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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I know how it is with you and your 'elf parties'!!!!!!11!

    I'll invite you next time we play Elf-girl-twister
  2. Thanks! This is really nice of you! I know this is going to sound under-appreciative, I'm not (honestly) but the only real goal that I have in mind for the permadom is to constantly keep up domination. Everything else I don't really care about; nor expense (lay on the most expensive if it comes down to it I'm not scurred) -- it's just I see Dom's constantly popping Dom. Never losing their sparkles. I wouldn't care if the build is massively expensive, or only good for one thing. I mean sure I'd like a teaming build that does perma-dom but beggars can't be choosers. I'd be cool with just constantly sparkling and being nothing more than a decoration. I am going to try your recommendation (actually working on it now)!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    So, what does T for Teen mean anyway?

    There's this:

    Wowsa. Look at all that leg showing!

    But that's nothing compared to the drawn version:

    From Paragon Studio's email advertising the Holiday Pack.

    So, what's being sold in this pic? Look, just like the Give Gift emote, she's giving a present. Only thing is, she's presenting like a baboon in estrus. And she's offering a box. A box by her crotch. A crotch that seems to imply she's not wearing anything over her crotch. Did I mention a *box* by her *crotch*? You know that looks nothing like the Give Gift emote, right?

    I expect such a graphic on the cover of Playboy. I've had a less revealing pic removed from the forums for not being "T for Teen."

    There's enjoying the beauty of the human form (even if green) and then there's overt sexual pandering. This is the latter. I'd rather have seen this elf nude in just the gloves and boots frolicking in the snow and throwing a snowball then... *this* pose.

    I mean, what was even the thought here: That you would get sales by sexualizing fur-lined clothing? Is there a big market for that fetish? "Oh, yeah, jus' like Mrs. Cluas, baby!"

    And when you were selling the Gunslinger Pack, where was the drawing of the shirtless cowboy in what appeared to be assless chaps? Oh, that wouldn't have been appropriate? Hmmm....

    Yeah, I know, this thread will be full of those saying, "The comic book industry panders to cheap sex all the time." My response, "Yes, but Paragon Studios doesn't have to also."

    Shush boy, Shush your lips, do the Helen Keller and ..


    It's cute, it's not really seductive in my eyes and the present is just plain adorable. I love the pose. It's a flirty innocent elf. You pervert. I think being a zombie might of dulled your eyes or has all that solitude from a wilting problem stirred up some deep rooted testosterone that you had once?

    This coming from a woman, I see nothing provocative or wrong with that drawn picture.

    Though I would rather she her running nude as well, but that's just me.
    - This just in, my Hubby agrees -
  4. I'm trying to find the easiest (doesn't matter money wise) way to get a permadom on my level 50 Ice/Ice/Ice. I've read the guides but for those of us who haven't sat down to do the number crunching and have parental supervision going on, but I can't get a real in-depth charter due to a pipsqueak. I'm not asking for the most flashy (would be nice if you got a build like that tho) and like I said spare no expense; PVE build preferably. Geared towards Solo and or Teaming - Task forces/Incarnate Trials or taking down Giant Monsters would be killer if a build like that exists for the path I've chosen. However, if all you've got is a PVP build that's permadom'd out then go ahead and MIDs me. I've learned to use that system fairly decently.

    You won't believe me when I say it but the sparkly explosion that you can't pick aura-wise blends in beautifully with the character theme I created, aside the benefits of permadom, I rather like the palette of colors as does my daughter who sits in my lap to fly the toon around the ski chalet. Moms are awesome like that

    Anyway, thanks in advance for any advice you have about this.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post


  6. Lulipop

    C'mon Newb!

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    My favorite newb moment was what I used to inflict on other people...

    When newcomers would show up to the game, wondering why some heroes could fly (and they couldn't), I explained that they had to train for it.

    "Oh really? How?"

    "You see that really big statue behind us? You need to keep jumping off it..."

    So I'd port them to the top of the globe, and watch them swan dive, over and over and over, and they were MYSTIFIED at how long it was taking them. Then someone else would explain how it really worked... (at that point, I'd usually give the poor sucker a good chunk of inf or somesuch for being a good sport).


    Wish someone would of paid me some high INF after giving me the advice to just keep trying against Lusca. I was out there for hours chopping away on a level 12 - 14. Then on a level 1. I really thought I had a chance.

    So I got to try my hand at PVP for the first time in this game and was starting to pwn some people until this stalker appeared out of no where and was like WHOSE YER INVISIDADDY? I swear I saw the word in inking, dripping crimson '' FATALITY '' flash across the top of the screen with a deep voiced creepy announcer yelling somewhere from a near by bush, '' FINISHHER '' which he did with extreme prejudice lol.

    As explained to me and I quote word for word + spelling, '' Tahts wat u get 4 no havng IO slot in PVP z newbie ''

    Don't worry Invisidaddy, I'm going back for you in round two. You know who you are
  7. theme: Villian Bosses

    On the fourth day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me:

    4 Dr. Aeon Clones Escaping

    3 Fake Nems faking
    2 Death Mages plottin
    1 TV Show Down!
  8. You've got my vote.

    I call Arrow/Ninja.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bluevindy View Post
    We have 2 accts we pay for on a monthly basis and we set up another acct (3 total) for our daughter to play with us that is a Premium acct. She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue. I had to get on and get downright nasty and angry to get a response. How do you expect people who are trying the game out for free or a low lvl premium acct upgrade to a VIP status if they don't get the help they are seeking? I know me personally, if I had this issue and that was the response I would've gotten, I would've taken the game off my computer and pass the word around that I can't get support when I had a minor issue. They already took a minute to respond to me but couldn't resolve it? I suggest that you make a system or something that takes care of the Premium/Freebie players. I'm not saying take away from the VIP players because they are paying for it. I have all 3 accts to email to me. This issue really has me upset, annoyed and frustrated that I had to get angry. I had to calm down my daughter because she worked hard to get those candycanes on her own by opening presents and arresting the mobs she got.

    In the words of a great philospher,

    '' Reality... Get some. ''

    It's a video game. I can understand feeling annoyed by the whole ordeal but frustrated to an extreme and crying kiddos? Calming them down? I am reminded of the Angry German Keyboard Kid who couldn't beat something and went ballistic. Is that the kind of example you want to set? Really? Look, I'm sure you're a great gaming parent and all but I wouldn't let my daughter get enraged over a video game. Just turn off the computer, cuddle up with your kid and watch a disney movie. Go outside and play in the snow, or read a book. Do something other than stare at a screen and get tissy.

    Not trying to say your outcry isn't legitimate (cause that is pretty messed up) but letting out a rebel yell that your kiddo picks up on (vibes and all) isn't going to help the situation for either of you, plus it is just asking for a lulzworthy flame war. I can see a neon sign blinking '' TROLL ON ''. Chillax. You got this. Srsly..
  10. Devs, the ones voicing almost to all votes against this idea are males.

    Notice something?

    ALL of us GIRL players are actually going forth with this and saying we WANT female pets. Enough of the chivalrous aptitude, enough of the '' repercussions are..'', enough of the excuses as to why you can't do it.

    You want problems? Here's a whole meal for you to chew on:

    I am offended that men players of this game can beat up women critters in PVE.
    I am offended that men players can beat down women critters in PVP.
    I am offended that women players can beat up men critters in PVE.
    I am offended that women players can beat up men critters in PVP.

    I am appalled and highly offended that men, or women get abducted in this game and you have to rescue them.
    I am offended that there are emotes that can be used to suggest sexual themes in this game on both sexes.
    I am offended that women are seen as the weaker side, and should be more sexy when it comes to a man's ideal. Furthermore, I am offended that we as girl players cannot (huge)max out our women for a supersize me edition.
    I am offended that any player at any time can use the emote /smack (/slap) and call it a b---h slap. I am highly offended that a man in specific can throw up snow, call it powder, then in succession use /slap while screaming, '' Smack my b---h up! ''

    I am offended that my female/male mastermind controls only men and then sends them into battle to beat on women.

    I am offended.. Et cetera.. on and on..

    Does that open your eyes? Those are all valid complaints I could be making daily, HOURLY if I so chose, filling up support ticket after support ticket. If I was a prude brown noser. But I'm not. I'm a chillax'd fem-gamer who likes to extend her claws for issues that really matter.

    Not having female pets? That's just braindead. You would generate alot more business (believe me) that would NOT negatively impact the game. Trust us ladies, Devs, we're tired of the ''equality'' standoff. Hopefully David's little experiment about that gave you some insight that you'll use wisely. This is an issue that's been growing and if you do a search on it there's tons of threads requesting it.

    IT is the MASS MAJORITY, not just the boards, but Gamers across the ENTIRE PLAYING GRID. Do your own field research (probably have), ALL servers, nearly all Players want a female option to MM's. If nothing else, because we UNDERSTAND the issues - preset names, use like suggested before other villains/hero groups and name them accordingly. Yes MM's are supposed to have control over that but if you give us female pets I really don't see us whining about name sakes.

    You give us a moderated version we'll be cool with that. Trust me.

    If worse comes to absolute worse and the Marketing/Company is adamament about this decision then why not open up pigg modifications on the user side only for MM's. Maybe give us the option to ''apply'' a model we want to see but no one else does. Still doesn't help the naming, I know, but how often do you see a male MM's pet with the name '' Tricked Out '' or '' Snookie? '' -
    Second idea, if not on live servers then why not on Test/Beta only? If it's too uncomfortable to go on Live then I have no problems rolling a Beta/Test toon specifically for that reason and playing there. Yes we ( the players) fully would be and are aware that at any moment all forward progress made on said toon could be wiped out for whatever reason, but hey, that's life in the fast lane when compromise is on the horizon. Also, to quell your wandering thoughts, just cause I'm in a MMO doesn't mean I want to be teamed with a lot of players, and if I so do feel social I can just hop back to Live instead of chillaxing on Beta/Test. Food for thought, Devs.

    Hopefully you take this thread into consideration, really soon, as in upcoming releases soon.

    It's about time.

    In short: /signed by another woman gamer.

    Did I forget to mention I'm offended.....
  11. Lulipop

    C'mon Newb!


    I loved reading all the posters comments so far. Being that I'm uber new to the whole CoH/CoV/CoP thing I thought for sure I'd be laughed at for doing, or asking stupid things. I was right but at the same time a lesson was learned through each trial. I guess it reminds me of the time I've spent on WoW, seeing as I started in Closed beta thru the game today.

    This community is truly more sympathetic and forgiving when it comes to PvE but being an avid PvP'er I was pondering how their community reacts to newb questions.

    Keep the regular C'mon Newb! Moments coming but anyone got any PvP moments of Doom?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If the internet won't go to Timecube, Timecube will come to the internet.
    [Insert Jaws Theme Here]
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Uh, why exactly is this in the suggestions forum? What are you suggesting?
    Apparently the suggestion has something to do with

    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf
    ;4039261]Go Niners!

    I need 10 points from Frank Gore and Vernon Davis so I can beat Crosscheck in fantasy football.
    ^'s roasted almonds. Planters; garden variety mix. A salty, crunchy treat. Do you like holiday nuts, blue rabbit? I do. I love the soft chewy ones, like cashews or pistachios. : )
    I miss my bunny my hubby bought me too, I was so happy with it. Seriously. Your name reminds me of Owick Fff. It was a Tw'ilek name. Sadly we had to give it away to some neighbors before I moved and the owner told me the coolest thing, they said that only special breeds of rabbit or rabbit enthusiasts have a brown nose. Pretty cool huh?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    It's back on, but it's going to delay the game.

    Taking a while for the lights to fully come up in the stadium.
    The night the lights went out in Saaan fraaaan siscooo..
  15. Lulipop

    C'mon Newb!

    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Resting, waiting until both bars are filled, then being unable to figure out why you can't move. Lag? Bug? Did your computer freeze up?

    Because you didn't turn off Rest yet, no0b!

    (I did this probably a dozen times myself during my first two months or so...)
    Guilty as charged -
    I even filed a support ticket, and the GM was beyond polite about the issue. We both cried, laughed, talked about glory days. Yes, yes. Good times.
  16. Welp. Powers out in San Fransisco.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    I have no issue with it, just the first time I've seen a non CoH related topic is all.

    Seems you have a Dev's support, and that's awesome.
    I guess. Yay me?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    Born Steeler fan, But I'm routing for 49ers. Because, my roommate had a rough year and his 49ers winning makes him happy.

    P.S. I'm not gay ... just a fantastic guy. LOL

    Also, a unique place to post about this topic.
    All Access, for anyone to post, and the other one is game related only. I'm working with limited options. So why not here?
  19. Lulipop

    C'mon Newb!

    What are the top C'mon Newb! Moments in COH history that you know of?
    PVE/PVP/Dev/CCR/Channel/Comments - Anything that's Lulz worthy.

    Worst C'mon Newb! Offender: Me

    Running up to purples and trying to debuff them after being directed to Peregrine once asking a group of players on Freedom where the best place to level was.

    Second -
    Saw my first Giant Monster, Lusca in Independence Port. Decided that at level 12 I could take it down alone. Needless to say, 3 hours after, I asked in the help channel why I couldn't beat it and was told, '' Because you're using the wrong power set. '' I re-rolled, took a train and got wrecked. I asked again why I kept getting pwn'd and was told, '' It takes awhile..''
    ^ Thank you Exalted server for all your dedication.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    Go Niners!

    I need 10 points from Frank Gore and Vernon Davis so I can beat Crosscheck in fantasy football.
    I have no idea what that means or who exactly they are but lets go Niners!


    Since this is going to catch attention from the Dev selection now, thanks Redname person who should be working on giving us powers instead of watching football Kidding

    C'MON Man! Moments -
    What do YOU think should be on there? Cause my hubby and his friends are all chatting away about it. I do like that segment cause some of the games I saw were just what the heck moments of screwball comedy.

    My favorite? The giant pile of Ravens and Chargers fighting last night that got the refs wrapped up. That and the Giants Quarterback throwing touchdowns to the Redskin team. Way to be a team player, Newb!
  21. Before you start with '' Women don't watch football..'' and all that stuff, yeah I may not know all the stats or have a stupid fantasy league but I do like to watch SNF and MNF. Hubby and his friends have the pre-game show blaring and brought up a question that's split the twenty people here.

    Which one?
    Score spread?

    I'm going for the 49'ers cause they have prettier color options, Holiday colors. Plus they have warm weather. Jealous.
  22. Is now a good time to request Female Pets? No? It's been done before? Yeah.
  23. Lulipop

    Remember when

    Remember when Jack Emme.... oh wait

    I mean remember when PvP was goo...


    Welp. I tried.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post

    He was put into hospice not the hospital, it's not exactly the same thing. He was placed there because there was no other choice. He can't currently walk right now, and is fading in and out of reality. Luckily, I did give him some of the advice you mentioned a few months ago. This was extremely sudden. The situation went from bad to omfgbad in about 3 days. I posted because his mom asked me to let people know. And I thought if anyone wanted to say anything, it would be good for them to have the opportunity.

    To all,

    Emails have been pouring in, thank you, I will bring them all with me. I think he will be happy to see them and his mom will feel good that so many people thought of him.
    Read that to him if you wish. Do me a favor and get DC in a wheel chair when he's awake. Just kinda chill with him and watch a sunset or sunrise, with jello or applesauce. Crazy straws, must have crazy straws. Don't question it.
  25. Tell him to get out of the Hospital and go outside, sit beneath a tree and just enjoy the last of his days. Look, telling him that he's going to get better isn't going to help him, don't give him false hope, and don't lie even if the Nurses or his family say otherwise. There's no reason he should think that staying in that Hospital is going to give him the resolve he's looking for because it won't. I survived cervical cancer with my ovaries being taken out at a very young age, and thought I was going to die week by week. My condition seemed bleak for awhile but I got the best advice from an older woman who was dying of her cancer, she had been fighting so long for so many years even without the modern technology to back her up. Her advice was, '' Life in itself is a mystical thing. It's beautiful, gorgeous, glorious, and even when dark is upbeat. Somewhere a bird is singing, somewhere there is sun shining, and somewhere there are no clouds swarming. Life's best seen when you're dying because you notice everything that you didn't before. '' She was my best friend as I spent most of my childhood inside of a white room, on a bed getting fed through tubes in-between chemo therapy, and radiation treatments - listening to a symphony of tweeks, beeps, and mechanical whirs to compressors. So I know exactly what he's going through in a sense, and even if it is the end for his road it's only this physical life. He's got a lot more to go through on the spiritual side, so just tell him to chillax and smoke a bowl. No troll here. Marijuana, or give him something different. If he is going to die, GOING to die, 100%, then anything he wants let him have it. Just tell him to get out there and do something crazy, do something insane, do what I was told. To get out of the hospital and take on life. In a week, or even two days, you can see a world of things and taste a world away from your norm. Tell him not to die out on some machine with the last noises being sobbing family, friends, children. The last noises he doesn't need to hear are beep beep beep. He should hear the tranquil sound of a river, the wind through the trees, or the rustling bustling noises of people in a mall. Something exciting, maybe the end to a good movie. Whatever the case may be he doesn't need to be stuck in a hospital.

    Tell him from someone who they said wouldn't survive, ice cream tastes best while hanging upside down from a tree branch while looking out at a river either at sun up or sun down. I suggest a scoop-in ice cream cone, sticks better.

    TO DC - Whoever is going to him, print this, or read or ignore it. But I'm writing it. Don't know why, just feel compelled to. See, mood changes and women. I should of born a guy. Dammit.

    If you have a laptop, and you are reading this DC, I don't know you. I can't say if you were a great guy, or some **** who stole all the kills. I don't know if you were a problem starter, or one of the popular MMO kids who didn't hang with newbies. I don't know you from the typical joe when I sign into this game. But I do know you're feeling empty, and sad. Regret, anger, and frustration. I felt them too, I honestly did while staring out the window with my fingertips to the glass watching the recovering kids enjoying themselves. Why them? You know? Why do they get to enjoy, but I'm stuck in here under critical at all stages, why am I elevated to '' near death '' and moved to the elder infirmary? Why was I around nothing but the scent of death every single day from when I was 10 - 15. You're wondering the same, why did you have to go through it. Know why? Because you're tough, but look around you guy. Those people who came to you, those who are letting you read this or reading this to you. Yeah. I didn't get that. You lucky pincushion. That's what I called myself, and what the Old Lady who befriended me with two weeks left to go said she called herself. I learned alot from her, like how to give your nurses and doctors hell, even in her last two weeks she was wily. Always starting trouble. You know what though? She didn't worry, she didn't care. She said that beyond her physical life there was something waiting for her, something I didn't either care about or comprehend at that time. She said we all have our beliefs but she knew for a fact, even if it wasn't heaven, there was a whole new adventure waiting for her in less than two weeks. She kept a smile about it, and never worried. I don't know what you believe in, DC, if anything at all, but I know when I go I'm going to walk the path of the Native Indians. Corny huh? I might even wear the skirts and go topless, who knows. I just really want one of those drums. I love those drums, they are so soothing to listen to. You might like it, or then again maybe you like thrashing hardcore metal. Screaming Lords and the like. Who knows. You do. I don't. So you're probably wondering why am I writing to you like this? Why do I even care? I don't know you, right? And the people reading this are thinking, '' Is she mental? '' Doesn't matter what you think, or them, well in a way it does matter what you think now doesn't it? I'm just writing, free writing, no stops for errors. Just typing what I feel because I have been where you are and know what I'd want to see or hear if I were in your shoes. Just someone being real, someone being honest, someone being true. I longed for those type of conversations that never came except from the Elderly, then eventually they moved me down to the stationary wards for critical needs patients. They said I had become cynical and aloof. An oxymoron but hey I don't question their logic, nor their wording. They're doctors after all, not rocket scientists. So, DC, don't really worry about anything from here on out, alright? You fight when you feel like it, and if you know you're not going to make it or have an inkling just do want you want to, cause lets be real here, I knew I wasn't going to make it. Yet here I am writing for you, pretty ironic. Only I don't smell like prunes and strange spices from cooking abominations out of fake utensils the hospital tried to ''home'' up the old lady's room with. I have no idea what she cooked in there but oh gawd did it taste HORRIBLE. Horrible! I lied, ate it and made the most fake *** delicious ''mmmm sure is good!'' face. She knew, but adored it. I should bake you some bad cookies but I don't have any of her hospital recipes... lucky you. I don't really know what to say at this point except man up, get out of that hospital bed. Get out of that room. It smells doesn't it? The plastic on the bed, the grips on the handles, knowing someone else was in there before you. I know the smell. Everything has it. Like a sterilized leather or PVC costume. You might not know of the latter unless you were into some kinks. I'd go into detail about my adventures but I'm sure the one reading this to you is either flushed red by now or you're creating a tent for others out of all the mental images I'm probably hinting at. I have no idea why I keep my fingers running on this keyboard, I keep telling myself you're probably already getting sleepy and need to rest, other side of me is trying to live through you again and remembering what I would of loved out of a letter. For it to just go on and on, anything that didn't have to deal with family's mush and the cushioned talk that the hospital staff loved to give. Sounded so rehearsed. Bet they practice in-front of a mirror every morning, or got it so down pat that they don't realize they sound like robots. Fake empathetic robots. With poodle skirts. I made that last part up if you couldn't tell. I don't know what else I should say except do whatever you feel like, try to get enough strength to see the world a little more, enjoy the outside a bit. Like I said before, DC, this isn't properly thought out and is a jumbled mess of my thoughts that may seem to jump from subject to subject but it's real, and it's from a complete stranger. It may mean nothing to you, but it would of meant everything to me when I was in your position. Keep your chin up, watch some T.V, read some books, and get the heck outside so you're not missing out. Sip some jello under a tree for starters. Good luck, DC.

    Stranger, Jennifer-Anne