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  1. TYVM for the tips guys, changed it, bout the race, good luck to you too, cos as long as we beat Hami union will be winners
  2. Friday 8th December 7PM GMT outside entrance to Hive in Eden

    Firstly anyone coming please make sure you have a Hami raid cossie, these help to reduce the lagg greatly. I believe the layout was tightchest and legs, smooth/bare full on gloves and boots and a tech helm, all one colour.
    defenders-blue (empaths-green)
    PBs White
    If you have a hold please add a purple stripe to your costume.
    Some of these may be wrong, i need to find the guide for em. This is the best costume for creating as little lag as possible. If you really cant afford to change a cossie please wear one with as little detail as possible, No auras or capes, these cause massive lag during raids

    Here’s the info for the raid in just over a weeks time.
    Also those that haven’t already please read Read the guide HERE by Archy, Xanthus and friends, tyvm to them .

    PA team-Paragon Girl, Massatron, Okton, kilamonjaro, Chaotix,Ovohms, possibly Wyx or quick blue
    Taunt-Gilga/MD, Curing catz, Jum, Genejack, jaqi, Mistress Heal, Nega Doc
    Mito team leader-streekz01*, all unassigned
    Hold Leader- Raziel
    People with holds I know of-Dimension Diva, The MD, Second Sun, Corwal, Empress of fire, tera storm, Coldest War, Lost Kheldian, Lina Subverse, Byte, FireBlazer, Luna, Aiswen, Chill Arrow, the PA drop team, certain members of taunt team.

    Well there’s the assigned positions I’ve made so far for teams, the PA team are phantom army droppers and kins. Taunt team is the Hami tank, gilga or MD with emps to keep em healed, one to many so those that want can help with the healing blanket.
    The mito team is for the clearing phase, all those not needed for another team just follow streakz and attack his target when the mito clear phase begins.
    The hold teams should be compromised of anyone with a hold, or speedboost/accelerate metabolism.
    Also do not use any defence/dmg res toggles in the Hive, Hami and co do untyped unavoidable damage so toggles apart from mez protection are useless and just cause lag.

    To review the raid, firstly we’ll meet at the Hive entrance in Eden, there everyone gets into teams, those in the PA and taunt teams get together then, everyone else can make their own for now. We enter and go to cowards hill, near hamidon, if you’re unsure where follow everyone else .

    Most important rule is not to aggro or attack hamidon, second is not to draw GMs into Hami, Do not under any circumstance attack/taunt or use any power on hamidon.

    At this point the PA team move into position, and once we have the go ahead follow streakz and clear them mitos . Our hami tank team will enter once we’ve got a big enough space or if we reckon there is a wide enough coverage of PA, so less chance of hami being aggroed.

    Once all the mitos have been cleared everyone is to go up to hamidon and brawl him once, make sure it hits no other powers to be used, this is to ensure everyone will get a hami O while also preventing the aggro being taken off our hami tank. Then the Hold phase begins. For this phase only the following powers are to be used (special thanks to Archy, Xanthus and friends for the info taken from their guide, here and throughtout post.)
    No dark servant cos its twilight grasp will cause to much lag

    -Tankers: not worth it becuase of guantlet
    -Blasters: Tesla Cage, Freeze Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Shocking Grasp, Freezing Touch, Shocking Bolt, Char, Cryo Freeze Ray.
    -Defenders: Petryfing Gaze, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow, Tesla Cage, Telekinesis.
    -Scrappers: not worth the lagg.
    -Warshades: Gravity Well.
    -Peacebringers: Incandescent Strike.
    -Controllers: Fossilize, Volcanic Gasses, Char, Cinders, Gravity Distortion, Gravity Distortion Field, Singularity(3 slots for Hold Duration, no matter the others), Block of Ice, Glacier, Blind, Flash, Dominate, Telekinesis(whatever slotting you have), Total Domination, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow.

    In addition to this, the only buffs which should be used really are AM and Speed Boost for the +rechg so that holds can be stacked. People need to understand that spamming immobs and heals, leaving auras/shields on, using pets (other than Singularity and maybe Dark Servant), or just using random powers (like Fulcrum) is totally useless and counter-productive since it increases the lag to the point where we can't see if Hami is held.

    Raziel is in charge for this, so once this phase begins please listen to him(can’t remember if I actually asked him if he wanted to do this, might be good to check)
    NO ATTACKING HAMI, only holds during this phase.
    Anyone without a hold or recharge boost will have to sit on cowards hill and wait,no scrapper or tankers, even with holds in this phase unless we are desperate due to the lagg. As long as you brawled him you'll still get Hami O though.

    Hopefully if all goes well hami will be down in no time

    Heres the list of people signed up or verified.
    So Far
    Lost Kheldian-noob
    War Borg-EN/En Blaster
    Raziel-Fire/Empathy Controller
    Oozygirl-ice/ice blaster
    streekz01-fire/fire tanker
    Jum-Emp/Rad defender
    Dimension Diva-grav controller
    Curing catz-empath defender with holds
    Ianroar-Invul/SS tanker
    C0rp0ral Punishment-Stone/Super Strength tanker
    Stage-ill/ff troller
    tera storm-blaster/holder
    Coldest War-Blaster with holds
    amasing flame-fire/fire/fire blaster
    Dipstar-inv/stn tank
    Spinebreaker-Spines/Regen/Body scrapper
    Okton-Illusion/Radiation - 2 Holds, AM, rad debuffs, Power Boost, Vanguard
    Lina Subverse-Fire/Ice blaster w. aux hold
    Jaerven Claws-Regen/Body Scrapper
    Solar Flash-MA/SR Scrapper
    FireFreak-Fire/Fire tank
    Night-Wolf - katana/super reflexes scrapper
    Living End - Energy/energy blaster
    Doomsayer - fire/Ice tanker
    jaqi empathy-defender has hold
    The MD-Ice controller Stonegiant lvl 50 hami tank
    Second Sun-Fire/Rad Controller
    Byte-3 hold blaster
    FireBlazer-Fire/Fire Blaster with char
    Officer Cuffz-Inv/Nrg Tank
    Sara Aegis- Inv/Em tank
    Paragon Girl-Ill Troller
    Massatron-Illusion/emapth controller
    Corwal-mind/empathy controller
    Empress of fire-fire/rad controller
    Electro-Cute-elec/elec blaster
    Noir-empath or scrapper or blaster
    bio girl-defender
    Wyx-troller or kin def
    Stainless Steel-NRG/NRG/Force Blaster
    Mistress Heal-empath/psi/psi with single hold
    Luna, Eskimo spy- Troller/ff
    Aeronaut - En/En Blaster
    Nega Doc-empath Defender
    Thunder Bird- elec blaster
    Ovohms-illusion troller
    Quick blue-kin def
    Aiswen-blaster 3 holds
    Tsumiju Zero-kat/sr scrapper
    Chill-Arrow-Archer/Ice Blaster 1 hold
    Dagar-DM/DA scrapper
    V-Rock-stone/stone tank
    Ahura Mazda-Inv/SS Tanker

    59 in total already

    Anyhting you need to ask email Lost Kheldian
    ty to general and xanthus for tips
  3. Lost_samurai_EU

    Clear Mind

    just a thought but maybe these opponents are better than you. Not always a case of unbalanced builds sometimes is but could be Insps effecting it and empaths work so well for teams becuase theyre useless on their own, hence why they seem to give heroes an unfair advantage. I don't understand why people have such a problem with em, you just go drop em in seconds. Always worked for me.
    if theyre just staying in base healing then try moving away from the base to lure em out, its not rocket science.
  4. Lost_samurai_EU

    Clear Mind

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now I know I find this a big issue when PvP'ing and its been increased recently with a few groups of people who only come in when their empath is with them for CM.

    Recently I have been thinking to myself about CM because when on a stalker an Empath makes PvP extremely hard, considering the low hp stalkers have to begin with, hide and AS being a stalkers main ability, you can't really do much without being blasted to peices by a blaster with cm loaded on.

    So I thought to myself why not make it so the same person couldn't stack CM onto 1 person. Its the same with alot of other powers, why make CM any diffrent? It would mean that PvP would still be hard for stalkers but not so hard that it is almost impossible to PvP with one.

    Dont expect everyone else to agree but wouldnt mind comments

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Players who aren't specced for PvP have a hard time against stalkers, almost the only way to see them sometimes is using CM, and even then you need to consider that the empath needs to stack in some cases, thus they are busy and the group will need to stay close together, so hit and run works brilliantly, fire off an attack, leg it and when some start following you double back and wipe out the emp.
    Empaths themselves are unable to do much against a stlaker other than their few buffs.

    Also trying to use a stalker to take down any number of players teamed with an empath ain't gonna work. its not like any other AT will have a better chance, stalkers are easiest to use in this situation as the damage spike can get em before they can react, where as all other ATs just can't dish it out quick enough head on.

    In conclusion its working fine, heroes in teams are gonna get the better of you, part of PvP after all
  5. lol your on Xanthus, looking forward to it
  6. lol
    had a nice BB one as my PB
    was floating around near water street and popped a yellow, i then saw a stalker almsot enxt to me, i stopped for a second and as soon as they flew over i moved to the right a few feet, they had tried to AS and failed, they tried again and i moved again, after 6 attempts we were now in open space and they hadn't realized i knew they were there.

    It was at this point the stalkers end hit 0 thanks to hide fly toggles and all the attempted AS's, they fell and i followed hitting build up and landing an incandescent strike in mid fall, when we hit the ground it only took one more attack to finish him.

    remember folks, end means everything
  7. CONGRATZ FG!!!!!!!!!!
    taking all bets on how long to his next 50.
  8. pity you won't be here J, yes wii will be out, however in my obsession over how to choose the games to buy i neglected the release date itself
  9. how do people manage to get stuck in base anyway, if the opposition are waiting outside whats the big deal, i geenrally go straight past em, after all travel powers are there for a reason, same when leaving the zone, an orange insp can help gainst tp foe or just use rest, everntually they realise it doesnt work and give up.
  10. Lost_samurai_EU

    Grudge Match!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well.. actually.. He hid in his PFF everytime I had his health down to a sliver...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    so not so much AR doesn't suck as force mastery is a brilliant pool
  11. i know mate, if my list is right he has a kin with SB though. addign you to PA team btw
  12. will make a thread with the final specificas at one point for now tohugh
    PA drop team-led by paragon Girl, so far compromises Massatron, Okton, kilamonjaro, Chaotix, Stage and possibly Wyx
    Taunt-leader Gilga, Curing catz, Jum, Genejack, jaqi, Mistress Heal, Nega Doc
    Mito team leader-streekz01*, all unassigned
    Hold team 1- Leader Raziel if he's up for it, Dimension Diva, The MD, Second Sun, Corwal, Empress of fire, tera storm, Coldest War
    Hold team 2- Me*, Lina Subverse, Byte, FireBlazer, Luna, other hold users

    havent finished it yet
  13. sweet, a solid 50 by my count, course i have probly managed to miss a few who said in game but thats pretty good considering how many will turn up on the day anyway
  14. gratz D
    lotsa peeps have signed up now, looks like were gonna give hami an early retirement
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    this is what i dont get? - everyone agrees that its every man/woman for themselves, so with so many people agreeing that windging is even more of an excuse to kill the hero/villain!

    so this is basically: Heros saying that Villains are complaining.... and Villains are saying that Heros are complaining.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    PvP in a nutshell
    only thing i find worng is how its viable to tp foe into a mob with no intention to kill your opponent, since it ahs to happen multiple times to be classed as griefing
  16. *takes a shot*
    will have to be on the lookout for one of those, my vills don't pvp well but my bro's stlaker is always willing to go for a bounty.
    *takes a shot*
    to anyone who understands my drinking game, im on an alt in the hollows while typing
    *takes 10 shots*
  17. glad to see someone new
    It'll be great as long as everyone listens to the plan, and doesnt attack hami straight away @
  18. woot bubble!
    lots more today, at this rate we will hit the zone limit
  19. nice ta have you on board, speaking of which, what is the zone limit
  20. must be why they always fail
    we are smart enough not to open with taunting and giving you time to plan a suitable counter and call in mates.
  21. yea, bout time spines/regen wasn't FOTM
    don't want to be hypocritical but what server was this
    *takes a shot*
  22. It makes perfect logical sense
    *takes a shot*