696 -
One other important detail, when malefed set bonuses are still available even if the power isn't.
For instance if you slot a level 22 Malaise's set in Mass Confusion, you will still get the 6.25% bonus at level 19 even though the power itself isn't available.
My main has about 90% recharge at level 19 thanks to this little detail. Of course, getting stuff at that level can be quite tricky. -
For my extended opinion,check the guide in my sig.
In brief with Mind Control only Dominate is mandatory, the rest you can pick and choose to taste. In fact, Total Domination is the worst of the bunch with its long recharge and short duration. Power Push though is very good now. -
For my extended opinion check the powers guide in my sig.
In brief, you should really take the melee attacks, Static Field and Jolting Chain, at least to try them out. Go with Raptis build, it will work better than yours. I personally wouldn't bother with Thunderstrike, the KB and bad damage make it a liability. -
I doubt anyone knows this yet. I had a level 50 in Beta, and I'm pretty sure it was the only one, but unfortunately I didn't get to the stage of trying out all the different procs.
Quote:Typically I'll be standing next to one enemy, who's held and I'm beating on with melee attacks. The others are usually spread out so closer to one is further from another.AA slows them to a crawl and you can always move yourself closer.
A long time ago I had very little success trying to use Hot Feet and Chilling Embrace together for this reason, and I expect Arctic Air and World of Confusion will be fairly similar. -
Arctic Air causes enemies to flee, so they rarely enter melee range, meaning World of Confusion actually achieves very little.
Quote:Feel free to share, I'm always curious about other people's perspectives, and they could be errors too.Nice guides overall...there are some points I might disagree on, but these are simply preferential. A tremendous ammount of work, and a good starting point for newbies.
Quote:Just one note: Psionic Shockwave has an atypical target limit at 16, rather than the 10 of other secondaries. (This Castle did, I seem to recal, as people argued that the power needed a perc as a tier 9 back when it was downshifted.) This is actually somewhat significant against extra large groups, as you can hit a good number of extra foes with the chance to stun them. -
That's correct, Sleet currently takes ranged damage IO sets. Obviously bugged. And actually, almost obviously due to the fact that the set was ported from Controllers, where that position is Ice Blast.
Check out the powers guide in my sig for my extended opinion on Electric Control.
Look in the guide's section for Waybreaker's guide, that'll help. Also, you can check out my power's guide where I describe Domination in detail, link in my sig.
For pure solo I'd recommend Fire Control, it's lacking in control but you don't need much solo anyway, and the Fire Imps are a real damage asset.
But if you'd rather fight large spawns solo, then Plant Control is a better choice.
Finally, if by solo you mean "finish off the Strike Force even though the rest of the team went afk" then you're looking for Mind Control.
Secondaries again offer a choice of single target damage or AoE damage.
For my extended opinion, check the guide in sig. -
Praetoria is beautiful and the stories and missions are extremly well crafted.
Tip missions are what newspaper missions should have been.
Side switching? Why would anyone want to play anything but Dominators, and anywhere but the Rogue Isles? -
I never even attempted the CoP last time it was live, it only remained around for less than a month.
I think the minimum level is 30 or 35, but I'd definitely want 50s for the first round. Villains and Rogues only, so I doubt your Tanker will want to come along, unless you're planning a change of alignment. -
Don't feel guilty about confuse, it doesn't reduce xp/time because it accelerates the team's speed. If you don't get to use Seeds at every fight, it sounds like your difficulty is set too low, you should visit a Fortunata and push the level of your enemies up by 1.
The big complaint about Jolting Chain is the long activation time. You won't notice that until much later, if ever, with Earth Assault
Quote:Hoping to kill this quickly now. In brief before the changes Dominators with huge amounts of global recharge could double stack the damage buff that Domination used to give for a massive 150% damage buff. Removing the damage buff prevented this, and hacked it down to the equivalent of 75% instead.I'm curious about your point of reference. What were they once, in your opinion?
Of course the crux of the matter is that external buffs were required to hit this double buffed state (read: Speed Boost), and it also meant the Dominator hit or approached the AT damage cap: 100% from enhance + 150% from Domination + 68% from Fiery Embrace > 300%. This meant that under the old regime buffs like Fulcrum Shift did next to nothing. Currently, Domination has no damage buff, so there's huge leeway to get buffed to the gills with Fulcrum Shift.
Some people liked it the old way. -
You need to start off with Seeds of Confusion. Follow with Fling Thorns and Roots. Your contribution is complete at that point, the rest is just bonus.
If you didn't take Seeds of Confusion, take it now. Roots without Seeds is instant death.
As for Brutes without Taunt, that's just how they roll, build up fury while the team dies, and then finish off the spawn. In my time I've encountered very few Brutes who took Taunt, and they were usually the bad players. Go Figure -
You're welcome
Quote:Fire does have a higher DPS, however I'll be using my control powers also whilst fighting an AV, which makes this difficult as stone has 2 main powers which are more powerful than fire
/Earth's big advantage against AVs is Power Boost and Seismic Smash both increase hold magnitude and can make things a lot safer. Hirsh showed the damage was good enough with Ice Control, so you'll be set with Mind/ -
Quote:I sent him a PM to the same effect. *fingers crossed* He definitely will have to make adjustments of some sort. *looks at Sleet*I'd like energy torrent or explosive blast to open up at 41. Move conserve power to 47.
I'd like psi tornado to open at 41 or 44 as well.
All the armors should be 41... maybe 44 at the latest.
I hope Castle is open to moving these things around once GR mania dies down. -
With extended maintenance announced for Monday, and the official launch date on Tuesday, it's almost certain that Going Rogue and I18 will be available this Wednesday. Additionally, server transfers will be freshly available.
I'll be available for inviting new characters and fresh transfers to SINISTER and SENTINEL, and doing missions in the RWZ for anyone who'd like to join me there. I assume that most people will be enjoying the new stuff.
For the following Wednesday, who'd be interested in doing a villain-side Cathedral of Pain trial? -
Don't forget that Going Rogue will be brand new, and there will be a lot of people in Praetoria enjoying all of the new stuff.
I'd appreciate any insight people could give me into Conserve Power and how it would work for Dominators. I haven't managed to try it out properly yet, and I think it'll take a long time to get a good feeling for how useful it will be in practice.