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All of my previous suggestions to "fix" FF have been radical and complicated. This time I keep it simple.
1. Repulsion Bomb: Increase recharge to 2 minutes, but make this power have a 100% chance of a mag 3 stun (ie stuns minons and lts).
2. Force Bubble: Give the caster, but not teammates an enhanceable 5% defense to ALL (3.75% controller) and make the radius the same as dispersion bubble. To compensate, increase the endurance cost just a tiny bit.
There are other small tweaks I wish I could make, but these two are the most important. -
It would be cool if you offered in game item codes for a small amount for those players that want to give, but don't have the moola for the pricey stuff.
Things like the VIP edition codes or the special GVE Edition goodies. This way I can also donate without having a t-shirt I'll never wear shipped to me in gas guzzling trains, planes, and automobiles. -
Good stuff all around! I now know that you have more up your sleeve than some vicous PVP
What part of issue 7 was a lame duck? The hundreds of 40+ villain story arcs that were needed to finish CoV?
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The time between Issue 6 and Issue 7 was over 7 months. The content was first rate, however it was almost exclusively for villains.
Recluse's Victory, which is still one of the most populated PvP zones?
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In my experience only Siren's Call has ever had a consistently decent population. The others are usually ghost towns, other than during the rare scheduled event.
Mayhem Missions, which were so good they ported them over to heroes and were EXACTLY what people asked for before they were announce?
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Mayhem missions are awesome. Safeguard missions are boring.
I8 was mostly fluff. ILR may have been a bit over the top, but he was correct about one thing. This game is no longer a primary focus at Cryptic or NCSoft. They are just milking us dry to fund the next MMO. This is what all companies do. It is a standard part of the product cycle. Slap some clearcoat on last year's model in hopes that you can sell some before rolling out the next shiny new MMO. -
And BU - Focus - Placate - Focus - Focus could probably kill a Blaster just like that.
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That sequence kills a Troller but not a Blaster without chomping some reds.
The solution here seems simple. Impale and Focus should both have 40' ranges, but only after the Placate issues (which impact Impale more than Focus) are fixed. -
Something strange about Placate that I found in PVE is that even if you take damage after placating, you have around 3 seconds to attack an enemy and still crit. Placate used to put you in Hide and your opponent couldn't target you until it wore off. Now it puts you in Hide and you can often still be targeted (bad). But you can get a crit even if targeted and hit as the Placate Hide status always seems to last at least 3 seconds no matter what (good?)
This was NOT how Placate used to work. It used to be broken immediately after you take damage in PVE.
I have confirmed this in PVE, but I'm not sure it works this way in PVP. -
in the snow naked.
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Happy Thought!
We've all missed the SCOURGE lately. Good to see it's back. -
Amplify is a must have power. It provides a +100% acc and a +60% damage boost. The acc is nice against higher level foes and in pvp, but the damage is VERY useful.
Enter Siren's Call and my bounty is at the flight ceiling hovering. I have only SJ. Doh! I proceed to team and get some bounty for an SO. My bounty is still WAY up there in the sky. I leave Sirens to clear an old mission arc of mine. I get a jet pack temp power. I return to Siren's and guess who is my bounty once again. It was a peace bringer that had gone afk for hours up there. Needless to say, it wasn't the fall that killed him. I still have that jetpack just in case he tries to pull that stunt again. I also have a respec saved for when the jetpack expires. Friendly skies my [censored].
I feel sure that the devs will do something small to tone down Stalkers. And because Stalkers ride the razor's edge between uber (hidden BU+AS) and gimp (low HP, low base damage), it has a good chance to obliterate the Stalker AT.
The devs should admit that Stalker's are amazingly balanced and not in the bland decent at everything/great at nothing sense, but in the incredible sometimes/crappy other times thrill ride sense. It's the dichotomy that is Stalkers and the intracacy that is MMs that has saved COH/COV. Without these two very odd ATs, the game would die a long bland death. With them, there is hope that Cryptic can make exciting ATs with extreme strengths and weaknesses.
PVP bears this out. The best Stalkers I know either:
A) Patiently chose defenseless targets and get very few but very safe kills
B) Kill anything they can in often dangerous surroundings and get very many kills at the expense of a lot of ignominous defeats when Hide is suppressed.
And that is as it should be. -
Problem is that you were attacking clockworks -- they have a very high resistance to lethal damage. Same thing with most, if not all mechanical enemies (Council drones and bots for example)
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Assassin Strike damage is around 88% unresistable when striking with Hide active so damage resistance will only affect your other attacks. -
In Beta I read all the threads saying Stalkers were overpowered in PVP. Now that I have played a Stalker in Bloody Bay extensively, I can say that Stalkers are only invincible when they bottom-feed. If I search far and wide for that lone defender plinking away at some turrets for their mission, sure I kill them with no risk. On the other hand, when I engage in team battles, I have to be very careful to even get a kill. Often times I am killed trying to escape after a kill.
I expect the good Stalkers will get relatively few kills with relatively few deaths. The bad ones will get impatient and die a lot. In short, Stalkers are balanced in PVE and PVP.
They are perhaps the best solo AT in PVP and the worst in groups. -
Anyone who's PVPed as a Stalker knows this situation:
You see heroes hiding within a cloud of helpful teammate buffs (caltrops, hurricane, repel, you name it). This happy cluster of heroes is engaged with villains/turrets. The health of one squishy drops to just below half and you only have a few seconds before the healer notices that.
Too bad you can't get close enough to finish them off right?
Wrong. Target injured. Build Up. Que up Focus. SJ right past them. Focus fires off and they are dead, rightfully thinning the herd. Your momentum carries you flying by. By the time you land suppression is over and you can hop away until hide reactivates.
Ranged attacks for Stalkers are awesome. -
The Sanitarium is awake now. You have been warned!
I like the idea of all +DEF being positonal and all +RES being typed.
But ... thematically that makes ice armor, stone armor, and SR all bascially identical sets. That could be fixed by keeping SR as is, and adding a bit of resistance to the tanker defensive armors (cold/energy RES to ice and smash/lethal RES to stone)
Making +DEF all positional (melee, ranged, aoe) would make defense MUCH easier to understand in addition to fixing the stacking problem.