Free Server Transfers Returning




So, I18 is giving us a week of free server transfers, and I started my characters without checking this forum, so they're all on Triumph. Come next week, though, they should be sitting pretty on Justice, with a real Australian community.

Is anyone else taking advantage of this? Or am I the only one silly enough not to check where the GMT +8 and greater folk hang out?



As a pom who plays with the Aussies as I play in the mornings, I already have a large but not overfull stable on Justice. I'm using this period to strip some 50s off my main server which has 36 slots in use, and spread them around the other servers to archive them as I don't delete 50s.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I used the last round of free transfers to make more room on Justice.



I, too, once had a ton of toons elsewhere before discovering the joys of the Australia channel. The first free transfer period, I shuffled most of my toons to Justice, and some 50s I retired to other servers for space purposes.

Now, it's time to retire some more, and make way for some new toon concepts I can't wait to bust out.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel