696 -
Thanks for the replies guys.
What I'm taking away is that it can be used as a "long-term" endurance management tool, and through regular use it increases overall speed and performance, so the long recharge pretty much assumes you're going to 3 slot it with recharge to bring it down to close to 5 minutes.
It's not particularly useful for short term power increase like Build Up or Fiery Embrace, except in the cases of nukes which Dominators don't get anyway (although I wish we had one).
Now I'll try and find some time to take if for a spin. -
Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to maintain this list in the future. But if someone else wants to revive it, you have my full support. Also, you can add this to the list:
Stone Spears does no damage to flying targets. It can target them and knock them up, but the damage is zero. -
I'm basing my opinion on some generated attack chains. Check out the Attack Chain Generator link in my sig if you want to play around with what the sets can do.
I used the last round of free transfers to make more room on Justice.
Quote:Will do.One thing I'd note Lil, is you might confuse less experienced players with how you talk about socketing the defensive powers. 99% enhancement in a res shield is basically impossible - they hit ED around 50%.
Also, good work on the overview of the APPs. I feel oddly gratified that you give ET such a fair shake.
I played with ET quite a bit and it was fun, in that "this is definitely sub-optimal" kind of way. -
I've avoided discussion of IOs and their consequences. That opens up a whole extra level of stuff to talk about, and I'm not sure I could ever find the time to complete it.
Hmm, ok. So is it a good power in its current form? Which scenarios does it work well in?
Check the powers guide in my sig for my full opinion.
I'd suggest in this order:
Electricity Assault: four attacks by level 10 + Build Up. Voltaic Sentinel is also good vs. bosses.
Energy Assault: four attacks by level 10 and a heavy hitter at 38
Fiery Assault: slow to mature attack chain, but has Embrace of Fire and Blaze at level 38 is great. -
Hi Blaster forum,
Conserve Power is in the new Dominator APP, and I thought its 10 minute recharge was way too long for its effect. Then I noticed that it's 10 minutes in Energy Manipulation too.
Can anyone shed any light on why it would have such a long recharge? -
Quote:I'm surprised that works. I remember before IOs people using HOs to get around slotting restrictions, and when IOs came out it being announced that it wouldn't be possible with them.Lilli, can Link Minds benefit from the set slotting like Mind Link from the SoA VEAT? I can slot a defense IO that has Defense/Recharge or a Defense IO that is just recharge.
Either way, I expect that gSOLO is right and it works the same way. It's even got the same icon as Mind Link right now. -
For my extended opinion, check the powers guide (freshly updated!) in my sig.
If you like AoE, you could also try Fire/Thorny. -
I didn't see a hit message for the proc in the combat log, so I'm guessing it wasn't passed through.
Fortunata Hypnosis Chance for Placate isn't currently working in it. I didn't try any others.
Quote:Domination has never passed through to pet powers, specifically Volcanic Gasses' hold and Carrion Creepers immobilize effects. Of course, I would prefer if it did, but I'm not holding my breath. Synaptic Overload is the one power that really needs it.It's not a new bug either. Carrior Creepers, a secondarily spawned pet, had a similar problem which kept Proc from working on them and it was fixed. Chain Induction was bugged so that secondary hits weren't getting the Brute fury damage mod. Also fixed. So this is not a "functioning as intended" and should be fixed. When? Who knows. Probably not before release.
Quote:Domination boosts the very first target of Synaptic Overload, but not the subsequent ones, so if you target the boss first with Domination up you'll be ok.Static Field and Synaptic Overload use secondary, invisible, pets to function as they do. Unfortunately these secondary pets do not inherit your Domination. This neuters the set significantly for us since we can't mez bosses with these two powers. And an unmezzed boss, as we all know, goes right for the mezzer and stomps his bloody face in.
If you can get the boss to stay in the Static Field for a little while, it will put him to sleep. I had a lvl 53 Citadel AV sleeping like a baby. Hitting a boss with Jolting Chain is a good start to making it stay put in the field.
That said, draining bosses with Conductive Aura is really the way to go for handling them with Domination down. -
Quote:I had the same experience. Conductive Aura vs. large numbers of targets is just rubbish. I definitely made some posts about it, but I'm not sure if Castle had time to check out that stuff towards the end.Baring in mind that Conductive Aura is 8 targets max, is it still viable to sap a whole x8 spawn? What tricks were people using because I found it quite difficult, although I am not very experienced in the world of sapping. Spamming Caged Fences and slotting it for End Mod was what I went for.
Quote:You can have 2 or even 3 out at once. I used this to test sleeping +3 AVs and it worked quite handily.I honestly couldn't tell you whether you can have more than 1 static field up at once or not, my gut feeling is that you wont be able to, but who knows.
I wanted to have a run at the Freedom Phalanx in the RSF but couldn't generate enough interest. I'm pretty sure it will be close to Mind Control at this particular function, and even better in the ITF because you can do it out of line of sight so no worries about healing Nictus. -
Quote:Not actually true. The chain appears to split on each target, so if there's one miss in the middle of the chain, it will continue to jump from the other branch regardless. I observed this in testing, and Arcanaville made a post about it also.The problem with these "jump" powers is that once the chain misses, the power's done. You might hit the first target and the jump will miss the second, which means all the rest of the NPCs in the group will be unaffected.
Missing the first target is still a major problem of course. -
Quote:Enemies that get knocked down inside Static Field are usually back asleep by the time they get up, so I don't think you'll have problems there.I was thinking of doing Elec/Earth as well. It might not be able to utilize the sleep as well as some other sets, but the melee knockdowns and such should help to mitigate damage to a certain extent. Tremor mixed with Jolting Chain and eventually Fissure should keep enemies on their backs for most of the fight anyways.
I'm also liking the new APPs, (with the exception of Conserve Power) but I'll be sticking with Mu Mastery in at least one case because of Surge of Power. Now, if Primal Forces had Overload . . .
Also, don't get too excited about Melt Armor, it looks like rubbish to me, 200 second recharge, 10 ft radius and 11% res debuff. meh. I'd rather have Poisonous Ray thanks very much. -
Waybreaker's guide is an excellent read, although I haven't looked at it in years now and I'm not sure if it has aged well.
What I didn't tell you is that those are all my 50s, I don't play any other AT to a signifcant extent. I think sometimes it's just that different ATs appeal to different people. -
7. Glossary
- Aggro is the attention an enemy gives its target. To have aggro means to have an enemy attacking you, and to draw aggro is to cause enemies to start targetting you.
- AV is an Arch Villain class enemy, sometimes also identified as Hero. Confusingly some mobs identified as Hero are really more equivalent to bosses.
- Confuse is an effect which causes a mob to attack friends instead of foes. Although damage from confused enemies does reduce xp received, it is not directly proportional to the amount of damage, and instead favours the player. Furthermore since it reduces the amount of time spent in each fight it actually increases overall xp gain by time.
- Disorient is an effect which prevents power activation, drops some toggles, and reduces movement to a very slow pace. It is also known as stun.
- DoT is an abbreviation for Damage over Time, and refers to damage that some powers do for several seconds after they first hit.
- Hold is an effect which prevents movement, prevents power activation, and also drops some toggles.
- Immobilize is an effect which prevents movement.
- Knock* means all three of knockback, knockdown, and knockup. Actually knockdown is really just knockback with a magnitude less than 1.
- Fear usually means Terrorize, but can also mean Flee.
- Flee is an effect which causes mobs to attempt to leave an area of effect. This does not affect players.
- -Fly is a debuff effect which prevents flight.
- Magnitude or Mag is the measure of strength of a status effect. When a status effect is applied it increases the magnitude of that effect on its target, and when the magnitude exceeds the target's protection to that status effect, the effect acts on them. For example, bosses typically have mag 3 hold protection, and a standard hold has a mag 3 effect. With a single hold on them, their protection is not exceeded, so there's no hold effect, but with two holds there is mag 6 of held being applied to them, exceeding their innate mag 3 protection, and they are subsequently held, unable to move and unable to activate powers.
- Mob is a mobile object, including friend and foe.
- Permadom is when Domination recharges before it expires, allowing the Dominator to activate it again and permanently receive the Domination buff.
- Sleep is an effect which prevents movement, prevents power activation and drops some toggles, but which is ended by healing, damage and many status effects. A new sleep effect won't end an old one, allowing it to be stacked, except for sleep powers that cause damage.
- Status Effect is a general word for hold, disorient, knockback, knockup, immobilize, confuse, terrorize and sleep.
- STH is an abbreviation for Single Target Hold.
- Stun is another word for disorient.
- Terrorize is an effect which prevents movement and prevents power activation, but whose effects are temporarily suspended when attacked.
- PBAoE is an abbreviation for Point-Blank Area of Effect, meaning it covers an area centered on the caster.
- Aggro is the attention an enemy gives its target. To have aggro means to have an enemy attacking you, and to draw aggro is to cause enemies to start targetting you.