16 -
I just recently rejoined coh as a VIP. When I went to look at the new beam rifle set it was locked. I thought VIP people got access to all the powers?
(I wasn't sure if this was the proper place to ask this so please move to the right place if it isn't.) -
This is exactly what I needed!! TYTYTYTY!!! Now I know which I will get!! They should put that vid up on the site so others can see it.
I've seen the pics of the ones on the site but there are some extra ingame & I can't seem to find any pics of them at all. I'd like to buy one but would like to know what it looks like first. Here are the ones I'm looking for pics of:
Boils, Feathers, Ghosts, Magnetic, Slime, & the Bubbles trail one.
And I'm not sure what this one is called but it looks like glowing designs that move across the body with the radiance set on. Is that one unlocked after you get all the radiance set together? I've only seen it on 1 person & they logged before I could ask them about it.
Also, anyone got pics of the emotes they are selling? I havn't found any that has bought them yet.
Thanks -
I was deleting old alts & moving influ & salvage to my main from them. Found out that I could only have 2 billion influ on 1 toon at a time so then started sending the rest to another alt. Now I'm trying to send some influ from my main to lower lvl alts & I keep getting an error message - "Your Inventory is full. This item could not be added." Then I click ok & this pops up - " There are outstanding pending global email transactions. Please wait a minute and try again." I have no emails on any of my toons & I can email on other alts but not my main now. How do I fix that? I need to send influ & some salvage to an alt to make a few recipes. Thanks in advance for any help given
Ok I took the pic of the UI to show yall but can't figure out how to get it to post here, so I guess I'll just have to get use to the tiny text
even though it is really annoying. They really need a forum were you can upload a pic from your computer instead of having to put it on a site first. Oh well. Thanks for all the help.
I don't think you are understanding my problem. I've been trying to take a screenshot of it so I can show you the text & menu size difference but it won't show the windows, just the backgorund. When my chat window is open, the font size is 12-normal. When I look at the GMOTD, the mission text in the Nav window, & the drop down menus, the font size on them are like 8 or 10, which is very tiny. The drop menu size compared to the rest of the windows is shrunk even when I right click on a player to read their stats. Just to make this clear, my chat window font size is 12 & stays on 12 but the of font sizes on the other windows are still tiny. So changing the font size from the options menu doesn't affect the text from the other windows, only the chat window. I adjusted my Window Scale hoping it would fix it but no luck. It's at 125% now but the problem still isn't fixed. Maybe this cleared it up some & someone will be able to tell me how to fix this thing.
I just got this new computer & when I got the game running, I noticed that the UI > Window Scaling was off. Instead of looking normal on 100%, I had to move it up to 125% to get it looking bigger. Then I noticed the drop down menu were you go to log off, was tiny & hard to read. Then the Nav window text is tiny. The nav window itself is right but the mission text is tiny. Chat text is the right size but the menu text isn't. My screen resolution is on Windowed but even at all the other settings ( I tried them all ) the drop menu is the same size. My 3D resolution scaling is on 1680x992. Am I missing something? I looked through all the options to try & fix this but no luck. Please help so I may keep my sanity
ok this is the stuff I'm getting with my new computer. Can someone tell me if I am going to have issues with this when I'm playing CoH? I've seen some of the posts about video cards & stuff & wanted to make sure I'm going to be ok.
Processor: Intel® Core i3 540 Dual Core 3.06GHz (4MB Cache)
Memory: 3GB DDR3 at 1333MHz
Hard Drive: 500GB - SATA-II, 3Gb/s, 7,200RPM, 16MB Cache HDD
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5670, 1GB GDDR5
Thanks -
Quote:Bill Z Bubba's guide to moving CoH, let me look for it.
Edit: here.
I do this all the time, I have a backup of the game on a USB thumb drive.
I looked at the link & well.... I have no clue what you talking about. I'm not that computer friendly as far as the tech. terms. I guess I'll just have to go buy GR & go from there. Thanks for the help though -
My video card decided yesterday to up & die. So I made the choice to get a new computer since my current one is nearly 4 years old. I'm getting ALIENWARE!! Sorry just very happy I'm getting that
The problem is, I only have the original game box from like 5 years ago of CoH. I really don't want to upload that one & wait a long, long time for all the updates & such to do their thing. Plus I have GR that I bought the code from the NCSoft store but no box/disc for it. Is there a link where I can download the game & it won't take forever for all the updates & junk or should I go buy the latest version of the game & go from there? Any help would be greatly appreciated
Quote:I'd like to use a flamethower to shoot my fire blast attacks, or a pulse rifle to shoot energy blast attacks
This would be great too. Or instead of blasters haveing it, make it for Def/Corr. That way if you have a gun shooting fire attacks then you wouldn't have to worry about the secondary set looking weird. Have a fire/rad corr with fire gun doing fire attacks & the normal rad stuff. Only have to make one set of animation changes then. -
I had a thought & it might have already been posted put I couldn't fiind it. Would it be possible to have a blaster that used a sword or axe to shoot their attacks? I know it sounds stupid but instead of the sword being used for melee it would be used for just ranged attacks? Not saying take swords away from melee ATs just let the blasters use it for ranged. I think it would look very neat to see a fire blaster useing a sword to instead of their hands. AR blasters would have to use the gun still cause of the bullets. Or even create a new weapon all together they could use. Maybe a staff or glaive (ms?). There are a lot of weapons to pick from. Just an idea though. What yall think?
Quote:I agree with you. Since this weekend started I've gotten on 1 normal team & even lucked out & got on a SF Friday morning which shocked me. I think they should remove AE from AP,GC, & KR plus put a lvl restriction on it so that the PLed noobs thats you mentioned have to learn a little more about the game before they get PLed to 50. This will never happen as the Devs should have done it to start with & would only result in really ticking off a lot of people by doing it now. But it's nice to dream aboutYou know with the upcoming Double XP Weekend an all it would Do My Old Timer heart Good to see Them come up an Close the Doors on AE,All you see now are High lvl chars taking over atlas,An Steel. All the content that was Pre AE is going to waste as hardly no one will leave Atlas or steel. , I mean why should they when they can stay in AE all day an go from 1-50.it's the wrose thing the Devs could have ever done to this game, They should put a Big sign up saying going out of Business on that place an get everyone back intot he other content, I mean lord i had 2 lvl 50's ask me yesterday how to make a Enhanment, an the other asked where he could put his wings on his suit, I mean damn wake up an see what that place is doing to the game, it's NOT HELPING AT ALL DEVS
I'm almost a 60 month vet looking for a large, active , no drama, established SG. One that plays both sides would be nice but not required. I play at least an hour or two everyday during the week & lots on weekends. I don't ask for influ, PLs, farms or anything. I have a few 50s on both sides & always willing to team up with others in the SG. So if anyone wants a active player, hit me up.
Ok this is a great idea & I congrats the Devs on it. Honestly its a great idea. My main problem now is that the farmers have made farming missions & now we have to weed out the real team requests from the farming ones. It was bad enough to see them spam farms, both free & ones you have to pay for, in PI & GV. Now we have to deal with it in all the zones with an AE building in it!! I was looking for a team in Talos. I was picked up & he said we doing a MA farm. I quit. Got picked up again for the same thing & again, I quit. So I started my own team. Got a few & they all quit since I was doing regular missions & not MA farm ones. I would like to know if there is anything the Devs can do to stop these farmers? AE has a lot of great possibilites but this is exploit plain & simple! These farmers charge players influ to join the farm team & get PLed. Now the players do that willingly & I can understand why but that doesn't change the fact. What is the point of playing a game when most of the people just rather get farmed & PLed?
[/ QUOTE ]
You don't like the way i play? put me on ignore.
Quit your [censored] and go play your game..
[/ QUOTE ]
I take it you are one of the farmers? Ok thats find. Farming a mission that you made isn't what makes me mad. Farmers spamming in the public chat channels like Broadcast , request, ect is what ticks me off. If you make a farming mission & you just PL SG friends or whatnot, thats fine. Its when I start a team or join a team & they just want a farming mission instead of regular missions, thats where the problem comes in. If you want to farm, then do it, just don't spam it in public chats. One of the coaliations that my SG has does a lot of farming. They PL SG & coali members & ask in coali chat if anyone wants in but they don't in public. That is how it should be done. While I still think its a exploit, I know that it most likely will never change. I know! All you farmers can make a channel & spam your farms in there. That way if people want to join a farm, they just join the channel & go from there. That way, everyone is happy. -
Ok this is a great idea & I congrats the Devs on it. Honestly its a great idea. My main problem now is that the farmers have made farming missions & now we have to weed out the real team requests from the farming ones. It was bad enough to see them spam farms, both free & ones you have to pay for, in PI & GV. Now we have to deal with it in all the zones with an AE building in it!! I was looking for a team in Talos. I was picked up & he said we doing a MA farm. I quit. Got picked up again for the same thing & again, I quit. So I started my own team. Got a few & they all quit since I was doing regular missions & not MA farm ones. I would like to know if there is anything the Devs can do to stop these farmers? AE has a lot of great possibilites but this is exploit plain & simple! These farmers charge players influ to join the farm team & get PLed. Now the players do that willingly & I can understand why but that doesn't change the fact. What is the point of playing a game when most of the people just rather get farmed & PLed?