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  1. Lucius_EU

    I miss......

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    Not knowing to pick stamina on my first toon and took him to 32 or there abouts constantly running out of breath until someone pointed out to me "How do you survive as a corruptor without stamina?"

    1 respec later, and I still have him stil sitting at 43 after 33 months.

    I think im going to try and push him to 50 this week, just because he was my first

    Basically I think I miss being noobish

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    Did the exact same thing on my Tanker! I miss having 2 taunts... Must show a little Respec!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Personally i'm a fan of Inv/SS, but that's just because my only tank i've managed to get past level 6 is that.

    It's an incredible feeling to stand in the middle of 3 spawn's worth of +6 Freakshow with Unstoppable and Rage running, their attacks doing single-digits worth of damage while you knock a Freak Tank sky-high with KO Blow.

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    Why knock your opponent into the air when you can bury them six feet under.

    Energy Transfer!

    Buy it now!

    *Advertisement was sponsored by P.E.W(Paragons Energy Watch) program.*

    Why Buy it later?

    When you... could buy it now!!!
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Offensively, I'm very fond of Super Strength. The "Knockout Blow" power hits like a truck, and if you can handle the ocassional "crash", then Rage is a long lasting and dramatic boost to your damage.

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    Energy Melee FTW, ok maybe I am a bit of an energy fan boy but hell you get 2 of the strongest secondary attacks that tankers have. Plus if you slot the pool with stun enhancements you dont have to worry about being hit... mostof the time
  4. Anything that involves confusion and me on my tanker. When the arena first came out I was part of a 3 vs 3 match, and the opposing time had an illusion controller. We had an empath and a scrapper. So getting down to the knitty gritty, we were smashing the life out of each other but the opposing team could hardly do anything to break my defenses. I was losing no health what so ever, and just kept throwing taught to keep the other team a bit confused.

    All of a sudden the Illusion controller hits me with confusion, and I didn't have a clue what happened, but something happened. Then I find myself attacking a new target with extreme vigour! Next thing I know our defender is 6 feet under due to my energy transfer! WellI laughed so hard I didnt attack for another few minutes, just stood there.

    By the time I thought I should do a bit moe damage I had been confused again... and ended up digging another grave for our teams scrapper. After this I had the giggles, and manicly started dishing out the damage to the other team slowly and purposefuly. Ended up standing in a pile of hero bodies all dispatched by my hands.

    At the time it was a hilarious match. I couldn't believe how easily confused I got because of confusion

    Neither could my team-mates
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Or Warhammer from Call of Duty 4, for those who aint played it, its the gunship from the beginning of the new Transformers film, and if else, a AC-130A gunship. I just want a legitimate reason to say "Bring the Rain!"... and not have fire-blasters going crazy!

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    Property prices in Paragon City, probably already rock bottom, would plummet even further with Heroes constantly calling Spectre Gunships to flatten objectives.

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    And how many times can they be invaded by aliens bombing the [censored] out of paragon. I dont know, I think the army need to get involved!
  6. Lucius_EU

    I miss......

    Lol I think im suffering from Hollow's withdrawal, all i can think about is Atta and frostfire! I miss a certain person with a "strike-"ing personality, always made the hollows even better!

    I remember the time a certain other person said Art was not a legit subject to be taught in school, and the following aftermath of such words!

    Funniy enough i miss my Cute and Cuddly enormous fire/rad corruptor whoI thought I could tank on >_>
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    I just want a legitimate reason to say "Bring the Rain!"... and not have fire-blasters going crazy!

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    That's crazy talk!

    Some sort of minor AoE power which puts them out of the fight for a few seconds would be nice.

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    Crazy! CRAZY!

    Its just so crazy its genius!
  8. Lucius_EU

    PPD on the job

    Now think about this thread everytime you've flown into Atlas Park and not saved someone once your past level 10. The amount of people I've flown past and gone meh... not gonna give me xp's!
  9. Lucius_EU

    I miss......

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    So is this some kind of January depressison theread, then?

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    no this is an excuse for me not to do my essay!
  10. Lucius_EU

    I miss......

    I miss the good old parties that people, usually TG, threw in Steel Canyon.
    I miss the epicness... "Zomg theres a Lusca"... "[censored] is that... a giant robot just sqwished meh!"... "Right... so your telling me we have to attack that thing!"
    I miss the naivety, "Whats so bad about the gulch?", "Whats so bad about the Freaks?", "Whats so bad about them sappers?", "Whats so bad about those AV's?","Whats so bad about the Tailor?" 3ish years im still asking myself that one! I voew to work it out!
  11. Lucius_EU

    I miss......

    I miss the good times in the hollows!
    I miss the hollows!
  12. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

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    Lucius + 1

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    Is that some kind of magical weapon?

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    You should know. You have wielded the Golden Girl+1 24,132 times.

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    Oi no stealing my thunder!
  13. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

    forth coming issue update. Stay tuned in for more information!

    Right i think ill be on topic, back to the topic at hand, Ghost Raptor does a great job at keeping the forum clean and keeps everyone adhereing to the rules. Let him deal with all these issues, and make sure you as an individual play by the rules. Everyone will be a happy bunny then!
  14. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

    Dominatrix's solve everything!
  15. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

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    It's possible to have fun without being unpleasant

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    Really? Tell me more, I'm intrigued...

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    Well, you can start by treating other people the way you would like to be treated yourself

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    If you knew how I like to be treated you wouldn't be saying that.

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    Get this man a dominatrix!!!
  16. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

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    We have a masked vigilante on the loose!

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    Well, that is sort of the point of the game

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    Rats, I've been caught!
  17. Lucius_EU

    Some advice

    We have a masked vigilante on the loose!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    I agree with TresCool - they are useful powers at low levels, when you have fewer attacks.

    So - any other ideas for a 45 month vet reward?

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    Well I like my suggestion in the other thread...

    but failing that, how about a B17 and enough bombs to carpet bomb the mission map into oblivion?

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    Or Warhammer from Call of Duty 4, for those who aint played it, its the gunship from the beginning of the new Transformers film, and if else, a AC-130A gunship. I just want a legitimate reason to say "Bring the Rain!"... and not have fire-blasters going crazy!
  19. Lucius_EU

    Hollow Veterans?

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    Am I the only one who was thinking that the topic starter was talking about someone who is very experienced in the Hollows?

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    Defeat Atta and you save the 45 month reward!
  20. Lucius_EU

    Defiant Legends

    I miss the old hollows, pretty much where I met all the above when they were going through their teens and early tweens. Now the place is dead! And shock is all in your head! Want to add the Taxi boys as well to the list, kudos to anyone who has mentioned them before.

    Plus like to add all those from the Paragon Defenders, Echeolon and was it the Defenders all really good SG's that i have been part of, but havent been able to get to know as well because of ofg stuff coming up. Though I have always been welcomed back.

    And a big shout out to Ruby Dragon as well!
  21. Epic earliness!

    Have a good'un!
  22. Well since it is the season, and im currently up at ridiculious'o'clock, and a tid bit bored, if anyone hasn't noticed yet, i decided to kick start the season!

    Right since i have near 30 free tailor sessions I thought I would make good use of them. So I decked Lucius' balls...woops i meant halls with lots of Holly and decided to get his festive uniform out!

    Pictures as shown below!

    Mind you the quality aint great and the size isn't the best. But if you want a much more personal look at my attire gimme a shout in game!

    So pretty much I'm going to get the ball rolling and ask anyone if they have any festive suits/costumes/linge... er yeh, ready for the festive session. And no real pic's i'm talking about your in game characters!