(I posted this in the Protector Forum, but figured it should go here too)
Super Group Name: The Knights Of Tomorrow
Leader: Alurra (Global: BigRed Obsidia)
Co-Leaders: Big Red, Juicy'Fruit, Obsidia NIH, Garrahhhh, Quantum Multiplicity, Miss Dangerous, Midnight Tigress, Honey Seductive, Honey Baby Q II, Storm Hex, Psy Ray
Recruitment Officer: BigRed, but all Knights should be able to invite
Contact: PM, or for faster results send a tell in game
Characteristics of The Knights Of Tomorrow:
-The Knights started almost 2 years ago. Through the help of Tee Cee and Psy Ray, the base came together very quickly, and became a solid foundation for our SuperGroup. Tee Cee has since departed for Real Life; he will always be welcome should he decide to return.
-We are now up to 120 members, with 15 50's and counting
-Most of the members are on semi-regularly, with maybe 25% going inactive from time to time. We do not penalize those whose real life gets in the way of game time.
- the SG is mostly skilled casual players with 1-2 years experience, and we welcome players new to the game, and any alts they wish to bring.
-most Knights are alt-oholics, with several toons from each player in the SG. I myself have 8 level 50 toons, and I have close to 20 more on two accounts that are from level 5 to level 35, all in the Knights. This is the caveat with having mostly casual players who have real lives, limited time, and multiple alts: we could easily fill the SG up with 15 players and their alts.
-With the release of Going Rogue, there has been a large influx of new/returning players. Unfortunately, all characters that start out in Praetoria must hit level 20, leave Praetoria and come to Paragon City before they can join an SG. This means those 20 levels of Prime prestige earning ability are wasted. But we are still happy to have more players join. Prestige isn't everything. (It has been reported that with the release of issue 19, Primal toons will have access to Praetoria. It is my hope that primals [characters created in CoH/CoV] will be able to invite Praetorian toons to SuperGroups, otherwise they will still have to wait till they leave Praetoria).
Knights OF Tomorrow Provides:
- a full base with tons of salvage, inspiration, enhancement, and personal storage. It has a medical facility and an Autodoc. We also have Teleporters to all zones including the Rikti War Zone (for those delicious Raid the Rikti Wednesdays!)
- players that are willing to help each other and will switch alts, drop a mish, exemp, or do what it takes to help another Knight in need whenever possible. When you see another Knight online, you know they are a quality player.
- personal character based promotions you dont have to earn a lot, or even play a lot, to get promoted. If I feel that you are a genuine asset to the SG, you WILL be promoted, even if you have only been with us a short time. I like players that help others out, and offer a can do attitude. A sense of humor, and confidence with a touch of humility are far more beneficial to the group than showing off.
- influence for prestige earnings. We love prestige, its what gets us the base items we need. I dont force people to be in SG mode, but I encourage it with earnings bonuses: earning 100,000 prestige gets you 1 million influence. At 200,000 prestige, I give you 5 million more influence, etc
it seems that free money is more convincing than threats

- knowledge: I have been playing for almost 2 year now, and I have played a lot in that time. While not as experienced as a 6 year veteran, I have learned from many of them. I freely pass out what I know to newer players to make their experience at least as good as mine has been, and so too do our long time vets.
So if you are new to the game, new to Protector, or have found your old SG is seemingly inactive, please send me a tell or PM we are ready and willing to help you out!