Madame Pistacio

P.E.R.C. First Chair & PvP Bootcamp Mentor
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Do the contestants still have access to their bases? I'd love to see them first hand in game, as I still have difficulty watching the vids... dunno what it is about them but I get motion sickness, lol.

    Yes they will be allowed to keep them. I am sure they would love to give out some tours!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ulysses Dare View Post
    Congratulations to everyone who won!

    Madame Pistacio, can we get a listing of who made each base?

    Not ignoring you, just thinking about it. Players can certainly tell which was theirs
  3. I would vote for the ATOs and then pvpios (if they work for your build). Purples are pretty expensive and both ATOS and pvpios will be more bang for your buck. And both exemplar nicely as well! I would highly encourage buying cheaper pvpios and then using converters to get the more expensive ones (and then slot or sell!). Hit me up in game any time to chat more about this!
  4. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  5. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laylarei View Post

    Doom the Chiapet hamster wants to say TY also
    Oh my gosh. I need one of these. Can you make a bunny one? LOL!
  7. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  8. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  9. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  10. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  11. The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the base builders who entered and completed the Design Challenge - Disaster Base! Each and every one of you surprised and amazed us with your skills, creativity, and commitment to your design. This was certainly not an easy contest and it was a true pleasure to see all of the bases come to life!

    Just as a reminder, the base builders were given a base with an entryway and one 3 by 3 room. They had 200 random items of "wreckage" that had to be used to complete the base and 50k in prestige as "disaster relief funds." Bases were judged based on creativity, use of the "wreckage," cohesion/theme, difficulty, and overall aesthetics.

    Overall High Scores
    (receiving 2 Billion Influence, an ATO set, and an Olympian Guard Costume Code (provided by Paragon Studios))

    @Layla Rei
    @War Base

    Honorable Mentions
    (receiving 250 Million Influence)

    @Blue Turbo
    @Caped Canuck
    @Dark Bladed
    @force majeure
    @Ulysses Dare

    All contestants who completed their base will receive a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global recharge.

    Thank you again to everyone for supporting this contest and the base building community! Please see Disaster Base Part 1 and Disaster Base Part 2 to view all of the bases. Contestants are welcome to post before and after pictures of their bases as well!

    If anyone is interested in joining the Player Event Resource Committee or has ideas for future events, please contact Madame Pistacio or email
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueTurbo View Post
    Thanks again to PERC for another great base challenge!!

    Just a quick question, how will the winners be announced?
    I'm going over the math a few more times just to make sure I have it right! We had to add an extra judge in because scoring was so close I am hoping to post by 4 or 5 pm pdt. I will announce in this thread
  13. I want to thank everyone who competed in Disaster Base! We have a few more days of touring and judging and will announce winners ASAP!

    I want to add that Zwillinger and I will be touring the bases LIVE today and tomorrow on Twitch TV! Please see for the broadcast!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Yes, you're absolutely correct. It's less time spent for us.

    Last week we had to invest two people for an entire day and a second person for another entire day to sending out codes via PM, and even then we ran into technical/API limitations.

    It is *not* a wise investment of my teams time to spend an entire day on another project and cause other aspects of the Community to suffer as a result. At the same time, when faced with the option of do something or do nothing, I choose to do something. I respect those of you who disagree and choose not to participate. Please know that your concerns have been heard. This is simply the best possible option that we have currently available.

    On a similar note, Hit Streak and I have invested a rather large amount of time in this conversation. While I appreciate everyone's concern, this is one of those decisions that I have to make that won't make everyone happy. I apologize if you're one of those people. For now, this is how we're going to operate Tweet Code Thursday, until we have a better solution.

    Perhaps rather than allowing unlimited retweets, you could say that the first 25 to 40 people to retweet would get a code and then redo it once an hour or every other other (for say 6 to 10 hours). That's less codes over all yes, but I don't think that the player base would nearly as upset as a code grab. Sure it would be "timed" but people would be able to do it from a smart phone and it would not need "twitchy fingers" because it is only one button. It would not take very long to send out 25 or even 40 direct messages (less than 15 minutes I would imagine). It would not take up an entire staff members day and you could manage it so that you give out a total of 250 codes(or less) over the course of 1 day, since that is how many messages you are allowed.

    I am sure someone already suggested this, but I thought directly addressing the time issues you brought up might help.
  15. Vanum will be leading the raid on 7/21. Bring your A game!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CapedCanuck View Post
    May we keep our bases after the contest is over if we choose to?
    I'll be sending an email about this.

    Also sorry to hear about rl stresses IBtT
  17. If you are looking for a GLBT Super Group, I would suggest joining the "Pride" Channel. I am not 100% on what it is called, but it is specifically for members of the Victory community who consider themselves GLBT (or A or Q or any other letter I forgot!). Perhaps someone else could jump in here with the exact name?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    I got the reminder email about it being one week to go. I now have a query:

    Basically I moved some of the items into the doorway room to keep them out the way while I sorted out the bits in the 3x3. As long as I move the items back in; this wouldn't count as a break would it?
    100% fine
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hendrake View Post
    I totally want the next contest to be IRON BUILDER.

    Same set up as disaster base, with half the prestige, a series of one-on-one contests, PERC judges in the base commenting on the builds as they happen, maybe even dual-live-streaming, and a four hour time limit
    That sounds like fun! Except I think I would have to make a list of "must use" items. It would take me forever and a day to set up that many bases with 200 items LOL. Really creative idea though.
  20. 9 days left of design time! Very excited to see what you all are working on!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    Thanks. I'll look in to that. Part of the problem I've decided is that I don't have enough time with this guy and don't have a feel for the AT and the powers. So I'm going to try to log some time with him and see where I'm at then.

    Never played a support toon and it's verrrrrry different from what I'm used to.
    In general, I have found that a character being well slotted will make it a lot more fun. You don't die as often or run out of end. And you just in general feel more useful.

    For a kin, mostly just throw out a sb once in a while (at an enemy is fine, it will hit the target (your teammate) and any other teammates in the area) and do a lot of fulcrum shifting. Use your heal as needed and as a debuff for longer lasting enemies. If you can pay attention to the league, use your transference when someone is low on end
  22. No purples, 1 pvp io (hey I'll send you one and you can convert till you get the right one), 1 ATO set (not too spendy), the rest is pretty cheap. There are 4 lotgs, but you can get those pretty easily with alignment merits. This is not how I would build it for myself, but I think this might be reasonable for your play style.

    Estimated cost (excluding lotgs and the pvp io)- 150mill

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA6594CB4F136114C567FA00CA435ADA42799552E4612BA 515F62622204213121|
    |3B7A481012669DA663A185929EA5654405DF90C4F4DDCA8D1 BF45FC1754D4F8DCD4|
    |16CC634B2E9B466D42497CD94A967334AF1AA966FB8BC588A 8B4D18A92BBAB9527A|
    |0E1C0B39B7BCB0109BD2339AA9CFE53D939925CDD03266AC7 4533B9395FC4B394D9|
    |BAFB76EA7B5544ECF2C36961EE63523BFA4E7EAACE7F1B4BE B8647AC672FA5C6C5C|
    |37B4D9642A6F6AC64A407CF5C9774D5578159CCA2341C2A1D 43C066B9F80279E92C|
    |F40F77370AC9C6B53BC764BABF281357EF08EC4A8DC5FFD61 B334DB4FF217E8F843|
    |FE06ABFE8261699EDD4A2EA8F668B1A64B7193774577725F2 77D07E93B48DF21FA0|
    |ED17788BEEFA9984B31B77A073EBB77C93D721FEC7909265E 801724D7A5AAD6995D|
    |6DEC53144C903DB2791D7CDBEA5C384BFD01F9116C969806C 4280D7ED5D226058DF|
    |0A5349E41BD0DD13CF4EA61FF9AD8BF26F6CFC7BEF9D8B766 F6F3A2E47AB99F3704|
    |6F1EA9EB475DBB9F759B83580B94D80D7A25B605B1CE962DE C797A9BDC050777C87|
    |D720FDC94BC56FA6EBD863A6DD7C955B0E306790B0CDE047D 52B79DBEDBE9D1255A|
    |277BDA492DF201B586D8DBFB227721CFDE7508ADFF2BF90D8 C7C07A72536CCD8F00|
    |6B4939B60DF1A736E834989ED5530F35ECEBC2FFA3FB7645C 03D8CF31F01ADAA937|
    |E45BF23D1879076E4B4E146772448B8DEE94BE06C0A138CE3 834022686C175418CB|
    |D89B1F69468716A716A1D8EA377533E7215372D298548C56A BC42495428C315CA48|
    |85325DA1CC388EFE0114D5525C6E79AFE9E453ADACF23D500 7E1FD4B5953D5E28FB|
    |85F667319E7FF7C3C7E00F18765CDAE3EC4CC7A1E90EB9C2D 675C3450F807DD07F1|
  23. Just a word of caution to all, if you previously purchased the New Years Pack with the fireworks aura and emotes, it WILL let you purchase those items again since they are individual items this time. Just wanted to let people know so that they do not waste their points
  24. Vanum,

    Enjoy your day and have a blast!

  25. All but one contestant have picked up their bases! I am so excited to see what you guys will do!

    So without any spoilers... who was surprised at what was in their "Disaster" Base?