st.
- Contestants will be posted on the forums and will be notified individually via email.
- Non-VIP players may enter, but must realize that the prizes they win may be limited by their Paragon Tier level.
- Each contestant will be given a "disaster" base to resurrect and design. Each base will have exactly the same number of items (wreckage) and an additional 50k prestige (disaster relief funds).
- Contestants may not do anything to earn or buy more prestige for the super group. Part of the challenge of this contest is designing with only the materials provided and a small amount of prestige.
- Contestants may not delete any of the preexisting wreckage. You may move it or reposition it, but you may not delete it. You must use the wreckage in a creative way.
- Any player who does not have access to Paragon Rewards base items may request that a PERC Rep drop them off in the base.
- Contestants may design only the given "Disaster Base" room, the base entrance will NOT be judged.
- Design/Building time will end on July 20th.
- Judges will tour bases between July 21st and 25th.
- Bases will be judged without the contestants present. Contestants may email a summary/description of their base to be considered during judging.
- Bases will be judged on: creativity, difficulty, use of wreckage in design, overall aesthetics, and cohesion.
- There will be 3 overall winners selected and up to 10 Honorable Mentions.
- Overall Winners (3)- 2 Billion influence, a set of ATOs (player's choice), and an Olympian Guard costume code!
- Honorable Mentions - 250 Million influence
- Each contestant who completes their base will be awarded a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% rech
>> Enter Contest <<
If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com -
The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
Design Challenge - Disaster Base!
Oh no, something terrible has happened to your base! Was it a natural disaster? A gang of looting Skulls? A Rikti bombing? A jealous Hellion's girlfriend? Whatever the cause, a total disaster has hit your base leaving you with nothing but wreckage! How creative can you be at turning a mess into a beautiful base? Thirty Designers will be selected to see who can best salvage their "Disaster Base"!
- Anyone who wishes to compete may enter by filling out a short form linked at the bottom of the post.
- Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
- Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
- Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
- Entries will be accepted until June 24th. Contestants will be selected by June 28th and will be invited into bases from June 28th to July 1st.
- Contestants will be posted on the forums and will be notified individually via email.
- Non-VIP players may enter, but must realize that the prizes they win may be limited by their Paragon Tier level.
- Each contestant will be given a "disaster" base to resurrect and design. Each base will have exactly the same number of items (wreckage) and an additional 50k prestige (disaster relief funds).
- Contestants may not do anything to earn or buy more prestige for the super group. Part of the challenge of this contest is designing with only the materials provided and a small amount of prestige.
- Contestants may not delete any of the preexisting wreckage. You may move it or reposition it, but you may not delete it. You must use the wreckage in a creative way.
- Any player who does not have access to Paragon Rewards base items may request that a PERC Rep drop them off in the base.
- Contestants may design only the given "Disaster Base" room, the base entrance will NOT be judged.
- Design/Building time will end on July 20th.
- Judges will tour bases between July 21st and 25th.
- Bases will be judged without the contestants present. Contestants may email a summary/description of their base to be considered during judging.
- Bases will be judged on: creativity, difficulty, use of wreckage in design, overall aesthetics, and cohesion.
- There will be 3 overall winners selected and up to 10 Honorable Mentions.
- Overall Winners (3)- 2 Billion influence, a set of ATOs (player's choice), and an Olympian Guard costume code!
- Honorable Mentions - 250 Million influence
- Each contestant who completes their base will be awarded a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% rech
>> Enter Contest <<
If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com -
Quote:Actually we only did one round of the lights, and it was AFTER all of the Lore pets had died/despawned. So the only issue was any controllers or MMs. We took out only 6 total.. maybe 7 if counting the one in the beginning, but I didn't see it.Really sorry it didn't work out, GL.
Without the Lore pets stealing level shifts and most of us popping Ultimates, all it takes is a coordinated effort one round to smoke him even with Favor of the Well in play. I got the full +6 shift from the lights during the push to end the fight, so either the MM and trollers got the hint to dismiss their pets or one of Tyrant's AoEs took care of them in a very timely fashion. Great save by MP, and props to all for toughing it out.
Edit- I totally misread what Patient said about Lore pets... so yeah blaming that one on the pregnancy brain. -
Sort of agree with this, sort of don't. I know it is a pain to go through a lot of posts to find the one you want, but if it's a thread, it is going to be a cluster of too much info. At least when a run is done, it eventually gets off the first page hehehe.
So we have a LOT of stickied threads at the top of our forum that just are not relevant anymore. Would anyone be in support of us asking to get them unstickied and then making new ones if we need to?
I am think about the Super/Villain Group threads, Victory Fight night, the pvp standings thread, etc. -
I can also probably get my fire/kin corruptor or cold/sonic defender ready for this. I think both are at least partially Hybrid unlocked.
Just wanted to chime in...
-My color scheme matches my costume, I am sure the coloring is not for everyone
-Pistachios, YAY! (from the commercial)
-You are absolutely right, drones would be a good choice. I was just choosing lore pets that (in my experience) tended to stay alive longer (in the case of Cimerorans) and those with the best debuff (Longbow)
-I asked for a mix of proc and diamagnetic. I think about 6 people wound up slotting dia and the rest had delicious procs.
-I think the ultimates and the debuffs were the biggest positive as well.
-I am glad that I made such strict demands because now there are 30+ people on Victory who will be able to help others with the badge in the future
Lastly, should anyone need help, we're always willing toJust let us know!
Quote:Just think about it this way EB, we are so awesome they are coming from other servers to enjoy our awesomeness!No I'm not in the least bit jealous, even if there was a Victory "foreigner" on it
Seriously though congrats MPs and crew!
Since I didn't have anything that qualified for the run I've been motivated to get on my grind and Incarnate out a Debuffer.
I am sure we can find spots for some of your scrappers/other melee as well! Now that we know how to do it, it's not as bad as I thought! -
Quote:I'd like in with my Scrapper (only one with Hybrid slotted).
Inspirations won't be a problem. I should be able to get either Longbow or Cimmies but not sure if I would have enough left for Rebirth (Currently have ageless and Clarion).
Ageless was REALLY helpful on the run we did. I know that all the rads were using EM Pulse and Ageless really rocked at that point. Also got the debuffs up faster -
Thanks for joining us. Was a fun time! My first real attempt at it and we won! Yay!
In with time (corr) or thermal (def) you can pick. @Madame Pistacio (corr is on 2).
Congratulations to Union for starting the club! We are psyched to join in!!
I love my fellow Victory people! Congratulations to the new "Really Hard Way" Badge Holders!
Quote:Everything ready minus the tier 3 LB Lore, run out of AStral/threat. Only need to run 1 or 2 more trial to get what i need. Still don't like LB Looks with ninajs
I have no problem with your request, is only that Pets Die so fast sometime, that i consider a waste to give Insp to pets, If any,I like to have blues to be able to keep summoning then fast.
Just remember you can break down notices to get 40 threads from them if you have any extra! With 2 kins, you will have no issue with end. Just bring greens or whatever so you stay alive.