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  1. Knightly

    New map types.

    Posi stated they will give us more maps during his fifth anniversary Q&A session.

    Let's hope you get what you wish for.
  2. Oh I think we discussed and made it clear ealier; those TFs will be done after level range, on Wednesday, Thursday or weekends with willing people. This is why I asked who will join and who won't.

    If majority don't want to run TFs it is also cool. I can run TFs with my hero whenever an opporutiy arise.
  3. Heh! Great fun indeed. I was tried to post a reply couple of times but still couldn't decide what to roll as I also wanted to announce it from here.

    Rolled a Mind/Empath but then I thought we have enough heals and buffs except one thing; +Def, especially for Neko and Carni's future tank. So will roll a Mind/FF instead. Thought a bit about rolling a Storm/Archery defender but as I don't want to disturb melee heroes I will stick with Mind/FF. It is a pity I can't have Toga or helenistic sandals but will figure out a way to create something closer to Ancient Greek look.

    I hope Kindeller and Carni will be with us next week. Get well soon mates.

    Also during next week we will start our first TF (Yay! I love TFs); Positron. During TFs you can use another hero instead of Ancient Court ones, if you need certain badge on another hero. Let me know via in game tell or by posting here who will want to join or not, so we can arrange teams before start as Positron TF is a bit long (due to limited time and weird number of members: like 9, we will need to form two teams). Only Neko said she won't be interested with Posi.
  4. All is nice. Tho' I forgot to add them to my favorites on Deviant Art.

    Glaciers is really cool looking picture. I love how you played with colors to pass that chilling feeling.

    Frozen Howl is good, a bit confusing at first (before clicking the picture to see it full size ) but I like how you made that lion head.

    And She-Monster... This one is my favorite. Absoulute eye-candy. Has some minor flaw on tail but well drawn. Only thing i can say to improve this picture is, putting a gargoyle under her feet. Hmmm also I think I can decide to picture her in future.
  5. Where ever you wish, mate. It is pretty easy to reach most of the zones with Ouroboro, Pocket D porter and trains. Also I don't use that base, I even don't know how it looks like... What I remember from our first day visit, it was looking like a... hmm better not spell that word in here.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Think We'd just gotten to Julius for about half the characters. See ya there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh only thing i remember from last week is: Neko was going to make 5 hours trip to somewhere in the dead hours of morning.

    Never mind me tho', I even forgot which powers I have on... ummm... forgot my character's name again... Blind, mute and deaf half vampire.
  7. If you want to try another set, you better start from level 1 as all sets have their good and bad parts. So having a level 50 which you don't have any clue about is not nice.

    As your areas and badges, you will have all badges (other than anniversary one) in time and you will enter those areas when you meet their level range.

    So, I say no.
  8. Knightly

    I miss .........

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    Doing Atlas Bank mission and getting Raptor is a good way to travel around in the Hollows.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I kinda miss the Hollows death run. Avoiding mobs of Trolls & Outcasts, falling into the massive hole in the middle and running into those purple conning rock monsters. At the time it was hell but it was a right of passage for every new hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh i was lucky my first hero was a FF defender so running in hollows wasn't a problem for him with PFF. *sigh* I even didn't know about using sprint at that newbie days.
  9. Tonight at 20:00 BST we will meet in the Hollows. I think Carni ain't back yet and if TRT still ain't ready we will be two 5 men team again.

    I don't have slightest idea about whose missions we were following so we will decide tonight I guess.

    See you in game.
  10. Last session went well and first time on our group we had a little bumpy time versus Clockwork King. It was fun as hell and showed us how poor Symp can be.

    Are we all level 41 now? I know Curse, Mereman, Alice and Sonyia is but not sure about others. ^_^ (That leaves only Symp and Rose i guess)

    If we are all 41 this weekend we can attend SSTF 2, in other words Sara Moore TF. If not we can continue Tina's arc.

    If you are get tired of your Union characters we can turn back to Defiant for a week tho'.
  11. Knightly

    I miss .........

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    This gave me a nostalgic smile. Count yourself lucky, in my day there was no hospital area in The Hollows. You die, you run back from Atlas Park. Good times.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would have annoyed me something bad. It was bad enough that by the time I had travelled back to the mission area the bugger'd healed back up so had to try different tactics and insp's (Cold powers are bad for my fire/fire scrapper), but to have to come back all the way from Atlas park.. I'd have given up until I got my lvl 14 travel powers.. or a team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doing Atlas Bank mission and getting Raptor is a good way to travel around in the Hollows.

    On topic:
    I don't have any nostalgic urges but I miss what is about to come nowadays. Like next new power on my Claws/SR scrapper and Going Rogue thing, New Faces, New TF, Science booster etc.
  12. Yeah it is fair for a no crash tier 9 god mode.

    I've been told also global recharge bonuses or LotG unique also won't help it's recharge time, is it true?

    Just asking out of curiosity; as I deleted my 5th or 6th level 30ish Willpower tank again I think I won't touch that set again in near future.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    All in all a rather nice piece.
    Very nice dramatic pose, good use of anatomy, no abundance of details that only distract from the clarity, but enough details to make it real.

    Some oddities:
    Below her earring, there's something, looks a bit tiangular, but doesn't seem to connect to any thing, what is it?

    The curve of her bum continues in one of the folds of his shirt - just an observation

    his forearm does indeed look a bit odd beyond Liz, like it's gotten bigger or something. It looks to me like you weren't sure if the arm should be stretched or wrapped around her as the 'top' is defined by his other hand.

    The cross seems a bit too strong in perspective. Not sure I word that right even for English people to understand, so I'll elaborate. The top is wider than the bottom from it being held at an angle. Though the difference in width seems too strong for me for the angle... I'll keep it that the cross is also a stake.

    I'm not sure what to make of the underground.
    Her holding him seems to suggest a ledge with him hanging over it. Then there's how Liz is sitting, her knees bend back, making it seem like a thin ledge. The straw/grass underground she's sitting on makes it so that she's sitting herself, not sitting on him as the pose might otherwise suggest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That triangular thing is her hair, actually that was models hair but after I decided to make an earring I had to leave it white instead of coloring it to black because of the lower part of earring is also black.

    Yeah looks like it but it's actually my careless folding of cloth. So just coincidence.

    Ha ha! I love how you read my moves. Yeah I couldn't replace that forearm and finally decided to leave it that way. It gets bigger as I thought that shirt as that old shirts with loose arms.

    Totally right about perspective of the cross as I didn't pay too much attention to its composition with the rest of the picture. I drawn it like another picture and didn't fit there too good.

    It was supposed to be a sheep pelt under her on a low log. Without too much detail this picture ain't reflecting its real time frame but I dreamed it is taking place couple of centuries back.

    Thanks for critics Ghost. Love how you catch that little details.

    As I am a bit busy on office today, I am not sure if I can scan and post finished inks of Sapphic. I am hopping to finish its coloring in this week. That will leave few pictures uncolored. I can't dare coloring Purple Alice and will decide if I can color Mereman and Tower of Power.
  14. More than free power pick, I was thinking about DnD 4 style multi-classing sometime ago.

    Something like:

    For example as a Controller you can get any melee attack instead of one same pier control power. Like swapping Mesmerize with Hack.

    Then came the MA and I saw how some sets can be dangerous when combined with other on custom critters. So I gave up this idea and enjoy the game as it is. Also with Going Rogue coming we will have more options (especially strictly one side players like me) to challange ourselves.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, as title says, finally I finished a Liz Bathory picture which I half satisfied. A little bit hasted as I wanted to post it today.

    Happy Birthday again Erik. Thanks for your patience and understanding. I hope you like this picture.

    Also special thanks to model (whose i can't find her name as I found photo on a Photographer's profile) for great inspiration for making me this picture.

    Hunter became hunted.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay as usual after making this one my destop picture I noticed something.

    Here is the correction. I think this version is better. Also victim's forearm must be detailed a bit more.

    Maybe my eyes making me a trick but i think this version is more correct.

    Updated Version
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    My Fire/MM Blaster rendered my first character, an Energy/Fire Blaster, pretty much entirely obsolete. Have recently considered rerolling them as Energy/MM, but not sure if I'll ever get around to that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Energy/MM feels a bit weird. I have one on level 16 atm but not nearly close to my Nrg/Elec one.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    8 players who can play in sync? It usually comes down to the player who plays the character more than AT or powersets.

    Not as unbeatable team but I want to see a team of 4 or 5 (each AT) face every challange in this game. Maybe will start it someday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you thinking what im thinking? A week long challenge?

    Day 1: Full man team taking on certain AVs

    Day 2: Mothership raid

    Day 3: AV hunt in RV

    Day 4: Lusca/gm killing

    et etc

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am thinking more like a regular team, so each 5 (or 4) members will get used each others play style and can come up with tactics for hard challanges. Think about Fantastic Four and you can understand it better.

    I am saying 4 incase this idea will become reality after Going Rogue thing so 4 will cover all the basses needed without 5 ATs but probably it will feel like shooting a fish in a barrel (Tank/Controller/Brute/Corruptor).
  18. Heh Character Creation tool gone wacky is my best bet. It doesn't recognize Baggy top model 2 and replace it with first one on one of my saved costumes.
  19. Aaah! Smell of burnt flesh in the morning. Try it, you will die for it.
  20. 8 players who can play in sync? It usually comes down to the player who plays the character more than AT or powersets.

    Not as unbeatable team but I want to see a team of 4 or 5 (each AT) face every challange in this game. Maybe will start it someday.
  21. I can say my old main Psy-knight (Mind/Rad) replaced by Araf (Mind/Kin). After get used to Kinetics (especially SB and Siphon Speed) now Radiation seems kinda dull to me. So instead of carrying him onto Defiant i let him rot on Union with rest of my Union toons.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    ohhh... Me like very very much...

    Now that's a guy who went down with a bang!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am really glad you like it.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice one

    I like the pose (tho the guy should've been a girl ^^)

    When do i get color?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well this one is a tough question. I don't like my coloring... okay, let's be honest: I hate my coloring. So if you really want it I will color it. On worst case it will be coloring key for you if you want another person to color it deservingly.
  24. Awww! Don't be a stranger mates, we can share my bed. I promise I won't bite...
  25. Yes, as title says, finally I finished a Liz Bathory picture which I half satisfied. A little bit hasted as I wanted to post it today.

    Happy Birthday again Erik. Thanks for your patience and understanding. I hope you like this picture.

    Also special thanks to model (whose i can't find her name as I found photo on a Photographer's profile) for great inspiration for making me this picture.

    Hunter became hunted.