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  1. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    The thing is, Why would villains get powers from CoT, Malta, etc? They're constantly kicking the crap out of them, and honestly, they aren't as powerful (Storywise) as Arachnos. Besides, aren't the villains supposed to be working with/for Arachnos anyways?

    And to explain APPs, I belives they are meant to follow this.
  2. This one comes right out of Animaniacs: Basically, I post a good idea, the next poster posts a related bad idea and their own good idea, and it repeats.

    Good Idea: Punching Hellions;
  3. Kirsten

    Morpher AT

    I have been thinking for a while: Why don't we have any Beast-Boy/Ben 10/Carnage/Elastic Man-style Shapeshifting? I know we have khelds, but beyond that, nada. Thus, I propose the Morpher:

    Morphers are a Form-Based Jack AT, mostly attack oriented. Now that we may soon be getting quadrupedal Skeletons soon, this could be not too far off! Basically, you get your single Primary set, Attacks(which are effected by your form) and a group of Secondaries to choose from(Your forms and defensive clicks/toggles/Autos).

    Primary: Shapeshifted Fighting (Default Melee DMG[Smashing])

    T1: Weak Attack: Melee or Ranged (Minor DMG[Varies])

    T2: Basic Attack: Melee or Ranged (Moderate DMG[Varies])

    T3: Weakening Attack: Melee or Ranged (Tiny DMG[Varies], Foe [Stun, Debuffs, or Knockback]

    T4: Aim: Click (Self +ToHit)

    T5: Strong Attack: Melee or Ranged (High DMG[Varies])

    T6: Wide Attack: Melee[Cone] or Ranged[Cone] (High DMG[Varies])

    T7: Build Up: Click (Self +DMG)

    T8: Sweep Attack: Melee[PBAoE] or Ranged[PBAoE] (Superior DMG[Varies])

    T9: Super Attack: Melee or Ranged (Extreme DMG[Varies])

    Secondary Template: Forms

    T1: First Form: Toggle (Self Small +Res/+Def, Normal DMG)

    T2: First Auto: Auto (Self +Res/+Def/+Regen)

    T3: First Toggle: Toggle (Self +Res[Mez])

    T4: First Buff: Click (Self +Def[Ranged or Melee])

    T5: Second Form: Toggle (Self Medium +Res/+Def, Medium +DMG)

    T6: Second Toggle: Toggle (Self +Res/Def/+Regen)

    T7: Second Auto: Auto (Self +SPD, +Res/+DEF)

    T8: Second Buff: Click (Self +Res/+Def/+Regen, +ToHit)

    T9: Third Form: Toggle (Self Large +Res/Def/+Regen, Large +DMG, +ToHit)

    Ideas for Secondary(Form) sets include:

    Robot/Powered Armor(Small/Medium/Hulkbuster-size)


    Any comments/forms ideas/improvements? Feel free to post!
  4. Kirsten

    Railgun Set!

    Any comment? Hello?
  5. Kirsten

    Ppd heat

    Is this a dead thread?
  6. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    But...if the...I...The heroic Patrons are supposed to allow for everyone to have their own special sets...not to gain absurd powers. It's a Parity thing. not a power thing. Honestly, I don't give a flying fudge ripple if people want to solo AVs. That's not the point. The point is for everyone to have a theme-fitting unlocked pool of powers that complement their existing abilities and still be reasonably balanced. Want to Solo AVs? Go IO farm, set your mish to -1 and get incarnate powers.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Problem being, the combo effects were not balanced around having 1 or 2 combo points nor to be used without regard to multiple attack needed for a specific effect...

    ...Not that I'm harping on the idea, it'd be great if DB wasn't so linear with its combos but...I like it just the way it is.
    I agree. I actually enjoy the combo system that DB uses. I may be weird like that, but since when is weird bad?
    Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
    At the very least, I'd like to see the window to hit the next power in the combo to be lengthened to match Street Justice.
    Now This, I can get behind.
  8. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    Alright. How about this: If you run a given patron arc, when you complete that arc, a window pops up which reads: "Congratulations! You have just complete X's Training! You have unlocked the option to carry the following title: X's (Student/Sidekick/Ally/Whatever)!" and there is a pair of buttons: Accept, and Decline. Accept, there's your title. Decline, you don't get the title. Congratulations.

    There. Now BrandX gets her golden hood ornament, and we can just say no and get on with our lives. Everyone gets a choice.
  9. OH MY GOSHNESS! That power exists!? Amazeballs! I am pro-Beastset for MM's, but this would cool too. /Signed.
  10. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    Word. In addition to the problems I've already stated I had with specific heroes, I'll posit(ron) one more: Thematic elasticity. The powers of the Freedom Phalanx were formatted for specific themes, and that's fine. However, not everyone likes the idea of being constrained to the frankly narrow themes that would arise from gaining powers attached to any one single character. Plus, not all the characters are really equal in power, nor do all of them have "teachable abilities". Wanna learn psionics. cool. Wanna learn how to be a ghost? Not happening. (Without large student fatalities, that is.)
  11. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    Except, you don't get such a beauteous golden title from the villainous Patrons. And the individual heroes wouldn't realistically have the time to train thousands of individual heroes on a one-to-one basis, due to all their heroic duties, which is why the Patrons I suggested were along organizational lines. Technically, the original patrons are drawn from organizations as well. (Widows/Fortunata=GW(Soul), Crabs=Mako(Technically breaks this rule), Mu=Scirocco(Mu), Wolf Spiders=Scorpion(Mace))
  12. Kirsten

    Spine Defense

    I think this is an interesting set idea, but I wonder if it would have issues with the Spines Melee set. They would either have to change the effects to play nicely with it or suppress it. or make the sets mutually exclusive. I'm sure the SCR would apply here.
  13. Kirsten

    Ppd heat

    Good points all, Memphis. I'll get to reworking this.
  14. Kirsten

    Ppd heat

    TL;DR: Police Epic Hero AT

    Alright, I've been working on this suggestion for a while, and you'll have to forgive the Infodumping. This is my idea for the PPD Heroic Epic AT: A branching AT two career choices: Hardsuit and Psi-Officer (You can also avoid those and stick to basic PPD/SWAT). I drew heavily The Arachnos AT's at first, and if you have any better ideas for the powers, or if there are balance issues, be sure to speak up. I won't stab you.


    As a PPD Officer, you will have Evenly balanced hand-to-hand and firearm training to start. Later, you may choose to specialize in a Psionic abilities or use of a PPD Hardsuit.

    A: Officers: Starting as a normal PPD Beat Cop, with basic Hand-to-hand Training and your trusty PPD pistol, you aim to take a bite out of crime.
    A1: Hardsuit: You know that "Fine-Blue-Line" shpiel people like to use? Well, you're more like a thick blue wall. You can take it all, and to a lesser extent, dish it back. BAYAM!
    A2: Psi-Officers: You can do stuff with your brain that normal people can only dream of, and instead of going off and becoming one of those spandexed yahoos, you have decided to join the PPD. Congratulations. Now back to patrols.


    1. Basic/SWAT Weaponry (Ranged weapons and Hand-to-hand fighting)
    -1A. Hardsuit Weaponry (Decent Melee/Ranged DPS)
    -1B. Psionic Attack (Ranged, With a Control Spin)

    2. Basic/SWAT Training (Defense and Team buff-oriented)
    -2A. Hardsuit Training (MOAR TANKING!)
    -2B. Psi-Officer Training (Weak Defense, Decent Buff/Debuff)

    Primary Set
    *Basic Weaponry
    1: Single Shot: Ranged (Minor DMG[Lethal])
    1: Punch: Melee (Moderate DMG[Smashing])
    2: Burst: Ranged (Moderate DoT[Lethal])
    6: Sweeping Cross: Melee[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Stun)
    8: Heavy Burst: Ranged[Cone] (High DoT[Lethal], Foe -Def)
    12: Ablating Kick: Melee (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe -Res[All])
    12: Glue Grenade: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe Immobilize, -SPD, -Jump, -Fly)
    18: Frag Grenade: Ranged[TAoE] (Moderate DMG[Lethal/Smashing], Foe Knockback)
    26: Shin Kick: Melee (Superior DMG[Smashing], Foe -SPD, -Def)
    26: Trip Mines: Place Mine (PBAoE, Superior DMG[Lethal/Fire], Foe Knockback)
    32: Full Auto: Ranged[Cone] (Superior DoT[Lethal] )

    *Hardsuit Weaponry

    1: Jab: Melee (Minor DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
    1: Charged Shot: Ranged (High DMG[Energy], Foe Knockdown)
    2: Punch: Melee (Extreme DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)
    6: Hand Clap: PBAoE (Foe Stun, Knockback)
    6: Cutting Beam: Ranged[Cone] (High DMG[Energy], Foe -Def[All])
    8: Knockout Blow: Melee (Extreme DMG[Smashing], Foe Hold, Knockup)
    12: Lancer Shot: Ranged[Close] (Superior DMG[Energy], Foe Stun)
    12: Haymaker: Melee (Superior DMG[Smashing], Foe Kockdown)
    18: Peircing Beam: Ranged[Narrow Cone] (High DMG[Energy], Foe Stun)
    26: Punishing Slam: Melee (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Stun, Knockback)
    32: Foot Stomp: PBAOE (Moderate DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockdown)

    *Psionic Attack
    1: Psionic Dart: Ranged (Minor DMG[Psionic], Foe -Recharge)
    1: Mental Blast: Ranged (High DMG[Psionic], Foe -Recharge)
    2: Kinetic Slam: Ranged (Minor DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockback)
    6: Dominate: Ranged (Moderate DMG[Psionic], Foe Hold)
    6: Psi-Wave: Ranged[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Psionic], Foe Sleep, -Recharge)
    8: Kinetic Bomb: Ranged[TAoE] (High DMG[Smashing], Foe Knockback)
    12: Psychic Scream: Ranged[Cone] (High DMG[Psionic], Foe -Recharge)
    12: Mass Hypnosis: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe Sleep)
    18: Psychokinetic Lance: Ranged[Sniper] (Superior DMG[Psionic/Smashing],
    26: Telekinesis: Ranged[TAoE] (Minor DMG[Smashing], Foe Hold, Repel)
    26: Terrify: Ranged[Cone] (Minor DMG[Psionic], Foe Fear[Special])
    32: Psychic Chains: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe Hold, -Recharge)

    Secondary Set
    *Basic Training
    1: Combat Training: Auto (Self +Res[All])
    2: Detective Training: Auto (Self +Def[Ranged])
    4: Marksmanship: Auto (Self +Accuracy)
    10: Defensive Maneuvers: Toggle[PBAoE] (Team +Defense)
    16: Attack Maneuvers: Toggle[PBAoE] (Team +Damage, +Res[Taunt, Placate])
    20: High Pain Tolerance: Toggle (Self +Res[All], +Max HP)
    28: Super Serum: Click (Self +ToHit, +Recharge, +Run Speed, +Recovery)
    35: Quick Recovery: Auto (Self +Recovery, +Regen)
    38: Call Backup: Summon PPD Officers

    *Hardsuit Training
    1: Hardsuit: Auto (Self +Res[All] +Max HP, +Res[Stun, Sleep, Immob, Hold, Confuse, Terrorize])
    10: Cape-Buster Training: Toggle (Self +ToHit, +DMG, +Def[Ranged, AoE])
    16: Armor Reinforcement: Auto (Self +Res[All])
    20: Evasive Dodge: Toggle (Self + Def[Melee, AoE], Res[All but Psionics & Toxic, Def Debuff])
    24: Force Shield: Toggle(Self +Res[All], +Def[Ranged, AoE])
    35: Overload: Click (Self +Res[All but Psionics, Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Repel, Knockback, End Drain], +Recovery, +Special[EMP Pulse])
    38: Call Drones: Summon PPD Drones (Moderate DMG[Energy])

    *Psi-Officer Training
    1: Defensive Telepathy: Auto (Self +Def[Melee, Psionic])
    10: Psychic Awareness: Toggle (Self +Res(Stun, Hold, Sleep, Fear), +Def[Ranged])
    16: Psychic Homing: Click[PBAoE] (Team +ToHit)
    20: Kinetic Magnet: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe -Def, -Res, -ToHit)
    28: Mind Link: PBAoE (Team +ToHit, +DEF[All], +Res[Psionic])
    35: Drain Psyche: PBAoE (Foe -Regen, -Recovery, Team +Regen, Recovery)
    38: Fulcrum Shift: Ranged[TAoE] (Foe -DMG, -SPD, Team +DMG, +SPD)
  15. I like this, and it seems fairly workable. /Signed
  16. Kirsten

    Melee/Support AT

    How about if the Support set had built-in Mez Defenses as an AoE Toggle?
  17. Kirsten

    Railgun Set!

    Coilgun/Railgun Blast set

    TL;DR: Big Hunk of metal thrown by magnets real fast. Make big boom.

    This set was inspired mostly by Alphabot. This one: For You!(Dude)

    This set has a new mechanic, "Heatup". This mechanic, basically tacks a Fire DoT based on how quickly you attack (Heatup Level). Heatup level comes at the cost of slightly increasing END Cost, although this can be nullified (along with the bonus) with the Toggle "Coolant"

    Power LVL(Pri/Sec) Effect

    1. Miniround: 1/1 Ranged (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback, Heatup[1])

    2. Steel Pellet: 1/2 Ranged (High DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback, Heatup[1])

    3. GrapeShot: 2/4 Ranged[Cone] (Moderate DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback, Heatup[2])

    4. Coolant: 6/10 Toggle (Prevent Heatup)

    5. Aim: 8/16 Click (Self +ToHit, +DMG)

    6. Sniper Blast: 12/20 Ranged[Sniper] (Extreme DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback, Stun, Heatup[3])

    7. Polonium Shot: 18/28 Ranged[TAoE] (Superior DMG[Lethal/Energy], Foe Knockback, Heatup[5])

    8. Rapidfire! : 26/35 Ranged[Cone] (Superior DMG[Lethal], Foe Knockback, Heatup[8])

    9. 109 Blast : 32/38 Ranged[TAoE] (EXTREME DMG[Lethal/Energy], High DoT[Energy], Foe Knockback, Stun, Heatup[13])
  18. Kirsten

    Melee/Support AT

    Originally Posted by oathbound View Post
    yeah, a ways back i made, i guess you'd call it a mock-up, of the support sets for a possible melee/support archetype. (why yes, yes i do have too much time on my hands. How'd you guess?) i modified numerous powers to either be self-affecting (such as changing ally shields [frozen shield for instance] into pbaoe buffs [like how farsight works now])*, or pbaoe toggles instead of enemy targeted (enervating field changed to enervating aura, etc).

    I definitely think changes could(should/might have to) be made to the support sets, were this at ever to happen. Storm for instance, would be a pretty terrible set to pair with melee as is. So would forcefield... Repulsion field and force bubble would be completely counter to a melee at. Etc., etc.

    *this was back before the ally buffs got changed to ally aoes.

    (i also have complete powerset info for a fictional defense/(control/melee) archetype. Too. Much. Time.)
    PlEeZ pOsT nAo!!
  19. Kirsten

    Sniper AT

    I see your point, and I'm railing for a RDPS|Assault/Defense.
  20. This Thread: Intent: Use: Speech Patterns(Rikti).

    Correct: Section? Cold Not: Find: Better Section.

  21. Kirsten


    I: Agree. Human Causation Structures: Simple(Extent: Adorable).

    PEATS:Also Wanted. Perhaps:PPD Could: Branch. Branches: Basic/T.E.S.T./IDF.
  22. Kirsten

    Sniper AT

    Okay, I'm not sure you guys entirely understood the idea...

    This wasa meant to be a RDPS/Defense AT. Ya know, It has some defensive toggles to keep it alive. It'd probably have decent overall damage to keep it usable in solo, just not blaster-level, and thus it would not get the same exaggerated crits stalkers get.