Conserve Power - why the long recharge?
Hi Blaster forum,
Conserve Power is in the new Dominator APP, and I thought its 10 minute recharge was way too long for its effect. Then I noticed that it's 10 minutes in Energy Manipulation too. Can anyone shed any light on why it would have such a long recharge? |
Hmm, ok. So is it a good power in its current form? Which scenarios does it work well in?
Hmm, ok. So is it a good power in its current form? Which scenarios does it work well in?
And of course, the most obvious use is... When you start getting really low on end, hit it for an emergency endurance button.
Hmm, ok. So is it a good power in its current form? Which scenarios does it work well in?
On very end-heavy builds, it works great. Trust me.

Starting off, with SO slotting, it's packing an impressive ~30% uptime. Assuming ~3.5 end drain with no end redux slotting (attacks and toggle cost combined; SO grade slotting assumed: 1-2acc/3dam/1-2rech), this means that you'll save 1.75 end/sec while it's active (at level 26; the end redux scales with your level from 88% at level 11 to 119.2% at 50). Slotted Stamina gives you 2.48 end/sec recovery. So, with Stamina and Conserve Power, you'll manage .73 end/sec net gain 30% of the time and 1.02 end/sec net drain for the other 70% of the time, making you lose an average of .495 end/sec compared to the 1.02 end/sec you'd be losing without it. Pretty good as I see it, especially since Stamina requires 2 other power selections and will only ever provide .81 end/sec (you'll get more out of Conserve Power the more +rech you get).
To simply answer the OP's initial question, CP has such a long recharge time simply because it has comparatively long duration. In order to keep the overall effect of the power balanced, the uptime ratio had to be kept down. Simply reducing the end redux of the power wouldn't likely have the noticeable effect on end consumption that the devs likely want to been seen from the power. Putting the power on a shorter duration and shorter recharge would similarly take away because CP is noticeable when you use it because you can see the effects for a long period of time (which also means that you have to use it when you're expecting endurance problems for the foreseeable short term future rather than simply spot using it to deal with individual power end consumption).
Thanks for the replies guys.
What I'm taking away is that it can be used as a "long-term" endurance management tool, and through regular use it increases overall speed and performance, so the long recharge pretty much assumes you're going to 3 slot it with recharge to bring it down to close to 5 minutes.
It's not particularly useful for short term power increase like Build Up or Fiery Embrace, except in the cases of nukes which Dominators don't get anyway (although I wish we had one).
Now I'll try and find some time to take if for a spin.
I always found it handy when you know you're about to fight non-stop for the next couple of minutes or so. AV/GM battles, rooms with closely packed multiple spawns, that kind of situation.
Its not a great power for basing any full-time end management strategy off, as in I wouldn't stop seeking out end redux slotting or +Recovery bonuses once I got it.
Hi Blaster forum,
Conserve Power is in the new Dominator APP, and I thought its 10 minute recharge was way too long for its effect. Then I noticed that it's 10 minutes in Energy Manipulation too.
Can anyone shed any light on why it would have such a long recharge?