How premium/freebie players are treated by customer service
We have 2 accts we pay for on a monthly basis and we set up another acct (3 total) for our daughter to play with us that is a Premium acct. She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue. I had to get on and get downright nasty and angry to get a response. How do you expect people who are trying the game out for free or a low lvl premium acct upgrade to a VIP status if they don't get the help they are seeking? I know me personally, if I had this issue and that was the response I would've gotten, I would've taken the game off my computer and pass the word around that I can't get support when I had a minor issue. They already took a minute to respond to me but couldn't resolve it? I suggest that you make a system or something that takes care of the Premium/Freebie players. I'm not saying take away from the VIP players because they are paying for it. I have all 3 accts to email to me. This issue really has me upset, annoyed and frustrated that I had to get angry. I had to calm down my daughter because she worked hard to get those candycanes on her own by opening presents and arresting the mobs she got.
In the words of a great philospher,
'' Reality... Get some. ''
It's a video game. I can understand feeling annoyed by the whole ordeal but frustrated to an extreme and crying kiddos? Calming them down? I am reminded of the Angry German Keyboard Kid who couldn't beat something and went ballistic. Is that the kind of example you want to set? Really? Look, I'm sure you're a great gaming parent and all but I wouldn't let my daughter get enraged over a video game. Just turn off the computer, cuddle up with your kid and watch a disney movie. Go outside and play in the snow, or read a book. Do something other than stare at a screen and get tissy.
Not trying to say your outcry isn't legitimate (cause that is pretty messed up) but letting out a rebel yell that your kiddo picks up on (vibes and all) isn't going to help the situation for either of you, plus it is just asking for a lulzworthy flame war. I can see a neon sign blinking '' TROLL ON ''. Chillax. You got this. Srsly..
We have 2 accts we pay for on a monthly basis and we set up another acct (3 total) for our daughter to play with us that is a Premium acct. She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue. I had to get on and get downright nasty and angry to get a response. How do you expect people who are trying the game out for free or a low lvl premium acct upgrade to a VIP status if they don't get the help they are seeking? I know me personally, if I had this issue and that was the response I would've gotten, I would've taken the game off my computer and pass the word around that I can't get support when I had a minor issue. They already took a minute to respond to me but couldn't resolve it? I suggest that you make a system or something that takes care of the Premium/Freebie players. I'm not saying take away from the VIP players because they are paying for it. I have all 3 accts to email to me. This issue really has me upset, annoyed and frustrated that I had to get angry. I had to calm down my daughter because she worked hard to get those candycanes on her own by opening presents and arresting the mobs she got.
Totally tangential to what you're talking about, but I couldn't help wonder what you're talking about in re the candy canes?
"She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue."What gives? What was the issue with the candy canes? I can't get it from your account.
"I had to calm down my daughter because she worked hard to get those candycanes on her own by opening presents and arresting the mobs she got."
She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
It's not really clear What exactly your issue was besides not getting candy canes, but being a subscriber how would you feel if portions of your sub had to goto helping the freebs? While I'd love for everyone to be treated like the VIP's we are nomatter the status, but the CS is a benefit provided by the consistent amount of money spent on the subs.
I don't mean to be cruel, but you could liken it to this: How do you think some people feel about our hard earned taxes going to pay people who won't get off their butt and find a job (when they are actually in a position to get one), but instead decide it's better to sit on welfare?
I really do feel for you and it'd be great for everyone to get equal support, but that thing you click that says 'I Agree' (granted most of us just click the button blindly) more than likely lays down the ground rules for what to expect. If it's not clear enough, then I'm sure somebody has made a wiki/thread that sums it up in non-legal wording. F2P seems to be the way things are going in the MMO world so Rage-Quitting to another game will likely put you in the same boat if it urks you That much.
I don't understand what the issue is with the candy canes either, but I wonder if the OP ran into the same weird Customer Service gotcha that I did as a Premium accountholder. I petitioned in-game about a problem with my characters not getting as many storage slots as they're supposed to have, and got e-mail saying that in-game support was only for VIPs. So I went to the website, opened a ticket about the same issue, and got e-mail from *the same GM* saying that it wasn't working as intended and they would treat it as a bug report.
Limiting in-game petitions to VIPs seems perfectly reasonable, but then petitions should actually be *turned off* for Premiums. Taking petitions only to ignore them creates needless frustration for players and wastes Customer Service's time.
We have 2 accts we pay for on a monthly basis and we set up another acct (3 total) for our daughter to play with us that is a Premium acct. She bought the candycanes and I got an e-mail saying that Customer Service will not help her resolve this issue. I had to get on and get downright nasty and angry to get a response. How do you expect people who are trying the game out for free or a low lvl premium acct upgrade to a VIP status if they don't get the help they are seeking? I know me personally, if I had this issue and that was the response I would've gotten, I would've taken the game off my computer and pass the word around that I can't get support when I had a minor issue. They already took a minute to respond to me but couldn't resolve it? I suggest that you make a system or something that takes care of the Premium/Freebie players. I'm not saying take away from the VIP players because they are paying for it. I have all 3 accts to email to me. This issue really has me upset, annoyed and frustrated that I had to get angry. I had to calm down my daughter because she worked hard to get those candycanes on her own by opening presents and arresting the mobs she got.